The Spy
Only a day since I'd been chosen by Washington, and I was already freaking out. I was in yet another meeting, but not with the others. This time, it was with the Generals. Including Lafayette. Unfortunately, Washington had urged Alexander along, being his currently most trusted aide-de-camp. And being a General, Wilson just happened to turn up.
"Fantastic. And you vow to help train them up to your highest standards, General Wilson?" I heard Washington ask as I was dozing off.
"I can't guarantee it, sir--"
"You will. I know you will." he interrupted. I opened my eyes from the sudden jist of sound, staring at Washington.
"Ugh... Let's just get this show on the road, shall we?" He adjusted his tricorne back onto his head, and we all stood up to salute him. He saluted back, clicking his fingers. "Hamilton, Miller, follow me."
Alexander glared at me. Shit, did he say something to him? Or did he suppose I had? If neither of us, then... who? Or what was going on?
"Everyone get into a line! This is an important announcement!!" Washington commanded. He tapped my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "̶I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶e̶s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶.̶"̶ "Go and follow Alexander. He knows what he's doing." I nodded out of politeness, awkwardly waddling over to him as soldiers arranged themselves into a line.
Alexander sighed upon seeing me stand by him. I crossed my hands behind my back, as he did. "Apparently, you... you know--"
"Just stand straight and shut up." he interrupted. I nodded, silently submissing my head downwards.
Washington paced back and forward, acting stern as men stared curiously. Women also peeked around the back of tents eagerly, hushing their children as they admired the commander.
"So you may be wondering why I have called you all here today," Washington started, "And that's the main thing you should all be considerate of. There are going to be a few changes to the way things work around here, and that all starts with our food supplies."
People sighed irritably. "Unfortunately, food is going to become scarce. Now, before you all start wailing at me about our current situation, I am fully aware. Casualties have been doubtlessly taken in, and we are trying our hardest to work around it."
"Well, obviously not!" a random soldier cried, "At this point, we might as well all drop off dead!!"
Wilson came along to the man, lodging the end of the musket into his stomach; he fell to the ground in pain.
I wanted to do something, anything. But I knew that if I were to interrupt, I'd be dead. Washington seemed also disturbed by this, but put it to one side for the moment. "I suggest that we all focus on our weapon handling. The British are close to an attack, and if we don't fight back with all of our strength soon, we'll be killed off quicker. I want healthy soldiers, but I also want soldiers that are willing to die for their independence."
He pointed his hand out at me, and I raised my head up. "Mr Miller here will be responsible for the choices we make throughout, and whether you choose to follow him or not is your choice. If you don't want to be captured or killed, then I greatly recommend you listen to him, do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir!" they chanted. I felt honoured... They were to obey me now through this battle. Even if it was only the one time I'll ever get a chance, I may as well make the most of it.
"Great. General Wilson will lead a portion of you to the training grounds, and you are expected to improve. You're dismissed." Washington removed his tricorne as they fell out, marching at Alexander and I.
"You two are going to come with me; we're going out for a little ride." Washington concluded.
"Ride?" Alexander questioned.
"Yes. We're going to scout out a probable route to attack the British."
Alexander rolled his eyes, crossing him arms like an annoyed toddler. "Sure. Whatever." He trudged off to saddle a horse.
"Miller?" Washington stopped me.
"Yes, sir?" I responded.
"Thank you. For this. You're an extroadinary young boy. Once we're back in New York, it'd be a pleasure to meet up with your family."
"Ahah, of course... sir..."
"We've been... out here for over an hour, sir..." Alexander huffed, breaking from the vicious rays of sunlight. Our horses were almost on their knees, begging for our mercy. But Washington never stopped. He kept going until he could whatever he was searching for.
"To much of your satisfaction, Hamilton, there seems to be hills in our way." Washington informed him. I stared my dry eyes up to find that he was indeed correct, that we'd have to find a way around to continue.
"Does this mean we go back?" I wondered.
"Not just yet."
Washington got off of his stallion, drawing out a miniature map from his pocket. It identified this area specifically, despite being in the middle of nowhere. Alexander slouched back finally, wanting to escape into hiding from the sun. However, we'd collected berries along the way (which Washington detected weren't poisonous) for the others to feast on once we were back in camp.
I squinted up at the sun, peering over the hilltops. Just as I thought I saw a silhouette standing in my way, I blinked my eyes furiously. Looking back up, they were still there. I even tried using my hand to block the sun from my eyesight: still there. But it wasn't just any regular person.
It was a Redcoat.
Since I hadn't bothered talking to Alexander the entire way there, I jerked Washington's shoulder from below me. "Sir! There's someone up there!" I grunted. He scrunched the map back up into his pocket, grabbing his musket once he'd identified the figurine. He aimed it straight at them.
"GET OUT OF HERE, OR I WILL SHOOT YOU!" Washington declared. But the Redcoat didn't move.
"They're sure to find our location now, sir!" Alexander exclaimed, "Spies... They're talented tricksters."
Washington suddenly shot the musket, but purposefully missed as a warning. The Redcoat shot off down the opposite side of the hill.
"We should go now, sir!" I implored in a panic. Washington saddled up, grabbing the reins fiercely.
"We'll find a way around this, if it takes our blood and sweat to do so." Washington rode back towards camp, me and Alexander trailing behind.
So right now the back of my throat feels like it's burning, and I can barely eat/drink at all. It's like every time I talk I breathe fire, honestly 😂 Therefore, chapters will either get less frequent because I'm always ill for some goddam reason, or more frequent because well, I need something to do whilst I suffer.
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