A/n: if you're confused about the last chapter. Don't be, it was just a dream.
attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm. "He was captivated by her beauty." -synonyms: enthral, charm, enchant, bewitch, fascinate, beguile, entrance, enrapture, delight, attract, allure, lure; win, ensnare, dazzle, absorb, engross, rivet, grip, hypnotize, mesmerize, spellbind; infatuate, enamour, seduce, woo, ravish. "His audiences found themselves captivated by his energy and enthusiasm."
"Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams, your voice it chased away all the sanity in me. These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real, there's just too much that time cannot erase."
Song - My Immortal
Artist - Evanescence
Harry held me until I fell asleep but everytime my eyes fluttered closed and sleep took me, I would wake up; that dream felt so real.
Around two am a loud blast of thunder roared into my ears, my body jolted awake. I gasped as lightning flashed outside, Harry was sound asleep next to me, his mouth slightly opened with snores coming from it.
I ran my hands over my face and slipped out of his arms when my feet hit the floor, another blast of thunder rocked the room.
I used to love Melbourne storms when I was a kid, but now, not so much.
My feet carried me out of the room and into the lounge room, I walked over to the large window with red curtains. I opened them revealing a storm outside, flashes of lightning crawled across the sky followed by thunder.
Lightning struck the ground not far from the hotel, it was bright enough to light up the ground below. A gasp fell from my lips upon seeing a black figure standing across the street from the hotel's entrance, the figure was looking directly at me, well, in my general direction.
"He's coming for you,"
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I spun around so fast I lost my balance but two arms wrapped around my torso, preventing me from falling.
I screamed. Using my right knee, I brought it up and slammed it into my attackers' groin, their hands instantly left my body.
"Oh fuck!"
My eyes widened, I quickly turned the light on which revealed Harry doubled over with his hands cupping his balls. "Harry, oh my god! I'm sorry!" I yelled, running to his side. "I thought you were an intruder! are you okay?"
"Yeah," His voice came out strained and squeaky. He cleared his throat and leaned against the window. "I'm fine, but my dick isn't."
"I'm sorry Harry, I-I thought I saw something out there, it-"
Harry looked at me. "You saw something?" I nodded bringing my bottom lip between my teeth. "What did you see?"
"A figure," I ran my hands over my face and began to pace around the lounge room. "Then I heard someone say, 'he's coming for you,' then someone grabbed me, I thought-" Tears began to form in my eyes as lightning flashed through the window behind Harry. "-I thought it was Henry, I thought he was going to-" My bottom lip started to tremble.
Harry approached me, wrapping his arms securely around my shaking body he said, "No one is going to hurt you, Joe, I'll protect you and our baby,"
My hands gripped his shirt. "But who will protect you? Harry, in that dream, Billy--s-she killed you and Henry said-"
"Hey," His hands left my sides only to cup my cheeks, he used the pads of his thumbs to remove tears that had escaped my eyes. "It was just a dream, Joe, you have to trust me,"
"I do, but-"
"No but's love, I will protect you, nothing is going to happen to either of you. I've tripled security, we're perfectly safe up here," His lips came into contact with mine. Harry kissed me a few times to assure me I was safe, when he pulled away he said, "Let's get back to bed yeah?"
With Harry holding me close, I managed to fall asleep. I woke up hours later to rays of sunlight beaming into the bedroom, Harry remained asleep next to me, one arm draped over my body.
I felt guilty for kneeing him, an idea popped in my head, so I slide beneath the blankets, careful not to wake him. My hands gripped his boxers but Harry stirred in his sleep. Once he had settled down again I managed to pull his boxers down just enough to free his sem-hard on.
One of my hands wrapped around his thick shaft while my other supported my body weight, I then took him into my mouth but not before planting a kiss on the very tip.
When I started to move my mouth down his length, gliding my tongue across it, a deep moan erupted from Harry. "Oh fuck, Joe," His husky morning voice was enough to give me more confidence, I began to suck him faster.
The blankets were suddenly lifted off me, I looked up through my eyelashes to see Harry watching me with his olive eyes, his lips parted as moans fell between them.
While my mouth took as much as him as it could, my hand worked on his base, stroking him and squeezing him. I felt his tip hit the back of my throat as he began to thrust his hips, I ignored the gag reflex.
Harry's hands went to my hair, he gently tugged on my messy ponytail, moaning, "Joe, baby, I'm gonna come," My tongue licked his shaft with each movement of his hips.
It didn't take long before he came hard with a series of loud moans. Squirts of his climax shoot down my throat in three streams, I swallowed all of it.
He pulled my head up, his length sliding out of my mouth only to be replaced by his lips attacking mine. I was rolled onto my back with Harry hovering above me.
We both had to pull away for air, Harry's eyes were a shade darker. "Wow, that's an amazing way to wake up," He kissed my nose. "What made you do that? Not that I'm complaining,"
Heat rushed to my cheeks. "An apology for kicking your nuts? and for waking you up early?"
"Joe," Harry chuckled, leaning on his elbows to keep his body weight off me. "You don't need to apologise, but thank you, that was an incredible wake-up call,"
I watched as Harry slid down my body and spread my legs, "What are you-"
"I'm returning the favour," But just as his fingers found my panties, Harry's ringtone rung out throughout the room. "You've got to be kidding me," He sighed. "Let me get this baby,"
I nodded watching him get off the bed and walk to the dresser where his phone was on charge.
"Styles," He barked into the phone. "Yes? Oh, really?--what time?---I see, yeah yeah, everything is fine up here--no, no one got in--alright, thanks for telling me." With that, he hung up and placed his phone back on the stand.
Harry made his way back to the bed, just by the look on his face I could tell something was up. "What is it?"
"Remember when you said, you saw a figure on the street during the storm earlier?" I nodded, frowning. "You weren't seeing things."
I sat up with my back against the headboard. "What'd you mean?"
"The Hotel's outside security camera's captured a person watching our room."
"Oh my god, it's Henry isn't it?"
Harry quickly climbed on the bed next to me and took my face between his hands, "No, actually it wasn't Henry,"
"What? did the camera see their face?" Harry nodded and leaned his forehead against mine, I asked. "Who was it then?"
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