Past participle of forget. Synonyms: unremembered, out of mind, gone clean out of someone's mind, past recollection, beyond/past recall, consigned to oblivion, obliterated, blotted out, buried, left behind, bygone, past, gone, lost, irrecoverable, irretrievable; neglected, overlooked, ignored, disregarded, unappreciated, unrecognized, of no interest. "Vivaldi's operas are largely forgotten"
I had just officially given myself to this man whom I probably won't even remember in the morning. It feels so odd me saying this, but I think I love him or have strong feelings for him. I mean I just gave him my virginity after knowing him for roughly three hours.
Well, Billy's slept with guys after knowing them for like minutes, but that's her. I was eighteen and still a virgin.
I know I did the right thing, and I also know what's coming next.
Harry lays me down on the bed and with eyes full of lust he asks me, "Are you sure about this?"
Am I? I mean I've never done this before. My parents are going to kill me, hell even Billy will probably kill me. But hey, first time for everything right? And at least my first will be with a fucking handsome man.
Looking me dead in the eye, he leans over my body. "I'm not gonna lie, this is going to hurt like a bitch."
"I'm ready," I swallow the lump in my throat.
Nodding his head, Harry proceeds to lift my shirt up; revealing my stomach to him. "Ready?"
No! but oh well, at least I'm too drunk to feel it and in the morning I'm not going to remember it.
Harry turns on the lamp and positions himself between my legs.
My eyes automatically slam shut the second I feel the tip of the tattoo gun touch my flesh, my body jumps.
I screamed, loudly I might add.
My eyes shot open and my body violently shook from the nightmare.
Fuck, it was him! Mr Styles, or as I knew him, Harry, not only took my virginity but also marked me!
Droplets of sweat roll down my forehead as I bring my body to a sitting position on the bed and lean against the headboard behind me.
I hope I didn't wake him up, it would feel so awkward because he hasn't spoken to me since he saved me in the pool and that was four days ago. We spoke small words, like when I asked if he would like a drink or his work clothes ironed. But every tiny conversation we had, he never looked at me.
I wonder if he remembers as much as I do, although my memories are merely images from that night. I don't remember having sex with him, nor what we did before he gave me the tattoos and yes, Harry marked me himself.
I've been having these nightmares for the last two nights but tonight's was the worst, I actually saw Harry's face. Unlike the others, it was just the back of his head or too dark to know who he was.
Lifting my knees against my chest, I rest my head on them.
Fuck, I'm seriously in deep shit.
I don't know what I'm going to do! I'm living with the guy who took my virginity! And marked me! As far as I know, he could've taken advantage of my drunken state.
Oh my god.
For some odd reason the air suddenly feels so thin, and when I breathe in; my chest hurts. It feels like a pinching sensation as if someone or something is squeezing my heart, or stepping on my chest.
Oh my god, I'm going to die.
I can't breathe!
With my hands now against my chest and my head against the headboard and my dark spots invade my vision. With each passing second, I'm finding it more difficult to take in oxygen my lungs thrive.
My bedroom door flings open and a worried Mr Styles comes racing in.
"Joe? I heard you-" When his eyes meet mine, it doesn't even take him a second to reach the bed. "You're having a panic attack,"
No shit, sherlock. What gave that away!?
My breathing rapidly increases and with each intake of air, stings my lungs and my heart aches.
"Listen to me," He gets onto the bed beside me, and take my body onto his lap. "You need to slow your breathing down," With my back pressed against his chest and his hands wrapped securely around my stomach, he says, "Feel the rise of my chest against your back, and breathe with me."
Doing as he said, I close my eyes and concentrate on his breathing. I hear him suck in a breath and then feel the rise of his chest hitting my back, then he exhales sending hot air over the left side of my neck. I begin to breathe with him and it doesn't take long for our breathing to be in sync with each other.
I feel so embarrassed, this is the second time he's saved me. I feel like a fucking mouse caught in a trap yet still alive and waiting for someone to rescue me, or simply put me out of my misery.
For the next five or so minutes, neither of us speak.
But finally, Mr Styles breaks the silence, "You had another nightmare, didn't you?"
"H-how'd you know?" My eyes look at my stomach to find his hands still there and rubbing circles.
"I came by your room last night, I heard you mumbling and crying." He informs me.
Shit just got even more awkward.
"You wanna talk bout'it?"
I shrug my shoulders.
Not really.
"Well if you-"
"Why do you even care? I'm just the maid you ignore." Well shit, didn't mean to sound that rude.
I feel him shift from behind me, and then when he says, "I'm sorry for doing that to you," I feel his warm breath fan across the skin of my neck, signalling that his mouth is close to my skin. "I just needed time by myself. Seeing you every day was making it so hard for me, I feel like I know you and it's killing me inside."
Believe me, it's killing me more.
"I don't know how to explain it, but I-I just-" I feel his hands begin to slowly move upwards, taking my Pj shirt along with it. "-had to avoid you as much as possible, it was causing me problems."
I slipped out of his embrace and stood to my feet next to bed, "Well if I'm causing you so many problems, then fire me." I walk quickly towards my wardrobe, I know he's following me. "I didn't even want this position to begin with! I didn't even have a fucking choice! So guess what? You can stick it right up royal arse because I qui-"
He turns me around so fast I can't even register what's happening, but the next thing I know. His lips are on mine and I'm pushed backwards until my back connects to the wardrobe.
Without thinking, my hand slaps his right cheek before moving to his chest and with all my strength I push him away, almost causing him to stumble.
"What the fuck is wrong with you! You don't just go and kiss girls! What? do I have a sign that says 'Easy meat?' or some crap? I quit!" Grabbing a pile of folded clothes from the end of my bed, I shove them into an empty material bag. "For the record, I don't know you, I've never met you in my life. I thought we could get along but now, I fucking hate you even more than before, don't try and contact me."
But when I push the bedroom door harshly open, I see this weird vision or perhaps a memory. Mr Styles and I walk on a sideboard, he's slightly ahead of me but we're both looking at something. I notice the way I smile around him, it's as if, I'm happy.
I'm pulled away from the vision by a hand being placed on my shoulder.
"Please, don't leave." His voice is just above a whisper, I turn around to face him. "Please, I'm so lonely here. I'm used to people always doing what I want and well you-" His hand reaches up to touch my cheek but I swat it away. "-You're so different, a good different. I don't know what connection we have, but I want to find out. Please, I want to remember you."
But I don't want to remember.
Do I?
"Mr Styles, we're strangers and I don't know what you're talking about. We shared nothing together, maybe you're getting me mixed up with someone else? There's plenty of girls with blonde hair in London." I turn on my heel once again and go to leave the room.
This time he grabs my wrist and pulls me back, he does something shocking.
Taking the hem of my shirt in his big hands he rips it clear off my body, leaving me in just my bra's. My mouth opens in surprise.
He talks before I can even say the first letter, "Explain this." Throwing my shirt on the floor, Mr Styles removes his own shirt but I look away. "Look at my chest! Joe! Look at it! Explain this to me!"
Fuck, is this guy mental or something?
Curiosity gets the better of me and I find my eyes turning to his direction. When they land on his chest I can't help but gasp and cover my mouth with my hands.
He has the same butterfly tattoo as me, mine is just so much larger.
A/H: Unedited, so please ignore the mistakes xD
Do you want longer chapters? This one was close to 2k words, shall I make them 3k in length? or is that a bit much for you guys?
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