Chapter Five.
Zahir & Sameera's Engagement Part Two.
Hayat's Pov
All I can say is Alhamdullilah that these two beautiful souls have come together.
Well, engaged but yeah.
Being a maid of honor to Sameera was something that I will always treasure apart from being her best friend.
"Ready? You do know you can back out if you want to...."
"Shut up, doofus", she smacked one of her brothers in his head.
I couldn't help but laugh because in a way I wanted that but Allah knows best, right?
Yes, He does.
Anyways, Sameera is ready to get to where the engagement is supposed to be at Zahir's place.
I sat beside Khalid in the car while Sameera sat in front of her other brother Omar.
The three protective brothers namely;
Omar is the oldest one and is also married to Hannah.
Then there's Maher who is younger than Omar, and not married yet.
Then there's Khalid who is the youngest of the two brothers still in college almost graduating soon. In shaa Allah.
"Are you alright?", Khalid asks me knowing how my life is Maryam.
At least she allowed me to attend the entire wedding function for that am glad.
"I am fine, Alhamdullilah", I lie to him because the three brothers aren't only protective of Sameera but me too.
"Don't do that. Just don't. If you need anything you could tell us. Besides you are part of the family too. Remember that, you are the sister that I always wanted but I got but unfortunately I got her", he says earning him a smack from his sister. "See this is what I mean", he playful glares at Sameera who pokes her tongue at him.
"I am serious, I am fine. If anything happens I will let you know. Is that okay, your highnesses?", I tell them while Sameera laughs at me.
They all nodded.
"Ready to get hitched, Sam", Omar turned to his sister before parking the car at the venue.
"I am Omar. This way is better than the way of haram. Besides, we love each other and we want it to be halaal. Because marriage is better than having a boyfriend or even a girlfriend", Sameera explained to him with tears in her eyes.
"Well, if he ever hurts you. We know how to get rid of a body and make it look like an accident", he wiggled his eyebrows at her making her smile.
"And I can vouch for him that he will not hurt me. Now can we head inside mum has been calling non stop?", She said showing us her phone.
I made a small dua for her and Zahir for their marriage to last until Jannah.
In shaa Allah.
I took one arm while Omar took the other. The walk inside the venue was taking forever.
"Walk faster, am hungry", Khalid says earning a glare from his brother and sister making him shut up.
Everything looked so beautiful Ma shaa Allah. I am very happy for my best friend and her fiancée.
From the moment we met until this day, I would cherish all those memories all my life.
Having a friend like Sameera is just like having a sister that's more than a friend.
"Hey am here. Calm down", whispered in her ears while holding her hand and squeezing it.
"Thank you for being here, Hayat", She smiles at me and lets go of my hand as well as her brother's hand.
"She looks happy....."
She is happy and deserves to be happy", I interrupt Omar who has tears in his eyes. His wife walked toward him and hugged him while watching Zahir put a ring on his little sister's finger making it official.
I excused myself and walked towards Sameera's mum who was standing there alongside her husband smiling.
It was time for pictures to be taken but when I wanted to hide, let's say Sameera didn't want any of that.
"It is because of you that this happen to us. We won't be here if it is wasn't for you. Besides, my other best friend isn't here because of an emergency he had. Otherwise, he would be here", Zahir tells me while Sameera nods agreeing with him.
"I didn't do anything....."
"You did a lot. You talked to both of our parents to agree to our marriage when they thought that I wasn't ready for this. You are my sister. So picture time", Sameera tells me pulling me towards her and holding me while the photographer took a thousand photos.
I smile knowing that I made a difference in their lives. They deserve this. They wanted this ever since she was in her second year of medical school.
A month after Sameera's graduation, their wedding will take place.
In shaa Allah.
By then she would stop pestering me about dresses and makeup.
No offense but that's a no for me.
"Congratulations again but I have to get going now as it is getting late", I hugged her while Omar and his wife were waiting to give me a lift home.
"Thank you for being here, Habibty".
What I didn't know was someone took a picture of me.
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