Chapter Seventeen.
The Meeting Between Aayan and Hayat's Father.
Aayan's Pov
Sometimes you have to do what is right even if the other person doesn't want to. Hayat needed her father to know what was going on in his daughter's life.
I decided to go and see Hayat's father even though she didn't want me to go. I had to do it because my consciousness was bothering me.
If someone can help a person in bad times, they should even if they might get angry at you. What matters is that you have helped them no matter what.
I knew where his office was so I drove there hoping to see him before he left to go home. I parked the car and walked into the building with Hayat's medical file in my hand.
Ya Allah, I hope what I am doing is right.
"I am here to see Mr. Ahmed Ali. Tell him it's his son-in-law", I tell the receptionist who was eying me from top to bottom.
She then cleared her throat and asked me to go to the 40th floor.
I took a deep breath when I walked into the elevator trying to calm myself down.
When it stopped, I got out and went straight to his office. I gently knocked on the door and when I heard him say to come in.
" Asalam Aleikum", I greeted him as I walked in.
"Waleikum salaam, come and take a seat. Please", he replies to me. " When the receptionist told me that my son-in-law was coming to see me. I was more shocked than surprised because I know that my daughter won't get married without me by her side", he chuckled while shaking his head.
"I am sorry, Sir. But it was the only way that I could come and see you...."
"I know and I understand you, my son. So what can I do for you?", he asked me.
"First, my name is Aayan Muhsin. And I came here to talk to you about Hayat and what has been happening at your house. But first I need you to stay calm because what I am about to explain to you isn't something that any parent would want to hear", I tell him. I then explained to him, how I knew his daughter and how I saw her stepmother abusing her.
At the end of my explanation, I could see tears falling down his face.
"Why didn't she tell me anything? Is she alright now?", he asks.
"Yes, she is Alhamdullilah. I brought the medical file with me. Here you can read this to know more", I tell him handing him the file.
"Thank you for what you did, my son. As a father, I am ashamed of what is happening in my own home, and to my daughter. Maybe she doesn't trust me....."
"That's no it, Sir. It is because she doesn't want to be a burden to you with any type of problem. She thinks she could change her stepmother and her stepsister to be good. I know that she might get angry at me for doing this but I must do it because she took care of my son even though she didn't know who he was. And one more thing, Sir you didn't fail as a father because she is a great person with great values", I interrupted him.
"It's all her mother's doing, Aayan. She was very close to her. Even if she was sick and couldn't move she didn't stop praying just like her mother. Thank you for telling me everything. I hope your parents are proud of you as I am", he tells me.
It was time for both of us to leave for our homes. We parted ways at the entrance of the building.
My heart was at ease with what I did for Hayat.
I guess Zainab was right about what she told me, but the main question is will she accept the marriage proposal?
Azaan began asking about her coming to visit at home but that it isn't possible because she won't agree to it and she might be offended if I tell her that.
Ahmed's pov. {Hayat's Father}.
As a parent making your child happy is one of the best gifts that they could give them. But if as a parent you failed your children because of not being able to see the abuse and the torment that they are subjected to at home.
I am glad that Aayan told me about Hayat's situation before it could get serious. I always had my suspicion that something was going on with my daughter. Whenever she tried to lie to me, she never looked me in the eye.
Ya Allah, give me some guidance in this situation because I don't know what to do.
Confronting Maryam and Jameela will be igniting a fire in the house that I knew Hayat wouldn't want. She has always avoided it.
I walked into the house not glancing at anyone and went straight to Hayat's room. I knocked on her door and waited for her to open it.
When she opened it, I immediately hugged her with tears pouring down my face.
"I am sorry my dear. I am sorry for not looking after you", he says over and over again but I was getting more and more confused because I didn't know what was going on.
"Papa, what's wrong?", she asked me drying my tears with her hands.
"I failed you my Hayat...."
"Papa, no don't say that. You are the best father that any girl would want to have here on earth and also in Jannah. And I love you very much", she interrupts me.
I began shaking My head denying what she was saying.
"I know", I tell her.
"Know what, Papa?", she asked trying to play dumb.
"I know how much you are suffering because of Maryam and Jameela. I know that they have been mistreating you. I know everything and its all thanks to Aayan Muhsin. The young man whose parents wanted you for him", I explained as I removed her medical file from his back.
The blue file that Aayan gave me.
"Papa, I promise you I am fine Alhamdullilah. See for yourself", she tells me hoping to ease the pain in my heart.
I know that she means well but as a father I couldn't let this go.
"Don't lie my Hayat. I know everything. And I should have been a better father to you. How can I face Allah now that I failed you as your father?", I ask her as I look at her bandaged hand.
"Papa, I don't and will never blame you for what they did. Because it isn't your fault, its theirs for not seeing me as their own family just like I see them as my own", I tell him wiping the fresh tears that were flowing down his face. "Besides, no one can break your Hayat, always remember that", she added smiling.
"He is a great man for what he did for you. But he seemed troubled by something", I described how Aayan is.
She explained how she met his son at Sameera's wedding and how he was.
"Please Papa don't cry. I am fine alhamdullilah. Allah is with me and so are you. Your Hayat is unbreakable", she kissed me on my forehead. "Don't scold them or even quarrel with them. There's always Kifrah. I don't and will never wish bad on either of them because they are family", she added smiling as if nothing happened.
We talked about how her teaching job was and how much fun to teach in the school.
I kissed her forehead and told her to rest. I left her room and walked toward my study to think of what my next move would be.
Hayat would never want me to get angry or even shout at them. The only solution I have is to get her married and then see about Maryam and her obnoxious daughter.
I treated Jameela as my own but all I got was her mistreating my iman, spending money buying stupid things. And the way she dresses isn't a proper way for a Muslim girl to dress. But I couldn't say anything because Maryam would say that she wasn't mine and I had no right to discipline her.
How can you discipline a girl like her?
When her mother lets her do everything and anything she wants including staying away from home as many times or even days as she wants.
I opened the locked drawer and took out my late wife's picture. Hayat has her eyes and almost everything from her mother.
Aliya is and will always be the love of my life. She taught Hayat everything about being a good Muslim girl and she came into my life when I wasn't even a practicing Muslim.
She became my anchor and made me believe again and now this has happened.
I put the picture back and locked my drawer and I started to think of a way to put an end to this.
Maryam stopped Hayat to eat breakfast, or even go out with her only friend Sameera.
There will be a lot of changes here at home. I won't tolerate how Maryam has been treating my daughter.
Changes are coming My dear Hayat just for you.
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