Gertrude, a maid for the household and an assistant to the children, shuffled out of Eliza's way as she stormed upstairs. She led them all into the playroom, except for Emily and I, who stayed put.
We were yet to read the contents of the document, but all I knew is that it was about us. Eliza was simply too infuriated and immediately took us home, both for our safety and to presumably argue with Alexander.
'What's going on...?' Emily asked.
'Nothing, just... wait here.'
With as little noise as I could, I crept up the stairs and placed my ear against the door to Alexander's office. I was quick to notice that my hands were shaking tremendously so I held them tightly together.
'This?! A mistake?!' screeched Eliza.
'I didn't mean for it to have the reaction that it did!' Alexander argued back.
'Reaction?! Alexander, everyone had a copy! Are you that dimwitted that you thought that it would recieve no attention?!'
'Not to the capacity that it did!'
I could hear his footsteps pacing around the room.
'You're a fool, Alexander.'
'I am no less of a fool then all of this! Do you really think that I could keep this foolishness a secret?!'
'They are children, they have no control over it!!'
'Which is why I TOOK control. Tell me, Betsey, would you rather us be exploited by a man such as Jefferson?'
'We could have masked it!! Taking it into your own hands only makes matters worse!!'
It was as if I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. I glanced at Emily, who was frightfully looking around in an attempt to stop her tears from arising.
Eliza sniffled from inside the room.
'You have killed them, Alexander,' she whispered, though enough for my attentive listening to hear, 'they'll be out for their heads. They're dead children on foot and it's because of you.'
'I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. You've seen the way that people have been looking at us, how Jefferson kept questioning them. We were going to be ruined.'
'You'd rather those girls be dead than your chances failing?!'
'Please, you're hysterical! If you would only wisen up and read the damn thing, which I assure you have not yet, then you would see that all will be well.'
'LOOK AT THE COVER, ALEXANDER!' she cried suddenly. 'WITCHCRAFT?!'
'Speculation, an ADDRESS of SPECULATION.'
Without my realisation of it, Alexander came charging to the door before I could make a move. All I could do was shuffle to the right and hope that I wasn't caught, but alas, he turned to me in an instant. His face turned from frustration, to sorrow, to disgust. He sprung himself down the stairs and brushed past Emily without even a moment's glance at her.
'Y/N -' Eliza came from the office and held me into an embrace.
I was speechless.
Feeling unsafe by herself, Emily made her way up to us, tripping over her dress as she came. She stood back to the wall, too alarmed to wish for any physical contact.
'There is nothing that either of you have to worry about.'
'Why is he acting like that all of a sudden?' Emily enquired.
'He wants us dead,' I confessed, 'just so we don't ruin him.'
'No, it's not like that -'
'I heard everything,' I interrupted Eliza, 'a- and everyone, they're going to -'
'We don't need that around your sister, do we?' she spat as Emily began to sob. 'We need to stay strong. Panicking will do us all nothing.'
'Mother?' Philip emerged from the top of the stairs. His expression was frightful. 'What's wrong with Pa?'
'Why aren't you with your brothers and sisters?' she dismissed.
'I thought I heard screaming, so I snook out.' He glimpsed at me and Emily. 'What's happening?'
'Never mind you that, now off you go.' Eliza tried to hurry him downstairs but just at that second, Alexander appeared and took his coat from the coat rack.
Instead, she pushed Philip to my side and made her way to him.
'What's wrong with Pa?' repeated Philip, yet this time directed to me.
'He's just...' - I sighed - 'He's done a very bad thing, Phil.'
'Are we in trouble?'
'...No,' I lied.
'Where is it that you think you're going?' interrogated Eliza.
'Out, what is it to you?'
'I don't want you causing more of a mess than you already have.'
'Oh, give it a break! You'll soon see that no harm will come our way!'
'You are yet to see the looks we were given! We will not be able to leave our home for months!'
Noticing how Emily was whimpering to herself quietly, I chose to come and put my arm over her in support. Eliza was right, and I had to be strong for her. Meanwhile, Philip gawped in observation.
'You had better shut that trap of yours, our children are in the room beside us. If I even have the dignity to call them yours any longer.'
'So this has become a matter of my own children now, has it?'
'I've had with you, Alexander, just go and pack your things.'
'Pack your things, and go.'
'...Eliza -'
'Need I repeat myself?'
Seconds of hesitation then brought him trudging up the stairs. I backed myself and Emily off into the nursery, however Philip stayed put.
'Pa -' He tried reaching out for his father, but Alexander acted as though his son were a phantom. He entered his and Eliza's room, only to pull out a trunk from beneath the bed.
It didn't take long for Alexander to decide that he was packing a few sets of clothing and his shaving knife. He then proceeded to take all of the papers from his office with what room he had left in the trunk. Once more, he marched down the stairs, but instead of taking his leave immediately, he stopped before Eliza.
'Understand that you must show me some mercy -'
'None,' she replied sharply. 'As of today, you are worthless to me, Hamilton.'
Solemnly, he nodded, turned the handle to the door, and left.
If you're wondering why I've been uploading so much, it's because I haven't been functioning properly without writing regular chapters to this lol
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