1 | New Kids
*Several Years Later*
"Alliya, it's not right to follow in your father's footsteps!" Genova squeaks, following the poorly dressed girl.
"Please. I need to get away from the drama and muscle." I sigh. I look over the roof to find a limo stopped. A man in a suit opens a door, letting four kids out. "I don't think they were supposed to stop here." I whisper, smiling.
"Potty break?" Genova whispers back. People make themselves go around them, wincing at the sight of them.
"Most likely." I whisper to her, and catch the eye of one of them. He stalks over, and I start to run, Genova behind me.
"See?! This is what we get!" She yells, and we push people out of the way. He runs after us, eventually catching up to us.
"He- " His words catch in his throat when our eyes meet, making us both freeze.
"Hello? Scary guy?!" Genova waves her hands in front of me, trying to get my attention.
"I.. I'm sorry." I say to him, and climb up the ladder. He looks after me, watching me. I turn around and look at him once more before fleeing, him calling me. Genova stops on one of the roofs, and looks at me.
"What?" I ask her.
"What was that!" She yells at me.
"I... I don't know." I sigh. I have this strange feeling of us meeting before, but shake it off as we run again, trying to get back before final bell.
We hop over the fence, and run into our shared dorm room.
"Where were you? Ben wanted you to go with him and Audrey to meet the new kids." Lonnie tells me, as I change into my normal outfit.
(AN: outfit above can change colors, but this is the main outfit she wears.)
"Text him and tell him I'm coming." I yell, running out. I meet up with Audrey, and we go out together.
"There you are! You're so winded!" Ben exclaims, looking at me. He moves my hair to cover my tattoo, and smiles.
(AN: her tattoo above)
"I just got back from-" I start but Fairy Godmother comes over to us, making me stop.
"You're telling me later." He whispers to me, and we go out. The band plays for their arrival, and then they stop.
"You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" A black-and-white haired boy yells pulling on something, fighting with the other boy.
"'Cause you want it!" The boy's voice shocks me, as it reminds me of the boy I met in town.
"No! Give it to me! Ow! Let go!" The boys fight more, and we walk up to them.
"Guys, guys, guys!" A purple haired girl yells at them, making them stop. "We have an audience." She tells them, and they look at us.
"Just cleaning up." The boy looks at me, and then back at the boy on the ground. "Get up." He helps him up, and stares at me.
"Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it." Fairy Godmother sings, making the familiar boy throw things back into the limo.
"Hello, foxy." The boy in the beanie goes up to Audrey, making me stiffen. "The name's Jay." So that's his name. Note to self: avoid him.
"Welcome to Auradon prep." Fairy Godmother starts, ignoring him. "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress." She grins and bows.
"The fairy godmother? As in, 'Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo'?" The purple haired girl asks her, making the gestures.
"Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it." FG smiles, making her seem more happy than she normally is.
"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile." The girl mentions, giving me a very bad feeling about them.
"Oh." FG reminisces. Ohh dear.
"And that sparkling wand." Definitely a bad feeling.
"That was a long time ago. And as I always say, 'don't focus on the past or You'll miss the future.'" Ben and I nod, looking at each other.
"It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben." Ben introduces himself, smiling.
"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king." Audrey corrects him, making me sigh.
"You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess." The blue haired girl smiles, almost flirting.
"The evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you." Audrey sasses, making me want to slap her.
"This is Audrey." I introduce her, since she is in the mood to sass the new kids instead of introducing herself.
"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" Audrey corrects again.
"This is Alliya." Ben introduces me, and I smile.
"Princess Alliya. Daughter of the cutest couple ever!" Audrey corrects again and I groan.
"Really?" I ask her.
"Ben, Alliya and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews." Ben and I nod again, as she disappears. Ben finally gets in front of them, and starts shaking hands.
"It is so, so, so good to finally me..." Jay punches Ben in the chest, making me flinch. "Meet you all. This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history..." He shakes the black-and-white haired boy's hand, and then licks off something. "Is that chocolate?" He asks him, making the boy lick it off his own hand. "As the day our two peoples began to heal." He finishes, making me hold my head in my hands.
"Or the day that you showed four
peoples where the bathrooms are." The purple haired girl sarcastically tells him. Point one for her.
"A little bit over the top?" He looks at me, and I nod.
"A little more than a little bit." I reply, earning a glare from the girl.
"Well, so much for my first impression." Ben sheepishly says, smiling.
"Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?" Audrey asks the purple haired girl, making me really want to slap Audrey. "Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff." They look confused, and I groan. "Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping... Beauty!" She explains, and I glare at the back of Audrey's head.
"Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening." The girl sneers, reminding me of her background.
"Water under the bridge." Audrey fake smiles.
"Totes!" The girl and Audrey fake laugh, and then glare at each other.
"Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah?" I suggest, letting everyone in front of me.
"Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king." He claps twice, transforming the beast into man. The black-and-white haired boy jumps into Jay's arms, screaming. "Carlos, It's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible." Ben explains, and laughs.
"Does he shed much?" The purple haired girl asks Ben.
"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Ben grins, and continues the tour. Jay dumps Carlos off of him.
"Alliya? Was it?" Jay asks me, making me nod.
"Jay." He nods.
"You were the girl in town, weren't you." He states.
"Very observant." I smile.
"Well, I was wondering. The girl up there... She mentioned your parents were 'the cutest couple ever'." I sigh.
"Fortunately, she's the only one who thinks that. Unfortunately, she told all of you." He nods.
"Who aarree your parents?" I shake my head.
"You'd see me very differently. I'd rather not tell you." I look at him.
"Okay. So when are you going to tell me?" I smile.
"Hopefully never." I mumble. He just looks at me.
Whew, bullet dodged. For now.
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