Chapter XV
If he can't see your worth, don't waste time looking for his, love.
He snapped his eyes up to meet mine in that instance, narrowing them at me as I gluped my saliva down.
He had caught me in my lie and I didn't even know how. It seemed like a completely logical response.
I looked away from him, feeling intimidated from his gaze alone. Soon, I heard the rustling of paper again and I breathed easy once I realised that he had decided not to push for the truth and instead go back to his work.
“Sit. This will take long,” he said, not even casting me a second glance.
There were many places where one could have sat. I could've sat on the black sofa in the lobby in front of the elevator. Or sat on the black sofa in his office right in front of him. Or sat on the black sofa in any of the other offices surrounding me.
Not wanting to embarrass myself, I made my way to the black sofa in the middle of the lobby. I could just imagine myself making my way over to his office only for him to tell me to get out.
“Sit there and don't be surprised when Miguel's counterpart comes over to finish what he started.”
I snapped my eyes to him and just stared in complete shock.
That's how he knew I was lying, but how did he know this? Who told him? How did he know?
Without a word of protest, I began making my way over to his office. I walked in through the open door and took a seat as he continued to work, not giving me any attention anymore. At least he acknowledged me this time.
I sat in silence for a while, letting my thoughts roam free before they suddenly came to a standstill at the mention of one name.
I couldn't get him out of my head. Every time I thought I finally had a moment of peace to just be with myself, I would go back and think about the horrible things I did to that man.
Trying to justify my actions with the fact that he attempted to force me to be with him stopped working weeks ago and in my head, I was the only monster in that situation.
“You think rape is worse than what you've done? I'm going to lose my life.”
I could still hear his panicked words in my head; still feel his blue eyes on me; and still hear his pained screams everytime I closed my eyes.
It was like I was being teleported back to that moment, with the rubber gloves still over my shaky hands and the empty bucket that held the acid beside my feet. The image was still so clear in my mind and, if I stopped and listened hard enough, I could her his loud, laboured breathing. But when I opened my eyes again, I would be back in my normal position and the deep breathing would be my own.
I was still yet to learn to live with my immense guilt.
I let out a breath and opened my eyes, letting the light from the room burn them as I focused in on Daniel who was sorting through his files as if I wasn't there.
“Can I tell the priest about Vincent in my confession?” I asked, breaking the silence as he looked away from his papers and up at me instead.
“Do you want the priest to die?” he asked me back as I got up and walked closer to him. Even though he was sorting his papers, his desk was an absolute mess with all kinds of stationary littered all over it. It was starting to irritate me.
“There's your answer.”
I looked up at him as I stopped right in front of his desk and crossed my arms over my chest.
“I don't why you couldn't have just given me a straight answer,” I mouthed as I looked down at his desk and started sorting through the stationary.
Suddenly, I felt his hand grip my chin and yank my head up so I could meet his eyes. His movements weren't rough or painful, but they were firm and only further backed up the authority in his brown eyes.
“You're getting mouthy,” he smirked, running his thumb over my bottom lip as I felt my heart flutter in my chest.
“I've always been mouthy,” I snapped at him, rolling my eyes at his action.
He opened his mouth to say something, but was promptly interrupted by somebody clearing their throat from the open door. We both looked away from each other and snapped our attention to whoever it was.
I'm front of me was a tall girl with a small waist and hips wider than my own - which spoke volumes already. Long, thick brown locks fell to her butt in beach waves and wide, blue, curious eyes stared at us as we stared back at her. She had on a bright yellow tank dress and, even though she was wearing makeup, it was obvious she didn't need it.
“Daniel!” she said, allowing herself into the office with her arms spread out for a hug. “Miguel told me you were back from your business trip and that you're home again.”
Within seconds, I had stepped to the side and watched uncomfortably as she wrapped her arms around him. He noticeably tensed up in her arms and didn't return the hug, but she didn't take it as a sign and only continued hugging him tighter. Eventually though, he pulled her off him and held her at arm's length.
“Hey.” Was his short and swift reply before he went back to his documents on the table. He didn't even bother to make it seem like he was the slightest bit happy to see her.
She rolled her eyes at his indifference before turning to me with a wide smile. “Hi! I'm Samantha,” she said, holding her hand out for me to shake.
Unlike Daniel, I had no personal issues with Samantha, so I returned the smile and shook her hand gently. “I'm Araceli.”
“And who are you here?” she asked, making me tilt my head to the side in confusion. “As in what's your job or role here?”
“Oh. I'm a maid,” I answered proudly.
The smile dropped in that instant and her eyes roamed over me again before she met my eyes again. There was something in the way that she looked at me that made me feel like I should've been ashamed about it, but that was the plain and simple truth.
I was maid. Why should I be ashamed? I made okay money because rent and bills were already deducted from my salary since I lived where I worked. No extra expenses on money-leeching subscriptions even though I knew I needed to get on a health care plan quick.
“Wow, is that what we're calling prostitutes these days?” she muttered under her breath, acting as if she intend for me to hear her when in actuality, I knew fully well that she did.
I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from throwing a bitter retort at her and instead settled for a venemous glare. If I was still holding her hand, I would've squeezed it so hard, it combusted in my grip. I watched in silence as she turned to Daniel who wasn't paying attention to any of us, completely ignoring the death threat in my eyes.
“Well babe,” she began, glancing at me briefly before looking back to him. He looked up from his papers and stared at her with expectant eyes. “I've got to go now, but since you're back, feel free to call me or come over anything.”
She strutted - as in actually strutted; one leg in front of the other and all - towards the door and before she left, she turned back and winked at me before leaving completely.
I had no idea what to say or do. I just sat idly by as she flirted with Daniel - my Daniel - right in front of my face and then proceeded to tell me I came off as a hooker.
I looked down at outfit option and decided that I definitely wasn't going to go to church in it. It had got me too much negative attention in too little time.
“Are you sleeping with her?” I found myself asking, getting completely protective over something that only ever belonged to me in my head.
“You shouldn't care,” was his response and even though he was right, I couldn't help but feel angry.
I stormed over to the sofa, angry that I didn't wear heels so I could make the proper click-clacking sounds before I sat down and proceeded to throw a silent temper tantrum.
Daniel chuckled, making me snap my attention to him as he began to pack the things on his desk away. “The only difference between you and her is that I've actually fucked her, Araceli. Just because I've made you come in my mouth doesn't mean you're special to me.”
I cringed at his words as a pang erupted from my heart. “Did you really have to say that?”
“I'm just being honest with you.” And then he walked to the door. I didn't need for him to verbally tell me to get up and get out.
I followed behind him towards the elevator, trying my best to mask my obvious hurt as we waited for it to ping open on our floor. Eventually, we did and as we stepped into the empty box and the doors slid shut, a bold idea came to my head.
I had to one-up her.
I stepped in front of Daniel as he raised a brow at me as if to ask me what I was doing. Before I could think myself out of it, I placed my hand on his chest and leaned onto my tip toes to place a kiss on his lips.
His reaction was quick. He grabbed my hand and used it to pull me flush against his body as he wrapped his arm around my waist and used his other hand to take my chin and guide me.
We stumbled back until my back hit the wall, but that didn't stop his assault on my mouth as his tongue swiped across my bottom lip, making me part my lips so he could slip in.
Before it could get any more heated, the elevator dinged, letting us know that the doors were about to open. As quickly as we had moulded together, we broke apart as an unfamiliar man stepped in.
The ride down was long and awkward, but I didn't care because I felt fulfilled. So what if he had actually fucked her? The last time I checked, he wasn't so quick to kiss her when she showed up in his office like he kissed me.
And we hadn't even fucked yet.
Eventually we reached the first floor and met both Emma and Pablo sitting on the chairs in the lounge. Pablo was using his tablet - most likely for work - and Emma was scrolling through her phone.
Once they noticed us coming, they both looked up. “Are we still going to the church?” Emma asked as I stopped right in front of her and Pablo and Daniel walked off while conversing with each other quietly.
I bit my bottom lip and looked at my outfit again before shaking my head. “No. I think maybe I should change into something more... modest,” I said as I couldn't help but think back to Samantha's words.
As much as I didn't let people's words bother me, I had been called a slut so many times that I just wanted to erase all connotations I had with the term. I might have even considered becoming a sister if it didn't come off as tedious work to me.
Emma's lips fell into a frown as she looked at me and got up. “Is everything okay? Did Daniel say anything about your clothes?” she asked as I shook my head.
I plastered on a confident smile and lied, “Emma, please. I only dress for God.”
“I can see that,” she snorted as I rolled my eyes at her. “If it's about what I said earlier, nothing is ever too revealing to be a good Christian.” I smiled at her attempt to change my mind, but shook my head.
“No, really. I just want to change. This was probably a 'heat of the moment' outfit and I don't feel good in it anymore. Plus, maybe if I wait 'til next week, I'll be able to make mass as well.”
She smiled at that and began dragging me to the doors where Daniel was waiting for the both of us.
“You're still down to head into town, right?” she asked unsurely as we walked to the car.
“When am I not?”
In the next update, you're going to see what Araceli does to Samantha and like... I can't give it away, but lmao you'll love it.
This chapter pissed me the fuck off wtf
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