Chapter Forty.
Two Surprises In One.
Three months later.
Aayan's Pov.
Alhamdullilah everything was going well with Hayat and me.
When I decided to give our marriage a chance, I knew that she was the one for me and Azaan. I couldn't have asked Allah for a better wife.
It has been four months since Maryam has been out of our lives. Yes, we did forgive her but none of us has any contact with her.
Not even Jameela has contact with her mother. Not that we can blame her.
Maryam influenced her that Hayat was a bad person but it was quite the opposite. Hayat wanted them to be a family but Maryam's greed got in the way of that.
Azaan has been bugging us for a sister or even a brother. Whenever he would bring it, I would have to find an excuse to get out of the situation.
I always tell him that Allah knows best. He knows when it will happen.
Besides, Hayat and I weren't in a hurry to have more kids. We can wait for another year or even two more.
We have been married for almost a year now and we are happy with it Alhamdullilah.
Today Sameera invited us to her house intending to tell us the good news. She also invited Jameela.
This made Hayat very happy that Sameera had included Jameela.
"Okay, Azaan. Get your shoes and put them on", Hayat tells him. It was one of those days when he had been asking questions about having a brother or even a sister.
Hayat has been trying to explain to him that these things happen when they are ready to but our son had other ideas.
And our parents weren't helping us when they came to visit. As they always talk about it.
"Okay mamma", he says going to his room. I turned to face Hayat who looked more tired than usual.
I know that letting her go back to work after what had happened wasn't ideal but she wanted to. Because that's how she felt close to her mum.
Hayat's Pov.
Ever since Mum and Dad brought up having a baby. Azaan hasn't stopped asking us for one. And on top of that, I haven't been feeling well.
It has been two days since I felt unwell and if Aayan knew about it. He would have forced me to go to the hospital.
"Are you alright?", my husband asks me. I give him a small smile.
"Yes I am. Alhamdullilah. Just a little tired", I say to him.
"Okay, that's good Alhamdullilah", he says returning my smile.
It was time for us to leave for Sameera and Zahir's place. I let Aayan go and get Azaan as he is too stubborn.
We walked to the car and Aayan started it. While driving, I couldn't help but feel a little nauseous which was weird.
Because I have never been car sick and now I felt like throwing us.
Ya Allah, what's wrong with me? If it is bad please give me guidance on it.
"Hayat, are you alright?", Aayan asks me pulling to the parking lot of Sameera's house.
"Yes, I am. Just feeling a bit dizzy but it has passed, Alhamdullilah", I tried to assure him. "If anything happens I will let you know but for now can we go before our friends blow up our phones", I added getting out of the car.
As I was about to open Azaan's door when Aayan beat me to it.
Sameera met us at the door with all smiles. She took my hand after answering our greetings.
"Zahir go and get your wife. She has kidnapped mine", Aayan joked when he saw that Sameera was taking me to her room.
"Let them be. If you knew what I know you would leave them alone", Waleed answers him.
Meanwhile, I and Jameela are in the room confused as to why Sameera put us here.
"Hayat, are you feeling alright?", Sameera asks me.
"Yes, Alhamdullilah. Why are you asking?", I tell her.
"You looked paled and different. Like you want to throw up", Sameera pointed out.
"Sam, I am fine. If I am not I will let you know. But for now will you tell us why are we in your room?", I tell.
She had a big smile on her face and walked to her closet and brought out two gift bags. Then she handed each one of us one.
"Open it and you will find your answer".
Jameela and I looked at each other and shrugged. I opened it while Jameela opened hers.
Inside the gift bags were baby clothes. One of them said; "My Khala is beautiful more than yours".
"Congratulations, Sameera".
Jameela and I hugged her. But suddenly I felt like throwing up. I quickly ran to the bathroom. I could feel someone soothing back and I knew that It was Sameera.
After I finished cleaning myself, we walked back to the room. I knew that she would ask me questions knowing that she would go all doctor on me in 3,2,1.
"How long have you been sick? And don't dare lie, Hayat?", she asks me giving me a stern look.
I looked over to Jameela to ask for help but all I got was her eating chocolate that was in her gift bag.
"Two days. But this will pass, Sam. Don't worry, its just a stomach bug....."
I couldn't even finish what I was saying when she walked back into the bathroom and came into the room holding a pregnancy test.
"Take it", she hands it over to me. When I didn't move she said; "Now,. Hayat".
I quickly walked into the bathroom and locked myself in it.
Could I be pregnant?
I opened the test and read the instructions before using it.
After I finished I kept it on the counter and I washed my hands.
Meanwhile, in the living room, Sameera called Aayan aside and started asking him questions regarding my health.
"How long has she been sick? And don't lie," she asks him.
"A week. She started getting dizzy and looked like she wanted to throw up. Why? What is wrong?", Aayan asks her.
He was confused as to why Sameera would ask him that.
"Well, we are about to find out", she says to him. As she was about to walk back into the room when she stopped. "How about you go in and see for yourself?", she says to him.
Aayan was getting more and more confused but he didn't ask Sameera to elaborate. So he walked into the room.
The three minutes were up.
I checked the test and my best friend was right.
I am having a baby.
I opened the door to talk to her but I didn't find her. I found my husband sitting on a chair.
He looked up and saw the test in my hand.
"I guess our parents and Azaan gets his wish", I tell him showing him the result.
Aayan stood up and walked toward me. He hugged me. I could feel his tears on top of my hijab.
I removed myself from him put my hands on his face and then lifted him only to see tears in his eyes.
"Why the tears?", I ask wiping them with my hands.
"These are happy tears. Allah has answered our family's prayers and gave us a beautiful gift and that it our baby", he says pulling back me into his arms.
"Now we have two things to be happy for. Well, three", I tell him.
Time to tell our family which meant the first person to know would be Azaan.
We walked back to the living room. All eyes were on us.
"Was I right?", Sameera asks me.
"Yes you were. Happy?", I tell her.
"Very happy. I get to share my pregnancy with my two sisters. What more could I want?", she says pulling me into a hug.
"Hey what about us?", Zahir asks his wife.
"Yeah, I almost forgot. You guys would be there for us when we start to have cravings. Well, midnight cravings", she says to him.
While they were talking about this, Aayan and I walked toward our son who was sitting in the corner playing with his toys.
"Azaan, could you come here?", Aayan called out to him.
He walked towards us and sat beside us.
"Remember when you wanted a sister/brother? Well, mamma is having a baby...."
"Yes, I am a big brother now. Can I get to name him/her?", he asks jumping up and down.
"Habiby, In shaa Allah. But for now, we have to take care of Mamma and make her happy", Aayan explains to him.
Azaan was jumping up and down. He has finally gotten his wish.
Looking back at what my life was I didn't expect it to be like this.
A future that consisted of a wonderful husband, a son, and now this baby.
Believing in Allah is one of the most beautiful things. Pray to him for guidance, and help, and also to cry.
"A boy".
"A girl"
These are the arguments between my son and my husband. My son wants a brother while his father wants a daughter.
I stood up and walked away before I could say anything. I was happy but also scared.
"Is this going to happen all the time?", Sameera asks me looking at the father and son arguing.
"Maybe. Do you have....?"
Before I could finish what I wanted to say when she handed me a packet of chocolate.
I took it from her.
"How did you know?", I asked.
"Well, look at our sister", she says pointing at Jameela who was eating chocolate while glaring at her husband.
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