7 | The "Date"
I put my hat on, just as the door sounds with a knock.
"Coming!" I straighten it, double check myself in the mirror, and answer the door.
"Wow." Jay says, smiling. Iago looks from his spot on my bed, and squaks.
"Alli!" Jay looks over my shoulder.
"Is that Iago?" I sigh.
"Thanks, bird, now I have to explain everything to him." I glare at the bird, and then smile back at Jay.
"What?" He asks.
"I'll explain when we get there." I take the sleeve of his jacket, and tug, transporting us to the cliff.
"Okay, please explain!" He gives me a look, and I sigh.
"I don't want you to see me differently, but.. My parents are Aladdin and Jasmine." I blurt, closing my eyes. I feel warmth surrounding me, and look up.
Sure enough, the boy is giving me a hug.
"Well, you didn't look at me any differently, so why should I?" He asks, letting go. I grin.
"Good. Take off the jacket, and the beanie. Maybe your shoes too." I take off my hat, sandals, bracelet, and anklet before going to to edge.
"Are you nuts?" I laugh.
"I grew up with Genie. Of course I am." I turn around, wink, and fall, with his screams chasing me. I form a bubble around me, and float, going back up.
"What the?" He mutters, staring at me.
"I said I was nuts. Wanna try? I won't let you die, trust me. Ben, Lonnie, Audrey and I do it all the time. It's so much fun." I land on the cliff, and he looks down over it.
"Um... Is it safe?" He asks.
"Do you trust me?" I ask, grinning.
"Sure." I laugh at his nervous one.
"Then jump!" We jump over the cliff, free falling down to the water. I form a bubble around Jay and I, and we float to the bottom, popping once we hit the water. Jay and I resurface, and he grins.
"You're right, that was fun." I grin. I feel different, and groan. I form a bubble around him, and send him in a nearby tree, getting out.
"Alliya?!" Genie's voice booms over the tree tops, and I cringe. He finds me, and conjures up a fan to dry me off.
"Hi, Genie." I smile.
"Iago told me you came here. With a boy.." He wiggles his eyebrows, and I 'fly' up to a ledge.
"Stupid bird. He ruined it." Genie flies up to me, his expression different.
"Ruined?" He questions.
"I hadn't told him that my parents were Aladdin and Jasmine. Iago was sitting on my bed, and it gave it away." Genie sits on the grass, staring up at me. "And I really like him. I just didn't want him to look at me differently." Genie's eyebrows go up, and he smiles.
"Whose the boy." He gives me the look.
"Promise you won't tell Dad?" I flinch.
"I promise." He reassures, and I release Jay of his bubble.
"Genie, meet Jay.. Son of... Jafar." I flinch hard core, waiting for him to blow.
"Hiya, pal, my name is Genie, can I call you J? Or how bout Evil Sorcerer's Son?" Genie goes to shake his hand.
"Uh, just Jay." He responds, and Genie looks at me.
"Shy boy." He whispers to me, making me giggle and untense.
"Uh, so... You're... Nnoott banishing me to the Cave of Wonders?" Jay asks, hiding behind me.
"Your father did his doing. If you made the same mistake, I would. But you haven't." Genie's smile is infectious, and soon, I catch it.
"You told me you wouldn't tell Dad. Mom might be better at accepting it." I pace.
"Let's go meet them!" Genie suggests, and I stop.
"I knew you were nuts, but I didn't know you were totally INSANE!" I yell, jumping.
And before I know it, he transports us to the castle.
"Genie, this isn't funny." I whisper, and inhale.
"Genie!" My father yells, and I exhale.
"3... 2... 1... Showtime." I feel us being lifted, and soon, I'm facing my mother.
"Hi, Mom." I wince.
"Alliya... Shouldn't you be at school?" Dad asks, looking at Jay.
"We have a free day." I mutter, still scared.
"Who is this?" Mom asks.
"Dad, Mom.. Meet... Jay. Uh, son of.." I struggle with the next words, but Genie pops behind me.
"Son of Jafar!!" Genie yells, and I wince.
"What?" Mom asks, staring at me blankly.
"Uh. Hi." Jay smiles, and I look at Dad, who, surprisingly, hasn't gone through the roof.
"I'm sorry, tell me again?" Dad says, looking at Jay.
"I'm Jay.. Son of Jafar." He says clearly, as if his villainous side came back.
"Well. Hello." Mom smiles at him, and Dad smiles weakly.
"Well... Come have dinner with us. Alliya's grandfathers are joining us." Dad offers, sending chills down my spine.
OHH JOY! Kill me now.
I change into a short dress with long sleeves that end at my wrists. I leave my sandals on, and meet Jay in the hallway.
"Blue looks good on you." He comments, and I smile.
"Thanks." I grab his hand and we go down the hall, running into my Mom and Dad.
"Alliya, Jay. Let's go." We walk behind them, and I get more nervous as we get closer. Jay squeezes my hand, and we enter.
I hug Cassim (who I call Gramps) and then the former Sultan (who I call Granddad).
"Granddaughter, how is your school?" Granddad asks, smiling.
"Great. We are basically undefeated on the tourney field, and my studies are actually still good." Gramps eyes Jay, and I sigh.
"Gramps, Granddad, this is Jay.. Whose father is Jafar." I wince a little, and Granddad looks at him.
"Well, hello there, son. Nice of you to join us. Are you my granddaughter's boyfriend?" We both laugh.
"No, Granddad, we aren't.. We aren't doing that. We're just friends right now."
"Right now." Gramps implies, and I glare at him.
"Gramps. Shush." I make a face, and the rest of dinner is uneventful.
We walk to Tug, who conveniently parked himself next to the dining room.
"Thanks guys! I'll come by in like two weeks. Don't forget about family day!" Tug zooms off into the night, Jay holding onto me. We finally get cruising, and Jay looks up at the sky, laying down.
"I had fun. Meeting your family wasn't as bad. Now, you meet mine, you might not get your pretty face out of there alive." He grins, and I stare up, not commenting. "But I did think that Cassim was staring at me for too long." I don't comment again, and he sighs. "I like you." My head snaps to look at him.
"What?" He smiles, and reaches over, grabbing my hand. He rolls, sending me with him, and we free fall. He pulls me under him, and gently kisses me. Tug catches us, and I smile. We sit there, talking until we land.
I fly up to my room, and fall on my bed, Royo meowing at me, and I giggle.
I get ready for bed, and fall asleep, dreaming of him.
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