This novel focuses on the emotional turmoil of the protagonist- her trials and tribulations and sacrifices- all in view of the respective time period.
Kindly, do not expect detailed historical incidents and wars. It is an emotion-oriented story.
Also, this story is going to be written in third person POV.
I would first like to offer an overview of the time I have set this novel in.
To understand the situations surrounding the protagonist, it is important to know these points-
*It is the early seventeenth century England. (Roughly about 1609)
*The first English ship has already set sail in India in 1608, in Surat.
Their trade is in initial stages.
*One thing to note is that English called India as 'Hindostan' (an anglicized version of Hindustan.)
*Since the story is set in England, there would be little-to-no focus on the domestic situation of the Indian subcontinent, though our protagonist, Saya, is a woman of Indian heritage.
*Saya is a classic North-Indian beauty, with a light bronze complexion and wide hips.
*Although, by no means a plump woman in today's terms, she would be considered exactly that in accordance with the beauty standards of England at that time.
*The 17th century England was a time of rigid beauty standards for the women. They had a standard look to follow.
*The paler the woman, the more attractive she was considered. This was the reason why most of the portraits of this time showcase women with white-powdered faces.
*Upper class ladies took care not to be sunburned. Makeup was also used to make the skin appear as fair as possible.
*This was also a period where marriage laws were pretty strict. Married life was considered to be a parallel of the Church's bond with Christ.
*A husband's "rule" over his wife, children and servants was seen as an analogy to the King's "rule" over his people- a manifestation of hierarchy constituted by God.
*The woman, a weaker vessel in all sense- was considered to be inferior to men, bestowing upon him the right to 'dominate' her.
*It was men's preoccupation to indulge in the Nation's social, political and economic affairs, while the women had far disposable jobs of handling their households.
*Sexual integrity and status of a married person gave a woman social prestige.
*People married young. Legal age for marriage was 12 for women and 14 for men.
*The widespread opinion was that of love after marriage. Hence, almost all of the marriages were arranged by the families.
*A married woman had no independent financial rights without her husband.
*The man had right to beat his wife- often seen as a method of disciplining her.
*Adultery, though a crime, was not judged as severely in men as in women.
*To prove a marriage invalid, an evidence was a must. Divorce in its modern sense was not recognized. The process of annulment was almost always started by the husband.
*To declare a marriage invalid, these basic points were considered by the Church-
1. Relation by kinship.
2. Marriage never being consummated.
3. Not following age of consent.
The Church, however, was often reluctant to end a marriage as it threatened social stability and hierarchy.
*In the circumstances that a marriage was deemed invalid, both the spouses were given an opportunity to remarry. However, it was rare for the wife to actually get remarried as she lost all her inheritance rights and the children born in the union were proclaimed illegitimate.
*The men, as I've stated already, were known to commit adultery. Upper-class men and Royalty were often known to have mistresses. These women had little respect and were persecuted by the society and were totally dependent on the man.
**This book, though based in the aforementioned timeline, doesn't follow the events of the original era.
You would find no mention of the English Revolution, restoration of the Stuarts and other major incidents of 17th century England.
This is a fictitious novel and all events are fabrications of author's imagination.
Hence, do not be confused by the King and titles and the ongoing war with the French in this book.(I know that particular war took place in 18th century. I have just made use of a little literary freedom😅)**
This was it. Please keep these things in mind when you read the book.
Till the next time!👋
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