Chapter XIII
The only opinion about you that matters is yours, sweetie.
I LET OUT a sigh of contentment and collapsed against the backrest of the chair, not even caring that my legs were spread wide open and Daniel was still kneeling in front of me.
“Thank you.”
Daniel chuckled at my exceptional manners, but said nothing. I smiled sheepishly, my eyes half closed as I bit down on my finger. Pulling my legs closed, I let him fix up the front buttons of my dress that had come undone. He then looked at me, an intimidating and serious expression on his face.
“Did you like that?” he asked, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him.
I had half the mind to say yes and tell him that I'd like it more if there was less edging, but I decided to keep my mouth shut and be truthful as I shook my head from side to side.
Suddenly, he slapped my inner thigh, making me let out a surprised yelp. It didn't hurt, but I wasn't really expecting to be slapped either. Especially when I was still so sensitive. “Use your words.”
“No,” I answered, quickly correcting myself before he could dish out more punishments for me.
“So what will you not do?” he asked as he hands inched further up my thighs and I pressed them together. He softly groped my inner thigh and I felt my body betray me and react to his touch as I gushed.
“I won't fight.”
“Good girl.” My mind flashed back to Vincent's death, but before I could dwell on it, Daniel's fingers pressed against my clit, making me jump back and yelp again.
He laughed and rubbed his hand off on my dress before he stood up and took a step away from me. With wobbly legs, I got up off the sofa and almost fell, but luckily, caught myself just in time.
“You have the rest of the day off. Get some sleep.” I nodded, but then he grabbed my chin again and forced me to look at him. “And don't get into anymore fights.”
“Yes, sir,” I saluted lazily.
He smirked at my croaky voice, but said nothing and instead gestured towards the door. With legs feeling like jelly, I wobbled over to it as fast as I could and let myself out so he could no longer watch me humiliate myself.
I slammed the door shut behind me and pressed my back against the painted wood as I tried to regain my lost breath.
“Araceli!” I snapped my eyes towards the person that called my name and felt my blood turn blue once I realised who it was.
Was she listening to the whole thing? Could she hear my loud moaning from across the hallway? Oh my God, how would she react if she found out that I had intimate relationships with her older brother when he didn't even give her the time of day?
Without a word of greeting, I began wobbling down the hall as fast as I could as I heard her footsteps coming after me.
“Ara, are you okay?” she asked from behind me as I only sped up.
I tripped on my own two feet and, because of my jelly-like legs, went flying into the wall, almost hitting my head in the process. I caught myself, thankfully, and sped up as I heard Emma's footsteps get faster.
“Don't worry. I'm fine,” I shouted back at her before letting myself into the linen closet and slamming the door shut behind me.
“Are you sure you're okay? That fall looked like it could've been bad,” she said ad I began unfolding and folding towels to make it sound like I was working.
I let out a loud, fake laugh. “Oh, no. Don't worry. I'm just a bit tired, that's all. I'm completely fine.”
“Well,” she began although her voice sounded a little hesitant, “If you say so.”
“I do. Don't worry about me. I'm absolutely fine.”
“Okay then. Come talk to me later. I still want to go into town later this week.”
“Yeah definitely.”
And then I wiped the thin layer of sweat that gathered on my forehead off with a towel as her footsteps finally began to fade away.
Once I was sure she was gone, I pushed the door open a small bit and looked up and down the hallway to check if the coast was clear before stepping out completely and taking the towel with me. While the towel only needed a small wash, I knew that after today I would need a deep cleaning. My fantasies about my own boss were only going to get worse and the worst part about it was that I was only welcoming them.
Perdóname, padre, porque he pecado...
[forgive me, father, for I have sinned]
“What happened?”
I stared at the curious maid in front of me and rolled my eyes at her inability to mind her own business. “He punished me.”
“What did he do?” Lucia asked excitedly as I glared at her. But now the rest of the maids in the garden were all staring at me in anticipation and I felt myself blushing before I could even ask myself why.
“It's embarrassing.”
“Did he spank you?”
Perhaps it would've been better if he did spank me. At least, then I wouldn't be having the thoughts I had of him. Or at least, not to the extent that I was having them. I was constantly aroused and if I wasn't, anytime I thought of him again, I was.
Last night was just wet dream after wet dream.
“Ew,” I said, scrunching up my nose. “No. Why would he do that?” I had to pretend that what he did wasn't as bad as spanking even though I knew that it was much worse. I couldn't just go around telling the girls about how he made me cum so hard, I mistook day for night.
Enough of them already thought I was a slut, what would they start thinking of me then?
“Oh my God, imagine if I got spanked,” the maid started gushing to her fellow friends as I rolled my eyes and tuned out of their conversation. I instead focused on the daisy in my hand and let my thoughts drift off.
“I'm way too old for that.”
“If my dad ever did that to me, I would die.”
With a shake of my head I got up off the floor and walked away, not wanting to engage in the conversation anymore.
“What's wrong with her? Why is she so snappy?” I heard somebody ask as I continued to walk away and ignore their conversation.
“Leave her alone. She's just pissed that she finally got what she deserved. Always starting stupid fights.”
The conversation topic quickly changed to me, but I didn't even have the energy to confront them because yesterday had left me drained.
And extremely horny.
The day passed by slowly as I mostly kept to myself. A different maid brought Emma her lunch and she was having dinner at the dining table that night, so I didn't see her much.
I also kept away from the other maids as well. A part of me felt ashamed. I felt like they already knew what happened and they knew that I enjoyed it. Every time I passed a group of maids talking to each other, I always had a nagging thought at the back of my mind telling me that I was the subject of their discussion.
I didn't know why it mattered so much now. I got into fights on the daily, so I was always the subject of someone's discussion, but now it just felt bad.
I folded my arms across my chest and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. My lack of eating anything throughout the day came back to bite me in the ass as my growling stomach sounded like a dinosaur from way back when they roamed the Earth.
Unfortunately, as I walked in, I was met with the disgusting sight of Lola and her ugly, bruised face. Even after receiving a punishment - that I very much enjoyed - I couldnt help the feeling of satisfaction that cursed through me as I saw her.
Her eyes met mine and I smirked at her as she scoffed and turned away. She was with another maid who had long dark hair to her butt, blue eyes and pale, almost glowing skin. I would've considered her pretty if she wasn't friends with such an ugly bitch.
“Like it's stupid to see her just walking around without doing anything when I have to clean all the toilets for the rest of the week,” she complained to her friend as I ignored their conversation and pulled out a packet of crackers and a jar of chunky peanut butter.
“She said boss punished her,” her friend commented in an effort to comfort Lola. I snorted quietly, but kept my attention on my food. I was obviously going to listen to their conversation since they were having it out in the open, but what mattered most was if I was going to react.
Or how I was going to react.
“Did he spank her?”
Why did everyone keep asking that?
“I don't know,” the girl - Guadeloupe - said as she shrugged her shoulders. “She said that that would be embarrassing, though.”
“He probably did spank her.”
“But she said he didn't.”
“So you think she would tell you if he spanked her or not?” she asked Guadeloupe before she turned back around to look at me.
They had their backs to me as they were sitting in front of the kitchen island and I was standing behind it with my food out.
I raised my eyebrow at her once our eyes met and she scoffed and turned away.
“Like she said, it's embarrassing.”
“Yeah, you're probably right,” the raven-haired girl agreed as if I wasn't even there anymore.
I stuffed my food in my mouth and started cleaning up the plates I used before beginning to make my way out the door. “Bitches really don't know how to keep my name out of their mouths,” I muttered lowly under my breath just as I left.
“We didn't even say your name,” Lola said, smiling smugly at me as I turned around to glare at her.
With a fake sweet smile, I let my eyes scan all over her bruised face before letting a noticeable disgusted expression fall onto my own. I smiled again as I replied to her.
“I wasn't even talking to you.”
She rolled her eyes and looked away. “Smartass.”
I rolled my own eyes and for once, instead of fighting, I turned away.
This could be the start of better days. Or so I thought.
Long author's note so buckle up.
First of all... yall I just finished rewriting the smut scene for chapter 21 and 16 and I can't... I can't even deal with it.
Second of all, sometimes I split chapters in half because it gets long. I just want to know which one yall prefer. Should I split the chapter but upload both at the same time or should I just upload the whole chapter the way it is? I don't mind either so it's really up to you.
This chapter is shorter than usual so I wanted to upload the next chapter with it, but I realised it's a split chapter and I won't be able to do that without uploading THE NEXT ONE as well.
And last but not least in regards to part 2 or whatever, I've decided to make a sequel. That means I have to think up a name, a description and a cover again... Dammit.
It's for the best because in the background I've written 42 chapters and I still haven't completed part 1. This would give me a lot of freedom to finish it how I like so yeah. The only issue is that it does push me back a bit. I'm susposed to post the teaser for my new werewolf book, but I can't since I only publish one project at a time.
I'm super excited for it, but I might have to push it back all the way to winter or something.
Anyway whatever see yall later.
PS. Take a shot every time I mention chapter lmaoo
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