Chapter Forty-Two
Hannah Waleed.
Jameela And Waleed's Daughter.
Six Months Later
Hayat's Pov.
Everything was going great Alhamdullilah. Well except for the fact that my husband is getting on my nerves.
He is starting to be overly protective of me with eating and even going outside for a walk as the doctor suggested to us.
I love him but sometimes he annoys me with the things he does.
I am now about five months pregnant and his overprotectiveness is getting overboard.
"Aayan, stop. I am fine Alhamdullilah. Besides I am not going outside. I am in bed trying to take a nap but unfortunately I cant do that with you hovering me", I tell him. "I love you,Habiby but you have to sop", I added.
I know that most wives would have said differently to their husbands but I am not like them.
Speak your mind even if it is to your spouse.
"All I want is for you to be comfortable. I am sorry if you think otherwise. I will try and change just for you", he says to me taking a seat on the bed.
I looked at him and I understood why he was doing this. He is doing what a father and a husband do.
Protect his family.
Support them and love them.
"Aayan, I don't want you to change because of me. But all I need from you is a little bit of space," I tell him taking his hand to mine. "I should be the one to say sorry to you. You are trying your best to be there for me and Azaan and I love you for that", I added.
He nods and smiles at me. I then moved to make space for him so that he could lie with me in bed.
It was on a Saturday afternoon, and fortunately for us, Azaan decided that he wanted to spend his weekend with his grandparents.
"Azaan wants a brother, what if he doesn't get what he wants. Would he be upset?", I asked Aayan.
Aayan looked at me with a smile.
"No matter which child we get. In shaa Allah. He and I will be the happiest. It doesn't matter if it is a boy or a girl what matters is that whoever it is going to be will be perfect for us", he says.
He had the perfect answer to my question.
"Thank you for everything. Alhamdullilah", I tell him kissing his cheek.
Aayan's Pov.
When a wife is having her baby. You need to stop and listen to her. She might be exhausted with her husband hovering over her.
Try and understand your spouse and what they are going through at those moments when she is pregnant.
Only Allah knows why women have such emotions when they are pregnant.
I decided to give her the space she wanted. And Alhamdullilah she hasn't cried because I was too close to her.
As we were resting in bed, I could feel her hand on my face. Tracing my eyebrows and down my cheeks.
It was hard pretending to be asleep whenever she did this.
"You know if it is going to be like then I will have to pretend to be asleep more often", I tell her opening my eyes.
"I am not doing anything wrong, am I?", she asks. I shake my head telling her no.
"No, my wife. You aren't doing anything wrong", I tell her pulling her closer to me. "Plus I liked it", I added making her red.
I never thought that within a year and a half, I would be married and expecting a second child. I didn't know if I would even be happy again after what happened.
Alhamdulillah for everything great happening in my life. Looking at my wife who was in my arms, I felt the happiness that I thought was lost.
What seemed like hours when her phone rang. But she was asleep, I had to see who was calling because if there was any type of emergency.
The caller ID indicated that it was Jameela calling. As I was about to answer it, my wife opened her eyes.
"Its Jameela", I tell her.
"Answer it", she says.
I answered it but I heard Waleed's voice at the end of the line.
"Asalam Aleikum, I hope I didn't disturb you", He says.
"Waleikum salaam. No you didn't. What's wrong?", I ask him.
He then explained they were at the hospital because Jameela was having the baby.
"Okay, we will be there. Don't worry everything will be okay. In shaa Allah", I assured him.
He said goodbye and then hung up.
I explained to Hayat what was going on.
"It's Jameela she is at the hospital having her baby. We should go but before that we need to freshen up", I tell her.
The smile on her face when she heard the news. Alhamdullilah, was happy.
We freshened up and drove to the hospital. Arriving there we saw Sameera, Zahir, and Waleed already there.
"Asalam Aleikum, any news?", my wife asks.
Waleed explained to us that Jameela was taken to the delivery room and he was waiting to be called there. His parents were on their way.
While he was explaining to me, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if this happened to me.
"Mr. Waleed. It is time", a nurse walked out of the delivery room and called him.
He immediately went into the room.
It seemed like hours when we all heard the baby crying.
Waleed walked out looking very happy Ma shaa Allah.
"Alhamdullilah, it is a baby girl", he told us smiling with happy tears in his eyes.
"Congratulations", we all said to him.
It is a great feeling when someone becomes a parent but it is also nerve-wracking knowing that you have been given the responsibility of a child.
To care for and nurture them until they are old enough to take care of themselves.
Then the nurse told us that Jameela was being shifted to the private room and it was time to go and see her and the baby girl.
I looked over to see Hayat smiling knowing that everything would be alright. In shaa Allah.
Waleed then led us to the room where his wife and daughter were.
We walked in to find Jameela holding her newborn daughter in her arms.
"Congratulations, sister", my wife and Sameera tell Jameela who smiles at them.
"Do you want to hold her?", Jameela asks Sameera.
She nods and moves closer to the baby. Jameela places her in Sameera's arms.
"She is so pretty Ma shaa Allah. Just like her mamma", she says looking at her.
"Whats her name?", Hayat asks.
"Her name is Hannah. Hannah Waleed", Waleed answers her.
"Ma Shaa Allah, that's a beautiful name just like she is", Sameera says giving Hannah to Hayat who moves closer to me.
"In Shaa Allah, this will be us in a few months", I whisper to her making her smile.
"We have to go now. Because we need to let the new mother and her baby rest. Plus we need to get Hayat and Sameera home and fed", Zahir announces to them.
We congratulated them once more before leaving.
Being a parent is hard when you have no idea what you are doing. Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs to have. Why? Because when a child is born, they don't come with an instruction manual. You have to learn how to take care of the child day by day.
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