Chapter Thirty-Six
New Evidence Found Against Maryam.
Aayan's Pov.
My wife was right about getting sufficient evidence against Maryam because she would not confess to everything she had done to my wife Hayat.
At Jameela's wedding, Maryam seemed to be planning something but In shaa Allah she will not succeed.
It was time for Hayat to go back to work as her leave was over and also for Azaan to go to school. He had already started school but due to Hayat's accident, he stopped going to school.
"Azaan, come on. The bus will be here in 5 minutes", Hayat tells Azaan who is busy playing with his toys instead of getting his school bag.
I carried him to the living room with his bag in my hand. I didn't want him and Hayat to be late going to school even though they were going to different schools.
Hayat walked into the living room and when she saw me carrying Azaan, she folded her hands on her chest and gave me a look. ' Really '.
I shrugged put Azaan down on the sofa and walked toward Hayat.
"Really Aayan? You do know that he needs to learn how to do things himself and don't say he is a kid which I know that he is. But he also needs to be independent and try to find himself", she says to me.
I know that she is right but I have raised him with the best abilities I had with me. When Azaan lost his mother, he became distant from everyone including me.
I didn't know what to do about that but Alhamdullilah I had my parents with me. He slowly came out of his shell and started being a kid again.
"I know but how about we teach him together. Help him understand that school is important", I tell her.
"Okay but if I do anything wrong tell me and please don't yell especially in front of him", she says to me looking at Azaan who is now looking at us with a smile on his face.
We both smiled at him.
Hayat and Azaan walked out of the house and stood at the gate waiting for the school bus which was coming their way.
After getting him safely on the bus, Hayat walked back inside but what she didn't know was that I had someone following and protecting our son.
A bodyguard for him and for her too.
Hayat walked back to the house and got ready to leave for her teaching job. I decided to take her instead of her always taking a bus or even a taxi.
Protecting my family was the priority I had to do but not without our parents' knowledge.
I explained to Hayat's father and my parents what was happening and they all agreed that Hayat and Azaan to have bodyguards to protect them when they are in school.
Hayat's Pov.
Going back to being a teacher is what I need and staying at home idle isn't something that I would want to do.
Besides, Aayan has no problem with me working. I usually come home early so that Azaan can see me at home when he comes home from school.
Aayan is insisting on taking me to school as he doesn't anything to happen to me. He even hired a driver for me.
He would take me to school and the driver would pick me up from school to take me home.
My husband is getting paranoid. I know that he is trying to protect his family but if Maryam suspects anything, she would disappear and that's not what we both want.
As we were both in the car, I couldn't help but think of my father. The last time I saw him was at Jameela's Nikkah but he didn't look happy.
He looked sad and somehow depressed.
I love my papa so much as he is the only parent I have left in my life.
"What's wrong, Habibty?", Aayan asks me.
I wanted to shake my head and say nothing but then I remembered what we promised each other.
"I am thinking about my father. I hope and pray that he is safe. I just hope this mess will clear up and he wont get affected by it", I explain to him.
He took my hand and squeezed it.
"Dad will be fine In shaa Allah nothing will happen to him. We will all be there for him. He has all of us as his family so whatever he needs we will get it for him", he tells me making me smile.
Alhamdullilah. Thank you Allah for giving me such a husband in my life. I pray that this ends before any more people get hurt. Ya Allah, make this as smooth as possible for Aayan.
But what we didn't know was that someone was following us and they quickly moved in front of us and started blocking us from moving forward.
"Hold on. Here take my phone and call Zain", Aayan tells me handing me his phone.
I unlocked it dialled Zain's number and then put it on speaker.
"Asalam Aleikum, Aayan", Zain says through the phone.
"Waleikum salaam, " Aayan answered him and explained to him the situation we are in.
"I am on my way, but you be careful", Zain says before hanging up the phone.
"Hayat, it will be okay. Trust me and trust in Allah. He will not fail us. In shaa Allah", Aayan says as he turns to the corner where Zain tells him he would be.
He then slowed down and parked the car waiting for the other car to show up.
After what seemed a few minutes, the other car showed up and parked in front of us. The driver came out holding a gun and aimed at us.
But Alhamdullilah Zain appeared along with his team and took the men into custody.
He then told us to follow him to the police station so that we could get the man's statement.
When we arrived Zain had already started talking to him. His partner took us to a room so that we could hear what the man was saying.
It turns out that what both Aayan and Zain suspected was true.
Maryam is the culprit in everything.
My accident.
She hired a hitman to kill me, Azaan, and Aayan but I don't understand why she did this.
"This is enough, Aayan. She has gone too far. What did I do to her? Every insult, abuse she threw at me I kept quiet but that wasn't enough for her. Now she is planning to kill me", I said when the driver finished talking to Zain about who sent him.
"I prayed hoping that what you said isn't true that someone in my family is responsible for what happened to me", I tell Aayan with tears falling down my face.
Aayan didn't say anything except pull me into his arms. I started to cry because I didn't want to believe that she was capable of doing this to me.
"Shh, listen Hayat. She doesn't deserve your tears so calm down. Maybe this is for the best because she will get what is coming for her. She has to pay Habibty for what she did to you. As you always tell me there's always Kifrah. Otherwise known as karma", he tells me wiping my tears using his hands.
He is right but how could I tell Papa or even Jameela about what we just found out?
Zain walked toward us, we sat down on the chairs.
"What will happen now?", Aayan asks him.
Zain explained that Maryam will be arrested for what she did and with all the evidence against her, she will be in jail for a very long time.
"I know that this is hard for you, Hayat but Allah knows best. He knows what is good for us and what is bad for us. Even if you forgave her it doesn't mean that she will ever change. This is her purnishment for what she did to you. Yes, I know everything she has done to you", Zain says looking at me with a sad smile on his face.
"You are right. But can I ask a small favour?", I ask him.
"Could you please keep Jameela out of this? I don't want her to be affected by this as she is expecting", I tell him.
Zain agrees and then walks away from us. I turned to Aayan and took his hand with mine.
"Thank you for being here with me and supporting me. I love you habiby", I tell him.
I fell in love with him without even realizing it. He is now my anchor, my rock, and also my husband.
"Well, I wanted to say the same thing. I love you too habibty. Now can we go home or do you still want to go to work", he asks me as we walk out of the police station.
"Work. I have taken enough off days. And you need to go to the office and let dad rest with mamma", I tell him.
Allah knows best. He knows what's in our hearts and what we need in our lives. Trust in Him. Pray to Him.
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