Description,Characters & Requests
Basically a one shot book except you choose the characters that you want to be,which ship & prompt. If you have no prompt then I shall choose. Here are some people you can choose from:
•Catherine of Aragon
•Anne Boleyn
•Jane Seymour
•Anne of Cleves
•Katherine Howard
•Cathryn Parr
•Mary Tudor
•Elizabeth I
•Edward Tudor
•Mary Seymour/Parr
•Janie Grey
•Thomas Seymour
•Henry VIII/KH8
•Mary of Scotts/Mezzie
•Philip II of Spain/P2S
•Elisabeth Valois
•Alexander Hamilton
•Aaron Burr
•John Laurens
•Hercules Mulligan
•Angelica Schyuler
•Eliza Schyuler
•Peggy Schyuler
•Samuel Seabury
•King George III/KG3
•George Washington
•Philip Schyuler
•Catherine Schyuler
•Charles Lee
•Thomas Jefferson
•James Madison
•Sally Hemmings
•Theo Jr Burr
•Philip Hamilton
•Angie Hamilton
•Alex Jr Hamilton
•James Alex Hamilton
•JC Hamilton
•Will Hamilton
•Holly Hamilton
•Philip II/P2 Hamilton
•Maria Reynolds
•James Reynolds
•Susan Reynolds
•Frances Laurens
•Georges de Washington Lafayette
•George Eaker
•John Andre
•Marie Antoinette
•Louis XVIII
•Marie Therese
•Nicholas Romanov
•Alexandra Romanov
•Olga Romanov
•Maria Romanov
•Tatiana Romanov
•Anastasia Romanov
•Alexei Romanov
•Joseph Stalin
•Adolf Hitler
•Anne Frank
•Martin Luther King Jr
•Pippy Hamilton Nice(Freed Slave)
•Luanne Nice(Slave)
I will Roleplay anything except for suicide.
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