Prologue- the chatter of fate
[HC has opened a memo
With 12 users]
HC- {§¤ i§ every¤ne here?}
HN- yeah i'm here what is it that y0u want?
NH- ฯ1ts pr3tty l4t3 y4 know…ฯ
VB- ha~ but me and my muscles never sleep ahha~
RK- jUst shUt it yoU! Not everyone Cares aboUt yoUr mUsCles!
VB- ha~ you say that but my muscles will save your life at some point ahha~
HP- °sure your muscle brain blue blood°°°i'm sure it will save all our lives°°°°
TW- geh...c an w e n ot b %st h is s upid e go…
HC- {i αgree with TW let§ n¤t eg¤ b¤¤§t ¤k?}
DT- -> yeah chill i'm su-re HC got so-mething to s-ay|
DT- -> s-o you got the floor HC|
GE- Let HC Speak Ok?
HC- {§¤..i hαve α wαy t¤ leαve thi§ plαnet but i ju§t wαnt t¤ mαke §ure who i§ in}
SW- oπ? A pιaξnt ξscaρξ? πow intξrsting
ZV- HC YoU ArE AwarE ThaT IF SomeonE FindS OuT YoU WilL GeT CulleD
HC- {im αwαre ¤f thαt dαmn it but thi§ i§ α chαce f¤r α new plαce t¤ experience}
TW- i ts a bout t hat h uman f riend o f y ours i sent?
HC- {....mαybe…}
RK- well regardless of the reasons i want in!
DT- -> of cours-e you would s-ay that..|
HP- °i want in to°°°°it sucks being in the cave with the mother grub°
VB- ha~ and what about the other jade bloods that are there ahha~
HP- °some of fellow jades here are chill while the rest argue with each other°
HP- °so honestly i cant wait to leave°
HC- {s¤ thαt's HP αnd RK αny¤ne el§e?}
VB- ha~ me and my muscles will pass ah ha~
HN- i t0 will pass 0n this
ZV- I'd RatheR NoT GeT MyselF CulleD
TW- i t o w ill p ass. . . t his a ll s eem s tupid
DT- -> HC i think you can get the idea here no one els-e wants nothing|
DT- -> to do with your little plan|
NH-ฯ1 w4nt 1nฯ
HN- what!?
HC- {αre y¤u §ure?}
NH- ฯy3s 4nd 1 know th4t 3v3ryon3 1s 4w4r3 of th1sฯ
RK- hell yeah girl preaCh it Up!
HP- °so it will be me,RK and NH who will accompany HC with her of escape plan°
SW- πξπ now i cant wait to see how this wiιι ξnd up ιooking
-LJ went offline-
GE- Im Must Agree With SW..Unfortunately As It Is
GE- But I Hope All Things Goes Well
SW- yξs! Hopξ its all burns down!
-GE and SW went offline-
HC- {then let§ get reαdy f¤r the dαy then}
HP- °wait its not ready yet?°
HC- {well the per§on wh¤ i§ helping u§ §αid thαt §ending it t¤ me will pr¤bαbly}
HC- {tαke α bit t¤ get here but until then let§ prepαre}
NH- ฯgot 1t!ฯ
RK- yoU know fUll well ill get myself set Up
HP- °okay now i'm starting to have some doubts about this°°°but i'll do it°
DW- -> then it would s-eem that everyone's mind is made up|
HN- apparently s0…
VB- ha~ i wonder how they even leave? ahha~
TW- n ot s ure b ut i t b etter n ot w ake m e u p o f m y s leep s o l aters
-TW went offline-
ZV- YouR KnoW WhaT YouR DoinG HC?
HC- {ye§ i d¤! n¤w c¤me ¤n lets get reαdy}
NH- ฯgot 1t!ฯ
HP- °will do°°°hopefuly i dont froget nothing°
RK- sUre let me get ready then, see yoU all on the day of departUre
-Honking Clown has closed
the group chat-
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