Who Am I? {Angst}
WARNING: for those of you who don't know what angst is, it basically means a sad story. There shouldn't be any triggers here, but I can't be 100% because everybody's different.
Also, this is a songfic using lyrics from a song called Copycat {it's a Vocaloid song}.
Say, "Hello, who are you?"
And we'll start from scratch again
"Gotta go talk to you soon."
Day by day,
I'm fading away.
I sighed as I got out of bed slowly. I looked over to Hikaru, who was also waking up. The twin maids were standing near the doorway, smiling politely.
"Good morning, masters," they greeted in unison.
"Good morning," Hikaru and I also greeted in unison.
"Breakfast will be ready soon," the maids informed us. We hummed in acknowledgement and then they left, leaving the two of us alone to get ready for the day.
"Hey Kaoru, I was thinking-"
"Yeah, let's do it," I smirked at my twin and received the same expression like a mirror, both of thinking exactly the same thing. Today would be a very... interesting day at the Host Club. For starters, we were pretending to be each other today. I parted my hair to my left, or what everyone would see as their right. Hikaru parted his hair to his right, or what everyone would see as their left. The only person who would be able to tell us apart was Haruhi, but we just had to convince her not to tell the Host Club we swapped identities for the day.
"Haruhiiiii!!" Hikaru and I shouted at the same time, grabbing her by either arm.
"Huh? Did you need something?" Haruhi asked blankly, looking from both of us, "Hey, why are you two pretending to be each other?"
"That's what we wanted to talk to you about," I began.
"You can't tell anyone, okay? It'll ruin the surprise!" Hikaru finished, both of us almost glaring at her but because we both liked her we couldn't actually do it for something as petty as this.
"Um, okay, but you better not be trying to cause trouble," Haruhi warned, and we both hugged her.
"Thank you Haru-channn~!" we cheered like Honey-senpai and then dashed off, giggling to ourselves.
We get along just fine,
I say everything you like to hear.
It's funny how much I
Feel like I'm looking in a mirror
"Hey everyone!" we smiled and waved as we opened the doors to the Host Club.
"Hey Kao-chan! Hey Hika-chan! Would you like to play with Usa-chan with me?" Honey-senpai innocently asked, holding up the stuffed bunny at us. Mori was behind him, silent as always.
We decided to play with Usa-chan, having a tea party with the cute rabbit. Honey-senpai was clearly thrilled by this, which gave us genuine enjoyment.
"HITACHIIN BROTHERS!!! SOMEONE FLIRTED WITH HARUHIIII!!!" Tamaki practically screamed as he entered surprisingly late, so mad he went all over the place.
"Calm down boss, you're way too jealous," Hikaru giggled, me also laughing.
"DO YOU TWO NOT CARE?! KAORU, WHAT'S YOUR DEAL?!" Tamaki shouted in Hikaru's face, thinking he was me. We both immediately exploded into laughter, Tamaki not knowing why we were laughing, "Hey! What's so funny?! Don't tell me you hired somebody just to make me jealous!"
"You think we'd hire somebody to do that when we can do it ourselves?" I scoffed, Hikaru and I raising a brow at the ridiculous accusation.
I can't remember
Who I am
Everything's a blur
Take me over
"Hey! You two better not have been in disguise!" Tamaki made another dumb accusation that was so lame we couldn't help but deadpan.
"Haruhi's not stupid, she wouldn't fall for the twins in any disguise," Kyoya pushed up his glasses as he spoke, though he didn't look up from his book. He seemed to be hinting at something, and Hikaru and I shared a look of suspicion but we didn't say anything.
"Actually, where is Haru-chan? The Host Club opens pretty soon," Honey-senpai looked around in a bit of confusion, his eyes sad like he might cry.
As soon as those words were spoken, Haruhi casually walked in, "Ah, sorry I'm late. I dropped my eraser somewhere and I had to go looking for it. Some guy ended up finding it and giving it back to me."
"Ohhh Haruhi!! Daddy was so worried!" Tamaki immediately rushed over to Haruhi and crushed her in a tight hug, making her sigh.
"I'm fine. You can get off of me," Haruhi didn't fight the hug though, knowing at this point it was completely useless.
"Yeah, get off of her, boss," Hikaru and I teased.
"Hmph..." Tamaki huffed, hugging her tighter before reluctantly letting her go, "If you ever lose something again just tell me. Daddy will help you!"
"Or you can just ask me to replace it. The cost for new school supplies is nothing," Kyoya calmly 'suggested,' clearly just trying to increase Haruhi's debt to the club. Haruhi only groaned, everyone easily seeing through his 'polite offer.'
"You should just ask us! After all-" Hikaru began.
"Twins can help you find stuff better 'cause there's two of us! We can cover more ground," I finished.
I'll become what you like
This is what you wanted,
Sacrifice all I know
I will teach myself to let go
Copy that, copycat
"Hey, no fair!" Tamaki huffed, though he had a sort of defeated look on his face since he knew it was true.
"Anyways, we're late to start the club. We should open right now," Haruhi changed the subject.
"I have to agree. If we open late it gives us a bad reputation," Kyoya coolly agreed with Haruhi, still not looking up from that book of his.
"Can I open the doors?" Honey-senpai asked, and we all nodded, "Yayy~! The Host Club is nowww... open~!"
As soon as it was announced we were open for the day, girls immediately started taking their places and requesting different hosts of their choice. Hikaru and I were entertaining three girls at the moment.
"Let's all play the 'Which one is Hikaru' game!" we grinned, purposefully not covering our hair because we knew they'd get it wrong.
"Well, obviously the one on the left is Hikaru and the one on the right is Kaoru," one of the girls spoke confidently.
"Nope! Sorry, you got it wrong~!" we laughed a bit.
"Oh, they must've switched hair parts! How smart!" the girl swooned, the other two girls joining in.
Say, "Hello, what's up with you?"
I'm starting to
Talk like you do
Here we go
I'll be gone soon
The rest of the day went by like we hadn't swapped places, until now. Hikaru and I had decided to be 'apart' for a few minutes since it was part of the prank. We'd been planning it for a few days, actually.
"Hey Hika-chan?" Honey-senpai looked up at me, being fooled by the simple 'disguise.' How ironic it was for Kyoya to mention that Haruhi wouldn't be fooled by any disguise we'd put on.
"What is it?" I responded as if I was Hikaru, holding back a small chuckle.
"Um... I'm kind of worried about Kao-chan. He's been quiet, y'know?" Honey-senpai looked at the floor, "But when he's around you he acts like he normally does. I think he's hiding something from you."
"He... is?" I pretended to be surprised.
"Yeah. I think you should ask if he's okay," Honey-senpai kept giving his sad look. Mori patted him on the head once reassuringly.
"Hm... Hey Hikaru! They said I'm acting weird!" I called, and Hikaru came out of his hiding spot.
"Maybe it's cuz we swapped places?" Hikaru chuckled.
"Huh? You two swapped hair parts?" Honey-senpai sounded genuinely surprised.
"Mhm! And for all you know, we swapped days ago when Kaoru started acting strange!" Hikaru teased. We hadn't actually swapped until today, but it was easy to fool everyone.
"Don't prank us like that! Now I don't know if something's really wrong!" Honey-senpai whined.
"Kaoru... if anything's wrong, you can tell me," Hikaru used his overly sweet 'brotherly love' tone, and we shared a faked passionate embrace.
"The only thing that's wrong is our love," I pretended to dramatically swoon, looking up at Hikaru with fake tears.
"It's not wrong for twins to be lovers, the rest of the world just doesn't get it!" Hikaru wiped my fake tears.
"...You pulled a prank on us just so you could do that?" Haruhi sighed, showing up out of nowhere.
"Of course we did!" we laughed together, completely abandoning the act.
When Hikaru and I got home we changed our parts back to how they usually were, giving each other a high five at a successfully pulled prank. But somewhere inside me... it felt empty. Normally our small, dumb pranks felt like a great bonding experience but this one just felt pointless.
Day by day,
Everything has changed
We've grown apart this time
I can't figure out the reason why
It's funny how much I'd
Kinda like to see you cry
The ironic part of the prank was that I was hiding something from Hikaru, but he didn't know. I wouldn't tell him. It was better this way, him thinking I wasn't just going along with his mischievousness to appease him. It was better that he thought I was doing it because that was my normal personality just like his. Now it was to the point I felt like I was losing myself in trying to be my twin, my other half.
"Hey Kaoru! Were you even listening?" Hikaru pouted, and I gave an apologetic look.
"Sorry, I got lost in thought," I apologized. Hikaru immediately knew something was up.
"You don't get lost in thought, Kaoru. You suggested that we have everyone ask if something's wrong with you... was it because there actually is?" Hikaru asked, surprisingly sharp and intuitive. Maybe because I'm his twin.
I can't remember
Who I am
Everything's a blur
Take me over
I've become what you like
This is what you wanted,
"Huh? Well... I guess I've been pretty worried for exams. I'm worried about math..." I lied, giving a sigh.
"You're just fine at math," Hikaru comforted me, believing my lie. I guess he really didn't know his own twin brother that well.
"I know... but I'm still worried," I frowned, pretending that it didn't comfort me. I was just acting at this point, and I was glad Hikaru didn't even notice, though it made me feel sad he couldn't tell when I was lying. Part of me kind of wanted him to find out my lie.
Sacrificed all I've known
I have taught myself to let go
Copy that, copycat
"Hey, if you're that worried we can study together," Hikaru offered. I faked a smile, pretending that made me feel better.
"Thanks, Hikaru!" I didn't feel at all warm or comforted, not even when Hikaru smiled back.
I can't remember
Who I am
Everything's a blur
Take me over
"We can study tomorrow," Hikaru promised, and I nodded.
"Okay," I agreed, hoping that it didn't seem I gave in too easily or didn't seem stressed enough. Or did I seem too stressed? Was my acting okay? Sure, the Host Club had greatly improved my acting skills but now when it most mattered I didn't have any confidence in my acting.
I'll become what you like
This is what you've wanted,
Sacrifice all I know
I will teach myself to let go
Copy that, copycat
The distance would remain between Hikaru and I, and I knew some day it would tear the two of us apart for good. It was my fault because I didn't have the courage to speak my mind, and I knew it.
Word count: 1804
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