4 months later...
Caleb walked into a corner café and ordered his usual coffee with no cream or sugar and took a seat in the corner booth, waiting on Karen's arrival. He placed two brown folders on the table and folded his hands around his coffee mug, staring into the swirling dark liquid, breathing in its aroma.
His life had completely changed over the last few months. He fought to get a DNA test done and won the battle, and now the answer to that test was sitting in front of him. Of course, he had opened it already and was sitting on pins and needles while he waited for her arrival to spring the results.
Her parents still hated him intensely. It didn't surprise him though because Karen wasn't honest about their relationship. She made him out to be the bad guy so that she'd always have her way, and he would never have to know that she had his kid.
Nothing he ever did was without her permission. He had even offered to do other things, things that she liked, but it was like their relationship was only a game to her. Maybe she had every intention of throwing him away when she got pregnant.
It didn't matter anymore though. The only thing that mattered was being able to see his kid and hopefully sometime down the line get joint custody. And these results would finally get him one step closer.
When the door chimed, he looked up. Karen stood apprehensively in the doorway, her hands clasped in front of her, holding a small navy blue purse against her black sweater. Her eyes darted around the room before finally falling on him. Her lips pressed into a firm line as she made her way over to him, clutching her handbag like it was her life line.
She stopped next to the table and it was like a storm cloud was brewing in her eyes. "I want you to know that no matter what the results are, I intend to fight you every step of the way. You aren't taking my baby away from me."
Caleb took a deep breath. He wasn't going to let her rattle him. It didn't matter what she wanted. What mattered was Grace and she deserved to know her father and have him in her life. "I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much, but I promise you, I don't plan on taking her away from you. I just want to be a part of her life."
"Because she's my kid, damn it," he said, slamming his palm on the table.
"You may have lent me your sperm, but that's it."
"So was that all I was? A sperm bank?"
"I wanted a kid, so sue me," Karen said, shrugging her shoulders.
"If you don't let me see my kid, that's exactly what I intend to do."
"Why can't you just leave things alone? We were fine without you."
Caleb placed his forearms on the table and leaned towards her. "I would never walk out on my kid. You above all people should have known that." He deserved to be in his kid's life, and he was going to make her see reason if it was the last thing he did.
"Well, duh, why do you think I told my parents what you did to me? By the way, I'm the only reason you aren't in jail."
"And what, if I try to be a father to Grace, you'll have me committed?"
"If it comes to that."
Leaning back, Caleb ran a hand down his face. How come he never saw this side of her before? Was he so blind? "Karen, I'm getting married in three months. I just want to be a part of her life. I want her to be in my wedding as a flower girl. Can't we just put the past behind us and move forward? Surely, you want what is best for Grace."
"And that best is me," she snapped.
He grabbed one brown folder and slid it across the table to her side. "These are the results of the DNA test. I'm her father, Karen, and I have as much right to her as you do. And this..." he said, grabbing the other folder, "is the contract that you so willingly signed that supported our bdsm relationship."
"I thought I burned that," she whispered.
"I always keep a spare in case someone pulls this type of crap on me. So what's it going to be?"
"Fine," she muttered. "I'll have my lawyer contact yours about visitation."
"No, I don't just want visitation. I want joint custody."
When she shook her head, adamantly refusing his desire, he held up the contract. "I'd be more than happy to mail this to your parents."
Karen shoved the chair back and stood up, as a deep growl emanated from her throat, her eyes burned like a blazing fire. "I hate you, Caleb."
Caleb fought hard to suppress a grin because he knew he had finally won the battle. "You are free to hate whoever you want, but better get used to me, darling. I'm going to be around a long time."
3 months later...
"I look like a whale," Maria cried as she stood in front of the mirror in her wedding gown with Becky, looking immaculate in hers, stood next to her.
Maria's stomach bulged out tremendously in her tight fitting gown and she was beginning to regret her dress choice. If she would have known she would be this large at 7 months, she would have suggested they had the wedding earlier, but you know what they say, hindsight is always 20/20.
"You look radiant, girl! Positively glowing."
"Great, I look like a mutated whale," she cried even harder.
"That's just the hormones talking. Come on, let's get your make-up fixed before we're late for our own wedding."
"I should just take all my make-up off. It's making me look like a monster from the black lagoon."
"I think I have some waterproof mascara and eyeliner in my kit. One second," Becky said, rummaging through her large make-up kit.
"You have more make-up than a girl needs."
"Ah ha, here it is," she said, pulling them out from the bottom of the case. "I don't usually use the waterproof stuff unless it's raining."
It wasn't long before her make-up was spotless again. Becky had to scrub Maria's face with a wetwipe, but eventually all the old make-up was off and the new ones applied. "There, much better," her roomie said.
Maria stared at herself in the mirror. She looked like a whole other woman, not the quiet shy bookworm that existed so many months ago. "I can't believe we're getting married."
"On the same day no less," Becky said, her face beaming. "We always talked about it."
"Haha, ya. All the late nights we spent together looking through bridal magazines and discussing honeymoon destinations. I still wish you were coming with me to Puerto Vallarta."
"The boys banned together on that one. They adamantly refused a joint honeymoon."
Maria giggled. "Ya, Caleb said a joint honeymoon would make him feel like he married Nathan, too."
As the girl's doubled over laughing, the door opened and her mother walked in, followed slowly by her father, skinny and pale. They were worried about him, but he insisted he was well enough to do his duty. "You girl's ready?" he asked
"Ready as we'll ever be to become a chain to their balls," Becky replied.
"You seriously didn't just say that?" Maria said, erupting into laughter again, followed quickly by tears and soon she was a sobbing mess, wrapped in the arms of her father, mother and Becky, with her being sandwiched in the middle. Oh holy heavens, would her hormones ever be normal again?
Becky's parents soon joined them and the hug became an even bigger joint affair. "Well let's go," Becky's father said, holding out his arm.
Inside the chapel hall, the crowds stood as the two brides walked towards their waiting mates with the wedding march playing in the background. Caleb stood there, handsome in his tux with Nathan standing beside him, both unable to take their eyes off their wives-to-be.
His young daughter, Grace, was attached to his leg, but just before Maria reached him, Caleb's mother took the child in her arms. He was grateful that Karen allowed her to be a part of his wedding. They battled out visiting rights over the last few months, and despite her still being difficult, Karen gave him today with his little girl. He could thank DNA testing for opening the way.
"How'd we ever get this lucky," Nathan whispered to Caleb.
Caleb didn't respond, his tongue had decided to stop working. Maria stood before him, glowing with radiance, looking like an angel sent from God. And it was in that moment, he knew that nothing ever happened by chance or luck. It was a divine appointment created at the very beginning of time.
"Who gives these women away?" the minister asked.
"We do," their families replied.
Her father placed Maria's hand in Caleb's and stepped back, taking a seat in the front row.
"Marriage has been an institute in mankind since God created the heavens and the earth, and we stand before you today to join these two couples in holy matrimony..."
Caleb's mind tuned out the minister's voice as he got lost in his bride's eyes. He was about to become a husband of the most amazing woman in the world, and soon she would give birth to their son, Ricky, named after Maria's father, Riccardo Delsante. A wonderful man their son would never get to meet, as angels were getting ready to take him home.
Tears clouded his vision and when he released her hand to wipe them away, Maria beat him to it. "Say, I do," she whispered.
Caleb looked around and saw everyone staring at him, including the minister and he turned bright red, coughing to hide his embarrassment. "I do."
"Do you Maria Jolene Delsante take Caleb Sylvester Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?"
"I do," she said, resting her palm against his cheek.
"Then I now pronounce both of the couples as man and wife. You may kiss your brides."
"Gladly," the men said in unison, as the crowds clapped their hands and cheered around them.
Caleb took her in his arms and whispered. "My sub for life."
"Hmm, you might have to rethink that line," she said, glancing at him mischievously. "I happen to remember a saying I read recently, "Happy wife, happy life."
"Uh, Reverend, I think I've changed my mind," he said in that half ass cocky playful attitude.
"Too late, I'm afraid," the man replied laughing.
"Yep. You are mine," she said, rubbing her hands together. "All mine."
And there you have it folks, we have reached the end of their story. If you have a moment, I hope you will let me know your thoughts on the story, and if you haven't already, don't forget to vote.
Book Two of The Jackson Family Saga is now underway. Feel free to check it out. It is called "Her Cruise Ship Surprise." Thank you so much for being a faithful reader. ♥️♥️
Take care!
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