4 | Lonnie and An Afternoon
I return to my dorm to find Lonnie.... Lonnie?
"Uhm. What am I interrupting?" I ask, cautiously walking to my bed. Lonnie jumps, and then smiles.
"Nothing. Thinking. Praying to the Ancestors.... the usual.... Hey..... come with me." I give her a look.
"Lonnie, what are you getting yourself into?"
"Well, my hair is... blah. But yours.... I want a hairstyle like yours.... or Jane's!" I laugh.
"Yeah, FG is livid." I grin to myself.
"Well I want to go ask Mal to do mine." I drop my bag on poor Iago's wing.
"Alliya. HELP?!" I lift the bag, apologize, and look at my best friend.
"Are you nuts?!" I ask.
"Uhm. Mulan?" I sigh.
"She fought Huns not an evil girl with magic!" She nods her head, and then grabs my hand.
"But what if this is meant to happen? Besides. What's the harm?" She drags me out into the hall, and down to where the new girls are.
"And that is exactly what I mean." I hear Mal, and gulp.
"Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie." Crickets. "My mom's Mulan? No? Well this is Alliya, but this isn't what I came for." Mal and Evie wave at me, but otherwise seem disinterested. "Anyways, I love what
you've done with Jane's hair.And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil." Mal's grin starts to show. "But do you think you could do mine?" Mal looks at Lonnie.
"Why would I do that for you?" She sneers. I figured this was coming.
"I'll pay you 50 dollars." Good Lord, Lonnie!
"Good answer." Evie gets up, and takes the bag from Lonnie, making her grip on my hand go away. "I need to buy more material. Let's see, I'm thinking..." She drags Lonnie to their mirror and thinks. "We lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights." Evie smiles to herself.
"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool." Lonnie replies, and I cover my face. This was a BAD idea. "Like Mal's." Ohh here it comes.
"Really? The split ends, too?" Evie sneers, looking at her friend. Mal glares at Evie, but when Evie shakes the bag, Mal groans.
"Okay... 'Beware, forswear, replace
the old with cool hair.'"
Lonnie gasps in surprise at the transformation, and I applaud her.
"I know. I know." Evie comes behind her, and messes with it. "It looks like a mop on your head. You know what, let's cut it off, layer it..." Evie tries.
"No, no, no, no, no, no!" Lonnie fights, grinning. "I love it."
"You do?" Evie asks, looking at the mirror in disgust.
"It's just..." Lonnie looks at her skirt, and tears it.
"Now she's lost it." I mutter to myself.
"Now I'm cool." Lonnie grins again.
"Like ice." Mal agrees, looking at her. Jane goes next to Lonnie, and does the same, then her hands fly to her face.
"What did I just do?" She asks herself, worried. "Mom's gonna kill me!" I almost laugh to myself.
"And you?" Mal asks me, and I shake my head.
"Nope... all. All good. Lonnie, I'll, uhm. Meet you in the dorm, yeah? Thanks for doing her hair. Meant a lot to her..." I smile, and run out, going out to the tourney field.
"Alliya!" Genova comes over, and jumps on my back.
"Oof. Hi, G. What are you doing?" I laugh.
"Entertainment! Run, my child! Run!" I laugh again, and start running up and down the field, with Genova yelling at the top of her lungs.
"OHH THIS FEELS SO GOOD!" She yells, throwing her hands up to feel the wind. Unfortunately, the wind blows her back, making her land on her back, and her groaning.
"Ohh. My gosh." I can't help but laugh at my pain-stricken friend.
"Be a butt then. Ow! Never mind. Still in pain." I fall to the grass, laughing still, when a shadow comes over me.
"You girls need help?" I look up to see Jay smiling.
"Genova might." I say, sitting up.
"Here." He gives his hand out, and I take it, as he helps me up. I look at our hands, and then at him, feeling the tingling between us.
"YOUR BEST FRIEND IS LYING HERE, IN PAIN!" Genova yells, and Jay and I help her up. "Thank you. I'm going to my lamp." She turns into turquoise dust and races to her lamp.
"So, she's a genie. Perhaps related to him?" He gives me a look.
"Yeah. Yeah, Genie is her dad." I cross my arms, and start walking towards the woods.
"Hey... you're not scared to go in there?" He asks me.
"No... mainly because, as a child, I explored all the time with Ben. I'm kind of like his adoptive sister if you will. So, we would always come here, and play. Usually Pirates and Princesses." I laugh at the memory, and he nods.
"Can... can you do magic?" I nod.
"Yeah. I know some. You wanna see that moment orrr??" He smiles and nods.
"Yeah. Yeah, show me." I close my eyes and mutter the spell, and when I open them, little Ben and I are racing around, him with the play sword in his hand, and I with the crown on my little head.
"I take it you were the princess." He laughs.
"Hey, I made a very cute princess." I argue, and then Beast comes in, tackling Ben and I into his arms.
"You kids are so rambunctious. I can't keep up! Come on, Mom has cookies and a pie waiting for us." We yell in excitement, and run for the castle, when the memory ends. Jay smiles at me, and I smile back, a deep understanding (somewhat) between us.
"You're right. You made a cute princess." He chuckles, and we walk back to the dorms.
Night had fallen, and well. Lonnie and Genova were blowing my phone up.
"I guess that's your friends." I laugh.
"Yeah. I'm known for sneaking off. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He nods, and I go to my dorm, where the girls are eager to hear my tales.
"Girl! Loving a villain?! Oooo Audrey will have your head!" Genova fan girls, laying on our ceiling.
"Get your head out of the clouds. It was an afternoon. Besides. He probably doesn't like me anyway." I crawl under my covers, when a ping goes off for my page.
I log in, and go to AuraPlace, the social media of Auradon.
And speak of the devil.
Instant Message: audsmiles
tell me I didn't see what I saw.
Depends on what you thought you saw.
I thought I saw you and that freak new guy walking around!
Well, then you'd be right.
grrrrrr when are you going to learn?! being a princess is wearing the crown! and truth be told, I'm glad you aren't wearing a physical one, cause he'd steal it! you aren't acting like a princess.
I am too thank you very much! At least I'm listening to Ben! Good night, Audrey.
I sign out, and throw my computer across the room. Lonnie dodges, and I sigh.
"I hate Audrey sometimes." I grumble.
"I'll go get something to eat for us." Lonnie offers, and leaves the room.
My tablet rings on the shelf next to Genova's lamp, and I will it to float to me. My parent's faces smile back at me as I hit accept.
"Hi Daddy! Hi Mother!" I grin.
"Hi honey!" They repeat back to me, and Genie gets in the picture.
"Helloooooooo Alliya! Is Genova there?" I pound the wall, and Genova squeaks on my head. "Ahh! Hello my sweet daughter." She grins, and then she lays next to me.
"Hi Daddy! How's Agrabah?" Genova asks, taking the tablet.
"Same old. Same old. What's new?" Genie laughs, and Dad takes it back.
"Ally. We called because we want you to come home next week. Have dinner with your grandfathers." He gives me the look.
"Ohh my goodness. You act like I'm going to miss it." I roll my eyes.
"You did. Last time."
"I had the magic flu! I couldn't help it!" He nods.
"I'm just saying. This year, it won't happen. Your mother and I arranged it so it wouldn't effect." Blah, blah, blah....
"Yes Daddy. I will make it. And I won't be sick."
"Good. Dad will be excited to see you." yyyyaaaaayyyy.
Lonnie returns, and I smile.
"Well, I'll be excited to see him. I love you guys, I'll talk to you later... bye!" They repeat it, and we hang up, Genova taking my tablet underneath my bed.
You see, I made it so that way my bed is so off the ground, my face is like a foot away from the ceiling. It's a queen size bed implanted into a frame, so I get all the privacy in the room.
"Who was that?" Lonnie asks, dropping off chocolate chips.
"My parents. Reminding me that our dinner is coming up." I sigh.
"Already?" She gives me a look.
"After Ben's coronation, I get that flu, remember?" She nods. "Well, they moved it so I couldn't miss it." She nods again.
"Ohh. Nice. Well I'm going to bed. Good night." She crawls under the covers and turns her light off, making the room less bright.
"Night." I turn my own light off, and then stare at the ceiling.
I can't place it, but something isn't right.
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