Part 3
The moving finger writes; and having writ, move on:
Nor all thy pity nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.
- Omar Khayyám
5 years ago...
Bradford Estate;
"Papa, how many times do I have to ask you to stop overexerting yourself?"
Saya's voice was soft but demanding as she made her way inside the library.
Lord Bradford looked up from the sheets lying on his table.
Saya had her hands on her hips and though she was desperately trying to sound strict, the worry and love were as evident as the sunlight streaming through the frosted glass of the library window.
Lord Bradford sighed deeply, keeping the parchment back at its place and smiled.
"You care a lot, Saya. You know that I have handled much more in my life. This is the account of the revenue. I have to look into it. As for exertion-"
"Yes, Papa. I know what you are going to say- that such trivial work does not exert you. But-"
Saya was cut short by a sudden fit of cough coming from Lord Bradford.
She hastily made her way to his side and began rubbing his back gently.
"See, I told you. You have to accept that you are not as young as you used to be, Papa. Your stubbornness is affecting your health."
Her voice held a lot softer tone this time.
Lord Bradford composed himself. After taking a few deep breaths, he took her hands in his own and stood up.
"You do not need to worry about me, Saya. I am healthy as a horse. Now, was there something you needed to talk about?"
Saya was going to argue further, but thought better of it.
This wasn't going to lead anywhere.
She knew, from experience, that her father could be really stubborn in some cases, his health being one of them.
"Mary's granddaughter is getting married the next month. I was thinking of arranging for some sovereigns.
It would really help her and Mary's been working for us for so long..."
Lord Bradford focused his grey eyes to her black ones, a feeling of pride and love filling them.
He smiled before replying,
"I have already told you, Saya- you do not need my permission in dealing with the matters of this household.
It is your home and you are its lady ever since your mother died.
You do what you feel is right and I am sure that it will be in the best intentions."
His words filled Saya's heart with deep satisfaction and love. She was grateful to the man standing in front of her.
He was one of the few who had faith in her and were proud of her.
For Saya, he was the most important person in the entire world.
She hugged him and muttered a thank you, before gracing her way out of the room.
Lord Bradford stood watching her retreating figure with a smile on his face.
His Saya had grown into a beautiful woman now- beautiful in form as well as heart.
He remembered the day he first saw her- as a scared, innocent four-year old, sitting by the side of her dying mother.
Her tears had sent a strange jolt of anguish through him.
Never in a million years, had he ever imagined that his impulsive journey to the land of Hindostan will be rewarded so fruitfully.
When his dear friend Augustus had proposed that they visit the place, in search of the famous spices, he had almost declined the offer.
Then came the unfortunate moment when he and his wife, Anne, lost their only child- a daughter- in the rampant flu. That incident triggered him to seek solitude and he took up the opportunity of visiting Hindostan.
He was being selfish at that time, leaving his wife behind in the time of need, but in his defense, he was not in the right state of mind.
And when he returned back two years later, he had not brought home any treasure or spices; but what he did bring back, changed their lives forever...
Anne found the daughter she had lost and so did he.
That was thirteen years ago.
And now, he had only Saya left to him.
Anne gave up her life, with a positively happy sigh, being content to die in the arms of her daughter whereas he was definitely close to his own end.
As if to emphasise the point, a violent fit of coughs overtook him.
He quickly covered his mouth with the white serviette lying on the table, in an attempt to muffle the noise so that it did not reach his daughter.
After about three minutes, he plopped down on his chair, exhausted and removed the serviette, which was by this time blotched with patches of red blood.
Lord Bradford's mind got greatly exercised at this. He glanced at the portrait of his wife across the room.
"I do not have much time left, Anne. I have to do something soon..."
That afternoon, Lord Bradford arranged for his carriage and exited the estate in a hurry.
Saya, who was preparing her latest art-piece, was the only one who could sense the worry in his hurried steps as she gazed at him from the window of her chambers.
The Royal Palace;
"Octavius, to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?"
King Henry grinned widely as the guard admitted a very restless looking Lord Bradford, his dear friend, inside the relaxing chambers.
Lord Bradford bowed lowly before the king, a smile gracing his lips despite the chaos of his thoughts.
"No need for all the formalities, Octavius. They are for my subjects not for old friends."
The king stood up from his chair and came to stand in front of him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Lord Bradford straightened up, his face eloquent of his anxiety.
"I needed your assistance in a matter of utmost importance, Your Highness."
He spoke, sitting on the chair as guided by the king.
King Henry picked up the half-finished glass of wine and motioned for Lord Bradford to continue, his white eyebrows frowning in anticipation.
"I-I am getting old, Your Highness"
Lord Bradford started in a distressed tone.
King Henry chuckled deeply.
"I can see that, Octavius. Though, by your statement you are implying that I too am getting old; considering that we have been born the same year."
Lord Bradford smiled, shaking his head.
"Of course not, Your Highness. Your matter is different. You are still as vigorous as always. As for me, I am afraid I don't have much time left."
His voice had turned sober.
King Henry put down his glass and frowned.
"What is the meaning of this?"
"I am dying, Your Highness- from consumption."
Lord Bradford spoke with a straight face, the dreadful word finally coming out of his mouth.
"Gracious Lord!"
King Henry exclaimed pushing his hand through his whitening hair.
"You came after all this time to inform me of your impending death! This-this is ridiculous-"
"Please understand, Your Highness. I really came here to seek your help."
Lord Bradford turned his pleading eyes towards King Henry.
King Henry eyed him warily, his head still reeling from the shock but finally gave a quick nod.
"You have my utmost gratitude, Your Highness. My daughter Saya, is the only family I have got-"
Suddenly another bout of coughs invaded him, and he stopped.
Fortunately, it did not last long and there was no blood.
"Lord! Octavius, here- have some water."
The king spoke worriedly, pouring water in a goblet and extending it towards him, but Lord Bradford refused.
"No, your highness. Thank you but I am fine."
King Henry bit back his protest and put the goblet back on the table. He sighed heavily.
"Fine, my friend. Tell me what is it that you need?"
"I want to secure Saya's future before I leave this world. I know that she would not be able to survive in this world all by herself. She is too innocent for their cunning games. And her being different from others does not help either. Though, I must tell you that she is the most darling girl you will ever meet. Her mother- my wife, raised her to be a fine young woman. She is talented, sophisticated, kind beautiful and has a heart of gold."
King Henry smiled, seeing the love and adoration clearly on Lord Bradford's face.
"She would be all alone without me. I want her to have her own family. I want to see her getting married and living a fulfilling life before I die. And I require your help in that, Your Highness."
"I see where you are going with this."
King Henry had risen from the chair now.
"I could have looked for a deserving man by myself but I trust your judgement, Your Highness. And as you know, I am not that aware of the impressions of the young men of our land, having being absent from the court life for quite some time now. So, I decided to seek your help as a king as well as an old friend, to find a deserving and proper man for my dearest daughter; a man who will keep her happy and will always cherish her."
Lord Bradford was lost in his thoughts when a satisfactory smile broke on King Henry's face.
The king came to sit back in his chair and with his smile still intact on his face, spoke-
"Well, my friend, consider your search over for I have just the man in my mind...."
Training Arena, Palace Grounds;
"You need to sharpen your senses, Lord Hayworth. Since when did you start duelling like a lady? Where is the spark of the famed Knight?"
The deep bellowing voice of Brandon Fitzgerald rang throughout the arena, masking the noise of the clatter of swords.
His words caused Zachary to scowl and shed his defences for a moment- giving Brandon the chance to strike his sword out of his hand, taking him by surprise and causing his scowl to turn savage.
However, this only caused the three other men to laugh heartily- the sound resonating in the cool breeze.
"You should have looked at your face when Brandon knocked the sword out of your hands! You looked priceless, my dear friend!"
Prince Eric managed to control his laughter long enough to speak.
"Fine. Laugh all you want. It was just my bad day. You are lucky that my arm is injured, otherwise you would have been a dead man by now, Brandon."
Zachary murmured, his face softening, only marred by a slight frown.
"Yes, of course. Who could ever escape the great Zachary Hayworth!"
Geoffrey spoke in an exaggerated, high-pitched voice, causing the others to double-up with laughter and this time, even Zachary could not stop himself from grinning.
"Alright! You won. Are you happy now?"
He spoke in a tone of false resignation, slapping Brandon's back and moving towards the bench to be seated.
"Yes, indeed I am. And now, you have to fulfill your end of the bet."
Brandon stood before him; hands crossed in front of his chest.
Zachary raised an eyebrow and sighed.
"Alright, alright."
Saying this, he stood up and bowed before him with a flourish.
"Oh, thou great warrior, Lord Fitzgerald! I am at your service..." he spoke with a hardly-
suppressed sarcasm.
"Of course, peasant- You may straighten up now."
Brandon spoke haughtily, keeping his chin high.
Zachary straightened and smirked.
After a second of silence, all four of them bellowed with laughter.
"Oh, Zach! You are too conceited for your own good."
Brandon patted his shoulder gently.
Zachary looked at the face of his childhood friend and grinned.
Their moment was interrupted by the entry of a guard in the arena, looking worked up.
They all frowned in unison.
They generally practiced alone, no one came there while they practiced. So this had to be something urgent.
"What is the matter?"
Prince Eric addressed the guard; his voice took over the usual authoritative tone that came to him so naturally when he wasn't in the company of his friends.
The guard bowed before him and spoke urgently-
"The King has demanded the presence of Lord Hayworth, Your Highness."
The men looked at one another, their frowns deepening.
There was definitely something going on.
Eric nodded and the guard took his leave.
"I wonder what is it..."
He spoke the minds of all the others.
Zachary frowned at his words before walking out of the arena and towards the main tower, trying to suppress his anxiety and anticipation.
"Your Highness, you called for me?"
Zachary spoke, bowing before the old king.
"Yes, Lord Hayworth. I have very important news for you."
The King eyed the young man before him, trying to gauge his reaction.
He saw his eyebrows crease in confusion.
"I have arranged for a very beneficial alliance with Lord Bradford- between you and Lady Bradford. I hope you will agree."
Author's note-
First of all, i would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who have showered this book with their support...
You all are amazing!
Because of your support, this book has reached number 10 in Historical fiction genre!!!😁
Now, I would like to emphasise that this chapter wouldn't have been written if not for my sister, Sakshi, who took the pain of typing it all down in my cell phone...So thank you little sister!
I would love to have your opinions on this chapter... We'll be starting with the back story of Saya now...
Don't forget to vote and comment.
Happy reading 😊
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