Chapter 1: Harmony & Bravery
Loud voices.
Tsuna winced and slowly cracked his eyes open, gaining feeling. He was bundled up by something; he didn't understand. Where was he?
Light. And it was too bright. Tsuna slammed his eyes shut, feeling nauseous.
"He's not crying..."
"Strange, hm? But it seems his vitals are alright."
Tsuna slowly opened his eyes again, hearing started gasps above him.
"Oh my..." The first voice whispered.
"Orange eyes? They're quite beautiful to be honest." The second voice said, a smile in her--it sounded like a middle-aged lady--tone.
"Yes, yes, I do not disagree with you," The first voice, a male, hastily cut in. "But I am worried..."
Tsuna took the time to gaze up at two unfamiliar faces. One, the first voice, was a man with salt-and-pepper hair and green eyes, his face beginning to wrinkle. The second voice was, indeed, a middle-aged lady with red hair and chocolate-brown eyes. But what was the strangest thing about the two was that they were wearing...surgeon uniforms.
Tsuna blinked and decided to smile tentatively at the two adults. They seemed friendl--...holy sh**, where were his teeth!? Still, the brunet managed to smile, toothless, at the two, who immediately chuckled and smiled back.
'Where are my teeth? And--wait...they seem so big and...oh no.' Tsuna freaked internally as his Hyper Intuition helped piece things together. 'I'M A FREAKING BABY!?'
"Oh, look at that smile!" The woman said, eyes crinkling. "I don't see what's there to worry about, Edward. This baby is definitely a cute one. He'll probably grow into a handsome man."
The man, Edward, grimaced, cradling Tsuna gently in his arms.
"But...those two from before. I don't think they'll be very accepting of this, Silvena..."
The lady frowned thoughtfully before scowling darkly.
"They better not. Just because your child had a different eye color doesn't mean you have to reject them!" She whisper-shouted. "I'll be whoopin' some arses if it comes down to it!"
Edward managed a wry grin at her, adjusting his grasp on Tsuna.
"Yeah, Silv, you'll definitely kick some butt, but please calm down. There are still other patients in nearby rooms." He sighed and slowly looked back over at Tsuna, a weak smile on his lips. "Hello, little one...I...I'm not sure if you'll understand, but...." Edward bit his lip. "I pray that you will be safe."
Tsuna blinked before smiling a toothless smile, trying his best to comfort the other, emitting a small amount of Sky flames. Edward seemed to relax slightly, tense shoulders lowering; the salt-n-pepper haired man chuckled.
"Your smiles are certainly bright." He then murmured under his breath. "Let's hope it'll win the hearts of your parents."
In response, Tsuna's Hyper Intuition gave a foreboding prod at the back of the brunet's head.
'Oh boy...'
Tsuna winced as he was cradled defensively in the arms of Silvena while Edward tried his best to calm a hysterical brunette woman.
"Ma'am, he just--!"
The husband of the woman, a ravenet, stayed silent on the side, but Tsuna could feel sharp, cold eyes boring into his body. The brunet child sighed helplessly as he tried to tune out the screeching.
'Great. I've been born to two parents who immediately label me as a monster. Juuust brilliant.'
Tsuna sighed tiredly, fingers grasping nothing at the moment. He wanted to feel the fabric of Reborn's fedora under his fingers. Even if it were only a brief mome--no. He couldn't remember. Remembering Reborn meant remembering his Guardians...his friends...his family...his old life. Tsuna grew teary-eyed.
"It'll be alright," Silvena whispered, bringing Tsuna's attention back to her. "She's just in shock."
Tsuna snorted mentally, blinking his tears away.
'Shock...yeah...' The brunet then smiled up at Silvena. "Goo..." '...Curse my inability to speak!'
Silvena merely chuckled before lifting her head to glare at the hysterical woman on the hospital bed.
"A'ight, shut yer' trap!"
Edward looked back at Silvena with exasperated surprise while the brunette froze, looking at the redhead lady with shock and disgust. Silvena huffed, taking a step towards the bed.
"If yer' a woman, act like one!"
"Silv, your Irish is coming ou--"
"Yew think 'ah care about that, Ed? This she-dog right here is rejectin' 'er son as if 'e were the plague. Just. 'Cause. His. Eyes. Are. Different."
Tsuna mentally applauded the nurse. Her shouting also reminded of Squalo...ah, Tsuna, don't become depressed under the weight of your memories again. Not now.
In return, the brunette woman glared back at Silvena, opening her mouth to probably screech something in return before the husband stepped forward, expression neutral.
"Fine. We'll take it, Nurse Chevalier."
Tsuna could feel Silvena's arms tighten around him slightly, her brown eyes narrowing.
"Excuse me. 'E is yer son."
The husband merely formed his lips into a thin line, arms raised, waiting to hold Tsuna.
"Silv," Edward had a tired, sad look in his eyes. "Please."
Silvena ground her teeth before handing Tsuna over--but not before murmuring something to the brunet child.
"I'll watch out for ye', kid. Me n' Ed. Don't worry."
And then Tsuna felt himself being held by rough arms. He sighed mentally, shutting his eyes, not wanting any more fuss about the color of his irises. If his new parents were like this now, he knew he was gonna be in for a lot of pain later on.
//(Five Years Later)//
"Gah, that mangy ol' beast! Why I oughta--!"
"Hey, Aunt Silv, it's alright, really." A brunet child smiled nervously at a red-haired lady with gray streaks in her locks. He winced as he pulled his gray t-shirt on, covering his bandaged torso, before grabbing his black sweater that was striped with orange. "I can handle something like this."
"No it is not, Paxton Bassam Chevalier." She muttered, nearly slamming a roll of bandages on the metal table beside her. "I can't believe the police aren't doing anything just because your...parents are a bunch of highly respected people who 'wouldn't hurt their child'--GAH!" The child sweatdropped when the redhead smashed a fist into a nearby pillow. "Why couldn't ya' be my child, eh? I even..."
She sighed tiredly, looking at the child with sad eyes.
"...I even named ya'--well, me n' Ed. Ye' got yer lastname and first from us, and yer middle name came from Ed...."
Paxton, who was once Tsunayoshi Sawada, Decimo of Vongola, smiled weakly at Selvina, gently reaching a small hand out to pat her fisted, trembling one.
"Aunt Silv...I've gone through five years of this. What makes you think I can't survive a few mor--ouch!"
Silvena gently cuffed the child on the head before bringing him in for a hug, brown eyes tearing up.
"Ya' stupid boy! 'Ah've been watchin' ye for all of those years with Ed, and I don't think yer exactly 'fine' with any of this." She bit her lip, thinking back to one particular year. 'He even woke up, screaming names I don't recognize...'
Ts--Paxton merely smiled, orange eyes glowing softly in the afternoon lighting as he sat back, expression sheepish.
"W-Well, I mean...I'm alright because I have you and Uncle Ed."
Silvena allows a light blush to dust her face before she affectionately pinches his cheek.
"Hmph. I don't know where you got it, but ye always know how to charm a person."
Paxton laughed, nostalgia darting through his eyes.
'Mafia seduction.'
"You be careful now, Paxton. I wouldn't want to see you too soon--in the hospital again that is."
The said brunet grinned at Edward, who had decided to follow the brunet out of the hospital while Silvena tended to other patients. Edward's hair was starting to gain more streaks of white in it. Paxton, stretched, sighing in satisfaction when his body didn't hurt as it had been in the morning.
"I'll be fine, Uncle Ed. I--"
"DR. CHEVALIER!" A disheveled-looking nurse popped her out of the hospital doors, eyes looking wild. "We need your help!"
Edward turned to look at the other, warm smiles gone as he grew focuses and serious.
"What is it?"
"Baby. Mr. and Mrs. Keres," Edward and Paxton stiffened at the surname. "Are here and they're ready to deliver."
Edward let a dark look cross his face, the Hispanic man muttered under his breath while Paxton inclined his head thoughtfully.
'Huh...I believe I overheard my parents that it would be a girl or a boy....I'll get a little sibling then?'
The brunet watched at the doctor ran back into the hospital, giving one last wave to the ex-Decimo, a weak smile on his lips. Paxton waved back in return, but he didn't move to leave as he stared at the hospital.
If he was going to have a younger sibling, he wanted to be there to see it.
Edward groaned internally, glad that Silvena wasn't here or she would've injected Paxton's mother with benadryl.
'Here we go again. And, to be honest, I'm baffled on what gender this child actually is...' "Mrs. Keres, this is a perfectly healthy baby. Are you really so adamant on their gender?"
The woman continued to blather on uselessly, ignoring Edward. The husband was, once again, silent, but Edward could tell the other was drunk now, the heavy smell of alcohol rolling off of him.
Edward grimaced before exiting the room, sighing deeply as he shut the door, cutting off the screeching of the hysterical woman. He looked down at the bundle in his arms, smiling softly.
"Can I see?"
Edward jolted, glancing around before lowering his gaze. He widened his green eyes widening.
"Paxton! I thought you'd gone home by now!"
The said child grinned wryly at the doctor.
"And miss my little sibling's birth? Heck no." The brunet then fidgeted with the hem of his black sweater, sly smile vanishing, looking nervous. "So, um....can I see...?"
Edward softened his gaze and crouched down.
"Of course."
Paxton, a little over 3 feet, looked down at the small bundle within Edward's arms. He blinked and stared for a moment before slowly reaching a hand up.
"Aria, it's a boy!"
" should have the right to name him..."
"...Heh....h-how's Alessio?"
"It's beautiful..."
The scene of a warm hospital room changes to a battle-ridden forest. The baby was now a young man. Dead, with a peaceful smile on his face.
Tsuna flinched slightly, drawing his hand back. Edward saw the doubt in the brunet's eyes and softened his gaze.
"...You won't hurt them." It pained the doctor to see those sad, uncertain, orange eyes. "You won't hurt them." He repeated, soft and comforting.
Paxton blinked, thoughts brought back to the present as he looked down at the small baby within Edward's arms. Slowly, the five year-old smiled, eyes a little teary.
"Heya...I'm your big bro...."
The brunet reached a hand up, intent on just resting it onto Edward's arm for leverage.
Both the ex-Decimo and the doctor were surprised when a small hand reached out and grasped the brunet's index and middle finger. Paxton froze, staring at the tiny pink fingers wrapped around his own digits.
Slowly, the brunet relaxed, feeling the warmth and the heartbeat of the younger through their skin and his own. Paxton smiled again at the bundle before blinking in mild surprise.
Ruby-red eyes met his sunset-orange ones. A toothless smile greeted him, chubby cheeks a rosy red. Paxton blinked again and stared before smiling in return.
"Heh, nice to meet you..."
Paxton then looked up at Edward with a slight furrow in his brow, concerned.
" they have a name?" (How did my parents take this?)
Edward sighed, hearing an. unanswered question
"No." (Your parents refused to look upon your little sibling after being introduced for a moment to them.)
Paxton's expression darkened before he sighed, softening his expression as he looked at the giggling bundle in the doctor's arms.
Edward blinked.
"Pardon me?"
Paxton continued to smile down at the baby.
"Frisk Emrys Chevalier." The brunet wiggled his captured fingers slightly, amused when his little sibling gurgled in delight. "Frisk is a unisexual name...also it means 'to skip, dance, prance, leap, spring, hop, jump, or bounce'."
Paxton lifted his gaze to smile at Edward.
"I want Frisk to have the freedom to do all of those things."
Edward blinked his eyes rapidly in surprise before smiling.
"'Frisk Emrys Chevalier' it is, then." 'Dang this kid is way too smart for his age.'
//(Five Years Later)//
Said ten year-old groaned, wincing when he felt some of his fresh cuts brush against the t-shirt he was currently wearing, reopening the wounds slightly. Sunset-orange eyes fluttered open and he stared into concerned, closed ones. Slowly, Paxton smiled at the other.
'Good thing I taught Frisk how to see without their eyes. Although I encourage them to open their eyes more, they insisted on keeping the color of their eyes a secret with only me.' "'Sup, Frisk?"
They cracked open their ruby-red eyes, looking sternly at Paxton as they moved their hands slightly.
* fell unconscious...again...*
The brunet blinked before groaning softly.
'Oh. What happened last night? Ah, yes, my head knocked against the kitchen counter or something...but how did I get back into our bedroom?' "Did ya' drag me back up here?"
Frisk nodded eyes sliding shut, expression looking downcast. Paxton merely reached out with a grunt, ruffling unruly, brown locks.
"Heh, you're so strong, huh?"
Frisk blushed slightly before shaking their head, looking at you with concern.
*Do we need to go to Unckie Ed and Auntie Sil?*
Paxton grunted, sitting up as he ran a hand through his hair, he squinted down at himself with a narrowed, orange eye, sighing when he saw a small patch of blood on the edge of his t-shirt.
"I'll be fine. How's that bruise you have?" Frisk jumped, looking at their big brother with shock. Paxton chuckled at the expression. "Hey, we've known each other for five years. You should know that you can't hide things from your big bro."
Frisk bit their lip, looking nervous before tugging back their blue sweater sleeve. Paxton gazed at the purple and blue splotching the younger's wrist. The ex-Decimo shut his eyes, trying to calm himself before sitting up, struggling to sit up with a dull pounding in his head.
"C'mere. I'll heal you up."
Frisk snapped their eyes open, looking a little exasperated.
"Pax." Their voice rasped out--but it was still stern. "No."
Paxton merely smiled.
"Don't worry. I'll recover later. Gathering my energy is easy, and you're my little sib. What kind of big bro would I be if I don't take care of my li'l sib?"
Frisk look hesitant before they reached out, signing with their other hand.
*Don't push yourself too hard.*
Paxton nodded and allowed his Sun flames to come to the surface. Two years ago, he showed them to Frisk, Edward and Silvena. They all accepted it surprisingly easily, which calmed a good part of the ex-Decimo's nightmares. With the explanation of flames, Frisk then learned how to 'see' without their eyes, sensing the inner flame of people and objects around them.
Paxton reached out and gently grasped Frisk's wrist, watching the purple and blue fade to green, brown, and then yellow. A second later, the skin was unmarred and healed. Frisk flexed their fingers before looking back at Paxton with concern once again.
*Are you okay? Do I need to get you something?*
The brunet merely smiled in return, sitting up completely, leaning back against the wall behind him. His body ached, but he knew he would be fine.
"Heh, I'm alright. Don't worry." 'I've had worse after all...'
With that, Frisk slowly nodded before climbing onto the bed with Paxton, snuggling up against the brunet, careful to not put pressure on any of his fresh injuries. The elder sibling heard the younger's breathing even out. Soon, Frisk was asleep.
Paxton blinked and sighed, glancing to the side to look out an open window. The moon was high in the sky and his Hyper Intuition was nagging him.
Something was going to happen. It was going to be bad...yet good at the same time. The brunet shook his head, feeling fatigued from using flames and his injuries.
Being a child was hard.
Everything was swaying. Everything hurt. Especially...his head...
Paxton furrowed his eyebrows and cracked them open slightly; his Hyper Intuition told him not to alert his captors that he was awa--wait. Captors?
Paxton shut his eyes and evened his breathing, simulating sleep as he stretched out his senses. Two hostiles...and his parents. What the he**? And Frisk was there too, but it was apparent that they were already awake, judging by the muffled noises.
"You shut up, brat!"
Tsuna really wanted to kick some a**es, but he chose to restrain himself. Fighting would only make the situation wor--
"We're here, Boss." An unfamiliar voice said. "Do we put the kid down?"
The swaying stopped.
"No," Oh, that was Paxton's Dad. "Just toss him in and let's be done with this."
Toss him? Toss him...where exactly?
"Ow! F**k!"
Paxton blinked his eyes open at that. He quickly took in the sight of trees surrounding the area--the forest near the town?
It was nighttime and the stars were glinting above. He brought his gaze back to the situation at hand, blinking when he saw Frisk scrambling away from a large, muscular man, who was clutching his hand in pain.
"The little sh** bit me!"
Paxton then narrowed his gaze. Pretend time was over. Time to move. The brunet found that he was unbound, luckily, and quickly used that fact to his advantage. His hands moving in a blur, hitting two pressure points into the side of the man holding him in the crook of his arm.
Immediately, Paxton was released and he fell to the ground, grunting when he felt his injuries throb. The ex-Decimo ignored the pain and stood up, quickly side-kicking the stunned man that once held him, sending the other skidding away.
Paxton dashed towards Frisk, launching a flying kick at the head of the other brute. The 'giant' was sent flying and Paxton halted right next to his sibling.
"You alright?" He murmured, smiling when he got a nod in return. "Stay close to me."
Frisk, quickly grasped one of Paxton's hands, looking nervous. The elder turned a narrowed gaze to his opponents.
"Well, now...killing your own children?"
Pax's mom spoke, voice shrill.
"You two were never our children!"
Pax narrowed his gaze, moving himself in front of Frisk, as if to block the hurtful words from them.
"...I see."
The ex-Decimo frowned when he saw that the two brutes and his, now, ex-father approached him and Frisk.
'What to do...?'
Pax backed up slightly, glancing over his should--...
There. Was. A. Freaking. Pit. Behind. Them.
Pax swallowed. He couldn't see the bottom, meaning that it must've been pretty deep. The brunet whipped his head back to the three approaching men.
'I won't be able to do much in this body. My flames will be limited and my stamina has yet to be improved.' He gritted his teeth before narrowing his gaze determinedly. 'But I'll do what I can.' "Frisk, don't worry about me and get out of here."
While Pax loosened his grip, Frisk tightened theirs. The brunet blinked and swerved his head to look back at the younger.
"Frisk..." They shook their head and Pax grimaced, looking at them pleadingly. "Frisk, you need to go."
"No..." They whispered. "No..."
Pax turned fully to grasp their shoulders.
"Frisk, please! You need to--!"
Something hit the back of Pax's head, and he was sent slamming into the ground. He grunted and struggled to look at the weight that was pinning him to the ground. One of the brutes were stepping onto his head.
"Oi, you! Take care of the other one!"
Frisk turned to look at the other approaching brute, eyes still shut. They nervously stepped back a--
Suddenly, they were falling.
They were falling.
Frisk. Was. Falling.
Pax widened his eyes. It was an act of desperate instinct, but the ex-Decimo released a burst of offensive Sky flames, sending the brutes reeling backwards and off of him. Pax then leapt forward into the inky black abyss, throwing caution to the wind.
Orange eyes snapped open and the said brunet sat up with a grunt, memories a little off as he glanced around feverishly. He stopped panicking though when he saw teary, ruby-red eyes. Frisk's lower lip trembled as they looked at him.
*I thought you were dead...!* They signed frantically. *I-I thought...!*
They moved forward and hugged Paxton tightly, their entire form shaking. Pax softened his gaze and reached up, patting their head gently.
"Heh...don't worry. I'm a tough person to kill, ya' know?"
Frisk sat back and huffed at the other, pouting slightly, eyes sliding shut.
*Don't say things like that.*
Pax merely grinned, leaning back on his hands, feeling something cool and soft under his fingers. He looked down and gazed curiously at the bed of golden buttercups beneath him. Slowly, he brought his gaze up, looking contemplatively at the opening of the large cavern--the place where they fell from.
It was pretty far up. Pax's body still needed healing before he could use his flames to fly up or climb. Sighing, Pax brought his gaze back down before freezing.
Floating next to Frisk's head was a child that looked like their age. The...ghost's hair was a lighter, caramel brown, and their eyes...a muted, rose-red color. They were wearing a green sweater with one yellow stripe. Pax blinked.
"Frisk...who's that?"
Frisk raised their eyebrows at you, but they didn't open their eyes.
* you mean?*
"There's a kid your age floating right next to you."
Frisk glanced over their shoulder before opening their eyes slightly in surprise. The newcomer also looked surprised and confused.
Frisk and Pax jumped at the voice. Pax realized how the mouth movements of the newcomer matched with the voice. The brunet inclined his head before smiling at the other.
"Hello. What's your name?"
The lookalike of Frisk frowned briefly, sighing before they spoke once more.
{...It's Chara...} They crossed their arms, looking uncomfortable, scowling off to the side. {...What are...humans like you two doing down here?}
Chara's gaze was sharp and calculating, leaving no room for lies. Pax mulled over his answer before deciding to be blunt, sighing tiredly.
"We got forced into jumping into the hole 'cuz of our wacko parents," Pax let out a weak chuckle at Chara's surprised expression. "Yeah. Tough luck for us. But I bet it was worse for you....?"
Chara widened their eyes before looking away, shoulders hunching.
{Whatever. But you guys should just leave. There's nothing here for you.} Their tone bitting and curt.
Pax's Hyper Intuition told him that they were lying, but he chose not to say anything.
Suddenly, there was a burning sensation in Pax's chest. He coughed, curling in on himself, raising a hand up to his mouth. The world was just muted at for a moment before his senses returned to him. Pax opened his eyes, not remembering when he shut them. His sunset-orange eyes trailed to his hand and he froze.
A small splash of red stood out against his pale skin. He sweated, curling his fingers into a fist to hide the blood before he looked up at Frisk, whose eyebrows were creased with concern. Pax smiled brightly at them.
"Heh, just some yucky spit, Frisk." Pax raised his eyebrows with amusement. "Wanna see~?"
Frisk made a disgusted face, scooting away from Pax. The brunet chuckled as they looked away from him as he discreetly wiped his hand onto the grass beneath the bed of flowers. Pax grimaced mentally.
'That's never happened before...I'll have to check it out with my Sun flames later...'
He sensed eyes on him and turned to see that Chara was staring at him. He sweated at their stern gaze. The ghost-child was apparently thinking of something before they nodded to themself.
{You guys look like you got hurt. I know someone that can patch you up.} They float upwards before looking back at the humans. {Also, don't mention anything about me to her. She'll be...sad.} They're tone grew soft at the end.
Pax looked like he was about to decline the offer politely before Frisk shot up to their feet, looking at Chara determinedly, moving their hands in a rapid fashion.
*I don't need much healing but my big brother does. Will you really lead us there?*
There was a silence and Frisk thought that maybe Chara didn't understand sign language before they nodded in return, an exasperated look on their face.
{I already said so, didn't I? C'mon. Follow me.}
Frisk quickly scrambled over to Pax first, helping him to his feet. Soon enough the two siblings followed after Chara down a dark hall, away from the patch of golden flowers.
Only a few minutes passed by before they found a large arch--a door. Pax took a brief moment to study the structure, eyes a bit wide.
'...I've heard rumors of monsters living in this mountain. My Hyper Intuition is only confirming it now...'
Pax and Frisk followed Chara through the arch. Five seconds had only passed before Chara let a soft curse under their breath; Pax frowned slightly.
'How could a kid that age know swears?'
He shook himself out of his thoughts, watching Chara as the drifted closer to Pax and Frisk, looking nervous.
{I don't know who this monster is, but I have a bad feeling about him. Don't trust him.}
Pax brought his gaze down, pretending that Chara wasn't there as he moved Frisk behind himself. His sunset-orange eyes watched the...sunflower...that was smiling happily at him and Frisk.
"Howdy!" The flower chirped, beady, black eyes blinking. "I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!"
He giggled before winking at them. Tsuna felt a sense of foreboding the longer he looked at the plant. Flowey continued, smile widening playfully.
"You're new to the Underground, aren'tcha?"
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