We have to leave
Slenders pov
"Slender," Dr. Smiley said when (y/n) had shut the door behind her, "there are some things you should know."
Smiley pulled out some more charts and papers from the Doves folder.
"This is a height level of demonic pressence in ones system, I recorded hers."
Slender anxiously looked at the paper, it had 45% of demonic blood in the girls system, the other 55% was normal.
Suddenly the other three brothers flashed into the room.
"We have a problem," Trender said
"Zalgo is on the move towards the UK creepyoasta home, we have to move."
"What about (y/n) and the other pastas?" Slender asked
"I think it's better of we leave your trio and Jane in charge." Offender said.
"Why do all of us have to go?" I ask wanting to stay for (y/n) she's so fragiel right now I cant bare for her to do this alone.
"It's all of the Untied Kingdom and Europe continent..." Trender stated sadly,
Slender sighed, somehow he could hear (y/n)s voice.
"I love you Slender."
His heart ached, "H-How long do I have?"
Slender asked shakily standing up, ready to teleport if his brothers made a point if they had to leave right away.
"An hour." Offender said sternly.
I nodded then walked to Sallys room. She was sitting on her bed crying Laughing Jack and Charlie were patting her back sympathetically.
"It-it's all my faul-fault th-that mommy c-cant speak any moore."
Sally sobbed out as she saw me in the doorway. I rush over to my daughter and hold her closely.
"I-I saw someone hurt-hurting her in a dream! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry daddy!" Sally said burrying her face into my jacket.
"Sssshhh..." I soothed, rubbing the back of her head.
"You couldn't of known. It's not your fault. Ssshhh."
I heard a knock behind me, I turned my head and saw Dove. Holy shit. Umm....her outfit...she wore a ripped dress, weapons, and blood? Why is this not concerning me and instead turning me on?
(Y/n) rushed into the room when she saw Sally crying, Sally looked at her and cried harder now holding her handsout for Dove.
"Momy..." she whimpered.
(Y/n) quickly came to Saly holding the both of us.
"My dear," I said to the Dove.
"Why are in blood?"
Laughing Jack patted Sally on the head promising he'd be back later.
"I killed a target." She said cooly.
I was almost shocked, I was insanely mad, I didn't want her to kill anyone.
"Sally honey," I said softly, but the girp had fallen asleep in our arms. Dove gentley laid the brown haired child in bed, almost tucking her in when Charlie pulled a knofe out on her. I wrapped a tendril around my Dove and pulled her close to my chest giving a glare to the demon bear. Charlie stuck his paw up at me and began tucking Sally in himself.
I walked back to my room with (y/n) still in my arms. I bacled away from the hug?
"Who did you kill?!" I tried to ask calmly,
(Y/n) didnt allow her beautiful (e/c) eyes to meet my blank face.
"He was a human trafficker." (Y/n) said quietly and telepathically.
Ah, I see so it was one of Jeffs targets, she must have asked them. I will strangle that asshat.
"(Y/n), I want you to promise me something."
The girl was shaking now, God damnit she's probably scared I'll hit her.
"Please don't go killing with Jeff again. Infact just kill with Sally please."
The (h/c) girl nodded. I pulled her into a hug. Then she kissed me, i kissed back by forming lips. I held her closer to me. God this feels great. Her hands were moving on my back sending shivers down my spine.
"(Y/n)?" I asked in between kisses it was slowly getting hotter in here.
"I want to show you I love you and how sorry I am..."
She said quietly
I pulled away from the kiss, I knew what she was going to do. I held her shoulders in my hands, her eyes still weren't facing me. I used a tendril to gently go under her chin and lift it up.
Her eyes looked sad, vacant, dead.
"My dear," I said sadly to her "Listen to me, what happened today was not your fault. Rape is never the victims fault! Please understand that. I will always be here to protect you okay? No matter what from now on I promise."
She broke, my Dove feel into my arms crying her mind kept telling her it was. I will do everything I can to heal when I return. I swear on my life.
I led her to bed and cuddled with her for the remainder of the time I had, she feel asleep in my arms.
"My broken Dove I vow to give you your wings back when I return." I placed this message with my lovers head. Hoping that it would stay there.
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