9. The Boy She Met In...Peru!
Helloooo everyoneeeee....
How you all doing????????
Happpyyyy Monday!😊😊😊😊
Yes, I am here with the next update of HW4.0.( Posting got dekayed by a couple of hours...but so happy to get this up today.)👩💻👩💻👩💻👩💻
Absolutely, loved writing the update so much. It's, solely all Asher+ Khushi – to be fair to this moment – in their relationship. 😊😊
So eager for you all to read...it too...!
Seatbealts On...dear readers..yet again
Will just let you all dive into it straight away...
Word count(turned out lot longer than I expected it too) – 9k words.
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9. The Boy She Met in Peru
30 Minutes Later
Khushi's Home
( including pictures of Khushi's Cozy Home - the two and a half bedroom apartment )
Living space
Dining + kitchen
Dining leading to small balcony
Her parents room
Her room
Hallway in between her and her parents room on opposite ends
One more little room they converted into - home reading space
Opposite wall of this cozy space
@ The Living Area
Asher couldn't stop grinning to himself in the moment, as he waited for Khushi to return from her room.She'd gone in to freshen up, quickly.
Why he couldn't stop grinning?
Because, he'd spent the last thirty minutes or so, excitedly narrating about his fan encounter with Suraj+ASR – to Khushi, obviously. He couldn't help it.He'd been so excited about it all, plus the part that he had been able to get her favourite, ASR's autograph for her – that all he could do the very second he saw her, stepping in into her home, was to just pick her up in his arms and twirl her around – happily!
Surely, his energy had been infectious, which was why, a couple of minutes later, Khushi had just held his hand and asked him to sit next to her on the sofa, first and tell her all about his fan encounter. He'd obviously asked her about what she wanted to talk about as well,(which she had been referring to on text), but she just insisted that he get talking first. He figured, it was also because, she couldn't wait to get hold on that autograph off ASR's for her, herself.
And so, he began talking about it all, and once he was done narrating it all, he finally handed her the autograph, and as expected, she was overwhelmed as she hugged him happily, thanking him for the same in the moment. Asher was also sure, he saw a tear of happiness, pool up her right eye, (or rather both her eyes), as she held the autograph in her hand...
This was about five minutes ago. She'd then excused herself on account of wanting to freshen up and he'd candidly joked that he understood, she wanted to tuck in the autograph to safety as well.She'd rolled her eyes at that at him playfully, before finally heading in.
As he rewinds that moment in his head, it hits him, that whilst she rolled her eyes at him playfully that way, there was still that trail of her welled up – eyes. What was up with her? Was it, just because she was so happily overwhelmed? Or was there another – reason into it – all together?
Even though, Asher liked to believe that he knew Khushi quite well, understood her immense - sometimes, he couldn't help but feel that so much of her – on that deep emotional angle – was still an enigma for him. An intriguing mystery,that he surely wanted to uncover and get closer to – himself.
He shifts in his seat now, as deeper thoughts take over. Perhaps,he just use the time she was freshening up to brew them both their cups of coffee.Luckily, for him, he knew, Khushi's house by the back of his hand.
He walked his way to the kitchen space now and began to work on the same...and as his eyes..fall on..the pictures of the fridge as he opened it – to take out the milk – he couldn't help but smile to himself – at seeing a picture of himself+Khushi – up there as well. From a shot from his brother's wedding – just moments after – he'd asked her out, officially. It was a nice picture.A lovely memory..
Infact, one of the other things he had been the happiest about – apart from his brother's+ bhabhi's happiness during their getting together= marriage was the bit that – all of that had led him to meet – Khushi.
Until he'd met her – he'd actually felt like – he'd forever be stuck in the hangover his previous relationship with Maya, whom he'd once upon a time been deeply in love with – in the three years they'd dated. But then, as it all went downhill eventually, and they parted on a bitter note, Asher felt like, it would take him a lot of time to just get out of the hangover of it all – healthily – and get set to move on. He had been working on the same, in his head obviously. He'd been single for a couple of years post that – only because he hadn't yet met anyone who'd catch his interest that way – again. He'd been on casual blind dates on and off, but nothing ever worked out with anyone on those encounters.
And one fine day, all of that changed, when he was finally introduced to Khushi – in that first family gathering – on accord of his brother+ Mika bhabhi's, Roka ceremony. She'd caught his interest immediately, indeed. But then, it felt right to let things take its course organically and they'd spent the first couple of months getting to know one another generally – before finally getting together as a couple. They'd hit it off as friends as well. Their equation from the very start was always very comfortable, understanding, friendly. They did get one another. Attraction was also obvious and mutual. They had good chemistry -as well. All in all – it seemed – this relationship with Khushi – was finally going to be the one that would make his heart blossom again..in the way...it once had...in the past.
He truly believed, that if there was anyone, he could fall deeply in love with again – in his lifetime – it was Khushi. It did feel like – he was headed there – almost halfway there - but did he feel like he was irrevocably, deeply in love with her – yet?Not yet. He couldn't really say, Yes, to that, wholeheartedly.
Why? Because, something within his own subconscious kind of had its guards up, as well. Perhaps, it was because, he'd always sensed some sort of an emotional block from her end.As if, she weren't letting him in completely – emotionally. As if, there was still like this huge fortress around her heart, that he was yet to breach.
Why did he feel that way? Two reasons. First, it was most surely related to the bit of how, she never took off her prosthetic in front off him, or even let him hold her left hand, touch it even for the matter be it in general/or intimate moments, despite him stating to her that it didn't matter to him at all. He liked her for who she was – as is.He wanted to be with her – for who she was – as is. But somehow, the fact that he hadn't been able to earn that comfort spot around her yet(despite his trying) – just made him feel like – guards up – because he could clearly sense – that she was stopping herself from flowing into the moment – or rather keeping her own guards up around him with regards to that. Yes, he had mentioned it to her.Yes, she'd explained her stand to him on the same at that point as well, but when he'd thought on it later – his gut told him – that all of her reasoning was surely a strong part reason but it still felt like it was still also because of some sort of an unknown block – in her – towards him on that accord....
Secondly, because he'd been in love before,and had an experience off an emotionally intense relationship himself in the past, he knew what was it like to sense and feel the combination of deep emotion for the other + electric chemistry together – in intimate moments – right? With Khushi – mostly – he'd always just sensed the current of chemistry flowing from her end towards him in their intimate moments. Not that, that part of it didn't suffice. Infact,their intimate moments were great, electric. Hell, attraction in between the two was never a problem...infact, he'd always had a hard time taking his eyes off her when she was around – or just let go off her in their intimate moments – when they were in the middle of those moments – but even though the underlying electric current of mutual attraction ran high - he couldn't help but sense that something was still a miss in those moments from her end - always. That something being what? The deeper ounce of emotion...for one's partner. Which was why, perhaps, his own subconscious kept a check on his own flow of emotions – in those moments?
And because, off his past experience, it was no wonder his subconscious had its guards up – itself – holding onto a hitch.It was a defence mechanism or something at play, with his subconscious wanting to protect him or something – his conscious mind – processed that fact as that.
He told himself, they'd probably just needed more time together, to nurture their relationship. With some more time...Khushi would finally open...up more to him...let all her guards down emotionally...and he'd finally let his own emotions flow in deeply as well....and the day he'd feel that from her end+ his – would be the day – he'd ask her to settle down with him for good, he'd planned in his head...
Like, as if, he didn't know – both their parents wanted them to get married – as soon as possible. But he'd told his Maa honestly...that he thought the two needed more time...to commit to that.He knew she thought the same.He wanted her to be madly in love with him. He, himself wanted to be madly in love with her - before they committed to a lifetime together. They weren't there...yet.
Perhaps – with some more time down the line – they'd both get there? He thought, smiling to himself now, reminding himself not to get too paranoid in his head though. Sometimes...it took time...to nurture relationships...not all connections can be super intense emotionally on an instant...like it had been...with him and Maya. Also, it would be crazily unfair to Khushi...to even...compare...which is why he just never let his own head go there...
He was comfortable and happy with her. She was already like family – given the way his parents anyway doted on her.Which is why, a part of him did hope that they'd both reach...that point of deeper soulful emotional connection(romantically)...eventually.
He was right on that thought,when he heard Khushi's voice behind him now – " Asher...thank you for brewing us some coffee...I was going to do it..myself.."
Asher looks up at Khushi at that and smiles, now picking up both the cup of coffee's in his hand – " amazing telepathy as always, darling...I just knew what you wanted.....and made yours just the way you like it...just a dash of milk..with half a spoon of sugar....,"and at that he sees her smile at him nervously as she says walking up to him – " I guess...I wana take in another spoon of sugar...today...Asher...,"and he watches her reach out to the sugar jar - to do the same.
Okay! Something was not right – about the vibe from her frame at all – right now. He knew her enough to sense that. He narrowed his eyes to observe her side face. It looked like she'd walked out – after washing her face hard – as if she'd been crying in the bathroom or something.
Okay. He needed her to talk – now. Asher just holds onto her right arm at that gently, making her turn to face him as he asks – " Khushi...what's up with you? why does...it feel like...you'v been crying?,"and he sees her answer to that nervously trying to smile at him through it – " nah...not at all...Asher...why would I cry ya??"
But he knew her better than that – didn't he? Which is why, this vibe from her worried him in the moment. Why? Because, he'd never seen it. She surely was hell – disturbed about something. Something – that was really affecting her – quite intensely. He just instantly pulls her into a heartfelt hug first and asks now kissing her head – " Khushi...just talk to me...please?? its me...Asher...you know you can talk to me...this is where I remind you...before we began dating...we were like...great friends...we always have been...right? so now..come on....open up to me...tell me....why have you been crying?? You are surely disturbed...like royally...about something..."
Thankfully, he feels Khushi hug him hard at that as she whispers softly – " I want to talk to you...of course...for I have to get this off my chest to you...Asher...but ...I am scared as in...you are so important to me...you know I care about you a lot....I'm afraid...and worried...as to how you may react to this...before I say anything...just promise me...you won't like misunderstand me...or...anything like that...Asher...please??"
Asher pulls up at that and tucks her chin up to make her look at him straight – " you mean...you'v been crying because, you are afraid about my reaction to whatever this bit..is...you wana talk about?you are afraid..ill misunderstand you?"
He see's her nod at that – vulnerably as she says – " indeed..". He wipes her tears away at that and kisses her cheeks and then the side of her lips briefly wanting to reassure her – " oh come on....stop...worrying...since when did you start worrying about telling me what's on your mind..haan?Khushi??it's me...asher...the one's whose charmed the hell our of your mind...with just this dazzling smile of mine...,"he finishes with a playful wink wanting to make her smile.
It works.
She smiles a little at that as she rolls her eyes – " well, you are right about that...indeed.."
Asher smiles and cups her right cheek – " then...tell me...why are you so worried about my reaction? About this?and what's this about..anyway??"
" I am worried....about your reaction...because...you like to keep the doors on our respective pasts..shut...Asher...and this bit...that I want to talk to you about...today...is related...to one such door of my past...that I never talked about to any other soul...prior...like no one knows...about this...at all....you will be the first one to know...I never talked about it to you...because...you anyway don't like to dig up on the times gone by...so I thought no point...but right now...I just feel like...I have to get this off my chest to you.....I just have too....we really have to talk about this....can we..please? I can't keep this from you anymore...can we talk about..this?Asher...please?,"she asks nervously.
Okay! Now that surprises, Asher. He thought, he had all the brief highlights about her past like she did off his. He preferred to keep talks to that topic as concise as possible. No point, talking about it. We all have a past. He did too. He was sure, no woman on this earth in his present - would like to know – how intense his relationship in the past had been with Maya, on every tangent. So, why hound Khushi, over her's? He knew the basic details...didn't he? Or wait – is she implying – there's something – he didn't know – if he were to process what she just said.
Asher asks now on reflex – " what do you mean, Khushi? no one knows.We all know about your relationships.I mean...you'v told me all briefly about Dan...or your high school relationships...prior...everyone in our circle knows...or wait...wait... are you implying...there was someone else in your life... between of those timelines and...you never talked about him?"
He sees Khushi nod nervously at that – " yes...that's exactly what I am implying...Asher....."
Asher asks confused.How could she not have told anyone about this? – " you mean...no one knows?not even Rahul?Diya? Manika?Yug? Zara?Zain? Nina?Mika Bhabhi? I mean...I came along much later...but they'v been your closest for ages...Khushi...even they didn't know?really???"
He sees her shake her head in a- No- at that, as she sighs – " no...no one knew...Asher...no one knows...infact I don't want any of them to know today too...okay. Just you. You have to know...though. Promise me, this remains our secret..."
Asher nods but momentarily he felt like – he didn't want to know. Why was she, even talking about this? He had no interest in her past.
Asher cups her face at that lovingly – "Khushi...darling...but you know...I don't care about your past, anyway.There is a reason, it's called the past, for it belongs there?right? in the time's that's gone...why..bring it up...or even talk about it??? when, we are in the present today...right? "
He sees Khushi sigh at that as she says looking straight at him – "oh I so knew...you'd say that...Asher...but listen to me..please... no it cant be that way today like.....we have to talk about this...please?? I have to get this off my chest to you...dammit...please understand....i'll just suffocate within..otherwise..."
And given that he could sense she was really troubled by this in the moment - Asher nods – hugging her to himself – first – " shhh...okay...okay...relax...first..please? fine... lets talk about this..if its so important to you..."
He feels her hug him at that – " thank you...Asher...,"and twenty seconds later, he finally pulls apart as he says picking up on their cup of coffee's – " balcony? Or the table? Where do you wana sit and talk? The table??? Or the sofa? Our, usual spot of chatter in your home?"
He sees her shake her head in a No - at that with a small smile – " no...lets go to the balcony please...the fresh air will do us good...I guesss..."
Okay! God only knows, who this mystery person is – Asher thinks – and as to why she is bringing him up now – anyway – but they walk together to the balcony and once Khushi takes her seat on the lounger there – and gestures him to take his – they both take a sip of their coffee's and Asher finally asks – " okay...let's get this over and done with...Khushi..so..who is this guy from your past that you wana tell me about...? name? and....is he from here?as in Kensington, Jamaica? Do I know him?
He watches her shoot him a nervous smile at that, after she sips her coffee and states - " so...I'd like to refer to him...as the boy I met Peru...Asher...through out our talk...if that's okay? no point in going into all other details with name etc...and no...he is not from here...so I can't really say...you know...him...know him. He's an Indian, though.But lives in India..."
Asher nods at that.Momentary, glad that this person is a stranger to his mind anyway – " okay...whatever makes you comfortable..Khushi...so...let's just refer to him as the boy you met in peru...so what about him you wana talk about? I reckon you met him...in Peru then?,"and as it hits him for he'd heard off this from Amrita aunty (Khushi's Mom)once, he asks – " wait...wai.t...your Mom won this huge prize in some community contest back in Bahamas...right? like.....years ago? A stay at an exclusive natures retreat, in Peru...for two weeks...she didn't go then leaving uncle behind given the prize was for one person...and you went instead...so...thats...where...you met this dude? At that nature's retreat? In Peru?"
He sees Khushi nod at that smiling. Okay. The smile that came on her lips was clearly a fond one. This dude is surely a fond memory. She continues smiling at that, but the smile is kinda bittersweet now – " Indeed...you got that right...Asher...that was where I met him..first...I was just a little over 18 then...as was he...like I said...he is an Indian..only...but lives in India..he was there for a break as well....at the same nature's retreat in Peru at that point...for a fortnight..."
This is why he always kept the door to past talks shut to a point.Why?Because open the lid once, it can come across as an overflowing pandora's box of curiosity. Now suddenly, he felt like he was freaking curious...to know it all...
So,Asher asks now curious taking a sip of his coffee – " hmmm...okay...so you two met in Peru. so did something happen in between you two?then?back in Peru? In that fortnight? Is that why you didn't tell me or anyone about this until now ..Khushi? because, it was a short travel fling that probably began on account of couple of one night stands or something and ended when you both left there? Did you think...I'd judge you for it or something? oh c'mon...you surely know me better than that...I am not the judgemental type....."
He sees Khushi shake her head at that sipping her coffee smiling to herself almost sadly again – " nah...that's not why I didn't tell you or anyone for that matter...infact...that's one of the things I adore about you...Asher...that you are not the judgy types...infact just by your calm and understanding expression right now...I know...you wouldn't judge me..even if I told you...that whatever theory your mind just projected....is true..."
Asher nods smiling – " exactly...it doesn't matter..k?like...these things can happen...Khushi...it's not abnormal...infact..on the contrary...it's quite normal....so....no big deal...alright?"
She continues sipping on her coffee and sighs – " but your theory..isn't true..though..Asher...for...it wasn't like it was a travel fling or anything like that anyway...I mean...nothing happened...in between of us..that way...ever...at that point...like...nothing... at all.....physically..."
Asher asks puzzled at that – " what do you mean? not even a kiss??you never dated? Never got together? Even for a couple of days??"
She sighs and nod – " Exactly.Nah.Nothing happened,ever, physically.Asher. Not even a kiss.We never dated. Never got together...even for a couple of days. Maximum...he'd hold my hand with his.... Clutch on it often..and yes...some side hugs here and there...and just one super intense goodbye hug...with a kiss on my forehead...that's all.....if I were to summarise it to you on that accord.."
Asher nods processing it – " okay..then...so....how is this a tale of fling of the past???? Khushi????it just doesn't seem like so.... unless.....,"and that is when it hits him hard and he asks narrowing his eyes his own stomach rumbling in nervousness – " unless...there were some deep feelings involved....from both your ends? Wait...did the two of you connect...deeply or something? as in emotionally?"
The emotion quotient – is a significant factor – isn't it?
He hears Khushi say now after a sigh using her right hand to brush her face , as she tried to cover up on a dash of angst in her eyes at that – " yeah...you could say...something like that.Asher. Can I now give you brief highlights?"
Asher nods. His alarm began buzzing in on his subconscious mind, on just that gesture from her rubbing her face with her hand – sighing that way, covering up that dash of solid angst. He knew the look.How?For a long time – he'd seen it in his eyes – whilst coping over his break up with Maya – right. This was that solid deep look of angst in the aftermath of coping up from intense deep emotions for someone.Clearly, Khushi had felt something, deep for this dude. Oh Crap. What if – this dude was the reason off that subconscious block from her end -that he could sense but Khushi refused to acknowledge-consciously? Okay, now he needed to know this tale – more than ever. His gut told him – it would give him a lot of clarity – on this point of wonder. Hit gut also told him, hearing this would ache him. But perhaps – the need for his clarity now topped it all – nonetheless.
He hears Khushi continue now as he gestures her to go on – " okay...so...cutting the long story as short as I can...back then..when we met..in Peru...we really connected....instantly..it was weird though..Asher..for there was no logic that could explain...how was it possible to feel so deeply connected...emotionally to someone in such short span of time...it was like an instant, intense, connection...Asher...from both our ends....yeah...we could sense that..."
Boy. He knew that. He'd had experienced that. He and Maya had gotten together within just ten days of knowing one another. He admits on reflex – " well...I know what you mean..by that....Khushi...for...sometimes...no logic can ever suffice..or justify...something like that...,"and as he finishes saying that , he hears Khushi ask softly – " was it...like that for you Asher? as in...with you and Maya? I am sorry...I'm only asking...because you said...you know what I mean...or else...I wouldn't dig you up on that..I know...you are not comfortable...talking about...Maya..."
Asher nods at that honestly though – " yeah...you could say that...it was that way for me and Maya back then.So, I get what you mean. We had gotten together within what like six days of knowing one another..anyways...you tell me..I am curious to know...now...if you both could feel that connection..sense it...then why didn't anything ever come off it? or wait...did you never tell him...how you felt? Or did he never talk about it?"
"well, at that point...nothing came off it...not because...we didn't kind off express what we felt...he was quite vocal about it..when it was time to say goodbye...actually...he wanted to give long distance a shot....but at that point...I was conflicted Asher....like..something was holding me back...Asher...I could feel it...but my mind was tugging me elsewhere....like...you could say...my mind was doing that...because our worlds...were so different....as in...he lived in India...I was in Bahamas at that time...geographical distance..oceans apart plus...and let's just say...his world was completely different from mine...I had my own skeptacalities about his world/or ever becoming a part off it...I thought then...at the time of saying goodbye....what if this is just a passing infactuation...or something...cut away in a bubble..away from the rest of the world etc etc...afterall...we were both so young....just a little over 18...ya....I was conflicted...he could sense it...he knew I felt something...but was conflicted due to my mind...,"she answered sipping on her coffee.
Asher processes that sipping his coffee with a nod – " what do you mean..completely different world..Khushi?,"and she sighs at that – " just understand the inference na...Asher...I don't wana go into all those details...k?"
Asher nods and gestures her to go on – " okay...so...then what happened?? as you mentioned...he figured your conflict.."
" Indeed he did... so...then the crazy me then insisted to him, that we get into a pact...as in...we go our respective ways...back to our worlds...don't talk at all..or be in touch for the rest of the year and say by the end of that next year...if we still found ourselves thinking of the other...we'd both go to Peru...at the decided time...the following year..and say if we couldn't go because of work/studies and not lack of emotions/feelings for the other...we would just send a message for the other...on how to get in touch with the other......like..basically...I insisted...we wait...on for a full year...to see...if those...feelings were potent enough...on both ends...like because if we found ourselves thinking of the other depite being out of touch for one full year after...surely..it had to mean it wasn't a passing infactuation....right?,"she answers softly.
Okayyyyyy! What?????? That's some testing pact.Asher thinks. Did the due agree to it?He wanted to know. Only a guy who would be extremely sincere in his emotions ....would agree to something like this....
Asher asks now his curiosity peeking – "and...go on...tell me...Khushi..thats not where you pause...so... did..this dude..agree to this pact of yours? Or did he just lash out at you for being absurd, for wanting to test his patience and sincerity that way and that was the end of it??"
He sees Khushi smile sadly at that as she asks – " it was a testing pact...indeed...right???"
Asher admits nodding – " indeed..it was...and you were both what little over 18...no guy at that age would have agreed to this/or even agreed to wait..for a full year to know your stand on the same..if he wasn't sincere...so tell me..Khushi.....did he agree or not??"
She smiles sadly – " the fact that he agreed to it...quite patiently and was super understanding about it all...even though he could have lashed out at me in anger...made sure...that he gained a higher spot of respect in my being at that very spot....Asher. He agreed to wait.He agreed to give me time...I needed to cope my head around the differences of our worlds. I'd also mentioned if the other couldn't turn up/send a message the year after...the other would just understand..the silence....that we were just meant to remember the other as fond memories.... "
Ashers eyes widen at that – " what?? is this for real???he agreed to wait?"
She nods – " indeed...he agreed..."
He asks inquisitive – "wow....I didn't expect to hear that....that's some solid display of sincerity..from this dude's end... so what happened after? Khushi?did you find yourself thinking off him in the next year? Khushi? like did your feelings deepen or vanish completely? Did you go to Peru?? Did he come?? What the hell happened?"
She smiles sadly – " fate and time...happened...is what you could...say...Asher..."
Asher – " huh??what do you mean....Khushi..dont you go all cryptic on me...now...."
"so yes, my feelings had deepend...for him...in that next year Asher...in those first three months after only I had realised that it wasn't a passing infatuation for me...by then...as that realisation struck....I was excited to go to Peru...I began saving up for it..by working so many part time jobs whilst studying simultaneously....I would literally pray everyday...that he'd turn up too....but then...as fate would have it....I only just couldn't go...because..twenty days prior to my scheduled visit to Peru...we met with that accident..here...in Jamaica..the one...in which I was gravely injured...the accident...you know...already...know all about....plus...its entire aftermath....,"she finishes eyeing her left hand – its prosthetic, angst evident in her tone – again.
Oh Crapppppppppppppp! It hits Asher - hard.Her accident was around that time?
His eyes widen in shock as he tries to connect the dots – " what the freak?? Your accident happened...around that time??Khushi?oh crap...I know...you were in a long coma..afterwards....plus....all that happened....so wait...did you like just never tell him?at all? About what happened to you...on waking up or what?as to why you couldn't go to meet him????"
Seriously, Asher couldn't help but feel sorry for the Dude+ Her – in the moment...
" it's not like...I didn't want to tell him Asher...I just couldn't...that time was like that only in my life...I was in tatters completely...I was in so state to even face him...have him see me without my limb...me going through the trauma I was...just had to focus on my recovery...dating wasn't even on my mind..let alone date someone who was from a different world from mine all together....plus...I had to do it for his sake...as in...you could say..when I met him in Peru..he was fighting some turmoil on his own with regards to career choices ok? he'd talked to me all about it...and I'd believed he'd be able to flourish out of his shadows..eventually....and his career choice was quite demanding you could say...so how could I chain him to my trauma at that point in his life ya when he'd left Peru with every intention to give his heart and soul to his career...it wouldn't be fair to him...so I just felt he was better off...not knowing....i knew...if he knew...he'd come by my side...but I wasn't just ready then...on my accord...plus his accord. So...I just promised myself...that I would only tell him why I couldn't come...reach out to him...when recovered...atleast 90 percent...but....just that my recovery was a long process ya...took me three years after the accident...so by the time it had been four years over to us meeting..and bidding bye in Peru....,"she finishes sighing sadly. He could see, that just reliving it all in her head was taking an emotional toll on her....
Asher asks now instantly wanting to know about this – "and in all those years of recovery though? did you still continue to harbour feelings for him or what?? like did you find yourself thinking off him??all the time? nonetheless...?"
He sees her nod and shrug at that – " yeah...you could say..that...that was the case...."
Asher nods at that but within – his own stomach did a double take nervously as realisation struck. For this piece of her history - was like super-duper intense. This dude she met in Peru – was surely the reason for her subconscious emotional block towards any guy in her life ever after – his gut now reassured it to him.The fact that all those feelings were left in the heart in wonder – in angst/in longing of how it would have been to actually ever get together? He exclaims now in part shock – " Khushi...you mean...you spent literally four years of your life...harbouring deep feelings for someone...you'd met in that fortnight...in Peru...nontheless...despite all that happened...to you?despite you not knowing if he'd ever gone to Peru himself..or had actually waited....like you guys had never even been together...officially..never even knew what it was like to kiss one another... and yet...you felt that way for him... for so long...??????"
She nods at that shrugging – " yeah...crazy..off me..I guess...but it was what it was...k?Asher...," and Asher asks now curious wanting to know more before saying anything – " and... when you recovered..did you not reach out to him? like what came about...on his side of the tale?? Or do you not know at all?plus...when did you decide to move on?"
" okay...ill answer that bit by bit. So, I was about to reach out to him, on one night..when I was feeling I was ready to give dating a chance again...but then...now don't ask how this happened...but somehow on that very night...I discovered...he'd just moved on...k? that he was dating someone...so then it felt like...crap...I have no way of even knowing...if he even went to Peru ya...and now so many years had past...so no point reaching out...and dumping my trauma tales on him....so then...after a while...I just processed it through in my mind...that..it was time...to shut...his chapter in my heart...Asher...took it as a sign that we were never meant to be...and I decided to move on....I mean..why not? Life could have surprised me again on this accord right?again?right? so,months after that...I gave myself...a chance with Dan...that was going good...until we broke up...and you know...why that happened...and then..post that..months..later...I met you....and now....we'v been together since....the boy I met in Peru...became a fond memory eventually..asher...is what I can say....,"she finishes taking a sip of her coffee before she adds – " phew...so good to finally get this off my chest to you...Asher...so good..."
Asher's, still processing all that in.He just felt...sad...in the moment...for her on this accord of the past.So sad.So freaking sad.And he couldn't believe – she was labelling him as a fond memory in hear heart when the dude was surely a reason for that block/fortress around her emotional depth/opening her heart to any other man ever after. Time had hurt her deep – on this accord. Her heart was just scared to open up and let go – that deeply – ever again.
Asher asks now sighing himself – " why didn't you ever talk about it to anyone..Khushi? it must have been exhausting emotionally to cope up with all that longing/angst/ache on this bit - through the recovery as well?"
She shrugged – "wasn't easy..yes...but...I managed though...plus I thought...I'd talk about it to anyone here...if anything ever came out...off it...ie if we met in Peru again in the following year or something...but nothing came out of it yaa...ever...after all that happened..so just felt like... what was the point?????????talking about it?anyway? like you said...wasn't necessary even termed as a fling...not like we ever dated....like...we didn't even kiss..ever...Asher...like....max..he'd hold my left hand..with his...,"and she shrugs eyeing her prosthetic now – "anyway that hand he'd once hold.... doesn't even exist anymore....."
Crap. It hits Asher now. The reason why she never lets him hold her left prosthetic hand also could be related to this angst of the past. This dude was the last guy to hold her actual left hand with that feel of emotion in it. Perhaps – the memory still haunted her deep?Which was why – she couldn't stand – anyone else holding onto the bit – that now stood in place of the remains off it? He was about to say something on this accord but he hears her continue softly right then – "anyway...so that was what it was...I coped eventually... and.....I just got accustomed to wishing him well in my head where ever he was...and just moved on...at my end...eventually.....I had to take that call for myself...to be fair enough...to my own being...right?like you surely understand where I am coming from..right? "
Asher nods at that – " fair enough...indeed....I do get it...Khushi,"and he asks narrowing his gaze at her – "but now comes the million dollar question...Khushi...why are you talking about this to me...now? why today?? Out of the blue?"
She sighs – " because...even though we don't hound each other over our pasts Asher...I'd expect you to tell me if you ever accidently bumped into Maya in the present today...which is why...it's only fair to you that...I tell you...this...today..."
Now that shocks the daylights out of Asher's head as he asks – " whatttttttttttttt? Are you saying? You accidently bumped into this dude or what??when?? how????? like when did this even happen????????"
She nods at that now and sighs – " yes...that's what I am saying...Asher... I bumped into him on the beach last night...outside...Sandra's...he's here on a holiday...he was walking by...enjoying his stroll on the beach....coincidentally he spotted me...and he recognised my frame..from behind...I guess....it was all a total surprise....the entire encounter...Asher...so unexpected...took me by a massive surprise+ shock...actually...I mean...it was surprising to discover he even remembered me...actually...like...as if...I were ever expecting him to see him again...let alone...expect him to even...remember me......"
Okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Boy she met in Peru – makes his way into their talks today – because – he's just come back into the pages of her - Present!!!!Their – Present. It now – hits Asher – hard.
But because he needs to know more, Asher asks immediately – " so when I called you...spoke to you last night? whilst you were on the beach? He was next to you??"
She nods – " yes, he was...he saw our picture on my screen when you called...he figured..the obvious...he asked later..after I hung up...if we were dating...and I obviously told him the truth that indeed we were...that...you are my present...Asher...."
Okay.Asher felt like he needed to know more. Momentary, glad that Khushi was honest to this dude about her present.
Asher asks – " hmmmm....okay...so did you guys talk?if yes..what did you guys talk about?and wait...did he bring up the past? And wait....Did he see your hand?"
She shrugs nervously – "so...it was just...general chatter...for a lot of time...initially...Asher...as in just general stuff...how he doing in life now etc etc..he asking me about how things had been at my end...just general catching up etc...but yes after your call came...he asked...about the past...as in..he asked....why didn't I ever come to Peru and he said...he was asking only because he'd wondered for long in silence on account of our pact - right? I was going to walk away then Asher...but..then it hit me...the only way he would have known that I didn't come to Peru...was...if...,"and she pauses.
Ashers fills in for her though, his head connecting the dots – " if...he'd have gone to Peru himself...and waited....for you...."
Damm. Despite his own self-interest in the moment.He truly felt quite sad for this Dude.Again...
She nods sighing – " yeah...so it turned out then..as he told me his side of things...that he wanted to know why I never went...because..he went...himself...of course...not just that year...but the following year after that....as well...he waited for me...for long...he waited...to hear from me for a long long time ...those couple of years...but when he didn't hear from me for years...or was able to trace my location in Bahamas...when he looked...or find me on social media....he finally decided to close on that chapter...and move on as...well....thinking...I just didn't wana be found by him....he began to think off me as a fond memory too...eventually....."
Crap.Asher thinks. This situation is a lot more intenser – his mind knows. Unresolved, buried in feelings on - both accounts. This dude had looked for her? As much as he could? Ofcourse he wouldn't find anything because now Asher knew by the timeline that her family had moved to Jamaica then...on account of her health.And now that..Khushi knew...this dude's side of it...how did she feel about this? Asher wanted to know.But did he know about – her side of things? About why she couldn't go?Did that conversation happen.
Asher asks curious – "and at that..did you tell him..why you couldn't go that year?"
She sighs – " I apologized that I am sorry I couldn't go that year obviously...felt fair to do that... now that I knew...he'd waited for so long for me...but then I also felt overwhelmed Asher...as in...I felt I couldn't tell him all of that just yet...so I was trying to get away...but somehow he caught up with me...and in an attempt to stop me from getting away...he'd caught of my left wrist and felt my prosthetic...that...gave him...the answer...he seeked...anyway...he was shocked...obviously...so then...I just turned around and decided to give him the truth on my side of things...felt it was fair to him...he'd wondered for years..right?on my accord? I don't know...if I did right or wrong but I gave him the truth...all of it.Asher...how do you feel about this??are you mad at me for this?"
How did he feel about this? He was yet to figure out but he says honestly in the moment deep in thought – " well...no I am not mad at you ...Khushi....and...I'll be honest here....whatever said and done...I think it was fair enough that you gave the dude the truth...he deserved to know. Only fair he knew.And so......what happened...then??next? he must have been shocked?and troubled?"
She shrugs – " indeed he was...quite shocked and troubled...by it all...Asher...but after giving him the truth..and a lil more chat on the same.....I decided it was time to get back to the present..to be fair to myself and you too...Asher...like....I am with you now...he's with someone else...it just felt right to have that talk to give closure to the past...so that there was no more wonder in each of our minds - on that accord...look...the two of us...were just never meant to be...time has given us enough signs on that...accord..Asher...so ya......then anyway I bid him bye....he just walked me back to the cab...I got in and came home...infact I wanted to talk to you about this last night only over drive and ice-cream...but...I guess..this was also the reason you found me sleeping in the backseat..exhausted...in the way you did....Asher...it was quite draining...the entire evening...the conversation with him....on accord of the past....also..though...there's something stranger...in addition...though...he mentioned...when I was leaving...but..let me tell you that...as I keep our mugs back in the kitchen..k?"
Asher nods at that and watches Khushi get up nervously as she leaves the balcony to head to the kitchen.
Hmmmm.What was stranger to Asher's mind though? In the moment. As to how, Khushi could be so freaking stupid to not realise that the reason why she hadn't been able to let her emotions flow freely in any relationship ever since she started dating – with Dan or rather even him for that matter – was because of what she had once so deeply harboured for this Boy She Met in Peru.
And now that she had bumped into him again – clearly – it was derailing her with massive confusion/conflict- yet again. She was totally suppressing the bubble of hidden emotions for this boy she met in Peru – on his accord – in the present.
And now that he knew that – indeed he had immense clarity on one point. Which point....?
That perhaps – there was no future for him and Khushi – until this boy she met in Peru was - out of her system for good. He was still in there – somewhere. Or perhaps – he'd never get out of her system anyway? Like – she' d felt for him for years nonetheless – not knowing if he'd ever felt the same? And not to forget the only reason these two hadn't gotten together wasn't because of lack of emotions – but because of twists of fate and time!
He continued to get sure on this – more. As much as it had begun to ache a little – Asher knew there was no way – his conscience wouldn't not let him do the right thing here.
And unfortunately for him, the right thing here – was to make – Khushi realise – that she was being stupid enough – to not clearly see or accept – that this boy she met in Peru – still had roots of emotions(for him) clawed in her deep. Or rather – she was seeing it – but was not wanting to accept it – at all. Perhaps, she was scared? Nervous? To accept the fact, that she'd never really moved on from this at all. Instead, had just been successful in burying them deep down. She'd shoved these feelings in a closet – deep within her – thinking they'd never resurface again....thinking she'd never have to deal with it again...but all through out..this...she never realised...this was why...no one else could ever cross over to her heart – completely.
Godammit. Perhaps – it was on him to shove her to see this? Accept it?
Ideally, he could be selfish here and think of his own relationship with her in the moment, but heavens knew, he was going to be doing himself a favour in the process as well.This wasn't just for her. But for himself – as well.
Surely, there is no point – in trying to find your way to a spot in a woman's heart – that was already taken – by another man – years ago - or perhaps still stands taken by the same man! He had to observe if this theory was correct in the present...and for that...he intended to ask her some honest questions....next...on her return.If she would still be nervous...in her frame/vibe...he'd know...his answer.His gut would just know...
And then probably – he could show her the mirror on the same? He still had to hear about the strange bit...she mentioned...the dude had asked off her.What was that about? He wondered. His gut told him – this dude would surely be going through a lot of turmoil himself in the moment..after discovering the truth...at his end.
To know the one you waited on for years...couldn't come..not because she didn't want to...but because of a grave mishap in her life...was going to put a lot in perspective. Infact, if he were to put himself in the dude's shoes, he'd surely feel his own mind feel tempted to pursue Khushi in the present nonetheless...even if she was with someone else....even if he was with someone else.Sometimes, in the matters of the heart – it can crossover from whats right/whats wrong to the lines off - .....mixed shades...of grey..on account of what one feels. Surely, he felt as strongly for Khushi...if he waited on for years...looked for her...in all of Bahamas...and only moved on...when he saw no light at the end of that tunnel.
But now – this dude knew the truth.Asher did not expect this dude to back off – actually. If he were in his place, he wouldn't have backed off – himself.
It is right then, he spots Khushi return and she shoots him a nervous smile and he asks first- " you okay??"
She nods and takes her seat next to him - " yes , I am okay...Asher..so just wana get the remainder off this off my chest to you...so.."
He just gestures her to go on with a nod. She was not okay. SHE WAS PRETENDING TO BE..
HE sees her continue taking a deep breathe- "so..about the strange bit that he asked...when I was leaving...as in...when I was leaving...I thought that was goodbye again...I mean most surely I'd never see him again...that was just a coincidence encounter...but...he...asked...to see me again...as in...you can say.. I have something off his with me related to the past..k? He asked me to bring it to him...as in he said..so that It can be like closure to the past in his mind..plus he wanted to exchange contact details and I was all like...I cannot say anything to that without discussing with Asher on this first...and I took his number..I told him that to be fair on what happened in the past on account of never exchanging numbers ...I will text him after talking to you...whether I would meet him again tonight..like...I think..he wants to be friends again..Asher...can you pls tell me how do you feel about all of this? How you feel about this is important to me...I care about you...you know I do.."
As he expected. Asher thinks. The dude was clever to come up with a way to be in touch with Khushi plus dish out a way to see him again.
Asher asks now holding onto her right with every intention to observe on her frame - " I'll tell you how I feel about this...after you tell me how u feel about this..Khushi...I mean..now you know his side of tale..he knows yours...how do you feel about this? Do you want to hand this thing to him related to the past? Do you wana see him again? Do you wana be friends with him again?"
He sees her shrug super nervously now evading the answer to his question immediately- " what ya...Asher...I am asking you...and you are asking me...first you tell me...how do you feel about this???"
Asher says now purposely to observe her frame again - " hmmm...okay to be honest. This doesn't bother me at all..k? He was your past. Am all chill about it.You two just met by coincidence. Moreover, I trust you.Khushi.Know what..just meet him..k? Hand him this bit he wants...fair the guy gets his closure...he's with someone else in the present too right? You mentioned in talks? So no point overthinking it in the present .k? It's just casual encounter. Infact, I wouldn't mind if you two are friends again as well...like you keep in touch with Dan on and off..I am all chill about it..you and Manika even met him last when he visited here right...so am all kool about this..don't you worry about me..at all..k?
Now that from him clearly shakes and disturbs - Khushi to a great extent - Asher observes as she just gapes at him shocked beginning to tremble in nervousness. And he had his answer. His gut had its answer.She'd never been this nervous ever talking about Dan. Being in touch with Dan was not a big deal.Meeting him/ catching up with him was not a big deal. AND THIS NERVOUSNESS- he could spot in her frame told him - that everything similar on this dude's accord in the present was still a big deal to her - which was why she was so nervous herself. If he didn't affect her emotionally still- why would she be trembling in nervousness and gaping at him in shock that way.She was surely so nervous because she herself didn't know what she would feel in that dude's presence again, he was sure of that.She wanted to escape that on his accord. She'd expected he'd say he wasn't comfortable and she'd use that as an excuse to never see this dude again.He hears her ask nervously at that finally finding her voice again after two whole minutes of shock, her voice trembling - " what??? What did you just say? ASHER? How can you be so chill about it?"
Asher says now cautiously-" well you know..I am all for one can be friends with an ex - if all is sorted in the head right? Its the case...on Dan's accord.and he was your recent - ex.And technically this dude wasn't even your ex - or something...just it had been an unfortunate turn of events that kept you two apart...and his chapter you said you closed years ago...right? So why are you so nervous about this Khushi? Why not be as chill about it like you are in Dan's case? I mean...seeing him again..being casual friends...should be no biggie...right? Like it is with Dan?"
He sees her shoot him a cover up smile at that nervously flipping her hand through her hair - " well,no...I am not nervous about that..just was shocked...coz I expected you to react.. otherwise..I guess...really..are you sure about this? That you chill about this..."
Asher says now kissing on her right hand intently -" I all chill about this..Khushi...infact...if you want...I can drop you and pick you up...from where ever you supposed to meet the dude.."
She says nervously still- " no..no..that won't be needed...Asher...look..am still thinking about this..I don't know if I wana see him again..or hand him that bit of the past..won't be fair to either of our presents..even though my boyfriend is all chill about it....like it still doesnt feel right...Asher...to me...on your accord..this won't be fair to you.. "
Asher asks shrugging keeping up with his intention of observing her - " why doesn't it feel right ..Khushi? It's no big deal. I don't see any unfairness in this at all...Khushi...so just relax....you don't need to worry on my accord atleast...," and he asks knowing she won't admit this to him yet for she didn't accept it herself- " pr perhaps...are you worried on your own accord? Are you worried to be around him? If yes.. then why? There's no chance that you still got some feelings for this boy you met in Peru...right?"
And at that he sees her shrugging nervously as she states the obvious he was expecting - " what?? Me?? Still feel for him?? No No...asher.. I accepted long ago..that we never meant to be that way...like ever...so it's not like am worried on my accord.....like as if...I'd be worried on my accord.. uff..like how crazy would that be...Asher...anyways...you tell me...you want another cup off coffee? I'll make us some...," and before he just finished nodding at that- she just walked up and took her leave to the kitchen.
Asher bites back a sad smile at that. Who was she kidding? Why was she doing this to herself?He wondered. She was just being so - stupid again. But perhaps like he had expected he had to be the one to show this mirror to her ! Which was why he had no option but to nudge her to get into another one on one encounter with - This boy she met in Peru.
He was expecting this encounter to rile her up further. And perhaps that was the only way she'd see the truth she wasn't ready to accept yet.
Godammit. This wasn't easy. Perhaps - only fair to his being that he atleast walk over to her to steal a long kiss off her lips in the moment....whilst they were still officially together. Why? Because something in his gut told him - this would be him kissing her goodbye - romantically.
That perhaps after her meet with this dude tonight - she'd be compelled to accept what she running away from. How was Asher's gut so sure of that? Because , he knew how a man's mind worked didn't he?
AND..This Boy She Met In Peru - was totally calling her intentionally to see her again - so that he could say something to unsettle her more - in the present...and by everything he had just observed in Khushi's frame...Asher knew...the dude's plan would work to the - T.
Strange,though, how even after all these years this dude knew , that unsettling Khushi to her very core right now would be the only way to make her ACCPET the truth...
So with a sad smile up his lips, with a little heavy heart but a clearer mind seeking to do the right thing - Asher kapoor finally walked over to Khushi..turned her around by surprise and took her lips with a brief intense kiss...
He just had to kiss her....
For this one last time...Asher felt like he just had Too...
How was that guys???????? From Asher's side? Ofcourse from a third eye person observing on Khushi as she opened up – he could read and observe what she was clearly still denying to herself, as he has known her closely. As you predicted - Mudz2019 😉😉😉😉
He has every intention to show her that mirror of truth – as soon as possible – after observing on her frame – in the aftermath of her second meeting with the Boy She Met in Peru!
Next Update – Will come on Wednesday. Will be Arnav&Khushi's second meet – obviously.
Invisible Strings, will get its update – on schedule - tomorrow – On Tuesday!
Thanks guys for all the love* support always.
Much Love* Infinite Gratitude
Now and always..
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