Chapter VII
You're not a doormat, honey. Don't let anyone treat you like you are.
Trigger Warning: graphic description of violence
“DANIEL WANTS YOU to be present,” Pablo said, looking at me with concern as I sat up in the bed.
“Why?” I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I rubbed my neck a bit, feeling a strain in to as I tilted it too far left or right like when you sleep wrong on a pillow.
Pablo's eyes flickered down to my hand around my neck before finally meeting mine again. “He wants to teach Vincent a lesson.”
“I don't see what help I'll be,” I said, getting out of the bed and walking towards the door. “Well,” I turned back to him with a raised eyebrow, “come on then, show me the way.”
He turned around, not saying a word to me and walked out of the door.
“I can't go out like this,” I muttered, looking down at the long t-shirt I was wearing with a random pair of short shorts. The shirt, I was almost sure belonged to Pablo because it smelt just like him.
Pablo didn't crack a joke or anything. He just turned to me with blank eyes and said, “Nobody will care. And if someone does, nobody gives a shit about what they have to say.”
I frowned and turned to him. “Pablo, wait. Look. I know you're worried about me, but I'm fine. Okay? Look, I'm right here. I'm alive,” I told him, taking his hand in mine and placing it on my face to show him that I wasn't a ghost.
“I know, I know. It's just... we almost lost you. We couldn't find you. And if you weren't smart enough to realise that we tracked you, who knows what would've happened.”
“You would've still followed the tracker and you would've found me. I would've been fine.”
“But you won't be fine after what's going to happen tonight.”
“Just follow me.”
After following Pablo through the halls and down some dark basement steps, we rounded a corner and stopped in front of a dark, oak door.
If it wasn't for Pablo, I wouldn't have been able to find the door because it was expertly hidden. I probably wouldn't have been able to access it either since there were so many passwords and codes that had to be entered.
Finally, he pushed the door open, gently pushing me into the room before coming in after. The sight that waited for me behind the door made me pause in my tracks.
In the middle of the basement was Vincent, tied to a chair, all bloodied and bruised with a bloody Daniel standing next to him. Although, for the fact that Daniel was throwing punches at him, I could tell that the blood didn't belong to him.
There were guards positioned at every corner of the room, and at one side sat Guillermo, scrolling through his phone as if he really couldn't have been assed to be there.
Daniel suddenly turned to me, a smile on his face as he took in my expression. “Oh, look who just walked in?” he said, stepping out of the way so Vincent could open his swollen eyes and look at me.
“Me,” I snapped at him, not over what he did to me. I begged the fucking bastard and he still decided to attempt to take advantage of me. Fuck him.
“Do you think he'll acknowledge you?” he asked, referring to Daniel which made me glare at him. “Do you think you'll ever account to anything in his eyes?”
I said nothing, looking down at my bare feet as I felt the heat of everyone's stares on me.
“You won't,” he continued, laughing. “I could've made you a queen; my queen. But you chose to throw everything away for him.”
“And you chose to throw everything away for some pussy!” I yelled, finally losing my temper and storming up to him. “You can blame this on me all you fucking want, but the reason you're here right now is because you let your dick think for you instead of your brain. You knew - you know - that I was always disinterested in you, but you still decided to threaten and shoot my boss - a very dangerous man - for me. I didn't ask for that! You decided to risk it all for something that wasn't worth risking and now look where that got you.”
“I never had an interest in you anyway!” he bellowed as he glared at me angrily. “I knew you would be a great addition to my prostitution ring. You would've been treated like the slut that you truly are,” he snarled at me, looking at me up and down in disgust. “All you'll ever be to him,” he said, nodding to Daniel, “is some good pussy and that's about it.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Before I could even control myself, I had already swung a fist at him. His face whipped around, blood starting to ooze out of his mouth again as he spat out a tooth.
“Good punch.”
This just fueled me on as I threw another punch at him. “This one is for thinking you have a chance with me.” Punch. “This one is for deciding to pursue me.” Punch. “This one is for making me sit on your lap.” Punch. “This one is for shooting at my boss when he didn't agree to sell me.” Punch. “For kidnapping me.” Punch. “For trying to rape me.” Punch. “For slapping me.” Punch. “That's also for slapping me.” Punch. “That's for choking me and trying to fucking kill me.” Punch. “And that's for having the fucking audacity to talk shit to me right fucking now.”
I continued throwing punches at him until I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from him. “Calm down. Je's unconscious now.”
I didn't even realise I was crying until Daniel pulled me out of my rage filled daze. Without thinking, I turned around, burying my head in the crook of his neck as the same hopelessness I felt when I was trapped with Vincent came back to me.
I felt him stiffen against me before he finally brought his hand up behind me and awkwardly patted my back. “Richard, get me a bucket of cold water.”
Daniel remained tensed against me as the guards footsteps echoed around the empty room. “I'll take her,” Pablo said. He visibly relaxed upon hearing this, almost pushing me out of his arms and into Pablo's, who willingly took me in.
His actions hurt, but I didn't really stay on it long as I turned and wrapped my arms around Pablo's neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck, letting him pat my back soothingly. “It's fine now. You're fine now.”
I ceied silently when a loud yell jostled me out of his arms. Looking to Vincent, I saw that Daniel was just after pouring freezing cold water all over him. He was startled out of his sleep.
I stared on, as if in a trance as he looked around his surroundings with confusion before realisation finally dawned on him.
“I'm glad to see you're awake. I would hate to have all the fun with you,” Daniel said, although he didn't sound like he was enjoying himself at all.
Vincent glared at him, but said nothing as his eyes continued scouring the room until they finally landed on me. Upon me catching his gaze, a slow smirk formed on his mouth.
“Sit,” Pablo said, pushing me onto a brown sofa and sitting beside me.
“She's beautiful, isn't she?” Daniel said, following Vincent's gaze and laying his eyes on me. I felt blood rush to my face as both men's heated gazes were on me.
“Stunning,” he said, the smirk never leaving his face as he turned back to Daniel. “Must be nice having her warm your bed every night.”
“It is,” Daniel answered nonchalantly with his back to us as I glared at Vincent. What was this guy's problem? “It seems like you really like her.”
Daniel continued the conversation, taking us all by surprise because he didn't continue conversations unless they were absolutely necessary. I watched as he gestured for one of his men towards the door with his head. Without a word, the man marched right out of the door.
Vincent said nothing. Instead he watched Daniel quietly, probably anticipating his next move. It caught us off guard when Daniel suddenly turned around, a wide smile on his face.
Vincent's blood covered him completely but he seemed like he didn't care. His hair was a complete mess, his clothes were ripped in some places and the bandage over his bullet wound was red with blood that I definitely knew was his. He was exerting himself and the stitches were probably coming out.
But Daniel didn't care. With his wide smile on his bloody face, it was clear to see that he was in his element.
“I guess you should be happy that you're dying at her hands.” He didn't give me any time to react. He quickly walked over to where I was sitting beside Pablo and pulled me up. I walked behind me like a lost puppy as he walked back to stand at Vincent's side. “Are you ready?”
I shook my head. He wanted me to kill him? I mean, I knew how to throw a punch, but if anyone gave me a gun to shoot them with, I'd probably end up shooting my on feet.
He smiled, chuckling as he turned to the door. At that moment, the guard he sent out came back in. He was wearing a pair of thick, rubber gloves and was carrying a blue, rubber bucket that was filled with a somewhat clear liquid.
“What is that?” I asked curiously as he dropped the bucket near my feet.
“Touch it and find out,” he said with a smirk. Just as I leaned down to dip a finger in it, Pablo quickly stopped me and glared daggers at Daniel.
“It's acid.”
“What?!” It was my turn to glare at Daniel as he rolled his eyes.
“I wouldn't have actually let you touch it if that makes you feel any better,” he said, waving off my death glare as if I wasn't just about to burn off my whole finger. “Plus, you shouldn't be going around sticking your fingers into mystery liquids anyway.”
Fair enough.
“So, what? You want her to pour it on him then?” Pablo asked as I took a step back from the bucket. Daniel turned to me, that same smile on his face as he nodded eagerly and my eyes widened.
“No, no. I can't. I can't do that,” I began mumbling, taking more steps back towards the door only to accidentally bump into a guard.
“You can.” Daniel slowly progressed towards me, his movements slow but calm.
“No I can't.”
“You can. And you will,” he said. He raised his hand to my face and slowly touched my cheek, his thumb caressing my skin as he stared into my eyes. His lips pulled into a frown as his eyes went sad. “Won't you? For me?”
I would do anything for him. And he seemed to know that as well. He so easily manipulated me with my own emotions.
He knew I loved him.
“I-I...” I trailed off, getting lost in his eyes as he stared deeply into mine. God, he was so good at being bad. “I will.”
My voice was low, almost cracking as tears threatened to spill over my eyes. His smile was a clear contrast to the gloomy atmosphere in the room. He took my hand, pulling me towards a table where he put a pair of oversized rubber gloves onto my arms.
“Pour it over him slowly. If you go too fast, it'll splash all over you.” It almost sounded like he cared about my safety; cared about me. But he didn't. It was so obvious that he didn't. He was using me and I was letting him because I didn't care.
Even if his affection would only last five minutes; even if it was fake, it was worth everything. I would give everything for him to love me back.
“Okay.” I felt empty as I turned back to Vincent. His face remained calm, but in his eyes I could see his fear.
Perhaps he wasn't so bad. Perhaps I could save him and we'd run away and he would protect us and keep us safe. Maybe, somehow, I could get over Daniel and not have to do this.
“Just think about what he did to you, Ara.” I turned to Pablo, all thoughts of running away leaving my head as I remembered and squeezed my hands into fists.
Fuck him. Maybe he didn't deserve to die such a terrible death, but he still had to die anyway. He did this to himself.
With a quick inhale, I picked up the bucket and walked over to Vincent. His head was tied to the back of the chair and the chair was screwed down to the ground so he wouldn't be able to move and splash anything on me.
“You're not really going to do this, are you, princess?” he asked, chuckling darkly as I stepped behind him, holding the bucket up higher.
I didn't know the answer to that question and I wasn't in the mood to lie, so I just didn't answer. I held the bucket up over his head, keeping myself a far enough distance from him as I tilted it down.
And then finally, I poured it.
I watched, disgusted, as his skin literally started melting off, almost dissolving in front of me. I wanted to look away, but I was transfixed. I stared silently, continuing to spill the acid as he disintegrated in front of me.
I heard him screaming, crying, begging for mercy but I had no control over my actions. I was like a robot. An emotionless robot as I poured out the acid until there wasn't a drop left in the bucket.
I looked down at my work, noticing that he was still screaming although it came out muffled and incoherent.
“How are you still alive?” I asked lowly, feeling my chest heave up and down with fear. “How are you still alive!”
I wanted it to be quick; to be painless. Maybe if I wasn't looking he wouldn't even make a sound, but I was wrong.
He kept screaming, he ket crying as the acid continued to eat at him. My vision blurred as I took in the image. I could see him, but I couldn't really. I couldn't even tell if he was human anymore; he was so disarranged. Bits of his skin peeled off and fell onto the concrete floor.
But he was still alive.
“Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!” I started screaming, covering my ears but nothing could block out his voice. Nothing could block out his pain and agony. I could still hear him and I knew later on in life, it would haunt me.
I felt strong arms wrap around me, pulling me into a broad chest as I continued to scream. And then the screaming led way to pained crying and broken sobs. I hoped that, maybe, I would scream loud enough to drown out his own, but the only way I stopped hearing him was when he finally quietened down.
And he died.
My breathing was heavy as Pablo held me to him. I wanted to puke, but there was nothing to puke up. My heart continued breathing rapidly in my chest as I breathed out harshly, sucking in air as if it was the last time I would breathe.
I kept asking myself if I had just done that. What had just happened? Was it all real?
It was. It was so real.
A few minutes passed and my heart rate came back to normal. We were left in a heavy silence, until the sound of footsteps broke it.
I turned away from Pablo's chest, tears still pouring down my cheeks to see where Daniel was going. By the time I realised he was making his way over to me, it was already too late to look away. He grabbed my face in one hand, forcing me to look into his cold eyes as I tried to pull away.
With a painful squeeze that made me yelp, I finally stopped fighting it, giving him my full, undivided attention as I looked into his merciless brown eyes while tears spilled out of mine.
“This,” he gestured to the corpse, “is what happens when you betray me,” he hissed. He squeezed my face again, making me whimper before he continued, “don't ever betray me.”
Without hesitation I said, “I won't.”
I didn't know what made me so sure. Was it my love for him or my fear of him?
But as his face broke out into a wide smile, his pearly white teeth a clean contrast to the blood all over him, I realised what the answer was.
Daniel was sick. But I was sicker because I loved him more than ever.
I could never fear him.
He removed his hand from my face, no doubt smearing blood all over my skin as he patted my head like I was an obedient dog and he was my master.
“Good girl.”
I haven't been online much, but I made sure to update today.
I don't know if you'll like the next chapter. We get to learn a bit more about Araceli, but maybe the things that happen just happen too early ;)
Whatever it is, it happens for a reason so take this as your warning and relax.
Love you, ommy xx
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