Izuku P.o.v
I woke up in a cold sweat. Quickly scanning the room around me I remembered the events of last night. I was in my older sister's apartment that she paid for with "borrowed" money from our parents. I slicked back my hair with one hand as to let me think, leaning the rest of my weight onto my other hand that rest on the couch. I couldn't make heads or tails of my dream. I was at being carried in the pouring rain by a mysterious figure who wrapped themselves in a cloak. The strange figure faced me revealing her face, or at least should've. All I saw was a pair of teeth surrounded by a dark abyss. They moved their teeth trying to speak to me, their voice was drowned out by the hard rain that fell on my face. Who was this person? Was this really a dream, or was it a memory or something?
I was set down and the figure walked off into the distance. That's when I woke up. I stared out the glass that blocked the apartment room from the outside world. The glass panels stretched across the room giving a beautiful view of the city. The sky was filled with black as it stretched and turned into a lighter blue, which then turned into a crisp orange and red. I let out a heavy sigh and pushed myself off the bed and onto the cold wood floors. As I walked to the fridge I heard a light snoring. I looked back at the a recliner chair which was perpendicular to the couch I had slept on. The snoring that occupied said chair was Takeyama. A smile grew onto my face. It had been a long time since I'd seen her like this, calm, peaceful, content. I decided not to risk waking her up and headed for the door. As I put my hand on the handle I saw my grey sleeve that rested on my wrist.It was covered in wrinkles that were scattered all over my clothing. Making my way over to the bathroom I had seen it, I had slept in my uniform last night without even realizing it, and honestly, I looked very unkempt.
My green messy hair was messier than normal. Letting out another heavy sigh I decided to try and work with what I had. As I unbuttoned my uniform my vision got slightly blurry. It progressively got blurry no matter how much I tried to rub it out. I finished my unbuttoning and tossed my overcoat, tie, and white undershirt into the hamper across the room. I pried open my left eye with the corresponding hand and put the other into a pinching position. Carefully reaching towards my eyeball I pinched gently and retrieved a disposable contact. I repeated the process for the other eye and was now considerably blind. As I undressed the rest of my clothes my mind wandered.
I went through a lot back at the Yuu household. I was beaten, worked to the bone, and never lived in the best of conditions. With the ridiculous amount of time I spent in that Detention Cell my eyes had started to deteriorate. Luckily, one of the staff that worked at the mansion was kind enough to purchase me some contacts. The thought was extremely appreciated and I still thought I needed to repay those who did right by me, but I couldn't. Not yet anyways, I didn't have enough power to go back to that household. The first time I fought them it was a fluke, an accident. I wasn't even conscious during half of it. Also I would prefer not having to get beaten senseless. I stared at myself in the mirror, leaving my pants on. It was covered in scars, but those scars were accompanied by extremely toned muscles. Honestly someone could mistake me for a lightweight bodybuilder.
I smiled at the thought. Reaching back into the hamper, I pulled out my overcoat. I reached into the indoor pocket and pulled out a small case, opening the case I saw a pair of black Ray-Bans and slipped them onto my face. Deciding to scavenge the house for some clothes I left the bathroom,shirtless. I tip toed throughout the quiet home. Looking in every room till I found one that was locked. Turning the knob a couple of more times I got even more interested. What was so embarrassing that Sis had to lock the door in her own house. "Sorry Sis." I spoke to the wall, I used my quirk and sent some controlled air under the door. I sat there struggling a few times till I managed to turn the lock. The door popped open and I scurried inside. I closed the door and was surrounded by darkness.
I felt the walls for a switch until my fingers felt a small knob. I flipped the know upwards and the darkness vanished, revealing a room, a guest room. Why was this worth locking exactly? Shrugging it off I wandered around the room, finally I saw a piece of paper with pretty cursive writing on it. Pulling it up to my face I read it out loud quitely, "Izu's future bedroom". Suddenly a drop of water fell onto the piece of paper, then another. Before I knew it I was drenching the paper in tears. I dropped the paper and brought my forearm to my eyes. I just let out the tears, all of them. All the tears I held over the years. The ones that I wanted to shed when I was training, the ones I wanted to let out when I had to leave the only home I ever knew, when I was so grateful to Kacchan, all of them. I fell to my knees and bawled harder, not even worrying about how loud I was. I just sat there and cried to myself.
My life was nothing. I was beaten and tortured by my foster parents, mocked by my siblings, I never allowed myself to cry throughout the whole thing. I had to literally fight for my freedom. I had to beat people as hard as I could just to gain independence. I remembered when the Yuu had brought in a master martial artist and had him beat me. He beat me till I couldn't stand, till breathing hurt, till I wanted death more than life. The treatment had continued for months, until I could finally beat that man. And I beat him, I beat him the hardest I ever could. I unleashed my pain and anger onto that man and ended up fracturing his skull and hospitalizing him for several weeks. Even after I had nearly killed a man Takeyama loved me. No matter what I did or what I said she simply held me tight in her arms and told me I was gonna be okay.
I ended up punching and hitting her yelling at her that she didn't love me, that she was just faking. But she didn't get mad, all she did was hug me tighter and tell me that she would always be there for my. Repeating herself over, and over, and over. The words replayed in my head. "Izuku I will always love you. Always care for you. Always." She repeated it over and over, so calmly that it soothed me. And I left her. I left that house and her along with it. I hated myself. And then I met Kacchan. When I couldn't even remember who I was she took care of me. She seemed aggressive but she was one of the nicest people I'd ever met, she even gave me a place to live! I had made it through life depending on other people. Even if I hated the Yuu family, they still helped me, they made me strong. Strong enough to protect others, and even if their methods were beyond cruel, I was still grateful.
Takeyama burst into the room at lightning speed. " WHAT'S WRONG?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I didn't reply. All I did was jump onto her and cry into her shoulder.
"S-Sis I love you! I love you so much! You've done so much for someone as weak and pitiful as me. And I can't tell you how much you mean to me!" I screamed in between sobs. She smiled and stroked my hair gently. Running her smooth fingers through my curly hair. We slowly fell to our knees and sat there. As I cried into her shoulder, and she sat there comforting me, just like she used to. " B-Big Sis?"
"What's up bud?"
"I-I wanna live with you. I wanna repay you. Will you let me do that?"
"Of course. You're always welcome, because I'll always love you." We sat there just hugging each other. I wasn't crying anymore, my tears were too dry.
After Takeyama left the room I decided to put on some regular clothes. I put on dark blue jeans a white shirt and zipped up my brown sweater.
I walked into the kitchen as Takeyama let out a sharp whistle. " I knew that would look good on you!" She said with a big smile. "Oh by the way, you won't be wearing your uniform today."
"I gotta wash it, and there are a lot more wrinkles in that thing than I thought there would be. You can't go to the most prestigious hero school looking like you just woke up, ya know?" I thought back to Aizawa who always looked like he needed a good 12 hours of sleep and let out a chuckle. "What's so funny?" Takeyama questioned with a stern look. I shook my head ferociously and threw up my hands in defense.
"N-Nothing! I was just thinking about Aizawa-sensei that's all! I swear!" She let down her guard but still gave me a suspicious look. She finally let out a sigh and pointed at the sink with her spatula in hand.
"Fine, but wash your hands, breakfast is ready."
"Roger that!" I cheered as I practically skipped over to the sink. After I finished, I sat down at the table with a smile stuck on my face. Takeyama turned off the stove and threw the dirty dishes in the sink while and made her way to the table with a plate in each hand.
"Why so cheery all of a sudden Izu?" she asked setting my plate in front of me.
"Hmm, I don't know, I guess it's just that I'm excited to live with you!" I said as I thanked for my food and started to dig in. "WOW! Sis since when are you so great at cooking?!" I dug into the plate even more.
"O-Oh, y-you know, when I live by myself I gotta be able to make at least something decent for myself." She said with a light blush and twirling some hair around her index finger awkwardly.
"Decent? This is awesome! I don't think I've ever had anything this great!"
"R-Really? It's just eggs and bacon, nothing special."
"That's why I'm so impressed! You managed to give the eggs so much flavor! And the bacon is so crispy!" I exclaimed continuing to shovel the food down. Sis gave me a big grin as we both continued to eat, talking about things that we wanted to do today. She even offered to take me shopping, which I hesitantly, but surely agreed.
We walked down the busy streets as we made our way to the U.A., which Takeyama lived surprisingly close to. As I walked down the street cars raced back and forth down the road.
"Come on missy! We just wanna have some fun! Don't be so crude." I turned towards the other side of the road and saw a group of about 3 shady looking men surrounding a slender woman. Really? First thing in the morning? Well, guess it doesn't matter either way. "Hey Takeyama wait here will ya? I'm just gonna deal with this real quick."
"Huh? You don't need to Izuku, I could, I mean I'm the one with a license."
"Nah it's good, this can count for my daily workout." I used my quirk to create small solid steps of air and used them to walk over the street and behind the three men. I gently tapped on one man grabbing his attention.
"What do you want twerp? This isn't the place for heroes, so go run off and play somewhere!" I laughed nervously and put my hands up gesturing him to calm down.
"Listen sir, could you please lay off the poor lady? She's clearly not attracted to monkeys so how about I give you a couple yen to buy yourselves some bananas, yeah?" I pulled out my wallet and handed him 5000 yen and gently handed it to him. I heard the woman let out a light snicker. He snatched the money and gave a mean snarl. The other two goons decided to take their attention from the woman and direct it towards me.
"Hey Izuku! Don't just run off like that!" I heard Takeyama yell as she jogged to my side.
"Yeah sorry bout that." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck with a slight chuckle.
"Listen brat! Why don't you take your four eyes face and that whore there and go make out or something!" The man demanded.
"Listen here punk-" I interrupted Sis with a extended arm in front of her chest. I gave the man a generous smile and finally slipped my wallet into my pocket.
"I'm sorry sir. I truly didn't mean to inconvenience you. Say I need to clean my ears, so would you mind repeating what you said?"
"I said take your whore-" I interrupted him with a swift punch to the nose hearing a small cracking sound.
"Thought so. Now listen, I don't really care about what you say about me, but if you talk like that to anyone, and I mean anyone, that I care about-" I crouched down to his eye level and glared into his tearful eyes. "It'll be the last thing you say!" The man's eyes went from teared with pain, to wide in fear.
"You bastard! Four eyes brat like you thinks he can fight with the big kids? I'll show you pukehead!" One of the thugs yelled as he charged at me, only to be met with a heel to his face. Startled I turned towards the person who sent the kick, only to see Kacchan cracking her knuckles and giving off a menacing aura.
"Listen shithead! I'm trying to get school! And you're making a ruckus! I'm in a foul mood right now and you're in the way!" she sad as the aura got stronger and stronger. Shit, I bet I'm the reason for the foul mood I bet....
The last goon fell onto his butt and cowered in fear. Suddenly the menacing aura I felt doubled. Hesitantly I looked to my left and saw Sis giving off the same aura. I looked back at the guy who was practically crying to himself. I couldn't help but think one thing, poor guy. "So you guys think you can hurt Izu, do you? Well then, let me introduce you to what I like to call, hell." Takeyama said, each word filled with venom. Her eyes shadowed by her hair as she too cracked her knuckles in preparation of what she was gonna do.
The two girls continued to beat the thug mercilessly. A bead of sweat slipped down my head in fear. Note to self, do not anger either of them, under any circumstances. I finally decided to stand on my feet and dust off my clothes. I set my attention towards the girl deciding to calm her before she called the cops on the two girls behind me. "H-Hey sorry about that, they don't mean any harm, honestly. Anyways I'm Midoriya Iz-"
"Izuku, Midoriya Izuku. I would hope I memorized the name of the boy who placed the highest on the practical and the apprehension test." The girl interrupted. Now that I payed attention the girl was wearing the U.A uniform.
"Wow.." I rubbed my neck nervously as I averted her gaze, "...I feel kinda bad for not knowing your name now. Ms.....?"
"Yaoyorozu, Momo Yaoyorozu." she said as she straightened herself up to appear more presentable. I let out a small snicker which grabbed her attention. "What? Is there something funny about my name? Or are you just rude?" She accused, obviously getting irritated.
Throwing my hands up as I shook my head I quickly reassured her, "No! That's not what I meant at all! I was just thinking about how quite a name like 'Momo' is, it sounds like a small bunny!" Her serious face turned a bright red, that's odd, was it something I said? I thought girls liked being complimented.
"W-W-W-Well then! N-Now that we cleared that misunderstanding I must ask....Why are you wearing glasses? You weren't wearing any during the apprehension, so I was quite curious, but if you don't wanna talk about it I completely understand!" She said starting to turn flustered. Giving a light chuckle in response I heard the background noise go quite.
"So while I risk my life defending you, you go and flirt with other girls?! Mr. I Cried My Eyes Out This Morning!" I froze up at that comment as my face lit up like a light bulb.
"Wait who is this nerd?" I heard Kacchan ask in a more than normal irritated voice,which is pretty irritated. Luck was on my side, if I could get out of here without her seeing my face I was golden. I'm sure I could run to a nearby optometrist and steal some contacts of my prescription.Granted, it wouldn't be hero like, not at all in fact, but I would pay them back next chance I could, also a small act of villainy is much preferable than death. I tightened the grip on my yellow backpack and braced myself. I was gonna bolt out of here, and if I had to use my quirk to be it.
"Oh, Bakugou-san! This right here is Midoriya, pretty misleading with the glasses huh? I thought so too." Momo stated quickly and punctually. Slowly I turned my head to Momo, stop my head every half in inch or so. I know she's a good girl at heart, but assisted murder is not okay. My body was terrified. What was Kacchan gonna do?
"That's Izuku? Why the hell are you wearing glasses?" she replied as her snarl lessened
"O-Oh hey Kacchan d-didn't see you there!" I said nervously trying to hide my obvious fear. Embracing my inevitable doom I decided to straighten myself up and at look like civilized, instead of being hunched over in my preparation to run away. Kacchan started making movements towards me. This is it. This is where I die, on the side of the street surrounded by people. No! I wouldn't let this defeat me! Kacchan was rational, I could reason with her! "Listen Kacchan! I didn't mean to bail on you! I just woke up and presumed everyone had already gone home! I mean there's no way you would wait several hours just to walk home with me was there? No definitely no-Ah!" I ranted on with excuses on end. But Kacchan just kept closing that distance we had. As she got closer my ranting got quicker, until she hugged me tight.
"You big fucking idiot! Do you know how worried I was? You never even texted me back! You didn't pick up a single call, and when I finally see you, you come up with excuses?! I was mad, yeah, but anger isn't the only emotion I feel! I was so scared something happened to you! Do you understand how much you mean to me?! God, you're just so stupid!" she cried into my shoulder turning my brown jacket into an almost black color. She was right, I didn't even think about how she felt. All I could worry about was me and my stupid ass. I was such a piece of dirt sometimes.
My arms just stood there, frozen in the air by pure shock. Finally I eased my mind and decided I had do something about this. I returned the hug with equal force and just smiled into her shoulder. "I'm sorry Kacchan, thank you for worrying about a big idiot like me. I'm truly,truly, thankful from the bottom of my heart. So thankful."
A/N WOOT WOOT! I did it guys! I wanted to try and get to the Villains vs Heroes fight and cut off there, but this worked so much better. So I'll be updating this book again sometime this week with a 1k Special. Seeing how quickly this thing blew up I'm gonna have to start getting my shit together. So there will be specials here and there and the book is going to start getting to be a lot more like a harem. I thought this chapter was really sweet and was happy to get it out to you guys, but what did you think? Honestly I love reading your guys' comments so please tell me what you thought about this. Thanks for reading and COME AGAIN!
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