Chapter LXII
Being strong is knowing you can't always be strong and accepting that, darling.
It was starting to become too tasking and I always found myself wishing that the day would end again so I could go back to sleep.
Waking up this time was very different to any like I had experienced. All the walls were white and there wasn't a single window in sight. There was a constant beeping in my ear and I groaned, raising my hand to switch off my alarm, but groaned again when I ended up pushing something on wheels away from me instead.
What I found weird was that it tugged on my arm the further it went and with blurry vision, I turned onto my side to see that it was an IV hook. I was connected to a bag filled with clear liquid at the top and I tried to read the black printed words, but sighed when my stupid eyes couldn't see it.
Behind the IV was a heart monitor - the source of the constant beeping in the room. I had half the mind to try and turn it off, but I decided against it because I was in a hospital and I wasn't too sure if it was me or another patient that it was connected to. Not that that would make much sense, but I had just woken up from the longest sleep of my life.
Nothing ever made sense.
I was in an ugly hospital gown with a disgusting light blue, dark blue and green design and I resisted the urge to puke. It was only after I had made the third questionable noise of the day in response to my pounding head that I realised I wasn't in the room alone.
Two guards, both of them stationed at the door, watched me with blank faces as I flailed around half-heartedly on the bed. I knew I should have respected myself in that moment and turned the other way, but I was extremely tired and sleep deprived at the same time and I found myself smiling and waving excitedly to them.
The tip of the guy with blonde hair's lips went upward slightly, but apart from that, I got no reaction from them. I would have said something if I had the strength to, but I could barely roll onto my side, I was so tired.
That was when a lady with brown hair and the most hideous looking green scrubs walked into the room with a large clear bag of red liquid. She smiled at my conscious state and addressed me.
“Hi, sweetheart.” I took an instant liking to her. Her voice was nice. “I'm just going give you your blood bag now.”
I watched her with confused eyes as she walked around me and started setting up the IV. “Like...” I paused, having to take a deep breath because I had over-exerted myself with the one question. “Like a vampire?”
The nurse smiled as I thought out loud, but said nothing. She took my arm and unscrewed the tap looking thing for the first IV bag before using a syringe to send a clear liquid into the viens.
It stung a bit, but I didn't react either because I was too tired to react or I was too tired to feel the pain.
“Woosh,” I commented like my own personal sound effects as I felt the liquid rush up my viens. I wondered what it was doing in there. Was it mixing with my blood? Was it washing me from the inside? “I need to...” the nurse looked at me briefly as she screwed on the tap for the blood bag, connecting the red pipe to me. “I need to pee.”
And like that, I passed out again.
The bitter truth of the matter was that I pissed myself.
Many times.
Fortunately, the nurses planned ahead and put pads on me while I slept for twelve hours to regain my strength. Unfortunately, I had to suffer with the knowledge that the nurses had to change my pads for the rest of my life.
It took twelve hours for me to recover from passing out. After that, I needed an additional two hours to make sure I regained my strength fully.
In all honesty I was feeling better than I felt before the nurse gave me blood. I still couldn't get over the fact that I compared a blood transfusion to vampires. When Anna found out about it, she was going to howl with laughter.
I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of the door to my hospital room being opened. I looked to the side, feeling confused when the doctor walked in with a syringe pack in his hands.
He walked over to the desk and started setting it up whilst I looked between him and the guards standing at the door.
“What's that?” I asked, making the poor balding man jump five feet into the air before turning to me. “Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.”
“It's fine,” he said before taking my arm and slowly injecting the clear liquid into my system. “This is just a sedative because we're moving you out of here.”
“What? Am I being transferred to another hospital?”
“No, you've been discharged, miss.” The man sighed before digging into the pocket of his white coat. “Your husband said I should give you this when you wake up.”
He handed me a plain, white envelope with no name on it before turning to the guards. “When she passes out, change her out of the gown and take her out through the back door.”
Back door? If I was being discharged - or discharged early - then why did I need to take the back door?
“What is he talking about?” I asked the guard once the doctor finally left the room. They were the same ones from when I had passed out and I wondered if they got a break or if they had been there the whole time.
“Just read the note, ma'am,” the guard with blonde hair said, gesturing to the note in my hand.
With a sigh, I opened the note and read it.
It's been nice knowing you, but with the baby gone, there's really no point in keeping you around. I meant what I said, so enjoy your trip,
I stared at the note in confusion, feeling my heart beat stronger. I didn't know what was happening, but something told me that it was very bad.
What did he mean that the baby was gone? How? What was happening?
“This doesn't answer any of my questions,” I said haughtily, glaring at the guards as I watched them start searching through a sports bag with my clothes in it.
Weren't they supposed to wait for me to pass out before they changed me?
“There's really nothing that's too complicated in the note,” the other guard that hadn't said anything finally spoke up with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed. “Boss got tired of you and the only thing you had that made him keep you, you've went ahead and lost. So he's sold you to one of his good friends and that man wants you to do...” the guard smirked and roamed his eyes over my body as I cowered back. “Special work for him in Italy with his brothel. So that's where we're taking you.”
I was still confused.
It was like information overload in here. I couldn't comprehend what he was trying to tell me. That I lost my baby? That Daniel was tired of me because I lost my baby?
But I didn't! I felt fine. I didn't feel any less pregnant than I did when I took the test, how was I not pregnant anymore? What happened? Where did the baby go? Did I miscarry? Did I lose it because of the same reason why I needed a transfusion? I was fine before.
And why was I in the hospital anyway? Where was Daniel and Pablo and Anna? Where had they gone? I could remember them screaming over me, but why?
Oh my God, I was so fucking tired.
The blonde haired man changed me out of the hospital scrubs and into a plain t-shirt and sweatpants. Surprisingly, he was gentle and treated my body with respect unlike the other guard who stared at my swollen boobs like they were the last pair he'd see in the world.
I would've snapped at him if I wasn't so confused about my situation. They said my baby was gone, but I honestly didn't know how I was going to believe that. I mean, I could understand it. Whatever it was that happened that landed me in the hospital seemed serious enough, but I just didn't feel... It was like my body was in denial. I didn't want to accept it.
“Is my baby really gone?” I asked the blonde one, making his eyes soften as he looked at me.
“It's what the doctor said.”
“Then the doctor is wrong,” I said defiantly, crossing my arms over my chest as the blonde sighed and turned away from me.
“I guess the ultrasound with no baby in it is wrong too,” the dark-haired guard said, picking up a picture from the desk and handing it to me so I could see. “Or was the baby just invisible when they did this?”
“I... But I...”
My eyes filled with tears as I looked at the black and white sonogram. There was nothing. Just an empty uterus. My empty uterus.
It's not like I was particularly excited when I got the news of the baby. I was more scared than happy, but I didn't want it to go. I didn't think a miscarriage in any woman was something to celebrate.
I was getting used to the feeling of... Having someone there. Whenever I slept in my room alone, I slept knowing I wasn't alone. I slept knowing that there was a little human growing inside me; a tiny little baby that depended on me for its survival.
And I let it down.
I was no better than my mother. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. We were alike.
“The doctor said you were a good three months into it as well,” the guard continued, the smirk never falling off his face as tears started to drip down mine. “The heart was beating and everything.”
“Shut up!”
Before I could control my anger, I had picked up my pillow and hurled it at him, making him burst out into a fit of laughter.
“The truth does hurt, doesn't it?” he laughed in my face, making my heart ache as I squeezed the picture in my hand. “They had to suck out whatever was left in there.”
“Oh my God,” I cried, burying my face into my hands as ugly wails escaped my lips.
“Diego,” the blonde hissed at him, making the dark-haired guard, Diego, roll his eyes and shut up. “I'm sorry about this.”
I didn't respond to him. I hardly heard what he was saying. I lost my baby and now I had lost Daniel too. He said that he didn't want to keep me around anymore because I was useless to him.
He sold me off because he probably found someone better than me. Someone with less issues who gave him less trouble and backtalk. Someone who was obedient and trusted him. Someone who wasn't me.
Someone like Celeste.
My crying only got louder, making the doctor come in worriedly. He looked scared and on the edge, but upon seeing me awake, he turned to glare at the blonde guard.
“Has the sedatives not worked yet?” he asked, but Diego was the one to answer.
“No. I think the dose was too low.”
“Shut up, idiot,” the blonde one said, glaring at him as he placed a hand on my shoulder. “Diego was the one who go her adrenalin up.”
There was a moment of silence before the doctor spoke again. “It doesn't matter. By the looks of it, she won't cause that much of a problem.” I wished I could prove him wrong and whip out some badass moves, but I couldn't. I was physically weak, I still had IV lines attached to my right arm and my heart was in fucking pieces. I wished I was stronger. I wished I didn't sit there, crying louder like an idiot. I wished I didn't just let them pick me up and place me in a wheel chair.
I wished I landed a punch in Diego's face as he laughed at me like an idiot before I let them cuff my hands. My wails died down, my the tears still trailed down my face like rivers.
The doctor had run out to go and get another shot for me and said he would meet the guards by the back door. Diego and his companion didn't complain and instead wheeled me into an elavator and pressed the button for the underground basement.
The lift descended as did my will to live. I felt everything around me lose meaning. In that moment, I wished I had died. I wished they didn't bring me to the hospital in time.
The doctor came back down into the place that looked like some sort of storage room. It was cold, but nobody cared at the fact that I shivered. He prepared the injection and quickly gave me a second dose before beckoning for them to go away so nobody could catch them.
After that, everything seemed to have blurred into one. The only thing I could remember was Diego letting me look out the windows of a van onto the Californian streets that I had grown up on.
“You better remember this, princess,” he chuckled darkly, shoving my wheelchair into the back of the van as my eyes drooped. “This is the last time you'll ever see these streets again.”
That first line. You and me too sister.
Anyways basically in chem today we were talking about radioactivity and whatnot and the teacher started talking about the different kinds of radioactivity and he was like - alpha, beta and gamma - and this nigga was talking about radiotion but there my dumb ass was fantasing about werewolf books and hot werewolf alphas
Yall please recommend good werewolf books please. Preferably by undiscovered authors with POC main characters.
Althoufh if the character is POC then the book is probably undiscovered because wattpad stay sleeping on– you know what lemme not say too much.
Chile anyways scroll to the next chapter
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