Never Gonna Stop.
a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. "an air of melancholy surrounded him." -synonyms: desolation, sadness, pensiveness, woe, sorrow, melancholia. -antonyms: cheerfulness, happiness
"I swore I'd never fall again but this don't even feel like falling, gravity can't forget to pull me back to the ground again."
Song - Halo
Artist - Beyonce
This chapter is dedicated to those of you who have lost someone close to you.
If you just lost a friend or family member, remember there are still people out there who love you, whether it be family, real-life friends or friends over the internet, they'll support you and help you get through the sad time. Don't shut people out and don't keep your feelings bottled in.
okay, I'm done with the rant.
Enjoy the chapter!
P.s this book is coming to an end soon, maybe 1 more chapter till the Epilogue. *insert crying emoji here*
It's short but I apologize for that.
...Two weeks later...
I sit in the waiting room with my head held in my hands and my elbows resting on my knees.
"You know, Joe wouldn't like you moping around like his Haz," Niall speaks beside me while he stuffs his face on carrots. Yes, believe it or not, Niall has gone all healthy. "What? I'm hungry okay?" He says with a carrot hanging out his mouth.
I sigh. "Niall, it's only been two weeks, what do you expect me to do?" I question. "Go back to England and continue my life, completely forgetting about her and our son?"
"Fuck Harry, you're doing my head in," I scoff at his remark. "Do you honestly think that's what I meant?" I mumble a soft no, "By moping around I meant sitting in this same chair all day, you have a son Harry, go visit him." He slaps the back of my head.
That's right, I have a son, a nameless son. I didn't name him because I can't, not without Joe.
A stinging sensation on my right cheek pulled me from my thoughts. "What the actual fuck man!" I held my stinging cheek.
"I said go in there and greet that damn son of yours, don't make me put a leash on your dick and pull you in there like a dog 'cause you know I will," Niall smirked taking a bite of his carrot.
Giving up, I sighed and pushed myself off the chair. "Whatever,"
"I want photo's of mini Harry!"
I flipped him off while walking towards the room where my son is.
Once I stood outside of his room I suddenly felt nauseous.
I can not do this, not without her.
The door swung open revealing my mum.
Yeah, mum flew from England when she heard about what happened.
"Harry!" I didn't even get a chance to greet her, mum grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room. I stumbled when she released me and walked over to the--Australian's call them Cots. "My goodness Harry, he has your eyes."
Mum turned around causing all the air to escape my lungs, in her arms was a baby, not just any baby; my son.
"Say something," Mum spoke walking towards me but I took a step backwards. "Harry-"
"No mum, I can't-do this without Joe-"
"Harry don't be silly, darling come and say hello to your son," She took a few more steps then stopped. "You don't have to hold him, I just want you to look at him, darling. He's your son after all-"
I turned my head when I saw my son's thick brown hair. "I can't mum," I spun on my heels and reached for the handle.
"You can't run away Harry, he's your responsibility with or without Joe."
I twisted the handle and opened the door. "I know mum, I just need time. Mum, I miss her,"
"I know you do,"
Tears began filling my eyes. "I'll-ugh, I'll go visit Joe." With my head hanging low, I walked into the hallway, closing the door to my son.
Memories of when I first laid eyes on my Joe flashed through my eyes as I stood outside of her room.
She looked like a flower, flawless, delicate and untouched. That was the first thing I thought when I laid eyes on her that evening at the club. I remember Niall asking me if I'd ever thought about settling down with one girl.
If someone told me almost a year and a half later, I'd have a son and be engaged to a girl, I would've probably fucking laughed in their face.
But here I am, standing outside of my fiancee's room and too chicken to even go near our son.
I took a deep breath and opened the door revealing her laying on the bed in the same position she has been for the last three days. A tube down her throat and machines connected to her.
My legs took me into the room, I stood next to her bed, taking her hand in mine as I sat down next to her body.
"Joe," I swallowed a lump in my throat. "I'm never gonna stop believing you'll get better,"
They placed Joe in a coma, her body couldn't handle everything it's been put through. Her body started shutting down due to stress, she now relies on a machine that keeps her alive. Her doctor said it's only a matter of time before it gets turned off.
But I refuse to allow them to end her life.
"I'm never gonna give up baby," My thumb strokes the back of her hand, I lean down and plant a kiss on her forehead. "I'm never gonna stop loving you,"
Joe is my territory, therefore, I won't give up on her.
THE FEELS MAN! MY POOR HEART! WHY CHU DOING DIS TO---oh wait, I'm the author... I'm doing it to myself.
HEY, GUYS, don't mind me here.
I'm like hyperventilating.
BUT it's cool, I'm still breathing after writing that chapter.
OHHHHHHH, to get your mind off Jarry, come check out dis new idea for a book I'm trying out, it's called Between the Scenes.
"She loves acting, so I guess she just thought my feelings for her were part of the script."
Harry dreamt of starring in a movie but never thought he would land a leading role with her as his co-star.
Check it out on my profile, don't forget to vote/comment and add it to your library's so you don't miss out on the first chapter.
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