Man in a Suit.
A set of outer clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together, typically consisting of a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt. "a pinstriped suit". synonyms: Set of clothes.
Slinging the hand towel over my right shoulder and turning around I almost scream upon seeing my best friend standing at the cool room's door, "You fucking scared me, way to kill your friend."
"I thought you said your mum was going to do that?" She jokes, laughing and steps inside the cool room. "I'm surprised to see you made it to work, unmarked."
"Wouldn't say, unmarked," I mumble and this causes her to laugh.
Billy walks in and closes the door behind her, "Seriously, let me see them."
Carefully I lift my work shirt up, revealing the tattoos to her. Billy's brown eyes gaze upon my stomach, she glances up at me. "You weren't kidding, but hey, at least they're pretty good tats."
"Can you be serious for five seconds?" I roll my eyes and she chuckles. "Billy, what am I going to do? I can't hide them forever, my mum will find out. I mean I can hide not being a virgin-"
"Woah slow down there tiger, are you sure you lost it?"
Again I roll my eyes but nod, "Yeah, why else would it be sore?"
"Dunno? Maybe you pissed that much it hurt?" She shrugs and leans on a wooden box. "You could always have a check up?"
"What's the point? I don't even know who the guy was, or how I got the tattoos."
"Well, obviously you went to a-"
"Billy, Joe! Get your asses out here!" Our idiot boss calls from the other side of the closed cool room door.
Did I mention, our boss is a total loser? Then again I'm pretty sure like eighty-five percent of bosses are.
I quickly lower my shirt and nudge Billy's side, "Coming, sir! We were just having a girly moment, ya know, period stuff."
I almost choke on the air at her choice of words.
"I don't care about if Aunt flow has come to visit, get out here now!"
Reaching for the door handle, Billy whispers, "This discussion isn't over babe."
"Whatever, let's go before we get fired."
Billy smirks and opens the door to reveal our boss standing there with his arms crossed, "Listen, Mr Styles has just arrived, so I want the both of you on good behaviour. Whatever he wants, get it for him, understand?"
"Yes sir," We both say in sync.
Ah, Mr Harry Styles, snob, asshole, Mr Billionaire who pretty much owns most of the shops, restaurants, hotels and well, he pretty much owns London itself. He's a hotty, though, I'll give him that.
"You serve him," Billy says and I raise my brows. "Ken is out there, I wanna see him."
Rolling my eyes I push passed her, "Whatever,"
"Oi! Don't forget this." I turn around as she tosses my notepad at me. "Go get him!"
I shake my head, taking a deep breath I walk out of the staff area, my eyes automatically fall of Mr Styles. Just like every time we see him, he wears a suit and he sits by a window with a blonde haired guy.
Gosh, he's such a panty dropper, I mean just by looking at him my panties feel wet.
Pull yourself together! He's an idiot, and only uses women for sex. Although I wouldn't mind being one of those women.
Stop it!
"Hemmings, get over there, we don't want Mr Styles waiting."
Here goes nothing.
This headache will not go away.
"Harry, I told you to take pills."
I place my elbows on the table and rub my temples, "Pills are for pussies,"
"Well it's your own fault for getting smashed last night," Niall smirks and I groan. "Don't be such a - Pussy."
"Fuck you,"
"Nah, don't swing that way mate. Although our waiter looks very fuckable if I don't say so myself."
Squinting my eyes, I turn my head and notice a girl, slim built, blonde haired, blue eyes, walking towards us. Her body is curved in all the right places, and Niall is right, she is indeed very fu-
"Hazz, stop staring, you'll make her nervous."
She's probably already nervous, but there's something familiar about her I just can't seem to wrap my finger around it.
And this headache is making me want to smash it against the table.
Note to self: Don't get drunk beyond the point of losing memory.
"Good morning Sir's,"
"What's so good about it?" I softly mumble, earning a kick under the table by Niall who smirks.
The girl, shifts on her feet. "Oh bad morning?"
"Something like that," I reply rubbing my temples, fucking headache.
"I know that feeling,"
Her answer causes me to look up, I catch her gaze for a second before I say, "Huh?"
"I asked, are you ready to order?" She quickly covers up, detaching a pen from her notepad.
"Are you on the menu?" This time I kick Niall under the table, he laughs. "What? Your jokes are worse than mine."
"I don't care," Again I catch her gaze, she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. I swear I've seen her before, "I don't mean to ask, but do I know you?"
"I'm sorry?"
"God damn it, what's wrong? Can't you understand English? I asked if I know you?" My temples are seriously going to kill me. "I swear I've seen you before."
Her eyes flicker between me and Niall, "No, well, I mean I know you, like from the magazines and shit, but no? I don't think we've ever met."
Fuck it.
I quickly stand up, and the chair falls over causing her to jump. This makes me smirk, "Sorry bout that, I just remembered I have an appointment to get to. Right, Niall?"
Niall looks at the menu then at me, "What about breakfast?"
"Let's go," I wave him, he stands up so I walk towards the door. Turning around I notice Niall chatting to the girl, he smiles and hands her a piece of paper before walking over to me.
"What was that about?" He snaps as we walk out of the cafe. "I'm hungry and you just-"
"Sorry, had to get out of there. There's something about that girl, it's odd and annoying the hell outta me." I can't help but turn around and take one last gaze at her.
I'm a hundred percent sure, I know her. Everything about her seems so familiar, even her smell.
She's a mystery, and a mystery I want to solve.
"I'm in so much trouble," I mutter to Billy, we stand outside of our bosses office.
After Mr Styles left like that, my stupid boss thinks I was behind him not ordering. So guess who's probably going to be without a job?
Joe Hemmings, that's who.
"You're overreacting, besides that other hottie gave you his number."
Actually, he gave me Mr Styles number. But Billy doesn't have to know that, what she doesn't know, can't hurt her, right?
"Joe, please come in."
I gulp and Billy pats my shoulder then mouths, 'you'll be fine,'
Twisting the knob to his door, I slowly push it open and walk into his office. "Sir, I'm sorry if I did something-"
"I'm letting you go, Ms Hemmings,"
A lump forms in my throat, I'm not sure if I'm angry, hurt? Upset? or all of the above. "Why, sir?"
"Because you're working for him." My boss, I mean ex-boss, points behind me and that's when I feel someone's chest pressed against my back.
A/N: Hello! Thanks for reading, hope I didn't bore you too much with this chapter xD But I promise things are about to heat up if you get my drift. *Insert Evil Smiley Here*
Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter xo
Pedz <3
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