8 | Family Day?
I sit in the library, doing my other assignments, while catching looks from Jay, as FG taps her stick.
"Children, excuse me." The four look at her. "Um, as you know, uh, this Sunday is family day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat." She goes to the TV, and turns it on, showing their parent's faces.
Wow, Jafar got real old.
"I don't see anything, nor do I hear." A woman, who I assume is Maleficent, says, looking confused.
"Kids!" FG calls the four, and I sit on a table near them. Jay holds my hand, making me smile.
"Is it... is it... is..." Maleficent stumbles.
"Press enter." Jafar suggests.
"Can I please see a remote?" Maleficent orders. "Is this thing on? Ugh, It's broken."
"Ugh!" Cruella copies.
"I hate electronic equip... Oh!" Maleficent says, apparently their screen came on.
"Evie, It's mommy. Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Evil Queen says, complementing herself.
"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent asks, fixing her horns. I tune out of the conversation, because clearly these people are delusional. Jay hides our joined hands, and I look around.
Jay turns the TV off, when I look up.
"I'm so sorry." FG apologizes, really meaning it.
"Thanks for the special treat." Jay responds, letting me go.
"Of course." FG responds, and looks at me.
They walk away, and FG pats my shoulder.
"I think we need to put this away. You can have the rest of the day off." She tells me, and walks away.
Aye aye, Headmistress Lady.
I do as I'm told, and stay on my computer.
I go to my dorm later, after my last period with Jay, and release my heavy load.
"Ohh good! Come on, we need to get our dresses for the coronation." I nod.
.•. Sunday •.•
"That was so lovely!" Belle compliments Ben, and I find my parents, and my grandfathers.
"Ohh, Alliya, how good of your group! Belle and Beast must be proud!" Granddad comments as I hug him."
"Was it really that good?" My dad and mom hug me, and proceed to ignore my question.
"Where's that one boy you brought to dinner?" I nod. I wave him over, and he smiles, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Mother, his name is Jay?" I give her a look, and she nods.
"Of course, hello, dear." My parents shake his hand, and Gramps stands beside him.
"I think he's charming enough. Reminds me of me!" I groan.
"Gramps, you were in the 40 Thieves. Of course he'd remind you of you." He grins.
"Exactly what I mean." Dad shakes his head.
"How about some croquet before lunch, eh? I'm in a battle with Beast." Speaking of.
"Ohh, Alliya, darling, you have a boyfriend as well?" Belle comments, looking a little freaked out.
"I assume that Ben told you about Mal?" She nods.
"Yes he did." The men shake hands, and I drag Jay away before anything else could go wrong.
"Croquet, huh?" He asks.
"Ever play?" He wraps an arm around my shoulder.
"Nope." I laugh.
"You'll like it." I drag him to the field, and Ben snatches him away. I go stand by Mal, who looks lost.
"Hello there." Queen Leah says to Mal. She pats my shoulder.
Did I mention that Queen Leah just about despises me? No? Eh. I don't know why either.
"Hi." Mal responds.
"Now, have we met?" The Queen asks.
"No, I don't think so. I'm new." Mal explains. "I'm sort of like a... Transfer student."
"Oh, yes." She nods.
"Grammy." Audrey comes to hug her grandmother, and I have a VERY bad feeling about this.
"Oh, Audrey!" Queen Leah exclaims. "Give grammy a kiss, dear."
"'Grammy'?" Mal asks, unsure. I grip her shoulder to give her comfort.
"Sleeping beauty's mother." Audrey gives her a nasty look. "Grammy, I don't think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like taking
another hundred-year nap." She says in her snakiest tone.
"What?" She gets a good look at Mal. "You!" She yells, making the both of us jump. "How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" She asks Mal. Ohh I know who... Ben comes over, and takes his girlfriend by her shoulders, scooching me out of the way. Jay grabs my waist, and holds me to him.
"Queen Leah, It's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" My parents have come closer as well, and I grip Jay's hand firmly. I feel like all of this is slipping out from under us.
"A chance to what, Ben?" Queen Leah asks him, emotion in her voice. "Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don't you? The poison apples. And the spells." Everyone looks at Belle and Beast, who hold their heads down. "Spells. My daughter... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" She cries. She crosses her arms and turns around. "You mustn't trust her."
"I'm so so..." Mal tries to apologize.
"Go away! Stay away from her!" Chad interjects, stepping between the Queen and Mal.
"Don't do this, Chad." Ben defends his girlfriend. I feel Jay's grip on me get a tad tighter, as if he knows there's going to be a fight. And I know all too well where that could end up.
"What?" Chad asks. "They were raised
by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh." He points at Mal. "You stole another girl's boyfriend."
"Hey, hey!" Ben yells.
"Oh. You enjoy hurting people." Chad points at Jay.
"That's unfair!" I yell, but Jay holds me back, planting his face in my hair.
"And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." He points to Evie, and I want to punch him.
"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie thrusts her mirror in Chad's face.
"What?" He almost knocks the thing out of Evie's hand. "Come on!" Jay lets go of me, and gets in Chad's face.
"Back off, Chad. All right?" He grabs his collar. I try to reach for him, but Gramps gets to me first, holding me back.
"Back off!" Evie sprays something in his face, and he goes down. Ben takes Jay off of him.
"Chad!" Audrey yells, still holding her little cup. "Chad? Chad!" She asks, as he falls to the ground.
"Come on, Mal." Evie grabs Mal's hand, and pulls her.
"Guys!" Mal shouts, and Jay stands there looking at me. I want to go and give him a hug or something, but Gramps still has me captive. "Jay!" Mal yells, and he follows.
Gramps let's me go, and I go to Ben, who doesn't know what just happened.
"I feared something like this would happen." Beast says, cleaning his glasses.
"This isn't their fault!" Ben yells, and I put a hand on his arm.
"No, son. It's yours." His parents start to leave.
"Mom?" She looks at him, then at her husband, then straight ahead.
"Ben. What are we going to do?" I ask him.
"Have you been with me this entire time?" I nod. "Then we'll get through this. Just like every other time." I smile.
We walk to the courtyard, and watch the kids.
"Hey, guys." He puts his hands on Mal's shoulders again, but she doesn't respond. I lay on Jay, but he won't look at me. "How is everyone? Yeah? Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay." He nods, and I shake my head. I get off Jay, and start walking back to the castle. "I have to go. I'll see you guys later." Ben follows me.
"Ben, what if they aren't safe here? No matter what you say, or do." He shakes his head.
"That's where we don't know what will happen. But for now? Just continue with classes. Pretend that nothing happened." I nod.
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