No Longer With Yuu
It's been 9 years since Takeyama and Izuku made their promise to each other. For the first year or so Izuku's body was in constant pain, sometimes it would be so bad that even the smallest movements sent a surge of pain throughout his body, but he kept pushing forward. He made a promise to his sister and he refused to back out or fail on his part. Izuku had matured greatly he was still the innocent cinnamon roll he was back then but he stopped his studdering that he used to do, or at least it was beaten out of him by his "parents". Izuku was now 13 and he still hadn't managed to manifest his quirk, he started to doubt that he even had one. However Takeyama refused to give up any hope on Izuku, sometimes when he would bring up the matter that he might end up being quirkless his sister would scold him for trying to give up on their dream though Izuku never did.
One day Izuku had overdone it by far too much. Working out for 9 hours every day, next to no breaks, and next to no sleep due to him studying like his parents made him, it all finally caught up to him. On his daily 5 km run (about 3 miles) he collapsed. Takeyama saw this because she was reading a book underneath her favorite tree, because she got to see Izuku working so hard and see his perfect body. He had a 6 pack and all of his muscles as tone as they could be. Takeyama hurried over to her brother who refused to move his body with his face in the cold morning dirt, it was nice and cool on his hot body. Takeyama rolled him over onto is back and head resting on her lap. She leaned forward touching his forehead with his, she jumped back due to his hot head startling her. He was so hot it was practically unnatural.
Tears threatened to leave her eyes. She sat there looking at her sweet brother who worked so hard suffering so much, he was panting heavily while he squirmed in her lap tossing and turning trying to find a position that would cool him down or at least be more comfortable than the position he was originally in. He reached out his hand hovering his hand over the dirt looking for his water bottle.Takeyama realized this and handed him his bottle trying to help in whichever way she could, she sat there frantic, not sure what to do. She loved Izuku more than anyone could imagine some would call her love for him unhealthy. Seeing Izuku like this was unbearable, she decided she would do something and not just sit there. She picked up Izuku bridal style and walked him back to their house.
She walked in the front door to be greeted by her parents who were cross armed frowning at Izuku. "What a useless child. His name Deku fits him perfectly!" Mrs. Yuu said with a frown and furrowed brows. "Honey take Deku here, and throw him in his punishment cell." His punishment room was a pitch black room that was stone everywhere and had no heaters so naturally it was always freezing and sometimes they would open to see him in the corner shivering, lips blue and pale skin. As Mr. Yuu stepped forward to take Izuku Takeyama snatched him back from her father and turned to try and hide Izuku from the angry parents.
"You can't treat him like this! He's been complying to your crazy requests for 9 years! Now he's sick and you're gonna punish him?!" Takeyama yelled at her parents while she subtly shook in her boots because she was finally talking back to her crazy parents while tears still trying to escape her eyes.
With all this yelling Izuku had started to regain consciousness. He looked around to try and figure out where he was to be welcomed by pitch black. He raised his limp arm to figure out was blocking his vision and he grabbed a soft,round,squishy object. He squeezed it a few times to try and make out this mysterious object when he heard a quiet but loud at the same time "Ahh~!". Izuku turned red as he had finally figured out what he just grabbed. Everyone looked at Izuku appalled, his parents, started to get furious, and not your normal 'what do you think you're doing' kind of mad like how a normal person would react.No, they looked like they were about to unleash hell itself, Izuku's siblings never really liked him but just once in this moment they felt sorry for Izuku, they knew they were about to see this boy they tormented for so long, die.
The maids and butlers always liked Izuku, sometimes they would sneak up plates of cookies and milk to him while he would study to be thanked by a toothy smile that they grew to love so much, he was by far their favorite kid out of the Yuu family. He would always try to help them whenever they needed it, and sometimes would even take the blame for one of the maids or butlers who might've accidentally broken something only to be rewarded with beating and whips as punishment for breaking something. They too were sad to see the boy was about to meet his end.
Izuku P.o.v
After I had squeezed Takeyama's *clear throat* boobs I turned redder than a tomato. My forehead was burning hot now, not just because of my insanely high fever but my blush didn't help at all. Next thing I knew I was dropped onto the floor and winced at my sore back meeting the marble floor so quickly. I looked up to see Takeyama protecting her private parts like I had just sexually harassed her or something, I had to fix this situation, 'THINK THINK THINK! WHAT DO GIRLS LIKE TO BE TOLD!?....COMPLIMENTS! I HAVE TO COMPLIMENT HER THAT WAY SHE DOESN'T FEEL CONSCIOUS OF HER BODY!' I would soon regret having this train of thought. "Uh, H-hey Sis! D-Don't worry! Th-They felt really nice! Your b-boobs are great!" I said frantically as my stutter came back. She reacted to slap to my face with a squeal of embarrassment. I mentally face palmed as I realized what I had just done.I managed to stand up still feeling groggy and weak, I then realized that I had been slapped again knocking me onto my butt.
"What do you think you're doing Izu? You're way too sick to be up and about right now! You need to stop making me worry and let me take care of you!" Takeyama said with pink roses while finally letting those tears out that had been sitting in her eyes for so long. "Then why are you slapping me if I'm so fragile right no-*smack*" I was then interrupted with yet ANOTHER slap. "Stop slapping me Big Si-*smack*" another slap. I was then tackled down to the ground by Takeyama who was sobbing on my shoulder. "You're so reckless! If you were so sick why did you get out of bed this morning! What if I wasn't there to help you?!" Takeyama said while taking breaths and hiccups due to her tears in between each sentence. I let out a sigh and started to rub her back comforting her letting her know that I was alright and she didn't need to worry so much anymore.
Mr. and Mrs Yuu P.o.v
"Did they forget we're here?" they sad as they deadpanned staring at their kids who were acting like a couple from some rom-com.
Third person P.o.v
The Yuu's had enough of their kids little skit and decided it was time to step in. " What do you think you're doing to our daughter you trash?!" Mr. Yuu yelled while Mrs. Yuu stood back supporting him. " That's it!! Now you'll be living in your punishment cell for 1 week! You'll eat sleep and train in that pitch black room and then you'll get 50 whips once you get out!" Mr. Yuu yelled while he turned red because of all his anger while his wife stood in the back nodding in agreement. Izuku was done. He was not dealing with this right now, he walked past his parents while pushing his father aside with his shoulder as he headed to his room. Mr. Yuu was as red with fury, he stopped Izuku by grabbing his wrist and turned him towards his face where he headbutted Izuku knocking him on his ass. Izuku stood up while his messy green hair shadowed his eyes,and blood streamed down his face dropping off his chin onto the floor. "Aren't you gonna clean that up and make yourself useful for once you DE-" Mr. Yuu was interrupted with a punch to his face making him fly back a few feet and onto his back. Takeyama probably should've stepped in to help her quirle- brother! she was still confident he had a quirk but that wasn't the problem right now. She was purely awestruck at her cool brother who started to fight off his parents while everyone just watched purely awestruck. Takeyama had to admit it now, she was in love with her little brother, she thought about how wrong that was of her till she realized, THEY'RE NOT RELATED BY BLOOD! She could be with her brother and no one could judge her! And if people still frowned on their relationship she could just change her name! She watched Izuku sidestep their mom's fire that shot of her hands as he ducked and ran till he connected his fist to her gut. She keeled over holding onto her stomach as she threw up what appeared to be blood. Izuku stood in front of his mother limply leaning back fading in and out of consciousness due to his fever and his mom's quirk greatly affecting him. He was snapped out of his daze as his dad did a roundhouse to his head. His dad's quirk was a limb reinforcement which he strengthened to be about quarter of one of All Might's hits. Izuku flipped sideways about 20 feet till he hit a wall which he indented. Izuku now covered in blood as it dripped off his face onto his bare skin (still doesn't have a shirt on from running) the rest of the Yuu family decided it might be fun to join in on this little bully session on Deku. Izuku got wailed by emitter and reinforcement quirks back to back. Luckily his oldest brother Kana who was now a pro hero was not here today. Izuku parried a couple of hits and returned them with the martial arts that he had mastered, He had mastered almost all of the martial arts known to man including boxing and street fighting. One of his siblings ran at him with their arm which had transformed the forearm into a western sword, Izuku tilted his head to his left barely dodging the sword as it grazed his cheek.
He grabbed the arm where it had not been turned into a sword and brought it down to his knee cleanly snapping their arm in half the kid dropped to floor screaming in agony. Another sibling tried to make their way to the kid in pain only to be picked up by the collar by Izuku, the kid looked at Izuku in fear as he yelled in fear "What do you think you're doing?? I'm the only one in this house hold who has a healing quirk! You've gotta let me help him!" the kid frantically yelled at Izuku only for him not to respond in the slightest. Izuku tilted his head back to reveal his eyes, the kid's look turned from scared to terrified. He screamed and flailed in Izuku's arm until he managed to land a kick to his face, Izuku didn't react except for dropping the kid. The rest of the Yuu family was done waiting for their turn to attack as they all charged at once. The whole family charged at Izuku except for three. The first being the kid behind Izuku who had passed out due to shock, the second being Takeyama who just stood there. She no longer had her awestruck face, was shaking. She couldn't move what was she afraid of? she looked around the massive room as to see if it was some outside force stopping her from moving till her attention landed on Izuku, it was him.She was scared of him. He just broke a kids arm without any reaction and she still hadn't seen his eyes till he tilted his head and dropped the boy who was the third person not charging Izuku. His eyes were no longer the shiny emerald green they once were, no, they were dull, dark, with no emotion in his face till she thought 'Is he unconscious?' Just before all of the Yuu's quirks landed,it all seemed to freeze.
Izuku P.o.v
What is this? Where am I? I looked around only to see I was floating around in nothingness. Oh I see. No one is here, I'm all alone. I curled into fetal position and sat there. Guess I'll just give up. I'm alone,unwanted,unloved, with no one here but my self. Then I faintly heard my name,wait how? I'm alone. Unwanted. Unloved. Why do I hear someone calling out to me?
"Izu!!!!! Stop I'm here they can't hurt you anymore!!" Who is that? Wait, that's Big Sis! She's here? Where? I turned around to see a bright light. I reached out and grabbed it. I woke up in a sweat, and looked around. "Why is everything broken and destroyed? Why is everyone on the ground? What happened?" My breath started to get more intense, I was hyperventilating. Till I felt someone cup my cheeks, it was Takeyama. She pulled me into a hug and we just sat there while she cried and I was confused. eventually she pushed me off her and looked into my eyes.
"Do you know what you just did?" She asked me with a worried, but happy look. "No. Should I?" I asked her in confusion. "You used your quirk!" she said pulling me back into a hug. "I did what? Explain what the heck is going on please!" I asked pushing her back so I could look at her eye to eye. " Well it was a little scary to be frank." she said.
15 Minutes ago
Just before Izuku was hit with 8 intensely powerful quirks he vanished. Suddenly they all felt what just happened. Where were they? they looked forward to realize they weren't standing, they were on the ground. They figured it out, Izuku didn't vanish they were just thrown across the room in a split second. They got up as they all were trembling they hurt like hell they couldn't believe they weren't all knocked out till Mr. and Mrs. Yuu realized they were the only ones standing. The rest of the kids DID get knocked out. They looked across the room to see they were thrown 120 yards which was the length of the whole room, by the quirkless Deku. Or at least not quirkless anymore. Once again they charged him, Mrs. Yuu tried shoot out her fire only to see smoke come from her hands. She tried again, still didn't work, then she realized she couldn't breath she brought her hands to her throat trying to get SOME oxygen in her longs until she closed her eyes...she passed out.
Mr. Yuu didn't look back to see his wife, all that he was focused on right now was getting to that useless Deku and showing him his place. He tried to do another roundhouse since it worked so well the first time. He waited for it to connect,and waited,and waited. Till finally he decided to look at what had happened only to see his leg stopped by an elbow block that reinforced by his right arm. What he didn't understand is why he never felt connect. Izuku then lowered his arms and stood there looking eye to eye to his father, Mr. Yuu looked back at his to see it still stood there he tried to pull but to no avail, it was stuck in mid air. Izuku turned to face his fathers leg as he just hovered his hand over the leg till he quickly closed it into a fist *SNAP* *CRUNCH*. Mr. Yuu yelped in pain as he saw his entire leg crunched and mangled, until he looked at Izuku being tackled into a hug by Takeyama. "Takeyama get away from him he's a monster!" he yelled trying to get his daughter to safety but she would budge.
"He's not a monster! Look at him he's unconscious!" She yelled as she clung onto her slightly shorter brother. Izuku put his fist in front of Mr. Yuu till he opened it into an open palm. Then a strong gust of wind quickly flung him another 120 yards across the room flying into the wall and getting stuck in it unconscious.
"And that's how we got here!" Takeyama said cheerfully. "Aren't you scared of me? If I really did that that just means that I'm a monster!" Izuku screamed while falling to his knees gripping his hair in hopes to comfort himself. Takeyama looked him dead into his eyes as calm as someone could be, especially after what she just saw happen. "Listen Izu! Did you wanna do that to them? Did you mean to be that monster?" she said shaking him. Izuku grabbed her wrist to show that he wanted to stop being shaken. " No of course not!" He said while tears sat at his eyes trying to escape but being held back by sniffs and snorts. "Alright, then tomorrow we're gonna practice and train your quirk. We'll name it and everything tomorrow!" Izuku nodded as he slowly fell into a slumber.
Midnight That Night Izuku P.o.v
"Sorry Big Sis" Izuku whispered as he leaned over to kiss her sleeping forehead. He wrote a note and left it on nightstand so she wouldn't miss it when she woke up the next day. He took his suitcase and walked out the front door still exhausted and beaten from today's fight and still having his extremely bad fever. He then felt something on his shoulder, and then on the other, and soon it was all over him. He looked up to see it raining cats and dogs. He put his wallet in his inner coat pocket which had about 250k yen (roughly 2k USD). He walked down a residential area limping and swaying with each step. "Keep going.....keep going.....keep goi-" he then collapsed on two pillows. 'How convenient someone left these two perfect pillows standing right here. I'm just gonna take a quick little na-' he then started subtly snore a quiet snore, something that a baby would snore something so pure and innocent anyone who saw it would wanna protect i- *smack*....never mind.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU BIG PERVERT?! THINK YOU CAN JUST PUT YOUR HEAD IN MY TITS LIKE THEY'RE FREE PILLOWS?? WELL YOU'RE SORELY MISTAKEN!" a girl with ashe blond hair hair that was short but not so short it looked like it was a guys hairdo yelled. She slapped the pervert into a wall where he just slid down collapsing with heavy panting and a high fever. She saw that this guy was not doing too well on his own right now so she threw his arm over her neck while she took him to a hospital. Leaving a suitcase sitting in the middle of the road with some clothes hanging out because Izuku didn't zip it up all the way in his delirious state. " God I can't believe some shit bag like you is making me do this for you when I literally know nothing about you!" Katsuki said as she looked down at the boy who, now that she looked at him was really cute, and I mean like REALLY CUTE! She blushed as she saw a hospital in the distance with all of it's lights on. She refused to fail this kid she just knew from the moment she looked at him that she would have to protect him.
What did you guys think? I really wanted to leave the chapter off at this point but it took me longer to get here than I thought, Doing the fight scenes was a little weird at first but I would Like it if you would give me your opinions on how it was or what I could improve oh btw.
Quirk Details
Name: Izuku Yuu Midoriya
Quirk Name: Gas Control
He can manipulate any gas that he knows the chemical compound of and has inhaled in the last 10min, Oxygen and Hydrogen counts and he cant make gases come out of nowhere it has to come from an outside source. He can control the movement,pressure, and with some gases density.(TBH I don't know how to explain it this is the best I can do)
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