Chapter 35.4 - I Would Rather Have You Yell At Me..
Helloooo everyoneeeee..
So here I am with the First Update of the week. It's medium length about 7K words and since as I wrote this bit out – I totally wanted it to stand out on its Own.
Will be eager to know what you all think as alwaysssss!!!!
-Thank you so much for your amazing feedback uptill now Guys. Please know I love to hear from you all.So thank you so so so much * Infinity – indeed, for investing your precious time into my work. I am truly – Grateful* Infinity as well(wink wink). I hope you all are enjoying the reading experience, as much as I am enjoying penning it down.
Alsoooo yesss – Guys thank you so so so much for your wonderful wishes for my 10th Wedding Anniversary – which happens to be tomorrowwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Lovedddd all your wishesss and blessings..
Also, yes this is the First Draft. Please definitely ignore editing/common repition of words errors etc – since I have not proofread.
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Chapter 35.4 – I Would Rather Have You Yell At Me..
To be Honest – You all.
I am too Shocked + Shaken with all my guts wretched in pain as I am standing rooted to my spot and digesting the situation actually happening for Real.The situation – where in My Sparkle has just stopped me with her hand from pulling her into a Hug.And then obviously the fact that' she is crying profusely and I can easily spot and read the magnitude of Hurt in her eyes as she is processing the fact that I actually did hide this from her – is kind of like a Very Strong Whip within.
A Whip – that is Hurting me – beyond measure, because to be honest in my head – whenever I had anticipated this situation to unfold I had always thought I'd probably spot a lot of anger in My Sparkle's eyes first – but as of now as I read and see the magnitude of hurt and shock in her eyes and no anger as of now – I instantly feel my mind go all haywire and clouded because seeing her this Hurt at the moment is Killing me obviously and to know that I was the one to hurt her this way is obviously making it worse in my head that I am unable to think my way Out – momentarily.
I never want to be the One to Hurt her. You all know that.
But I guess – this Time – I freaking Have – nonetheless.
And just as I am about to say something I feel more shock and daze go through me as I see Khushi stepping backwards towards the door as she whispers brokenly amidst tears - " I need to go...I need to go right now..."
But she's turned around in her steps instantly and opened up the door to my room already but thankfully I act on impulse as I move forward and leap my arm forward and close the door back shut and wrap my arms around her waist possessively pulling her back into me hugging onto her hard, sure that she could sense the worry in voice as I finally say - " aren't going anywhere...Sparkle...I can't let you walk out right now..please... not before you hear me out..please...meri baat suno.."
And she clutches onto my arms around her waist and whisper brokenly– " I will...I will hear you out obviously no..t righ...t now...I need maybe about thirty minutes or so myself...for at the moment as all of my insides are in a state of collective shut down and I don't know what do I feel more beca..use I have caused hridhaan so much hurt or hurt over the fact...that you knew...and you didn't tell me...".
Oh Godaamit Me.
I hug her harder tightening my hold on her and she instantly turns around for a second and as my gaze takes in the sight of the hurt in her eyes again – I feel my heart ache insanely as I hear her add– " give me time to process the fact hid something this huge from me...despite I can't take any filters in between of us and yet..yo..u.....,"and before I could even say anything next or stop her from staying put in her spot – I see her channelise the athletic runner avatar of Dutee Chand that she channelises when on the treadmill and she turns around in a fraction of a nano second – opens the door to my room and runs out at the speed of Light.
My feet act on their own accord now as I run after her instantly obviously closing my room door shut – really happy about the fact that I was a quick runner (in between the wickets)and kind of not really happy about the fact that she was a quick runner too - just at this moment in time.
Why So?
Because just this sight of her running away from me at the moment – has butchered and whipped me within.
And I feel like a Freaking Idiot of the Highest Order.
Maybe hiding this from her is Most Surely a Mistake at my end – even though my intentions were honest and were an act out of the intense love I feel for her.
My feet act up faster on their own accord luckily and I near Khushi's room just as she's about to close the door shut to my face all crying and luckily I am able to wade my hand through in just in time as I stop her from shutting the door to my face but she's held it close enough almost 3/4th of the way and I whisper hoarsely now sure she could sense the disturbance in my voice – " Sparkle...please...don't...don't do this to me..please???????? don't shut me out right now..please..just the sight of you running out of my reach has butchered me enough...look i know I did a mistake..i was wrong..perhaps? but please let me in..let's talk this we always do?????please??????"
Khushi's hoarse voice amidst tears falls in my ears as she says – " I told you Arnav..we will talk..thike??? but pl..ease g..ive me som..e need 30 minutes...I ne..ed to com..pose myself through the turmoil I the moment...and i..also..,"and she pauses.
I ask standing right there with my hand still waded in a little through the door – " I..also what Sparkle??look just please let me in..please...then we will talk?"
I hear her broken voice come through as she says – " no..its better if I don't see you right now Arnav..."
Another brutal Whip – Within.
I ask shaken, the words she had once used to me back in Manchester – " you don't want to see me??? you don't want to see my face at all Sparkle? is that how angry and hurt you are?? That you don't even want to see my face at the moment.."
And her broken voice comes through – "look..its if I don't see you right now bec..ause...I don't want to ye..ll at y..ou th...ike? am starting to feel..very the moment broke..our No Filters promissory can't take filters in between of us and yet...y..ou...j..ust..h..ow...c..ould...yooou??????my anger is taking I don't..want to yell at you...aap jao...abhi..give me some time..,"and she begins to sob a little.
The Emotion I was Prepared to Handle.
I could Yay to that.
I say now, trying to wade my hand in through deeper – " Sparkle...godaamit...yell at me dammit...I can handle that..shout at me all you want...ok? but I can't handle you crying all silently dazed this way...I can't take that...I also cannot leave you alone at the moment..pleaseee...let me In..i can't take your silence dammit..i just freaking can't..and you know that...,"and when she still does not pull the door open to me I say desperately taking advantage of the situation and venue a little – " Sparkle, pleaseee if you don't let me in..i could stand here all night at your door..and you know I freaking you want anyone from our families to spot us this way at this time of the night????"
My Gut Intuition tells me – that – this last bit – would surley work in my favour.
Thankfully it Does – for that makes her flip the door open to my face and she scowls and narrows her eye at me angrily and folds her arms across herself and says wiping a trail of her tears – " just why the hell do you always know what to say dammit ofcourse I don't want anyone to spot us this way...thike...aap aao andar..(you come in)..but no I am not talking to you thike???,"and she turns around instantly and stomps her feet and makes her way inwards.
I am telling you all – list my Name in the Craziest of the Lots in Love. Why? Because all I want to do right now is Kiss her Madly. For the way she stomped her way inwards – was Kind Off Very Adorable.
I step in now and close the door to her room and I say walking close up behind her – " so just so you know.. the way you just stopped your way in right now..was way too adorable to my eye..Sparkle...makes me want to kiss you hard..and bad..already.."
And to my surprise this time around she runs towards the bathroom and is about to shut the bathroom door to my face but I act faster as I wedge my way in and get in and hold her by the hand out and then instantly closer into my frame as I say looking into her hurt and angry eyes sure that she could sense and read the worried sincerity in my eyes and tone both – " I told you dammit...shout at me...Sparkle...yell..yell all you want...i will take that..but i can't take the sight of you..shutting the door to my face again.."
And next I actually feel her push me by my arm a little behind angrily as she asks furious – " you want me to yell at you???????? haan?? Mr.Raizada???? You want me to yell at you??"
Point to be Noted – She's Freaking Sexy when she is this Furious Too.Only crazy of me to Note this for she's never been this angry at me ever but maybe I'll tell her that later – after we have talked it out.
For now - I nod at her sincerely and pull her by the arm a little into my frame as I say honestly – " yes Sparkle...for I know you are angry...and I'd rather have you take it out where its due..i don't want you to keep it pent up...and yes I am your Mr.Stranger at the moment alright??whats with this..Mr.raizada business...don't you freaking dare call me that..ever's riling me up..and not in a good way..."
And that makes her instantly step up closer into me as she clutches onto my collar and asks all furious and hurt – " ohh really are you??? are you my Mr.Stranger?????i don't think Mr Stranger promised me that he would never ever hide anything from me...ever...thike?????and because you totally did hide something this huge from me no matter what the reason..makes me wonder that this is exactly that version of Mr Raizada standing in front of me who probably thinks that just because he is like all older to me..he can just conveniently decide to duck his way through...our promissory summons..."
Only if she didn't call me – Mr Raizada again. I would have been in my Swooning over her Furious Anger Mode.
I instantly wrap my hands around her waist all tight and pull her closer as I whisper softly, cupping her right cheek and then fisting my hand into her hair – " me..Mr Raizada..ever again..dammit..."
She glares at me angrily as she says stepping out of the circle of my arms, stepping backward – " why? Hearing Mr Raizada hurts??"
I nod at her as I say stepping forward towards her – " you know It does hurt..Sparkle.."
She steps in instantly closer and clutches on my collar again all angrily and glares at me and asks – "never..have I ever...hidden a thing from ever...right??? just tell me one would you feel if I were to go around hiding things from you this way??,"and all of a sudden her eyes well up with tears and all hurt is back to displace the anger and she steps back from in disbelief and sits on the bed and puts her head in her hands and whispers brokenly – " I thought...we'd built and nurtured a bond..where in we could always talk about everything but....apparently...not..i absolutely hate this..i hate...freaking hate it*infinity..that you could hide this from me...I mean if I hadn't found would have probably gone on hiding it nonetheless right??????,"and she begins to sob brokenly again as she whispers – " just..why???? just why dammit???"
Oh No.
I get on my knees in front of her instantly and try to get her hands away from her face so that I could freaking wipe those aching tears away but she doesn't let me as she's got her hand fixed on her face all tightly and I add now in a worried rush – " are completely right in feeling what you do...I mean now that you asked be honest..i'd hate it too if I were to find out that you were hiding things from me...but....,"and I sigh as I add dejected – " but the only reason why I did so was because I knew it would disturb you'v had so much on your plate off love..i just didn't need to know at the moment..thats all...cmon..ask dear sure that's whats its saying in my defense too...,"and I pause because she has finally yanked her hands off her face and her eyes are bloodshot glaring at me with a mix of hurt+ anger again as she instantly gets on her knee to in front of me and clutches onto my one collar and fists her hand through my hair and she asks in a hoarse whisper all angry – " oh just because you think you are like the Your Majesty of my cardio cells...that dear heart would be jumping to your defense..right?? Skipper Blue???"
I nod at her as I say now cupping her face and wiping her angry tears away next – " well yes Sparkle...I am pretty confident about my presumption when it comes to the supreme courts of your heart..,"and I add in the words that she said to me on our first night here – " it that I am the crazy one out here..that I feel that all your angry energy at me right now is making the moment in between of us intensely electric...what does dear mind say to that haan??"
She glares at me as she says – " dear mind is not going to answer that bit until you hear its thought see..Arnav..dear heart might be jumping to your defense surely..but dear mind isn''s totally pissed at you...totally*infinity..thike?"
I bite back my smile with great difficulty now and that seems to add a little fuel to her anger as she gapes at me in disbelief and asks standing up on her feet looking down at me in disbeleif – " are you just biting back your grin right now??"
I stand up on my feet too as I say trying to mask up my expressions – " what can I do Sparkle??? you gotta stop being so adorable in anger allright???," I add stepping closer to her.
She steps back as she snaps angrily almost yelling - pushing me by the arm a little behind by stepping in closer – " oh think its funny...its soo funny you have any idea how torn I feel at the moment?????????????? Like I can't seem to think through about how I have wronged Hridhaan unknowingly at the moment and the fact combined that you didn't tell even though a part of me knows you did this for my good as in to protect me from feeling disturbed... and yes you were maybe right because i am obviously gotta freaking understand that as of now I do not like the fact that you'v gone ahead with your protection mode at the cost of hiding things from I would rather have you tell me things and hold me in your arms through the disturbance bit..than to find out that you thought hiding it out was a better way out...and this from you does make me feel like that maybe to your head in some part..i do come across as someone who is like all sensitive and fragile emotionally plus immature too...and I...I don't like that...obviously....i mean yes I may not be as mature as you...but still...I am an adult...I can handle things alright...I can...I freaking can..if you will let will I freaking grow up otherwise? How will I learn from life's experiences if you won't let me face things just because you want to protect is this fair??? You freaking tell this fair?? Even though I know you did it because you love me...but answer this freaking fair on your part? To do this after you'v known me so so so closely...,"and she finally pauses after letting it all out and puts an hand to her waist ad shakes her head in disbelief yet again as she asks softly now – " was it freaking fair to hide this at the cost of our promissory summon?only because you thought I couldn't take it?this bit from you has hurt me more obviously..."
And now that she put it this way – I totally do get it.
I don't think I was fair – Perhaps?
She is Right.
And now I act on impulse and pull her into an instant hard hug as I say kissing her forehead – " wasn't fair on my part to do so..Sparkle..i am sorry...I am really sorry......I understand now...please forgive me...I didn't want to be the one to hurt you...I hate to be the one to hurt you...and It does whip me insanely within to know I have done just that freaking sorry dammit..."
Thankfully she hugs me hard now and whispers with her head buried over my heart – "I know you love me insane..and want to protect me from things that you know will overwhelm me Arnav like...I get that...I get that your inetntions were like all good...but get what I mean do you???????pleaseee just don't hide anything from me ever..thike?? no matter how difficult..please...."
I hug her harder as I say sincerely – " I do get you...Sparkle...I do...and I promiseee I will never hide anything from you...from now on..for sure...your pakka se wala promise???okay???," and she asks clutching onto me sweatshirt tight – " pakka se?? like pakka se * infinity wala promise na????"
I say sincerely – " yes..Sparkle..your pakka se*infinity wala promise for sure... ..please forgive I forgiven now??"
I think I am – because her vibe in my arm does seem to relax a little as she hugs me harder and just when I am about to tuck her chin up to kiss her - To my surprise she breaks down in my arms now as she whispers hugging me tighter – " I'v unknowingly probably hurt Hridhaan so much..ohh god...Arnav..i hate this in I am wondering now...did I ever do anything to lead him on..did I like ever...nothings really coming to my mind really..but still...iv hurt him still na..."
I instantly kiss her head hugging her tighter too – " don't blame yourself for this never lead him were always honest to him...infact one of the reason why he didn't ever want you to know was this...because he knew it would just make you feel weighed down when you are like at no fault at all...."
That makes Khushi look up at me instantly as she asks – " he said that???"
I nod at her wiping her tears away and she asks softly – " wait...was in cryptically the context of conversation on the engagement party when I came up to you both????,"
I nod at her sincerely.
She asks softly now – " will you please tell me everything now??? like since when do you know this? And how? And whatever have you spoken to Hridhaan..please...without any filter's???"
I nod at her as I say – " yes..ofcourse Sparkle..i will..i will tell you everything now...,"and I hold her by the hand and take her to the sofa in her room – sit on it and she rests her head on my shoulder next and I begin to tell her everything – just like she asked – without any Filters at all.
Twenty minutes Later
Arnav's POV Continues
Once I am done with telling Khushi about it all – I bend forward to kiss her forhead again as I say – " so see you have nothing to feel guilty about alright?????????"
She'd come to lie down with her head rested in my lap about ten minutes ago.
She cups my face now and rubs her thumb on my tenderly as she sighs – " well atleast one good thing out of this whole thing is that..i don't have to worry about your reacting to In when I was coming to find you...I was kind off worried about that as well..."
I kiss her hand as I say sincerely with a heartfealt smile– "well yes you don't have to worry about my reaction at all Sparkle......I trust you insanely and you know that..and like I told you..hridhaan is a good man..he would never cross the line.."
Khushi smiles a little as she brushes her palm on my cheek still lying down with her head put in my lap and this time around lean in my cheek into her hand loving the feel of her gentle caress and she says – "there you go...being your Mr.Kind Yorker self again ya Skipper Blue...,"and that makes us share a warm chuckle as I kiss her hand again and she says softly now a little embarrassed – " oh now I am feeling all bad for yelling and snapping at you that way shoud have just let me be na...I would have composed myself and then maybe we could have talked..."
I kiss her hand again as I look into her eyes after – " no...I'd rather have it this way..than to leave you alone feeling all vulnerable...Sparkle...and I didn't mind you yelling at me at all alright? ask me why?,"and she asks softly– " why???"
I wink at her – " because I am delighted to tell you that I have discovered that you too look all sexy to my eye when you are angry at me..Sparkle.."
She chuckles at that and finally sits up next to me and rests her head on my shoulder again and she says now – " aap na...acha pehle listen...I have thought of in a solution...for hridhaan's sake...I want to discuss it out with you obviously..."
I ask kissing her hand which was also laced in mine – " what is your love??"
Khushi looks up at me sideways – sincerity evident in her eyes – "I think I want to tell him about us as soon as possible..even before we tell superbro and anj and our friends after the in..i think its only fair that we tell him this on a one on one first...he needs to know...I like need to talk to him about this when its just in as of now he has no face to put to Mr Stranger right? and once he knows its you and sees how happy we will surely help him get that closure and move on from me faster in..i do not want to feel like I am keeping him away from the truth knowing how he feels for like a minute longer...I think this is the only way he will be able to move on Arnav...the truth is going to help him move on na...I swear I would have had us walk straight to him to tell him about us if it wasn't so late in the night right maybe first chance we get tomorrow..within in the mehendi function or something..while everyone is busy..we can get him out for a talk or something??? what do you say love?????????"
I nod at her as I say – " I am totally up for this..Sparkle...and to be honest after the conversation ii had with him the other day..i do think its fair that we have a one on one with just him rather than have him know in a group...,"and Khushi hugs me all tight now from the side now and she says softly – " telling him about it..will help me feel better know what I mean don't you??"
I nod as I kiss her head and I say now – " yes...I you feel okay now??atleast a little bit??"
She nods and hugs me harder – " yes..a little bit..surely..i will be much better after I tell him the truth for sure...though..."
I kiss her head softly as a thought returns to my head – "ok so now Sparkle...something happened earlier tonight that I thought I would tell you about after we spoke to Rahul and Anj...but then now since I have made that promise to you to never push to hiding things from you even if it were for your sake...I think I most definitely have to tell you about it right very now..."
Khushi looks up at me instantly puzzled as she asks – " what happened?????earlier tonight? When?"
I bite back my grin now as I say – " so the situation was such Sparkle..which I will get around to telling you the details..but the crux is that Mom and Dad are now in on our secret...they know I love you insane and so do you and that it's us who has been together all this while and guess what the funniest part apparently the two of them have been discussing themselves for months that how they think you'd be like the suitable match for me and have been dying to play cupid in between of us especially Mom...but she didn't because she thought we were dating other people..........."
Khushi's eyes widen to cup and saucers as I see her taking that bit of it in and she asks dazed in surprise with an amused smile on her face – " wait wait....whattttttttttttt?????????????? yeh kab hua?????? Kaiseeeeeeeeeeeee???"
I chuckle at that as I kiss her forehead and admit sheepishly – " well for starters she did catch me staring at you the functions..and she asked...,"and that earns me a playful smack from Khushi as she rolls her eyes at me playfully now and says – " seeeee I told you were staring way too much thike....acha now tell me jaldi se..what happened??? Is that why she called you for a talk???"
I nod at her and quickly fill her up on it all – Just Keeping the wanting to Marry Her Bits Aside. Because now after this conversation I do not want to hold onto that bit also longer...but...I most definetly atleast want to have a ring with me when I talk to her about it atleast. You know just incase as I am approaching the topic and her vibes tell me – she wouldn't get freaked out by it.And right now – I don't have a Ring On Me. I do make a mental note to ask Mom to help me get one done once she was back in India.
And about ten minutes later once I was done I say – " so...I was actually smiling to myself thinking about this happy moment with mom and Dad..sparkle when I was coming up the stairs to find anyways you tell me do you want to go about was asking me if she can atleast acknowledge this to you in private..she's dying to obviously.."
Khushi smiles at that as she says hugging me – " uff I am so confused ya in..abhi uncle reva aunty know...hridhaan will know soon tomorrow then day after superbro and anj rest of our immediate friends group will know now it feels like everyone will know except mom dad...kind of feeling a little guilty about that....but then I know Dad needs to first digest this fact that I am dating only...,"and she looks up at me next and says kissing my cheek – "but now that Reva aunty and abhi uncle know...I can't really pretend play ya will be so rude na...I am totally okay to acknowledge us to them in private to.."
I close my lips over her's immediately now – and kiss her not just madly – deeply and hardly – but almost hungrily and I pin her down on the sofa under me finally and begin to caress like everywhere like a mad man possessed as usual and I am happy to have her lace her arms around my neck hard to as she begins to respond with equal fervour and urgency.
There seems to be a little problem.
Her Outfit seems to be getting in my way.
Need to take it Off her – Now.
And it is right then I hear her say into my lips in between our mingled breathes as she says pulling me closer into her – " pleaseee...once again..just promise me that you will never hide anything from me thike...pleaseee..arnav...pleaseeee..."
I pull back instantly now from her lips and I look into her eyes sincerely as I say overwhelmed with intense emotion – " I promiseee...once more..that I will not hide anything from you...Sparkle..on that note though..there is something that I do need to tell to you about..but the only reason why I am holding back at the moment is because I need to be somewhat prepped up for it alright??????????? its totally not because I want to keep this from you anymore...please...just understand that okay?? Do not misunderstand my intentions...on this..okay???and I will get around to talking to you about this really soon...but it's important that you give me a little time on's just a personal thought...okay?nothing to do with anyone else on the outside..just me..."
Khushi nods as she says cupping my face puzzlement evident in her eyes– " that atleast you have given me a headsup..i am okay with this..but then when you tell me the thing na..better refer it back to this moment in context so that I know that was what you were hinting towards now..thike? I won't misunderstand your intentions ..but please tell me soon just tell me how can you even like keep any of thoughts from me in...I toh just can't keep any of my thoughts from all...maybe I should do that you know..,"she finishes with a adorable pout.
I devour her lips hungrily again as I whisper into them five heated minutes later – " don't you ever freaking try to do that Sparkle..."
She whispers cluctching onto my hair kissing me deep – " but you are not playing fair and square ya are cheating...thike? you keep these thoughts from me..and don't want me to keep any from you...yeh kya baat hui????,"and she finally breaks her lips away from mine and says with her eyes open all wide and mischevious – " need to be punished for this...Arnav..if you want me to wait on this thought..then you are not going to be allowed to get this dress off me I know you'v been dying too..."
I gape at her in disbelief and I say – " now you are cheating Sparkle...we have a banter clause to live uptoo...collective redemption remember???"
Khushi chuckles as she winks at me – " whose saying I am not up for some collective redemption my love...I am...but with a twist..."
I look at her puzzled and she gestures me to get off her now and I do so puzzled and she stands in front of me and says – " well I am going to take my dress off myself..and you can totally watch me do it..but you cannot touch me...and oh I do want to take a little hot shower too and yes you can watch me since you know the shower cabinet is all glass..but that's all you can cannot join me or touch me until I am done with my shower....done?? either you agree to this...or you tell me what that thought of yours is my love..right here right now.."
Why don't I have a ring on me?????????????????
I narrow my eyes at her as I say giving her my most innocent look – " you know that's torture my love...for us both...don't do this..come on..let me join you in the shower..also I think you do need some help in getting that dress looks a little complicated..."
Khushi shakes her head at me as she winks and walks to the bathroom now rolling her eyes at me mischeviously – " skipper blue has he shall be punished..,"and she says winking – " or would be better if you just wait in here for me love???"
I narrow my eyes at her as I pull her closer into me for a second and kiss her way to hard immediately for about five minutes or so and I say after cupping her face intensely – " I will watch..Sparkle..i will watch...that's torturous enough..but just you wait get outta the shower...and then I am going to have my ways with you and so freaking intensely..that you are going to wish you hadn't tortured me this way..."
She winks at me mischeviously as she says – " or maybe I am going to extremely glad that I did...,"and I now take her by the hand to the bath and close the door shut instantly as I say keeping my intense gaze locked with hers as I say leaning by the ledge with my arms crossed around my front – " get on with your torture love..then I will get on with mine..."
She nods and instantly gets her skirt out first revealing her gorgeous legs to me and I feel my desire rage within for her almost instantly as I fight a groan as she turns around and starts to get her top out slowly and I say with my breathes hitched – " hurry up...Sparkle...dammit...I am afraid I am running out of patience.."
She looks back at me innocently now getting her top out getting her upperself bare and she says setting her one foot into the shower cabinet dressed in only her lower intimate wear , locking her intent gaze with mine – " whats the rush..Skipper Blue...we do have the rest of night..or are you sleepy much..perhaps???"
Goner – Godammit – Me.
And I nod at that as I say on reflex running my gaze on the almost bare her shamelessly – " sleepy godammit foot... Sparkle...and well you are right about that..we do have all night.."
She winks at me mischeviously and closes the cabinet door shut now and turns on the Shower On – herself as I watch from my spot as promised - every bit of me aching and groaning within at the torture – Obviously.
I call out a little loud now watching her intensely sure that she could hear my voice through the water and the glass cabinet– "and I'd be Dammed – if I didn't make this the Most Intriguing and Intense Collective Redemption..ever transpired in between of us...Sparkle...."
And I hear her say back as she takes a twirl around in her spot under the water – driving me to the edge of insanity in process – "ofcourse...skipper blue..we'd both be dammed if we didn't make this this most Intriguing and Intense Collective Redemption...I isn't everyday that I yell at you this way in a banter ya..."
I chuckle to that as I admit out loud– " well to be honest Sparkle...for the sight my eyes are basking in at the moment...I think I almost hear them tell me that they wouldn't mind having you yell at know if the aftermath is going to come with the moments like these.."
To my Surprise – I see her switch off the Shower Instantly now and I am surprised to see her open the cabinet a little as she leans her head out sideways her eyes completely overwhelmed now as she says softly holding her hand out to me – " join me in..."
I ask taking my sweatshirt off instantly – " are you sure...Sparkle???"
She Nods.
And I don't wait or waste another second and get my tracks off to follow suit – dressed in just my boxers obviously.And the minute I am in the cabinet – I pin her against the wall with her hands on either sides and close my lips over hers – way too intensely and deeply instantly as I probe my way into her lips for a deep prolonged french kiss and about seven minutes later – Khushi takes my lower lip into hers and she kisses on it softly and then cups my face tenderly and says opening her overwhelmed eyes to me – " just so you know..for the record...I do not like to yell at you thike...bas yeh aise hogaya..gusse mein..."(it just so anger..)
I not at her and keep my forhead on hers and I say sure my eyes were mirroring my intense emotions back to her too – " just so you also know...for the record Sparkle...I do not like to keep things from you too okay??and I won't be doing it from now because I do not want to hurt you with that ever again obviously and also because It really pained me to do so too....bas yeh aise hogaya..pyaar mein.."( it just so happened...out of Love..)
She nods at me instantly in understanding and with that we both know we'v closed the file to this particular banter and we begin to kiss each other madly for another five minutes or so..before I reach out to open the shower on us again and I pull her by the hand in the center wrapping my hands around her waist all snug and possessive and I ask – " can I help you soap yourself Sparkle??also help you take that soap off after? Also help you dry up before I finally haul you up in my arms and take you to bed so that I can ravage you for about a minimum of two hours after..."
She Nods instantly and hugs me all tight as the Hot water continues to fall on us and whispers in my ears – " is it okay..if we make that three know since we do need to accommodate fairly for our compound interest redemption na..."
I grin to that as my one hand reached out for that little bottle of liquid soap and my other hand begins to caress her deep and sensuous all over - madly.
Oh Boy – Am I Glad – that I stuck to my Gut intuition of having My Sparkle vent out her Anger at me.
How was the Update Guysssss??
Next Update : Wednesday/Thursday Night – since I am taking tomm off.
Alsooo yesss – Guys – those of you who missed out on my previous authors Note. I have finally gotten around to making my writing handle on Insta. Using it for Daily interactions – quotes – snippets etc. Would love to connect with you all on it too.
Thanks, guys, for all the Love and Support.
Much Love.
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