*a year after the end of Y.O.I. season 1*
"Well done!"
"You were great, Yuri!"
It wasn't every day you won gold at the grand prix.
Yuri smiled somewhat awkwardly as he walked through the crowd, receiving pats on the back and constant congratulations on his victory. It wasn't every day he got to be the center of attention like this, so it was hard for him to know how to react to the situation. And for that reason, he did what he thought was best, and looked for the one person he could be the most comfortable with right now.
In the middle of his search and continuous praises, he finally found the one he had been looking for all night long. He made eye contact with the Russian man and smiled brightly when his subject of interest raised a hand to wave him over.
"Yuri!" Victor beamed as the shorter skater approached him, eyes shinning up and his smile growing wider.
"Hi." Yuri greeted in peace.
"Are you having fun?" Victor asked, genuinely interested. Yuri gave a half-hearted nod. He definitely felt much better now that he was with Victor.
"Let's go say hi to everyone." The older male suggested, taking the younger's hand and intertwining their fingers as he tugged him through the crowd.
Yuri watched in admiration as they walked around and Victor happily greeted everyone, managing to hold a short friendly conversation with each and every one. It surprised him how good Victor was with people, and above all, how much he seemed to enjoy it.
Yuri could never do something like that; he wasn't like Victor at all. Victor was everything he has ever wished he could be and everything he has ever wanted.
But he was his. And that seemed like enough for Yuri.
Yuri's grip on Victor's hand tightened a bit and Victor returned the gesture without stopping his conversation with Yakov. Yuri smiled to himself and discreetly rested his head on Victor's shoulder, listening along to whatever he was saying.
After spending a couple of hours, walking around and drinking some champaign with a couple of friends, the party was rapidly coming to an end. Yuri made sure to say goodbye to a couple of his closest friends on his way out and quickly stopped to take one last selfie with Pitchit (since he insisted).
"Take care!" Yuri beamed at Phichit as he was softly tugged away by Victor, being reminded how important it was for him to rest--despite the party being thrown for Yuri in the first place.
"You, too! Goodbye, Victor!" Pitchit waved and Victor smiled, waving goodbye as well.
Once out of the building, the fresh breeze hit Yuri's warm face and he allowed himself a second to stop and enjoy the silent moment. He took in a deep breath and sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips, thinking how amazing this whole year had been.
"You okay?" Victor asked softly, his voice coming from somewhere behind him. Yuri nodded and looked over his shoulder, flashing Victor one of his signature, cheerful smiles.
"I'm perfect." Yuri said truthfully.
Yuri and Victor began to walk through the parking lot towards Victor's car, hand-in-hand. There didn't seem to be many people out so late at night but the streets were illuminated by the full moon and bright sky filled with stars shinning above their heads.
"Yuri?" Yuri slowly stopped when he heard Victor call his name in that adorable accent of his. He spun around to face him, raising both of his eyebrows.
"About my promise..." the Russian man bagan, suddenly very serious but still happy. "It's only been a year since you won silver at the Grand Prix, and you already won a gold medal for me this time. So I'd like to make it official."
Yuri stared at him in slight confusion and cocked his head sideways a bit. Victor reached for both of Yuri's hands and smiled shyly as he looked down at the skater in front of him.
"Will you marry me?"
It took Yuri a couple of seconds to process the question as it rang in the air, a gush of wind blowing by and taking it away forever. But his words still echoed in Yuri's head and were forever engraved in his heart as the day Victor officially asked for his hand in marriage.
Tears of joy welled up in Yuri's eyes and he nodded, happily wrapping his arms around Victor's neck in a tight embraze. He was utterly happy at that moment. Everything he had ever hoped for had come true and it made everything worth it. The few painful moments, pointless bickering, and difficult times that once seemed would be the end of their relationship, all paid up to this.
There was nothing that could make this moment better. It was as perfect as it could get and Yuri didn't need anyone or anything else besides Victor and this exact moment. He had truly fallen for the man who was once simply his idol. Since day one, Victor was the reason Yuri would skate, and that will never change.
He will skate for Victor 'till the end of time.
"I love you, Yuri." Victor whispered, only loud enough for Yuri to hear. It felt like a secret they between them two, and even though Yuri wanted to scream it to the world, as long as Victor could hear him, it was more than enough.
"I love you, too, Vitya." Yuri replied, pouring all of his emotions into those few words. Victor pulled back a bit and took hold of Yuri's chin, bringing his lips closer before pressing his own against them.
The kiss was short and sweet, like a lock to the secret only they knew; but they could each feel the love and happiness they were filled with. Even when they pulled apart, their eyes shone bright as they smiled to one another. Butterflies fluttered in their stomachs and their hearts melted with the uncontrollable warmth.
A slight shade of pink dusted both of their cheeks. Victor laughed softly and wrapped his arm around his fiance's waist.
"Let's go home."
The rest of the walk to Victor's car was short and quiet as Yuri wiped his cheeks. Victor continued to steal small glances here and there, not being able to stop the smile on his lips at the adorable action.
Being the gentleman he always is, Victor opened the passenger door for Yuri. Holding back a smile, Yuri went ahead and entered the car, sighing happily as Victor shut the door and went around the hood of the car to the drivers side.
Soon Victor pulled out of the parking lot and went down the main road in the direction of his home that he was now sharing with Yuri since he moved to Russia with him. Makkachan will he thrilled once Victor tells him about their marriage, which meant Yuri would be staying with them for a very long time.
Victor smiled at the thought and stole a quick glimpse of Yuri who was looking out the window, somewhat spacing off in exhaustion.
It's been a long day, Victor thought.
Without realizing it, he had reached over the divider between them to hold Yuri's hand that rested on his thigh. He felt Yuri intertwine their fingers and smiled. It was a cliché move, but he still felt undeniably in love.
He was crazy for this boy.
No--not just any boy, his fiancé.
The buildings quickly began to look familiar to Yuri and he noticed they were almost home. As much as he wanted to stay up and spend more time with Victor, his eyelids felt heavy and his whole body was already beginning to shut down. The events of today we're finally taking a tow on him.
"Don't fall asleep on me yet, princess." He heard Victor say, shaking his hand a bit to catch his attention. "We're almost home."
Home. Yuri repeated in his head. The word made him smile more.
He sat up and looked over at Victor, taking in his beautiful features. Everything about him was perfect, down to his flaws (if you could even consider them that).
Perhaps people are right when they say that love is blind. Yuri had never understood the phrase completely until that moment. Victor could loose his hair or even his legs, and he would still be absolutely breathtaking in Yuri's eyes. Nothing could ever change that fact.
The fact that Katsuki Yuri was madly in love with Victor Nikiforov.
Victor glanced over at Yuri and his smile fell.
It all happened too fast. Before Yuri could even speak, Victor had thrown an arm across his chest, and sharply turned the steering wheel. He didn't know if he felt or heard the impact first, but they were thrown off the rails and sent spinning a couple of times, the sound of metal and glass shattering echoing in his ears. He felt a blow to his head before everything turned completely dark, all the noise stopping completely in a single second.
Yuri heard his name being called from the distance. It was hard to tell who was calling him, or if they were as far away as they sounded, but he used all his willpower to open his eyes at best as he could.
When his eyes split open a bit, all he could see was the pavement scattered with broken glass and pieces of folded metal. He tried to look around but failed. It was hard for him to move anything. Then he felt it, a warm liquid running down the side of his head, the cold cement underneath him and every bone in his body screaming in pain.
He wanted to scream as well, but the words were stuck in his chest, like a brick had been shoved down his throat, preventing him from speaking and breathing correctly.
Was he dying? Is this what death feelt like?
There it was again.
His fingertips twitched at the sound but he gave up in searching for where his name was coming from. With every blink he took, it became more and more difficult to open his eyes again, and soon, he just let himself shut them and try to ignore the pain as best as he could.
Part of him knew it wasn't the right choice, that he couldn't give up. So he wasn't going to. Not completely.
Before all senses gave away, he felt something cold wrapped around his ring finger. He desperately wanted to touch it for some reason, somehow knowing that if he did, he would be less worried and all the pain would go away, but that was impossible.
Using the last of his energy left, he listened to the footsteps rushing towards him before a pair of hands ran down his numb face.
"Vic...tor..." He struggled out in the softest whisper, his system giving out at last.
He didn't see any memories of his life flash before him, see a bright light ahead, or felt any peace or remorse--he didn't feel anything, to be exact. All the pain was gone then and nothing mattered at that point.
It was just like going into a deep sleep
-and he welcomed it with opened arms.
A/n: there's still more, this isn't the end!! I'll update the other chapters later x
This was a one hell of a rollercoaster :')
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