an act of miscalculating; an error or misjudgement. "miscalculations were made in counting properties." -synonyms: error of judgement, misjudgement, misreading of the situation, mistake, blunder, faux pas, overestimate, underestimate; informal slip-up, boo-boo, fail; rare misreckoning. "it is Government miscalculations that are to blame"
"Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies, so I don't know what's real and what's not. Always confusing the thoughts in my head, so I can't trust myself anymore, I'm dying again."
Song - Going Under
Artist - Evanescence
I took Joe back to my Penthouse, Calum had come by and said the blow to the back of her head caused her to have a minor concussion. My mind is consumed by the possibility of what Zayn could've done to Joe if Louis hadn't shown up when he did.
Remind me to thank Louis next time I see him.
Currently, I'm seated on my sofa with Joe laying next to me, her bandaged head is resting on my legs and a blanket is covering the rest of her body.
"She'll be fine mate," Niall speaks looking up at me from the kitchen table.
I pull my bottom lip with my teeth and gently stroke Joe's hair. "I know Niall."
"Then what's bothering you?"
Sighing, I answer with, "I wasn't there if Louis didn't show up-"
"Well he did show up, Harry, you should be thankful he did," He says bringing a glass of water to his mouth and takes a sip. "And above all, Joe will be fine, you heard what Calum said."
"I know, I just-" A groan and movement on my legs interrupt me.
Niall glances down at Joe, "Well I think it's time I go, later Styles!" He's out the door and into the elevator before I could even respond.
"H-Harry?" My attention is on the girl laying beside me. "What h-happened?"
She tries to sit up, so I wrap my arms around her and gently pull her up so she is seated next to me. "You've got a concussion," I kiss her temple as she blinks multiple times and sighs. "Joe? Did Zayn touch you?"
"Did he touch you?" I repeat.
Joe's bottom lip begins to tremble, "No, but h-he said he was going to-"
When the first tear slips from her eye, I pull Joe flush against me and leave kisses on her cheeks, forehead and the corner of her mouth. "I'm not going to let him hurt you, never again."
"You can't protect me, Harry, you can't always be with-"
Before I know what I'm saying, I hear the words slip from my mouth. "Move in with me,"
Her lips part as she stares at me, "W-what?"
"Joe, we pretty much live together anyway," It's true, we do, so why the hell not? "I want you to live with me."
"Harry that's a big step," I shouldn't have said anything, I guess I didn't really think it through I mean her mum probably wouldn't agree with it. "But yes, I'll move in with you."
What? Did I hear that correctly? please tell me I didn't hear things.
"You will?" I try to fight the smile creeping up on my face but fail miserably.
"Yes Harry," She chuckles bring her lips to mine and kisses me then pulls away. "Zayn said, he was going to warn me."
I brush my fingers over her bandaged head. "Warn you?"
"Yeah but he didn't say what about," Joe sighs and attempts to stand up but she falls back down on top of me. "U-um, Harry I need a shit, could you-"
I don't give her time to finish, one of my arms reach under her knees and the other on her back. I pick Joe up, and carry her into the bathroom. Placing her on the ground next to the toilet she looks back at me. "Harry? You're not gonna watch me-"
"I can turn around if ya like, but baby I'm staying here." She shakes her head at my reply and reaches for her pants, I turn around with my back to her. "Just let me know when you're done," I tell her, leaning against the doorframe.
"Thank you for taking care of me,"
"No need to thank me, babe, I'll always take care of you." I will always be there for Joe, she's my everything. I don't want to sound obsessive but with all the crap that's happened, I'll protect her with my life if need be.
"I love you," Her words are gentle and make me grin to myself. "I love you so fucking much Harry."
I love how she swears, I mean I shouldn't really but I do. "And I love you,"
After a few minutes, a plop noise comes from behind me signalling she's doing her business, this is confirmed when she says, "Do you know how embarrassing this is Harry? I'm shitting with you in the god-damn bathroom!" I hear her laugh and it's beautiful.
"I don't mind," I return her laugh with my own.
But her laugh stops and says, "Do you think Zayn is telling the truth about his sisters?"
"Do you think Zayn is telling the truth about his sisters?" I watch Harry's body tenses up as he pushes himself off the doorframe. "Harry? Is Zayn entirely bad? I mean if Henry had your sister, wouldn't you do anything and everything in your power to save her? If it were Luke, I know I would." He doesn't reply and stands still, but then he walks out of the bathroom leaving me here.
What the hell was that? I ask him a simple question and he just leaves.
I lean my elbows on my knees and rest my head against my hands, rubbing my temples in an attempt to ease my aching head.
I don't understand why he would just leave like that.
Maybe Harry knows more than he's telling me, he and Zayn were friends after all.
But Harry wouldn't keep anything from me.
Would he?
I'm sorry for not updating in awhile, I've been suffering from the flu :(
Anyway! Harry better not be hiding anything or I'll smack his head!
If you haven't already, feel free to check out my new Romance Novel called Expiration Period, the prologue is already up.
(Scroll down for the description)
"We shouldn't do this, sex is illegal. If we get caught-" I breathe out. "Then tell me to stop baby," I lock eyes with his. "I-I can't."
Adina lives in an overly populated world where Sex is Outlawed, Love is forbidden and people can't die. The year is 2205, Earth's Population 30.2 Billion, deaths this year are 0.
She is drawn to two completely different men. The first one is Ray (Harry Styles) the handsome, charming, romantic man who saved her life. And the second guy, who brings danger and excitement to Adina's life, Benny (Zayn Malik).
Both men are rule breakers and see Adina differently. Benny wants to use her body, while Ray just wants to take care of her.
Adina is falling for both of them.
In the world where Love is Forbidden, Adina struggles to keep her feelings beneath her skin because loving someone comes with a strong price to pay. And loving two men at once is even more dangerous.
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