21. Anything for My Heart's Bliss
Helloooo everyoneeeee....
How you all doing????????
Happpyyyy Monday! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
So Yes, I am here with the next update of HW4.0 ! Finally!! Before Schedule😁😁😁So so stoked and excited to be restarting this from where we left off last!🥳🥳👩💻👩💻👩💻
Loved writing this update so much....guys ...so without further delay...I'd let you all dive in straight away!!
Thank you so very much for all your precious support and love to my work – guys!
Word count (Long)– 9.1 k words.
Seatbelts on – Dear readers...
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21. Anything for My Heart's Bliss
The Next Day – 5PM
Jamaica - @ A Café
Khushi's POV
Guys, It's True.
What's true? The bit that Maya's pictures don't freaking do her any justice at all. Not that I have seen many of her pictures from prior ever either from her time with Asher in the past – neither too many from the present day – but from just the one picture I saw of her yesterday on her display picture on whatsapp – is enough for me to come to this above premise in my head – given that I am finally seeing her in real time for the very first time.
We were scheduled to meet one another today, remember?? So yes, we actually just took our seats opposite one another – in the café about ten minutes ago and ordered in our beverages after the initial greetings. Post five minutes of which, she got a work call from her boss i.e which I know would be Saxena Sir and she's stepped a little aside to attend it, giving me the couple of minutes to make some silent observations in my head on her accord.
So, I might as well continue with those in my head – until she takes back her seat. First point to be noted again everyone - Freak,she's gorgeous. Like drop dead gorgeous. And honestly, a part of my head is kinda already imagining Asher and her in one frame at the moment – on the basis of their tale from the past which now I am aware off...
Second point, she's got this really nice friendly vibe to herself too, which I felt in the first couple of minutes of our greeting. It was obvious. Perhaps, I am being too naïve to conclude that within just couple of minutes of seeing her – but my gut just led me to feel the same anyway.Ideally, I am Asher's ex – so perhaps somewhere in the back of my head I was expecting her to shoot me narrow eyed looks etc etc – but then there wasn't any of that from her at all to begin with at all, infact even now she's just been shooting me a smile from across gesturing me that she'll be back in a minute.
I quickly gesture her – not to worry about it and think about texting Arnav but then I don't given that it strikes me that he's probably just freshening up and changing and getting ready to step out in a bit post his hard gruelling nets and practice session all day.(We were on text – until I reached here anyway). Plus, any texting right now – would just delay him further and I obviously don't want that given that he is scheduled to meet me in another 45 minutes from now.
Asher's been the kindest for he texted me this morning that he'd only rent out the space after Arnav leaves here which gives us the levy to kinda use it as our spot – until then.He mentioned, he'd make up some excuse to Atharv jiju on the same.He's such a sweetheart, isn't he? Another reason, why I am doubly glad to be meeting Maya behind his back. I think it will be even steven – super square on both our behalf's. He went behind my back to plan things out with Arnav...yesterday...afterall.
On that note, only fair I admit that all my anger at him(Asher) from yesterday for blowing my cover in front of Arnav has vanished overnight and I ended up texting him a long text of just sincere gratitude first thing out in the morning...myself...given that I woke up feeling the happiest...I have ever felt in a very long time.
Arnav's the reason for the same obviously guys. I mean, ever since last night, I legit haven't been able to stop smiling as my heart basks in the feeling of finally just flowing with what I am feeling. Like, finally, it does feel like – Bliss – to not constantly have my mind dam up walls around my emotions for now with its conflict. I promised - Arnav didn't I? That I'd keep his pact and I most surely intend to keep it up for the remainder of his month here...
I legit slept dreaming of our intense moments together from last night that led to our kisses and us getting together and kinda woke up this morning – reliving the same in my head too with this goofy grin up my face. And then, the fact that we got on text – early morning – post which we just ended up talking on a long video call, before starting out respective days just felt like the best start to my day ever...with my heart feeling so much at peace...
Okay wait – perhaps – I need to pause on my evening-dream time within the lanes of my head right now..
Our order's here. That pulls me back to the present moment and I begin to take a sip of my piping hot café latte.It is right then that Maya makes her way back to take her seat opposite me and picks up her beverage to sip on too as she apologizes – " I am sorry about the call, Khushi. Was urgent. Given that its just been couple of days to my joining, I still have a lot to like absorb on my job..."
I nod at that and smile – " I understand Maya, don't worry about it...,"and she acknowledges the same with a smile and asks me about my work etc and I end up giving her a brief about it and then she ends up telling me all about her job in the sports nutrition team with the Men in Blue and I do end up pretending to be all surprised at hearing the same, excited as a game fan – which momentarily leads us both to discuss our common love for the game of cricket and about ten minutes into that conversation she ends up asking me with a sad smile up her lips – " wait...so tell me one thing..Khushi....does...Asher still love cricket as much??back in the day...we'd always often watch the games the together...like all the time....be it cricket or baseball..even for the matter..."
I nod at that on reflex, the longing in her vibe suddenly as she named Asher - does not miss my eye – " indeed...he does...Maya..still loves cricket as much...we do end up watching the games together as well..majority of the times...not just him and me though....all of us...in our gang..mostly..."
Maya smiles and nods at that – "and he still a big fan off ASR? Back then...ever since ASR had started out...he'd always enjoy his game the most.. I remember clearly..."
I bite back my smile inwardly at Arnav's mention obviously and just nod casually – "indeed...he still fancies ASR's game the most..just like I do..."
Maya smiles at that – " well, quite a cool, grounded dude he is...ASR........given that now I did finally meet everyone in the unit...I can easily jump to that premise..."
I smile – "as I'v heard....I mean...that's been the narrative about him...always..,"and Maya nods at that and finally sighs – "well, if only...Asher would have initiated conversation on text the other day..I'd have told him...I'v landed my dream job..finally..and it's what brought me here......but...he just hasn't been in the mood to talk..I guess...,"she pauses with another sigh. The longing once again so freaking evident in her tone with deep sadness consuming her eyes.
I take a sip of my beverage at that not knowing what to say to that on the offset and she finally covers up her turmoil and shoots me a polite smile and says shifting back in her chair comfortably – " hmmm...so...Khushi..amidst the prior chatter I forgot to mention this ..I guess I should have begun with this....I'd like to thank you for like meeting me today...and also for your text yesterday evening...its put me so much at ease...could actually sleep the night..."
I smile – " I am glad my text put you at ease...Maya..,"and given that I sensed she had a zillion questions up her sleeve now , I say – " go on...ask me whatever you want about Asher....Maya...we both know he's the central context of our meeting...today..anyway..."
Maya nods at that and begins – " okay..so...first thing out I want to know...when did the two of you break up – Khushi?? was it recent?and if you don't mind me asking..how long did you two date..prior??"
And for the first time – ever since she stepped in – I think I spot some envy in her frame now as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat – trying to cover it up by sipping her coffee. But I anyway am here to give her the truth so I begin – "well, you could say...we broke up not very long ago Maya...it has been recent..and we were dating for a year prior..before that.."
She nods and asks next in a jiffy – "hmmm okay..dating for a year...hmm...and why did you guys break up?if you don't mind me asking??"
I admit shrugging not wanting to give too many details – " we ended things...coz we both realised...we aren't headed where we thought we would be...when we began dating a year ago..much to our families collective disappointment...what we had was comfortable and nice for sure, but..it is what it is...wearen't meant to be...I guess.....for now...we'v fallen back to being friends...naturally..given that we started as that...in the first place...its been a mutual call off...no harshness....no bridges burnt...we are both still going to part of each other's lives..."
Maya nods at that deep in thought and asks now – " alright...fair enough..if you both felt like...you weren't headed where you thought you'd be...,"and as she pauses I can easily spot part relief in her frame. Wait, I think inwardly, she's kinda glad – that Asher and me did not have that deep die hard emotional relationship. Before I can say anything, I hear her ask instantly next – " hmmm...so...you mentioned...something like...much to your families collective disappointment..so I reckon...your families...get along??"
And I gesture her to pause as I explain – " indeed they do get along Maya...and have a close bond that's beasically also...coz my cousin is his Bhabhi...as in..my Mika di is married to Atharv jiju.."
And realisation instantly dawns on Maya as she says – "who is Asher's elder brother...as I am aware...I'v met him you know...Atharv bhaiya...back in college...on the times he'd visit Asher...am so glad to know he's happily settled...now..."
I nod at that smiling and as she sighs again her hands nervously fidgeting over her beverage cup - I ask now jumping straight to the point – "so... why haven't you said it out loud yet Maya??"
Maya asks puzzled – " say what out loud????Khushi??"
I raise an eyebrow at her in an obvious gesture – " that you are back for Asher..Maya. This is what it is about – right? You totally want him back - the only reason why you'v been so relieved at knowing about our break up...and the brief why's off it..."
Maya nods at that as she looks at me straight and admits now – " well, yes...I am back for him...Khushi...ofcourse. I reckoned it was obviously understood in between us which is why I wasn't saying it...look...I just messed up..okay?royally.... back then...and I am here to make amends...I don't know how to put this...our story..or rather how it went downhill...is complicated...back then I thought it was all his fault..but now...I know..it wasn't...now I know..that..it was just a solid misunderstanding on my part....,"and she pauses trying to find words to explain it to me – further.
Well, better to put ease to another predicament of hers. I admit sipping my coffee recalling the story told by Asher to me in my head – " I know..Maya...I know what happened...everything that happened...that day...so...you don't have to wonder how to put it out in front of me.."
She asks shocked at that – " you know???????????"
I nod – "indeed...I know. Asher told me everything and before you ask when , let me tell you it wasn't very long ago...just on the day...you went to meet him actually...by the office...."
Maya nods at that as if she were still digesting the bit that I knew and asks suddenly curious to know – " how's he been??Asher?? I mean...after getting the message that I came by? On text..he's just been very..."
And I fill it in for her – " curt...you mean?? curt and precise??"
She nods at that and I admit now sighing jumping to Asher's defence immediately – " I'll be honest here Maya...he's been disturbed post your return obviously..and you can't really blame him...now..can you??? how could you not trust him..Maya?? when he begged you too?? literally??how could you not have it in your heart to listen to him...just once...to hear him out wholeheartedly without asking for proofs etc????"
Maya sighs at that as tears pool up her eyes – " well, that's been a regret that's haunted me...for...every night of the last thirteen months...ever since I found out the truth Khushi....look...I know...you know his side of it...but will you hear me out as well? So that you know...where I am came from then?"
I nod at that sighing and gesture her to begin talking on that. Only fair. There are always two sides to a tale. I heard Asher's. I know his bit of it. Only fair to hear Maya too.
Maya begins smiling sadly fresh tears adding more depth to her already welled up eyes – " I loved him...with all my heart Khushi...I loved him so freaking much....in those three years we were together...he was the centre of my universe you could say...in my mind it was all set..he was the one....we were going to be together forever.....the fact that we were graduating didn't matter...I was all up for long distance...given that I was so madly and deeply in love with him...back then...I couldn't even imagine a day in my life without him....it was like days began with him..ended with him...his thoughts...we were so close...so thick..inseparable..as everyone in our group would say.....we had a very intense relationship...on every aspect...you could say..."
I nod at that – " yes...I am aware...of the dynamic that was..Maya..."
Maya nods and continues sadly – "so then...surely you can imagine my shock....when I walk into his room...post that night of crazy partying on grad day...to find him in my bed with my very own bestie and roommate from college...in a totally misleading position with...both their torso's bare...like...Becky was cocooned so cozily in the crook of his arm ...in his bed...that it...just..broke me...that sight just broke...me instantly....I was heartbroken...Khushi...never in my life could I have imagined seeing such a sight....my best friend and my boyfriend...both of whom...I loved to bits...I felt betrayed on two very deep accords...given that becky and me had been constant since day 1 of our grad...as well...she'd been my confidante...she knew exactly how deep I felt for Asher..so it felt like...how could she do this to me?? and how could he do this to me???how could he betray me?? cheat on me with my very own bestie???my switch just flipped I guess...and all I saw was hurt and blind rage...in the moment....as my head..imagined...the various...scenes..that could have transpired the night prior in between the two..whilst I was passed out... in the living room...becky was with me on the out as well...last I had remembered...we had both succumbed lazily to slumber...I last remembered..so I felt so stupid and betrayed to find her in Asher's bed...the very next morning...."
I sigh at that as I see the flash of pain come in her eyes instantly as if she were reliving it all. In the moment, I do feel for her a little bit. No woman would want to see this sight – obviously. Even there was truth in it, it surely can be a vision that butchers on the very onset.I say on reflex now – "I hear you Maya....I do...and I guess... it surely didn't help your mind...when Rebecca..made it seem like to you...that something surely happened....upon waking up first....or hinted the bit that...it wasn't the first time it had happened...made you feel like...that this fling in between Asher and her..had also been on a while..."
Maya sighs – "Exactly...she woke up first with the sound of the door opening I guess... and found me standing in front of the two in shock..and then she actually pleaded guilty and started apologizing to me crying making it seem like..something surely happened and not just once..which only made me shout my lungs out with Asher's name...and even though I could spot the confusion in his sleepy eyes at that and the dread and nervousness at finally spotting Becky next to him... of course...I was in no position to listen to him then.. ...and began demanding for explanations straight away hurled up in accusations...for I misunderstood his dread and nervousness...for being caught and not for...the...eerie shock...he must have been in himself at finding Becky there....next to him..."
I sigh at that recalling Asher's side of it – "indeed...his dread was outta the latter Maya... for the poor guy..had no clue..how Rebecca even got into his room in the first place given that you and her had crashed out on the couch sloshed in the first place..and when he was picking you up...to take you with him inside...it was you who mustered to him to just let you and Becky be...given that she was slated to leave the next day..before either of you...infact...his dread and shock had everything to do with the bit of how Becky began cooking up false tales in front of you..as if...it had been going on for a while..right then...behind your back..."
Maya sighs now and wipes a tear outta her eye – " I know now...in retrospect...I know now...Khushi...but then....back then...I misunderstood that dread and shock in him on being caught by me...naturally again...everything he was saying to refute it all just felt like cover up words – flying out of his mouth..then...I mean..back then...it felt like...why would Becky lie....and admit to betraying me?? if it weren't true? I was too naïve I guess? Trusted her to the T – always....plus...in that moment...I felt like the idiot of the highest order to have trusted Asher blindly as well.........."
I sigh at that trying to see things from her point – " so....this truth...about Becky's manipulation then...you got to know...finally from whom??"
Maya sighs and admits – " from Becky herself...for she finally did come clean to me wanting to vent out her guilt...on the reunion last year.... that it was all her doing on the day... to create a rift in between Asher and me..given that deep down she'd always harboured feelings for him and had been envious since day 1 that he had his eyes only for me....she told me...that Asher literally was passed out himself in his room..when she sneaked into his bed early morning...taking advantage of the situation...to make it seem misleading...knowing that I'd come to look for him upon waking up anyway....but...I know this is retrospect today..Khushi...back then...on that day..in that moment...I just felt so butchered and betrayed...by both her and him....imagine...one moment...and it all comes crashing down on you...feeling like your trust is shattered....you are hit with this sight in your face of your best friend and boyfriend..that just cannot like not haunt you..back then...I just couldn't help but be blinded by what I saw...Khushi....and I know that hurt him the most...butchered him rather...that I wasn't ready to listen to a word he had to say without him having proofs to convince me otherwise of his innocence...oh Khushi...I said brutal things to him...hurled deep accusations...hurt him deep...I know...but it wasn't that I hadn't butchered myself in the process too..."
I sigh at that as I admit – "well, you are right on that last premise for sure...Maya...indeed...this bit just hurt him more...I guess...back then ...that you wouldn't even believe him for one bit...."
Maya nods – "I know...and I also know...he's as angry today at knowing that I finally believed what was.... only when Rebecca came out clean to me..."
I sigh – " only fair from his point in the present too Maya...look...trust is very important in any relationship....and you did not trust him..when he needed you to trust him the most.."
Maya sighs – " how could I have? When I myself felt like as if he had butchered my trust in him...bad...Khushi...I was just in no position to think of trust then......no human would be...in the moment...if they walked in on their partner..in bed with their bestie....its normal for anyone to be blinded with just rage and fury and betrayal.....look...I am not justifying my mistake...rather giving you the insight into my mindset at the point...that's all....."
I nod silently – processing things from her end in my head at that. I sigh – " well, I am glad...atleast you now know the truth Maya...that Asher was...innocent in all the drama..always was...honestly...I get you..but I also get him...its like...he has every right to feel what he does...given that he was the innocent one..amidst it all...given that...he loved you with all his heart then..and didn't receive even an ounce of trust from you..when he needed it the most....it was just such an unfortunate misunderstanding....between you two..."
Maya sighs at that as she requests – " look...Khushi...I know he is angry..so angry...and you are right...he has every right to feel that way.....but I really need your help to get him to face me once..to just have him meet me once...so that I can freaking begin making amends..starting with my heartfelt apologies...first....I really need to see him...will you help me see him?? just once..."
I sigh at that.
Visions and their dammed deceptions...
I study Maya's disturbed frame for a bit before I finally say – "well, I will help you meet him Maya......but...I reckon we don't push Asher into it straight away...give me some time...I'll talk to him...build upto it..so that he doesn't walk away...when he first see's you??I do think...you two need to talk it out I guess...and yes...you do owe him that heartfelt apology which he deserves for sure...as well..."
Maya nods at that relieved instantly – "As long as you say...you are ready to help me...Khushi...I think I'd be able to sleep my nights until then..for yes...I don't think I'd have it in me...to not breakdown if he does walk away at seeing me after all this while...Khushi...,"and at that she wipes a tear outta the corner of both her eyes – " he was my bliss...Khushi....he was my everything...and to live with the bit that I messed it up...messed us up..has now been killing me...its crazy how one only realises the true value of the heart's bliss when one's lost it....for ever since...in all these years...I really haven't been at peace one bit..in my heart...and at that point even when I believed he was the one to wrong me...I'd feel so angry at myself for not having it in me to forget him.... but now...ever since I got to know the truth...I just feel like..I could do anything to have him back...to have my bliss back...I'd beg him for forgiveness...if I have too...I'd plead him a zillion times over if that's what it takes....Khushi...all I want is one more chance to set things right...so that we can both find our way back to the bliss that was in between of us...once.....the only way...my heart will be at peace....,"and she pauses to sob it out in a table napkin at that.
On reflex – I reach out to hold her hand across in support. Clearly, she's repenting hard – guys.And at the moment, my heart just continues to go out to her moreso because – she mentioned about - one's heart's peace and bliss.
For as I mentioned prior - it has just been what 22 hours since Arnav and me have gotten together – and I already feel my heart's been basking in bliss and peace like never before....and a deep part of my very own heart has been damming my mind for having been the one to block it for myself and Arnav for days...whilst I was caught up in my mind's conflict....
Perhaps, I really just have to figure out a way to help Maya on this accord. Not just for her sake but for Asher's too...
A While Later
At The Apartment
Arnav's POV
Surely, won't be news to you all if I begin with the bit that I haven't been able to stop grinning like a freaking chimpanzee all day. Only obvious. Given that – Finally – My Hearts beating in sheer peace and bliss...
Infact, when I got back to the hotel last night it was like I didn't even have to word anything out to Suraj, Yash, Ravi or Anj – they just simply understood by the grin on my face that things had finally gotten off to a start in between Khushi and me.And let me not even get started with how happy Muma and Papa have been, over at finally listening to this development at my end given that they know exactly how much this means to me...
I am right on that thought when my phone beeps with Khushi's text.
Her : Arnav..sorry..sorry...just five minutes more...ill be there. This traffic ya...
I grin at that. Well, ideally, I should have been fretting in wait for her given that all I have been looking forward to all day – is to spend this evening with just her...and especially post the intense practice sessions we had today...that was all I needed. Some quality time with just – Her. Infact, I literally was the first to rush up to my room from the team bus and shower and get set at the speed of light, so that I could step out asap, a sight which had Yash, Suraj, Ravi biting back their grins anyway given that they knew exactly what my crazy rushing was about...
But the only reason why I am not fretting right now is because I am aware Khushi was pre-occupied with her meeting Maya with Asher in context. And given that I do feel like I owe the dude big time still, only fair, I don't act like an impatient fool in the moment..
Me : no worries...Khushi...I am here only..as you know. Where am I going... Waiting for you...right here...
My phone beeps.
Her : huh?? what's up with you? why aren't you being all impatient as I expected you'd be??
I chuckle as I read that.
Me : that's because I am trying my best to control that impatient streak of mine for Asher's sake. I know you were busy on his accord with Maya. On that note, how did that go? You are yet to fill me in with all those details..
Her : haha..on the former...and well, yes, it went well with Maya. Will fill you in once I see you – k? Also, though,you did mention this to me earlier during the day, do confirm to me,once again, that you did hint to Yash + Rishi plus everyone single in the unit that was eyeing Maya – that she is not single...even though she technically still is...
I grin.
Me : yes yes...job done...on that..Khushi. Take this as a solid reconfirmation from my end. Hinted to everyone that Uday was saying..she isn't single...Yash and Rishi were equally bummed though...
Her : yayyy to the former and oops on the latter...but can't help it...she's just shotgunned for Asher...perhaps...always has been?
Me : you mean just like how you are/have always been shotgunned for me??
Her : haha...very funny. Wipe that grin off your face will you?
Me : why must I? When I know you love it?
Her : tum na...pagal ho..(you na...are crazy..)
Me : woh toh main hun..Khushi...aur.tumhare liye toh sabse bada wala pagal hun main....kitni baar bulwaogi..(that I surely am..and for you I am the biggest crzy..how many times will you make me say it??huh??)
Her : perhaps a zillion? Maybe because I love listening to it...
My grin widens.
Me : you know what?
Her : what??
Me : you should just permanently just be in this zone around me Khushi..like you have been in since last night....voicing exactly what you feel rather than bottling it up...it just drives me crazier for you...
Her : ahaan? or really now?does it??
Me : you surely know it does..okay..patience running out..how far are you?
Her : just getting off the cab...rushing up to see you now..
Me : rushing?or running...run Khushi...run..
Her : haha..okay baba..running only...I can't text and run simultaneously na....
Now it is my turn to shove my phone aside and run to the door so that I can open it just in time as she is here. The plan is to haul her in my arms immediately and kiss her mindlessly – first – just by the door – after close it shut of course.
I hear the sound of her feeding in the number lock now and I open the door quickly to pull a grinning her inside immediately by her hand but to my surprise right before I can haul her in my arms – she ducks right under it to run past me as she winks holding onto her bag on her right shoulder put – " let's see if you can catch me.."
I close the door shut at that immediately and begin to pace around towards her eyeing her mischievously loving the happy grin up her face in the moment though – " Khushi...you knew na...I was going for hauling you in my arms straight away???"
She chuckles happily from across picking up a cushion from the sofa to throw at me as she placed her bag on it in a rush too – " ofcourse I knew it..why do you think I dunked in and under just in time...."
Thank God for my ace reflexes I catch the cushion just in time before it hits my face as I grin pacing around her – " as if you think you can get away with this...I am the professional athlete here remember...ek second mein pakadlunga..."(I will catch you in a second..)
She grins – " thike..toh pakad lo na...kisne roka hai...main toh chahti hi hun ki tum pakadlo...aur phir bass...jaane mat dena...yeh mera order hai tumhe..."( alright then...catch me na then...whose stopping you?? I want you to catch me only and then not let go...that last bit is kinda like an order...for you...from me...)
That's it. Kitna pagal karegi yeh mujhe...??
Just like that in the very next second – I manage to corner her and circle around her close.Grabbing her by the right hand now – I pull her straight into my arms tight and she instantly hugs me hard herself biting back her happy chuckle – just like me - and we hold onto one another all snug, close and happy and we do not let each other go, for quite a while...maybe about five- seven minutes and just stand put in each other's arms this way engulfed in a very happy, content silence...
This is Bliss.
She is Bliss.
My Bliss.
My Khushi.
That's it. Need to kiss her – Now.
I pull her up by her shoulder a little at that and cupping her face with both my hands – locking my intense gaze with hers briefly – I take her lips instantly in a deep intense kiss – almost instantly. She moans my name at that, which gives me the perfect opportunity to probe my way deeper into her lips turning our kiss into an intense wild french kiss now and as she continues to respond as passionately, somewhere in the middle of these amazing heated minutes – we both just tumble onto the couch and I end up pinning her underneath me as I whisper into her lips – " say it...dammit..."
She asks breathless into my lips – "say what??"
"that you missed me....dammit...that you were looking forward to see me this evening..as much as I was looking forward to see you...,"I muster before resuming to kiss her madly.
She musters two minutes later into my lips at that as her legs go around my waist and her right arm around my neck snugger first which makes me caress her prosthetic hand tenderly as it comes to cup my cheek – " do I have to say it? isn't it a given??"
I admit caressing her hand over my cheek at that loving the feel of it. My Iron Woman. – " I know it's a given Khushi...dammit..but say it...please? just say it??"
And she says it – driving me a lot more over the edge in the moment - and I pause on kissing her only to drop a line of heated kisses on the side of her neckline which makes her moan my name a little louder as she shifts her head sideways to give me all the access I needed...
And Dammm. Right then – her phone buzzes in on us again – pulling us both out of our passionate stuper as I send out a curse burying my head in the crook of her neck– " dammit...Khushi...silent..please?Remember we decided the same..yesterday?when we together...both our phones on silent mode..."
She whispers kissing my head at that – "sorry sorry...I just forgot to do that in the rush to get to you...Arnav...but that ringtone..is dad's exclusively which means...I got to take it...you know I cooked the false bit about me being with Manika and Nina right now...right?in order to come see you..so they think I am busy....anyway..he wouldn't have called...if it wasn't important..."
I sigh at that and pull myself off her and gesture her to get to her phone at that. She shoots me a sheepish smile as she gets to it brushing her hand in her hair and I obviously walk over to her from behind immediately, so that I can hug her atleast whilst she is on call with her Daddy.
Ofcourse, I am aware she's had to make up a different version to her parents/ plus a different ones to her group to come see me – right now. Her parents think she is with Manika and Nina and they think she is with Mika Di, Zara, Diya who think she's with Asher in the moment...
I hear her sigh into the phone now as she whispers – " what you saying?Dad?? Chachu just called us all over for dinner? Tonight?? How come all of a sudden????"
Uh-Oh. Does that mean – my evening with her is going to get shortened????? Given that the volume on the phone is high I hear her Dad say now – " yes Khushi..your chachu just called...and I called you straight away......so be back home by 8pm beta? So that we can head there?surely it's got to be important...do you have any heads up from Rahul/Diya what this could be about? For we have no heads up yet?? He did say though that all is well...as in nothing to worry about...krish is okay too...doing great as always...but by the sense of urgency in his voice..just felt like its important we get there...in time...anyway..."
Dammit. No.
I am sad already. Scratch that. All of my insides are scowling. I remind myself that she got her full family circle here and its only obvious that these things will come up but damm – why on my accord as in – in my time dammit? As it is – we have shortened time windows to catch up.
I hear Khushi sigh as she answers clutching on my hand on her waist as she rests her head on my shoulder at that snug making me smile a little on reflex at the loving gesture – " no Dad...I don't have any headsup from them still....anyway...don't worry...I'll be there...in time...K??like you said...if chachu has called us urgently...surely its important..."
Freaking Damm.
I hear her talk to him for a minute more before she finally hangs up and turns around to face me as she whispers cupping my right cheek with her right hand at that – " I am sorry...Arnav...I have no clue from where that came up...all of a sudden...but looks like...I'll have to leave...in ninety minutes...by 745pm max...ill head straight to chachu's then...rather than going home first so that it will give us some more time...."
I groan at that on reflex pouting like a disappointed kid – " Khushi...no ya....don't go...please?? I planned this entire evening...for us..look...I got us some snacks to munch on...I thought we'll just order in dinner as well....and I had like no plans to let you go until 1030 atleast and now....look how that times been shortened...,"and I keep my forhead on hers – " mat jao na....please??"( please don't go ..soon..)
She sighs wrapping her hand around my neck at that basking in the feel of my forehead snug and possessive on hers – " kaash naa jasakti....arnav..nai jaana hai mujhe...bilkul bhi man nai hai jaane ka..par...nai gayi...toh phir se saara cover blow hojayega sabke saamne...( I wish...I couldn't not go...Arnav...like I don't want to go myself...but...but if I don't go...everyone will ask why and then...that will just blow my cover in front of them...you know...I'v cooked up false chain of my presence to legit everyone..to be here with you right now..."
I sigh and kiss her nose at that – " well, I know that....thike...aaj samjh leta hun...kal se..nai jaane dunga jaldi...thike?( just for today though, I have understood, don't even think, ill let you off...tomorrow...early on....k?),"and she whispers now kissing the side of my lips – " thank you for understanding and indeed don't let me off early tomorrow...for sure...infact...know what? ill only come up with a solid premise for my absence tomm to them all....anyway now.....let's not waste a minute being upset on our time getting shortened tonight..let's just make the most of it??? instead?"
I nod at that. She's got a fair point. No point – wasting the remainder off our precious time over this..
I pull her in instantly into myself for another brief yet very intense kiss almost instantly pouring in my frustration over her having to leave early tonight into her lips...though. What's the saving grace for me in the moment?
The bit – that she's pouring in equal ounces of frustration into my lips at that too...as we cling onto one another intense and vulnerable.
About One Hour Later
Arnav's POV Continues
Apart from kissing each other madly every now and then, we'v also spent the last hour munching on the snacks I got us...plus talking...she's filled me in over every single detail of her day..that she hadn't on text already and I'v done the same post which she finally got around to filling me in over basic highlights of her talk with Maya...from not very long ago..
Once again, she's not given the complete context of their secret away but I get the gist that Maya surely wants to make amends with Asher – desperately and Khushi's assured her that she will help. A development that makes me happy as well. For Asher and not just my selfish reasons...guys...
But...Wait. Why has Khushi zoned into deep in thoughtful silence momentarily?
I flick her nose lovingly now to pull her attention back to me as we seated on the island table in the kitchen and I ask – " hey...what you thinking??"
Khushi smiles and shrugs and clutches onto my right hand – " nothing...just..."
And I clutch on both her hands in mine – " elaborate...just? Please?remember where in I mentioned on text..you must always keep saying what you feel to me??Khushi??"
Khushi smiles at that now lovingly and she says locking her intense gaze with mine – "just....I was thinking of something Maya..said...Arnav..like...she mentioned something like...how Asher was like her hearts bliss and now that she knows the truth that she was the one at fault back then..she feels like she'd do anything...to find her way back to her hearts bliss with him..."
I admit on reflex at that nodding clutching on her hands in mine – " fair enough...Khushi...isn't news to me if she wants to do all she can to find her way to her hearts bliss again...I mean...I totally understand where she is coming from....given that I am one of those..who'd do his very best to find my way to my hearts bliss...even if that involves...playing a wicked game of word chess with the one I am madly into...to defeat her minds conflicts...or fight her...for us...just so you know...main toh bilkul ready tha tumhe asher se churane ke liye bhi...but gentleman style mein...toh tumse tum hi ko churane wala plan...toh ek dum easy peasy hi tha mere liye...thank god...kaam kar gaya...mera plan....( infact I was ready to even steal you from asher in the most gentlemanly way possible though...so stealing you from yourself as in the conflicts of your mind...was a easier plan for me...so thank god it worked....),"I finish with a playful wink.
That wells up her eyes slight but she asks grinning through the emotion – " sach mein? Mujhe asher se churane ka plan tha tumhara??"(did you really plan to steal me from Asher??)
I nod at that grinning – " ji haan ...bilkul plan tha...yeh toh acha hua ki tum dono ne khud hi break up kar liya...nai toh..main karwane wala tha...khud hi...yeh break up..."( yes yes, indeed I had a solid plan...its good you both broke up...organically only...otherwise...I would have instigated your break up with him anyway..)
She grins still quite emotional though – " really? kya karte tum haan?"( really?what would you have done??)
I wink at her kissing on her wrist sensuously a gesture that makes her shiver – " batana shuru karun?? Kya karta main??"( should I begin...narrating my plan now??")
And she says instantly now her eyes pooling up a little more – " haan batao na...par usse pehle...ek baat kehni hai mujhe...( yes, please tell me...but before that...I want to say something...and that is...that I am sorry...Arnav...I mean...I'v been meaning to say this to you..ever since...I heard Maya's words....I am so sorry once again for using Asher as a cover up for days whilst I was caught up in my minds conflict denying us both...this share of our hearts bliss...that we both surely feel now..."
I kiss on her hands at that immediately as I whisper – " shh...shhh..hey...I didn't point the prior bit to make you dish out an apology in that context Khushi given that I understand...the why's of it completely like I mentioned yesterday...I was just making an inference...that's all...and now because I am more interested in the last bit you pointed.....I'd like to say..come again...to that...did you just admit...you'v also been feeling at complete bliss within...here...,"I ask pointing at my heart
That makes Khushi smile on reflex as she nods kissing on my hands now - " yes, that's exactly what I meant....perhaps....the vitality and potency of this feeling just has to be experienced...to understand the deep context of it...Arnav...I mean....ever since yesterday...finally as I'v given in to my heart's desire of wanting to be with you...I do feel like...the happiest I'v ever been...its really does feel like sheer bliss in here...,"she adds finally – knocking over her heart before she sighs happily and leans back in the island stool – " kya kar diya hai tumne mere saath haan??( what have you don't to me ..haan??)
I wink happily – " wahi...jo tum karti rehti ho mere saath..."( exactly what you keep doing to me...dammit...)
We share an intense eyelock post this and I ask getting off my seat so that I can get across to her with every intention to keep kissing her mindless until its time for her to leave – the glint of which she surely catches in her eye as she gets off her island stool to get to me as well – " aa raha hun tumhare pass...aur jab tak jaane ka time nah o..tab tak...ab kuch bolne nai dunga....toh isse pehle...itna bata do..bass...meri diaries...layi hona?mere liye??"( I am coming to you...and now...until its time for you to leave...I won't let you utter a word...so before that..just tell me this...you got me my diaries...right??")
Khushi nods at that happily as we both come to stand in front of each other near the center point of the dining island as she cups my face and begins to caress my cheeks – " ji haan...bilkul laayi hun...bag mein hai...jaane se pehle de dun? Ki abhi chahiye??"( ofcourse...I got the diaries for you...its in my bag...you want them right now?or shall I give it to you before I leave??")
I don't know what drives me bonkers more? Her tender caress on my cheeks in the moment or the knowledge that finally – I am going to have my hands on my precious diaries. Plan for tonight – on returning back to the hotel early – Read THEM. LOSE MYSELF IN THE PAGES OF IT ALL...
I whisper intently leaning forward to close the distance in between our lips now – " jaane ke time de dena...abhi mujhe bass tum chahiye...(give it to me before you leave..right now..all I want is you..," and before she can say anything to that – I close my lips over hers intently picking her up in my arms just in time as well – making her legs go around my waist..immediately..as I walk us to the couch.
Pinning her underneath me at that – I intend to keep up with my bit of not letting her get a word out of her lips at all except for the sounds of her passionate shudders and moans wrapped up in my name as I begin to caress her all over like a mad man possessed...
I am a man on a mission after all...
I got 29 days left to drive Khushi absolutely bonkers for me in such a way that she'd never even think of letting any of her minds conflict get in the way of our hearts bliss...ever again.......and something in my gut tells me...everytime I kiss her mindless...I edge a little closer towards doing just that....
Hours Later – Nearing 9:30 PM
Rahul+ Diya's Home( Khushi's Chachu's place)
Khushi's POV
Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!
Guys – you won't believe this – even though all of me was like totally bummed about having to cut short on my evening with Arnav...the very second I got to Chachu's my momentary personal disappointment was displaced with familial happiness of very deep shades – almost instantly.
Because, it turned out that the reason why Chachu, Chachi wanted us plus Masi and Mausaji over for dinner tonight was so that Rahul and Diya could finally cheekily announce to us all that – They ARE PREGNANT Again!!!
You heard that right guys. Our little krish is going to be a big brother!! I am going to be BUA again! Needless to say – we'v all been going crazy in celebrations ever since over dinner etc...
Infact, everyone is so happy that Masi + Mom + Chachi have completely forgotten all about their collective disappointment over my break up with Asher – as we'v just been doting on Diya crazily all night....
Oh wait....perhaps..now as everyone makes their way back into the living room to chat and celebrate – I can take a moment to sneak into the washroom with the pretext of freshening up and text Arnav about this.( I just haven't been able to text him at all ever since I reached here...given that I was legit surrounded by everyone)
I plant a happy kiss on Diya's head at that immediately and hug Rahul to my side as well as I hand Krish to him now - telling them that I will be with everyone in the living room in a bit and once they nod at me happily – I make my way to the washroom quickly and once in – I quickly take out my phone and text Arnav at the speed of light.
Me : First thing out...Arnav..sorry sorry...super sorry..for not being able to text until now...just got a moment too now....and guess what?? Happiest news of the hour. Diya is expecting again....Rahul and Diya are going to be parents again and our little krish is going to be the big brother...and me a bua again! Yup..this is why chachu wanted us all over....she's eight weeks over now...I am so so so happy..for them....
I tap send and wait for my reply. It comes in ten seconds.
Him : Wowwwwwwwww! Khushi, that's freaking awesome news. I am so happy to hear this. Delighted more so. I am sure they'd all be so so happy at the time. My best regards and wishes to Rahul and Diya...
I type quickly.
Me : thank you...I will give them a big hug from your end...for now...because they don't know about us...yet...but one day when I do tell them...ill remind them that the big beary hug I did give them again tonight – was from your end....
Him : ahhh! I like the sound of that...Khushi..you all finished dinner? What plans now? when will you get back home?
Me : yes we finished dinner. Planning to just chill here with everyone for a bit. Will be back home in an hours time I guess. Call you after? What you upto by the way? finished dinner??
Him : yes yes, I finished dinner with Yash, Ravi, Suraj and Anj...a while ago Khushi...and the only reason why you didn't receive a text from me as well...was because post that I'v just been lost in the pages of my precious diaries you finally handed to me...infact...I'v been in the middle of reading that only when your text came...just now..
That from him makes me feel very vulnerable suddenly...
He's reading my diaries...my diaries..that include all my vulnerable emotions and thoughts written out to him over the years...
Damm.God only knows which page he is reading right now....
I type : really? you reading my diaries? Which one? As in which diary??
Him : The first one...obviously...only fair I go in order..Khushi...
Damm.Surely, he's on the bit that explains my crazy excitement in wait building up to see him on the days nearing to Rahul+ Diya's wedding...our family trip to Jamaica...
Damm.Why am I feeling this vulnerable at the thought of him reading it all finally? Perhaps, because, now he will know the exact sketch of how deep my feelings had been then...bit by bit...he will know it all....
I am right on that thought when my phone beeps.
Him : bol do...jo dil main hai khushi...bol do...na...( just say what you want to say...)
I type : I feel extremely vulnerable at the thought or knowledge of knowing that you are finally out there...reading my diaries written out for you..maybe because...
I don't complete that sentence. Just tap send.
Him : maybe because...now I will know..the exact depth...of all that was from you to me...back then??
Me : exactly yes...a part of me wants you to read it...and...
Him : and a part of you doesn't want me to read it??
Me : yes..
Him : why?
Me : just...because...
Him : just because...now...I will be able to claim with even more confidence...ki mujhe koi doubt hi nai hai..iss baat pe...ki tumne kabhi wholeheartedly move on kiya ho mujhse...ya kabhi mujhe...bhool payi ho.....kabhi bhooli nai mujhe tum khushi..kabhi bhi nai..bass tumne...sab feelings bury kardiye andar...saalon tak....(that I have no doubt anymore after reading what I am that...surely you couldn't have ever moved on from me wholeheartedly ever...or even forget what you felt for me...you never forgot those feelings Khushi ever...just burried it in for years....)
I sigh.
Me : .................
Him : .......iske ilawa kuch bologi?( say something beyond your......)
Me : kya bolun? I am just so vulnerable at the thought of you holding my diaries...and reading them right now..dammit...
Him : yeh meri bhi diaries hai khushi...jaise ki tum meri ho...hamesha se....(they are my diaries as well..Khushi...just like you are mine...since always...)
I smile. Before I can type anything – his text comes again.
Him : you have no idea how emotional I am right now...Khushi....dammit...kitna pagal hounga tumhare liye..pata nai...par yeh baat phir se jaan lo...ab jo maine haath pakad liya hain na tumhare...chodunga nai...bhaad mein jaaye tumhara dimag ke conflicts...uski aisi taise kardunga waqt aane par...jaise kal kari thi...( dammit...how much more crazy I will turn for you I don't know...but know this again Khushi..now that I have held your hand...I wont ever let it go...let your mind's conflict to to hell dammit...ill deal with them head on...when the time comes...just like I dealt with it yesterday...)
I grin.
Me : I am counting on you....on doing just that....you know...
Him : great then...you are my hearts bliss dammit...just like I am yours...and you better know that I'd do just about anything to protect...our bliss within..here on....I promise. Wada Raha Khushi.Wada Raha..
Damm. Why does he have to get me so vulnerable on text? Suddenly, I want to see him again...hug him again...kiss him again...have him kiss me mindlessly again...bask in the feel of his lips kissing my prosthetic hand a zillion times over and over...
I begin to type when I hear Masi's voice call out to me from out asking if all is okay...with me...
Me : acha listen...I gotta go abhi..masi is calling me out...ill text you when home.Lets talk then.And I promise...tomorrow for sure...ill make sure...we get more time..together...
Him : okay...you go now..text me when home...Khushi...I will only sleep post our talk.Also..the latter sounds great....
Me : what will you keep doing now?? reading the diaries??
Him : ofcourse..what else? Why else do you think I don't mind you getting off chat right now...Khushi..letting my khushi go off in the present for a bit so that I can get lost...into the pages off my khushi from the past....
I quickly bid him bye on text for now and wiping a happy tear outta my eye – I finally freshen up quickly and get out the washroom. I don't text him just yet...that..when he says- My Khushi – he literally stumps my heart – lightening fast.Why don't I tell him that just yet? Because, I intend to do the same tomorrow...face to face...
Dammit Him.
Godammit Him.
Perhaps, there's no way I can escape the fresh tsunami of deep emotions triggering in my heart because of him in the present...and combing that with what I'v felt for him in the past – is only going to result in my own drowning?? Do I want to escape that drowning?
Not really.
Because for once...I want to know exactly what it feels like to be completely drowned and drenched in the sheer bliss of my heart...
Howwwwzzzaaattt guys??? 😁😁😁😁😁😁
I hope you all enjoyed this update with its various glimpses together. Khushi+ Maya's meet + A&K finally beginning to bask in their togetherness.Also - How many of anticipated that this would be an insight into Maya+ Asher's story as to what happened...in between them in the past??
Next Update on this story : Will come in on Thursday/Friday!
Tomorrow is my youngest daughter's bday guys..🥳🥳🥳🥳she is turning four...my baby girl...now even the youngest is all like..Mommy I am a big girl now like bhai and didi...I am 4 ! Haha! How time flies with these lil ones..they indeed grow up super fast...❤️❤️
Thanks guys for all the love* support always.
See you with the next update on this – in this week only!
Much Love* Infinite Gratitude❤️🙏❤️🙏
Now and always..
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