Chapter Thirty-Two
Dreams Or Memories.
Dreams are memories that are forgotten by the mind. The heart will always remind the mind of the memories that were lost.
Hayat's Pov.
Going back to his house wasn't something to be done in haste but if I needed to get my memories back, it was the only way that I would get them back.
We arrived at his house, he then parked the car and we got out and walked towards the front door when the guard stopped us.
"Asalam Aleikum, Mrs. Hayat. How are you doing? We missed you here at the house. Are you now feeling alright?", he asked me and then turned to Aayan and then greeted him.
"Waleikum salaam. Am good Alhamdullilah. I am getting better, thank you", I answered him. But the sad part is that I don't remember him.
"I will leave you now. Take care. Sir, Ma'am".
He then walked away from us to go back to his post at the gate of the house.
"He doesn't know that you don't remember anything. I am sorry if he is overwhelming you in any way", Aayan apologizes to me.
I shook my head and smiled at him.
"It is okay and it isn't your fault whatever happened to me. The accident was just an accident nothing more," I tell him as we walk to the front door.
I waited for him to open the door for us to go in. He opened the door and asked me to follow him to our room.
We walked into the room where we were supposed to be sleeping together in a bed. But how can I do that when I don't even remember doing that?
"I will sleep on the couch", I tell him without thinking. What I said gave me a flashback to the day we got married when we were in the same room and it was when I suggested that I should take the couch but he declined.
"We can share the bed, Hayat. I will be on my side and you will be on yours", he tells me.
I couldn't help but start to giggle. He looked at me with a confused look on his face.
"I am not laughing at you. I remember the first time I said that I will sleep on the couch and then you said we can share the bed. Then I made a pillow wall which didn't last long and we ended up being tangled with each other", I explained to him.
Aayan's Pov.
She is starting to remember. This is great news for us. But will she ever forgive me for the way I treated her on the day of the accident?
"What else do you remember?", I ask her while taking a seat beside her on the couch.
"I remember that night when we ended up being tangled together, you didn't want to let me go until I woke you up. We then prayed Fajr prayer together and that's it", she tells me. "Will I ever remember everything?", she asks me with a sad expression on her face.
"In shaa Allah you will remember everything single moment you have forgotten. Just have a little patient and Allah will guide you back to your memories", I tell her as the Adhan is heard in a nearby Masjid.
She smiled knowing that it would happen one day In shaa Allah. Her memories will return.
But the main question is will she forgive me for the words I said to her?
I let her go to the bathroom first to freshen up and take wudhu while I arranged our prayer mats plus our Qurans.
Ever since she left, I had started reading it during my free time and also after prayers.
"Aayan, why don't you go to the Masjid?", she asked me when she came out of the bathroom.
I didn't know what to say to her.
"I don't know. Its because I want to pray here at home with you, my family. In shaa Allah I will try and go one of these days", I tell her.
Hayat nods and moves aside to let me pass through to go to the bathroom.
After making my wudhu, I went and joined her. I then led the prayers as I normally do.
After we were done, I took one of the Qurans and handed it to her.
"I will read while you listen, is that okay with you?", I ask her.
"Yes, sure. If that's what you want", she answers me. I then opened it and started reading it loudly.
I could feel her staring at me and she wasn't even looking at her Quran.
I concentrated on finishing what I was reading so that I could talk to her about what she remembered.
I felt her head on my lap, I looked down to see her lying on my lap. She smiled as I continued reading until I was done.
I put the Qurans on the table and adjusted myself to make her comfortable.
"Can we talk about what you remember?", I ask her. She lifted her head off my lap and looked at me with a confused look on her face.
"What do you mean?", she asks me.
I explained to her what I meant and she just looked at me.
"I hope that when you get your memories back In shaa Allah you will be able to forgive me for what I had said and done to you", I tell her.
"Aayan, whatever happened is in the past. I already forgiven you even if I remember what happened. Islam taught us that the right way to move on is to forgive each other and let go of the grudges and the past", she tells me smiling.
Alhamdullilah. Thank you, for making me realize that she is the one for me. The one to make me heal and make Azaan know the love of a mother
After the talk, we walked toward the kitchen to make dinner for the two of us because Farwa wasn't home.
She had gone to see her family while Azaan was still at my parents 'home.
"Sit down before you burn the kitchen down", Hayat tells me laughing thinking that I am one of those husbands who can't cook or even help his wife around the house.
"I know how to cook. Why don't you take a seat and then I will cook. Then you will tell me if the meal is chef worthy or not?", I tell her.
She agreed and sat on one of the chairs at the dining table facing the kitchen.
I started cooking something light for the book of us as we had already eaten at the fair.
In about five minutes, I was done and then took our plates to the dining table to where she was.
"Ma shaa Allah looks delicious. How did you know how to cook?", she asked me as she looked at me.
I explained to her that I had learned from Farwa and her family when my parents were busy running the company.
"I had to adjust but I am thankful for Zahir for being by my side in the times I needed him. We are more than friends, we are brothers", I tell her as we start eating.
"You are a chef Ma shaa Allah. I might even hire you to cook for me everyday and every night. That is if you accept?", she says smiling at me.
"In shaa Allah. I will accept," I reply to her.
Happiness is found in you but it can also be found when you find someone who completes you without even trying.
After eating and praying for the last prayer of the night, we decided that it was best to go to bed as tomorrow would be the day that Azaan would see Hayat after a month.
I lay in bed looking at the ceiling complementing what will happen tomorrow when they meet.
Will it trigger her memories?
Allah knows best.
"What are you thinking about?", Hayat asked me as she joined me in bed.
"About Azaan. He is at my parents' home. He has been staying there for almost a month now", I tell her.
"He must be a special boy because his name is that only name I can remember. Well, apart from Sameera and Zahir's which don't count as they are my best friends. I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you", she apologizes to me.
"Don't apologize to me for saying that. I should be the one saying sorry for the harm I have caused intentionally and unintentionally. Besides, what you said about Azaan is true. He is special because he chose you as his mamma. He begun calling you Mamma even before we got married and he often wanted to visit you but we couldn't do that as we werent married at that time. He showed me that happiness is right infront of me but it took a right turn just to see it", I explained to her.
Hayat looked at me and smiled. We said goodnight to each other and I turned my back to get some sleep.
After what seemed like half an hour had passed, I felt her toss and turn. I turned to face her. I saw her thrashing her hands upward as if she was trying to protect herself from being abused.
I wished and prayed that her father took action against what her stepmother had done to her but due to what Hayat did, he decided that it was pointless.
"Hayat, wake up", I started to shake her making her hijab open which I didn't care about as long as she was right.
She opened her eyes wide moved to my arms and started sobbing.
"Whats wrong?", I ask her hoping she would tell me.
"I dreamt that someone had kidnapped Azaan and was repeatedly hitting me while I was protecting him. And I also dreamt of the accident that had happened to me. I saved him. Alhamdullilah. I remember everything Aayan. Is he okay? Did he get hurt?", she says blubbering.
"Calm down Hayat. Azaan is perfectly fine. Thanks to you. You saved him just like a mother should", I tell her wiping her tears with my hands.
She sniffed and moved back but I didn't let her go until she calmed down.
"I am sorry that I woke you up. You can go to sleep, I am fine, I promise you", she tried to assure me but I knew that she wasn't fine.
She was shaken up by the nightmare she had.
"Hayat, here drink some water. Azaan is at my parents' home. Do you want me to facetime them so that we can see him?", I ask her. But she was silent.
I took my phone from the bedside drawer and dialled Mum's number. I knew that she would be awake now because she would be talking to Dad.
She picked me up and greeted me. I couldn't show her Hayat just yet as she was still crying silently in my arms.
"Aayan, what is the matter, son?", mum asks me. I explained to her what happened and she understood and told me to hold on for five minutes as she went to Azaan's room.
She then turns the camera to face the bed where he is lying asleep on his covers.
"See he is okay. And tomorrow you will get to see him", I tell Hayat as soon as Mum hung up the call.
"Thank you. And I am...."
"Stop saying sorry, Hayat. You are his mother and the nightmare couldn't be ignored. Let's get some sleep then in shaa Allah tomorrow we will go and spend the whole day with him", I tell her.
"Okay, goodnight", she tells me tying her hijab in place but I stop her.
"Its uncomfortable, you can keep it on the couch and then take it in the morning. Goodnight", I tell her.
Hayat agreed and started to fall asleep. I couldn't help but stare at her face.
The dried tears can be seen on her face which made me heartache from the fact that she cared about Azaan's life more than her own.
I am never letting you go, Hayat. You are special to me. Allah brought you to me because He knew that Azaan and I needed someone like you in our lives. Someone who will be there unconditionally. I promise to open my heart to try and let you in.
Hayat, you are truly a unique person.
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