Interview with @MiniMoxx
Hi, MiniMoxx.
1. How do you feel being a winner of the Love Story Awards.
I honestly feel so humbled and amazed. I never thought I could win with so many romance books and so many other good authors. It's just honestly amazing. When I wrote the book I fell in love with Ella and Matt and I'm just so so pleased they've managed to get into the hearts of others too <3
2. Give me a brief summary of your book. Just something to entice the readers;-)
Ella Webb was never destined to be free. She has been engaged to her childhood friend since before she was born.
Falling in love with someone else was never Ella's intention. Yet she allows herself to fall deep into the rabbit hole of forbidden love and hidden family secrets that Ella wished had stayed buried, but might be the key to setting herself free of the marriage pact.
3.What inspired you to start writing and when did you begin?
I had this idea randomly come to me. I think I saw something on the news about arranged marriages and it kind of spiralled from there. I had the idea of Ella and her true love for a while, I just needed a plot and I needed something to keep them apart so it seemed like the perfect idea! I started in August 2020, and finished it literally on the last day of September 2020 for the first draft! Ella and Matt became an obsession for me and I had to continue writing them.
4. Do you see yourself becoming a professional author ?
I would absolutely LOVE to be a full time, professional author. I have self-published two books before so the dream is half-there haha. But I tend to treat writing as my second part time job anyway; I can't go a day without writing. But I'd love to be that full-time author with best-sellers. One can dream! ;)
5. Are you writing under a penname?
I don't actually! I thought about it years ago but never followed through! haha. I mean my username is my nickname as a child but I always write under my real name on my covers and I use it as my name on Wattpad.
6. Who are your favourite authors? Both wattpad and otherwise?
My favourite Wattpad authors are uxecila and ily_ari_grande all of their works are just amazingly written and since I met them they've both produced amazing work. They've also become very fast friends <3
My favourite non-WP author is Jodi Picoult. She's my inspiration and i love all of her books. She tends to write about real people and that's what I try and do with every book. I love her stuff!
7. Did they inspire you?
(kind of answered above hehe)
8. What, personally, do you think sets Wattpad apart from other writing platforms?
I think the social aspect of Wattpad has kept me here. Although the forums and newsfeed aren't here anymore, Wattpad has that social vibe. I've tried a few writing websites before and they just aren't as open and friendly. I also like that you get so many different genres here.
9. What is number one on your list when looking for a new book to read?
Definitely characters. I love character driven plots - people I can relate to and want to cheer for. I love descriptive work as well. A good plot as well. People sometimes say they hate cliches, but I actually like them, as long as they have a good twist on them to make them the author's own. As long as I can have a good, well developed character I'm all good! ;)
10.Do you have a specific genre you love to write or read?
For reading; I do love a good romance! But usually I love general fiction - because anything goes! I don't really head to one genre, I love a bit of everything to read!
For writing, I think I've found my niche with a bit of general fiction and romance sprinkled together. I guess that means chick lit? LOL
11. What is one thing your readers do that light up your day?
Definitely interact with my work. I love waking up in the morning or coming to sit down and having a lot of comments to read. It just makes me happy to know people read and feel strongly enough to comment. Either that or they say they love my characters. Especially with Matt and Ella - I worked so hard to make them have chemistry I love it when readers say they see it.
12. Besides writing, what else do you love to do?
I love video games - when I'm not writing it's usually because I'm playing a game! I like to read as well, and also binge watch TV. But it's usually video games XD
13. What is the one thing you love most in life?
I'm going to go cliche here and say my son (and I suppose my husband! haha). He takes up most of my time, he's messy and loud, but I love him - and my son too ;)
But other than that? Tea. British cliche, but I LOVE my tea.
14. Is there any thing you would like to tell any aspiring authors reading this?
Just keep writing! Write every day, even if it's a very small amount. Write about what you love and make sure you're writing something you WANT to. I find the best way to write is to make sure it elicits every emotion in you under the sun; that's how you know you got something good.
Don't ever write just for reads. Write because you want to, write because you HAVE to.
And do lots of reading. The more practice you have with writing, the better you'll be. But you also need to read LOTS to subconsciously gte better too! :D
Thanks s much for this!
You're welcome and thank you for your time.
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