Chapter Twenty-One
Aayan And Hayat's Engagement.
Two Months Later.
Hayat's pov.
It has been two months since I said yes to Aayan's proposal. It felt unreal because I thought that I would never get married because of Maryam's threats of marrying me to an old man so that Jameela could get married to some rich.
Allah knows best. These words are what make every morning a good one. It doesn't have to be a great morning but all you have to do is say Alhamdullilah, right?
Today is my engagement with Aayan. The weird thing is that I never wanted an engagement day to happen.
Because I didn't want to make a big deal out of what was happening at home. And also because I didn't want Maryam to think that am rubbing it in her face.
Some things never change. I say this because of none other than my best friend Sameera.
She is more excited than I am and I am the bride-to-be.
Alhamdullilah for her being here for me because I have no idea what to do.
Maryam has been scarce ever since Papa talked to her about what had happened to me. She has been avoiding me whenever she sees me.
"Earth to Hayat. Are you alright?", Sameera asks me waving her hand in my face.
"Yes, am good alhamdulillah", I answered her. Alhamdullilah hasn't found out about what happened when she was on her honeymoon.
Otherwise, there would be trouble especially when she is as protective of me as I am of her.
"Let me guess, you are thinking of Aayan, right?", she asks raising her eyebrows and then winking at me.
"Just like you are thinking of Zahir, right?", I tell her making her blush.
"I am not denying nor confirming that", she tells me smiling. Happiness is radiating off her.
"Anyways, this is what you will wear tonight at your engagement and you will be matching with Azaan and Aayan too", she added giving me the dress that she chose.
Who is the bride?
And who makes the decisions?
I love her to death but she is getting too bossy with me as always.
"Okay, anything else?", I ask her. Note the sarcasm.
"Yes, make sure the ring is always on your finger no matter what", she says to me not caring about the sarcastic remark I made.
Before I could say anything, I could see Jameela peeping into my room trying to come inside.
"Jameela, you can come in", I call out to her making Sameera glare at her. "Sam, behave", I whisper to her.
"Asalam Aleikum, sorry if I am disturbing you. Can I seat with you two?", she says to me.
Sameera said no while I said yes.
"Yes, sure. You can", I tell her. I looked at the way she was dressed. At least she is trying not to dress provocatively as she usually does.
When people want to change they need a heart and support because some changes aren't made alone. Support of a family or even friends.
"Do you need any help?", Jameela timidly asks me knowing that one wrong move or even a word Sameera would have in her head.
"No, thank you. I will let you know if I need something, okay?", I tell her while trying to calm Sameera down as she doesn't like this situation.
When someone wants to change you give them the benefit of the doubt no matter who they are.
Give them a chance to change who they are but they should do it for themselves.
Aayan's Pov.
I never thought I would get married again after Zainab my late wife. Some things are beyond our control, and that's why we leave them up to Allah to take care of them.
My parents took care of everything that was needed for the engagement including Hayat's ring.
I guess a mother's choice is the best, right?
I am not going to panic as Zahir did on his Nikkah with Sameera. It was almost time for us to go to Hayat's house because that's where the engagement was held as per her father's request.
I had to say yes to his request because as a father, I know why he asked that of me. He wanted to spend more time with Hayat as he didn't before.
"Aayan, are you happy, son?", my mother asks me. I couldn't help but smile at her question.
She has been trying her best to make up for things that she had missed out on over the years.
My high school graduation.
My college graduation and even my birthdays.
At least she hasn't missed my first wedding which wasn't what my parents wanted for me.
I took both of my hands into mine.
"I am mamma. Alhamdullilah", I tell her kissing her forehead. But I didn't want to tell Hayat's father and my parents that we didn't want an engagement party as we were fine with just a small wedding.
But they insisted on it.
"I am happy too, my son, Let's go. Your father and Azaan are waiting outside in the car", she says leading me out of my room.
"Okay, let's go then.
We head out to the car to find my father trying to teach Azaan how to drive even though the car is off.
"That's how you drive. Don't worry when you reach a little bit older. I will teach you how to drive", my father tells him. I smile knowing that they are both trying to be there for me even if they weren't when I was young.
"Nabeel, I don't think he is ready to drive. Besides, we don't want to be late for our son's engagement that we insisted on. Even though they didn't want it" " Mum tells Dad. I couldn't help but look at her when she said the last sentence.
"A mother knows, son", she smiled and got into the car. I got in the back with Azaan who was adamant about staying in front of my parents.
"Let him be, mum. Besides, it is better if he is with you two", I tell them.
"Okay, son. Is Zahir meeting you there or are we picking him up?", my father asks me knowing that Zahir and I are like two peas in a pod.
"He is already there with his wife Sameera. Because she will not leave Hayat alone especially now", I explained to them.
I could feel my palms sweating and the nerves but all I could do was look at Hayat's pic on my phone. The picture I took of her when she was sitting with Azaan trying to feed him.
As we arrived at Hayat's home. I could see Zahir who was waiting for me outside. He was pacing around nervously. Dad parked the car and I got out and walked toward him.
I tap on his shoulder making him jump.
"What's wrong?", I asked him.
"Nothing. I haven't seen Sameera who has been locked up in Hayat's room since 5pm and now its almost 7pm", he tells me.
Great, this guy is lovestruck.
"Call her. I will wait for you here", I tell him. But he shook his head saying no.
Azaan comes running towards me. I open my arms to carry him.
"What's wrong, my prince?", I asked him.
"Where's mamma?", he asked me. Ever since he met Hayat, he kept calling her Mamma and I didn't have the heart to deny him calling her that.
"She is inside with your Khala Sameera. Let's go and see them", I told him and then turned to Zahir who followed me inside the house.
I put Azaan down and he ran up the stairs I was about to stop him when Mr. Ahmed stopped me.
"Let him go, son", he tells me.
"Asalam Aleikum, Uncle", I greeted him.
He answered back and led me to where the engagement was being held but before that, he led me to his office.
"I brought you here to show you something.", he tells me opening the drawer and taking out a frame. "This is Hayat's mother Aliya. I wanted to show you her picture because I know how much Hayat misses her," he added handing me the frame.
A beautiful woman was holding a young girl's hand. They have the same eyes, nose, and almost everything.
"Thank you for showing me this uncle. She looks like her".I stated.
"Take care of her, son. She is my gem. My world and I haven't been there for her as a father should have been...."
"Don't say that. Because she has never doubted your love for her and she has never say that. I promise you that I will try my best to take care of her. To cherish her".
After that, he led me back to the living room which was decorated beautifully for this specific occasion. I sat down waiting for the engagement to start.
Before I could ask anything, Zahir nudged me to look up.
There she was on her way down the stairs holding Azaan's hand. I could hear the guests' whispers.
I gave her an encouraging smile hoping that she was calm and not as nervous as I was.
Her dress was matched with Azaan. Except they had different patterns.
No wonder Zahir personally brought the clothes for Azaan. When she reached where I was sitting. She started fidgeting with her hijab as she always does.
I took her hands with mine hoping to ease the nervousness. Zahir and his wife Sameera appeared with the rings. The smile on Azaan's face as I called him over so that we could put the engagement ring on Hayat's finger together.
"Thank you, my prince", Hayat tells Azaan, and he hugs him. He stayed by her side when it was her turn to put on the ring on my finger.
I moved closer to her and whispered in her ear.
"Don't I deserve a hug?".
She immediately turned red with a blush.
"No, only Azaan does".
She tells me pulling Azaan closer to her.
My son is winning your heart without even lifting a finger.
The guests and our family came to congratulate us but someone wasn't happy with what was happening.
She stood near the wall looking at Hayat with hatred in her eyes while her daughter was trying so hard to make amends.
I have to protect my family now and that includes Hayat too.
Some things aren't what they seem to be. A smile could cover a lot of things that someone is holding inside. Can either be pain, happiness, or even envy.
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