Chapter Twenty-Six
He is my son, Not yours. Mine.
Three months later.
Hayat's pov
It has been almost four months since being married to Aayan and I wouldn't complain as I knew what being married to him would be like.
He had already told me what to expect from him.
We share a bed just like roommates do, we pray almost every prayer together.
Alhamdulillah for that.
And I still wear my hijab around him. It's weird because he is now my husband who can see my hair but I am not sure if I am his wife or someone he needs to keep him company while he still mourns for his late wife.
He had introduced me to Farwa who I liked the first time we met. She has a daughter who is in high school and almost graduating.
Today is the first day that I will be going back to work as I took a leave of absence for a month to get to know the schedule of being married.
I was leaving Azaan as he would be taken to a different school by his father.
"Azaan it is time to wake up, my prince", I wake him up well try to. " I made chocolate chips pancakes for you", I added knowing that was his weakness.
"I am up, mamma", he tells me rubbing his eyes and trying to stay awake.
Whenever he calls me Mamma, I can feel my heart beating faster than normal. But I didn't want Aayan to think that I would be taking his mother's place.
After finishing bathing him, and getting him dressed. I told him to stay for a minute so that I could make him the chocolate chip pancakes.
I went to the kitchen and got everything to make the pancakes but what I didn't know was that Azaan was making a mess and creating mischief.
After finishing preparing the pancakes, I went to take them to him but what I saw was Azaan on the floor with mud all over him and his clothes.
" Azaan, what happened?", I asked him as I kneeled to face him.
He kept quiet and didn't say anything to me. I held his hand and pulled him towards me to ask him again when Aayan walked in thinking of the worse of me.
"What are you doing?", he says looking at me. I knew the question was directed at me and not at Azaan.
I opened my mouth to explain when Azaan ran to his father who took him to his room while glaring at me.
Ya Allah, what do I do?
Aayan came back without Azaan, he then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the room.
"What happened? I want to know what you did to my son, that he is scared of you. Did you hit him? Did you?", he started shaking me. All I could do was stammer.
" I...I didn't do anything to him. I promise you. I would never hurt my son...."
He interrupted me by putting his hand up to stop me from finishing what I was saying.
"He is mine. My son, mine. Not yours. Do you understand?", he tells me angrily. " Next don't you repeat that he is your son? He isn't yours", he added.
He glared at me before leaving the room and banging on the door.
I could feel tears in my tears but I couldn't let them come out.
I looked at the time to see if it was time to get to work.
I could never hurt Azaan because I love him as my son.
I gathered my things and decided to go to work if I stayed I wouldn't be able to control myself from shedding the tears that were threatening to fall on my face.
"Hayat, are you alright?", Farwa calls out to me but I shake my head telling her am fine.
But she wasn't a fool as she saw the unshed tears that were in my eyes.
Aayan's pov.
Words can pierce a heart like a sharp sword.
I was beyond furious to see what Hayat was doing to Azaan.
When I walked back to the room only to find that Hayat had left without telling me.
I knew what I did wasn't right but all I could see was her mistreating my son.
He is mine. My son, mine. Not yours. Do you understand?", I tell her angrily. " Next don't you repeat that he is your son? He isn't yours".
When I told her this, I could see tears in her eyes. It broke my heart but I had to make sure that my son was safe.
I knew that I had to know who was right and who wasn't.
I went back to Azaan's room only to find him gone.
"Azaan, where are you hiding?", I called out to him while searching every corner of his room but he wasn't there.
Where could he be? Maybe in the kitchen eating his breakfast.
I walked toward the dining room passing by the kitchen but no one was there apart from Farwa who was washing the dishes.
" Farwa, have you seen Azaan? He isn't in his room", I asked him but all I got was the silent treatment from her.
Before she could turn to face me, the guard came running inside the house with Azaan crying in his arms.
"Sir, ma'am has been run over by a car while saving Azaan because he was running towards her", the guard tells me. Before I could ask where she was, he told me that he had already called an ambulance to take her to the hospital.
Ya Allah, please save her as she saved my son.
" Farwa could you stay with Azaan...."
"Go, and see what happened to my Hayat", she took Azaan in her arms who was sobbing. His clothes had blood on them but it wasn't his blood but Hayat's.
I walked outside to the car while Azaan kept calling to come.
Ya Allah, I know what I did was wrong. I was angry. It blinded me to see that she is his mother no matter what.
I continued praying for her until I reached the hospital. I composed myself and walked in.
" Excuse me, my wife has been brought here a few minutes ago. She had been in an accident. Could you tell me who her doctor is, please?", I asked the nurse in charge.
Before she could answer. She pointed behind me.
I turned to see that it was none other than Zahir who was treating Hayat.
"Aayan, I will talk to you later. I had to operate on Hayat as she hit her head hard on the ground. Her brain is swelling and it needs to be operated on so that it could go down. I will be right back", he said to me then he turned to the nurse and asked her to take me to his cabin where I could wait for him to give me Hayat's news.
I walked into Zahir's office trying to hold my tears in but when the nurse left the tears flowed down freely.
I felt guilty for what had happened to Hayat.
It is my fault. I shouldn't have gotten angry at her. I should have asked her what happened but instead, I got angry. Hayat, please forgive me for what I did. Ya Allah, forgive me because I feel responsible for what happened to Hayat who is an angel compared to me.
I needed to inform her family but first I needed to make sure that the operation went well.
But before I could do anything, Sameera barged into Zahir's office crying.
" How did this happen, Aayan? You promised me that you would always look after her no matter what. Then this happened" " she tells me wiping her tears. "Hayat is my best friend and sister. I can't bear to see her in any type of pain. She has to make it. She has to", she added falling on the seat.
" It's my fault", I explained to her what happened that morning with Azaan.
"Azaan is a kid, Aayan. You should know better because Hayat will always be a part of his life. So disciplining him will be hers too and not yours only. She isn't the type to just hit kids for no reason. She never hit kids at all", she tells me making me realize how wrong I was to have said what I did to her
"Words that are said can't be taken back," Sameera tells me. "These words she taught me. She has to make it, Aayan", she added.
In that Allah.
After what seemed like hours, the office door opened and Zahir walked in with a sullen look on his face.
Sameera and I got up and looked at him waiting for the results of the operation.
" How did it go? How is she?", Sameera asks him.
"The operation went well but she slipped into a coma. I have no idea when she will wake and if she does what damage did the accident cause. All we need is to pray to Allah for her to wake up and recover. Aayan could you explain to me what happened?", he says looking at me.
I explained to him what I told Sameera. He said the same thing
"It isn't your fault. But next time don't let your anger take over because words said can't be taken back. All we have to do is wait. Could you call her father? He will want to be here for his daughter", Zahir tells me. He then turned to his wife and hugged her.
Am sorry, Hayat. I promise to try and make you happy. Because whatever happens, Azaan is also your son.
Words hurt more than people expect them to. Hurting someone doesn't mean just hitting them, it can be by saying words you later will regret. Be careful with your words. Learn to understand them before speaking.
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