Chapter 11: Swimming
Layla's POV: *the next day*
"What do you wanna do today, Lay?" Drake asked me, it's Saturday today meaning no school and we have nothing to do. My hands were still wrapped up, but they didn't hurt as much. Drake changed the bandages this morning and they weren't as bad as yesterday, but it was still bad I guess.
"I don't know, Drakey. Honestly, I just want to watch Teen Wolf all day." I said and continued to eat my ice cream.
We are currently in the living room and Drake's bugging me because he wants to do something.
"C'mon Layla, I'm bored. I wanna do something." He whined and poked my side.
"Drakey, stop. I just wanna watch Teen Wolf." I said trying to focus on Stiles and my ice cream.
"But you always watch Teen Wolf, can't we do something together?" He whined again
"Alright, fine. What do you pronounce we do?" I asked and turned off the TV and turned to face him. I finished off my ice cream and set the bowl on the coffee table.
"How about we call the guys and we go swimming in the backyard?" He suggested
"So is Jamie gonna be there?" I asked, he chuckled and nodded his head.
"Yes, Ames is gonna be there." He said, I squealed and clapped my hands.
"Yes, go call them. Call them now, Drakey!" I exclaimed, he laughed and pulled out his phone.
"I'm gonna go up in my room!" I said and hopped off the couch. I skipped up the stairs and ran to my room. I fixed up my room when Drake and I went shopping the day before school started and I really like it.
My bed is probably my favourite part, because it isn't too big and not too small either. It can fit two people and so when I want to cuddle with Drake, I can. I sat on my bed and heard the door open.
"Lay, I called up the guys and they said that they're on their way." He said, I smiled and nodded my head and then I remembered my hands.
"Drakey, how am I gonna swim with my hands all bandaged up?" I asked with a pout
"It's alright, Lay. Your burn is just a first degree burn, you can swim as long as the water isn't too cold." He said
"Yay! Thank you, Drakey!" I said and jumped off my bed and tackled him with a hug. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.
"Now go get ready, we're gonna have loads of fun. I'm gonna go change and set up the volleyball net and the speakers." He said, I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead and walked out.
I walked towards my dresser to look for my swimsuits. I dug in my drawer and finally found one. It was really cute, it wasn't too revealing so I guess it's okay.
(A/N: Picture of Layla's swimsuit)
I went to my bathroom and got changed. I pulled on one of Drake's shirts and unwrapped the bandages from my hands. I looked at them and they weren't too bad. I could definitely still swim with these. I grabbed a towel and my phone and skipped down the stairs. I was about to go to the backyard to help Drake out but then the doorbell rang.
"Layla, can you get that?" I heard Drake yell from the backyard.
"Alright, I got it!" I yelled back, I set my towel and phone on the couch and ran to the door. I opened it and saw Dylan, Warren, and Blake.
"Hey guys! Drake's in the backyard." I said, they all smiled and greeted me with hugs.
"I'm gonna go make some snacks, you guys go ahead in the backyard." I told them, they nodded their heads and I let them in.
"Do you need any help?" Blake asked, I smile and shook my head.
"No, I'll be fine." I said, he nodded his head and they all walked out to the backyard.
Now let's see what can I make? Should I make banana bread? Would they like that? Hmm probably, everyone loves banana bread? Right? I'm gonna make it anyway. I looked through the cupboards and gathered all the ingredients.
I was in the middle of mixing all the ingredients when the doorbell rang again. That must be Jamie! I stopped what I was doing and ran to the door. I opened it to see Jamie, Justin, Gabe, Andrew, and Ben. I smiled and gave them all a hug and let them in.
"The others are already in the backyard, you can join them if you want. I'm gonna finish making the snacks." I said, they all nodded their heads and walked to the backyard except for Jamie. He gave me a smile and wrapped his arms around me.
"I missed you, Angel." He said, I giggled and wrapped my arms around him.
"You saw me yesterday, Jamie." I said and pulled away from him. I walked back to the kitchen with him trailing behind. I continued what I was doing and I just felt him staring at me.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him, he looked me up and down and frowned.
"You're just wearing a shirt." He said, my cheeks flushed at the realisation and I looked down.
"Right, I'm wearing a swimsuit under and I didn't want to walk around in just that so I wore one of Drake's shirts." I explained, he walked towards me and tried pulling the shirt down even if it was already mid thigh on me.
"Jamie, what are you doing?" I asked him, he furrowed his eyebrows and keep trying to pull the shirt down. I held his hand and he looked up at me.
"It's too short, Angel." He frowned, I let out a giggle and I just looked at him.
"Jamie, I'm gonna be removing this later on so it's no use pulling it down. Besides, it's just you and the guys." I said
"But Angel, you're exposing too much." He whined
"It'll be fine, Jamie." I smiled, he huffed but nodded his head.
"Fine, but you're staying underwater where no one can see you." He said
"You're so silly, Jamie." I said and pinched his cheeks.
*After baking the banana bread*
"Alright, all done. That should be enough snacks for us." I said and placed everything in a tray. I made some sandwiches and made some iced tea, and then there's the banana bread.
"This is more than enough, Angel." Jamie chuckled and picked up the tray.
"Let's head out, I wanna go swimming." I said and grabbed my towel and phone from the couch and ran to the backyard where the other guys were swimming and the speakers were playing music. I placed my towel and phone on the table and Jamie placed down the tray. Jamie took off his shirt and I just kinda stared at him. I wonder what those bumps are...
"Umm Angel, you're staring." He said snapping me out of my thoughts. I tilted my head to the side and stared at the bumps. I walked towards him and placed my hands on them which made him freeze.
"Angel, what are you doing?" He asked in a shaky voice, I ran my hands down the bumps in amazement.
"What are these?" I asked him, he let out a nervous chuckle and he grabbed my hands.
"These are abs, Angel." He smiled
"Abs?" I asked
"Yeah, Abs. It's something a person earns when you work out a lot." He explained
"Oh, so you work out a lot?" I asked
"Yes, Angel, I do." He said
"Interesting" I said and then stepped back. I sighed and took off my shirt, I then took my hair out of it's bun and ran my fingers through them. I heard a whistle from the pool and saw that everyone was staring at me.
"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked, they all shifted their gaze and Drake glared at them. I turned to Jamie and saw him looking at me, he was looking at me up and down. What is up with them?
"Jamie? Are you okay?" I asked him and snapped my fingers in face. He snapped out of his gaze and gave me a weary smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He said and looked away from me.
Why are they being so weird? Sheesh.
There you go! Chapter 11, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This chapter isn't all that interesting, I didn't know what to put, so yeah sorry about that. I hope you guys like it anyway, love you guys!
Word count: 1492
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