Kept Promises. (Pt, two.)
...Smut warning...
conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one's duty. "a dutiful daughter." -synonyms: conscientious, responsible, dedicated, devoted, faithful, loyal, attentive; obedient, compliant, pliant, docile, submissive, biddable, deferential, reverent, reverential, respectful, good, well disciplined, well trained; informal decent; rare regardful. "she helped out, as a dutiful daughter should." -antonyms: remiss, disrespectful
"Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it, 'cause here's the tragic truth if you don't feel the same, my heart would fall apart if someone said your name."
Song - Truly Madly Deeply
Artist - One Direction
I have no idea what we must look like.
I'm currently laying against Harry's chest, he leans again the toilet stall's wall, fingers gliding over my arms while his lips leave delicate kisses on the side of my neck.
My breathing hitches every time I look down at my left hand. "I can't believe you!"
He chuckles causing his chest to vibrate against my back. "You were too busy vomiting, I figured I'd be able to slip it on your finger without you knowing," He pauses for a second. "I was wrong."
"Yeah, you were," I laugh. "Just 'cause I was greeting the toilet bowl, and a blonde doesn't mean I'm that stupid to even not notice a ring being put on me." I breathe out, lifting my left hand up to my face.
The beautiful pink ruby shaped like a butterfly sparkles in the light, it's surrounded by ten small diamonds and sits on a silver band.
"It's beautiful, thank you," I say turning my head so that I can see his face. "Thank you, Harry, I'm so fucking happy you proposed to me, even if it was in the toilet."
A grin breaks out across his face, "And I'm so fucking happy you said yes," He tries to copy my Australian accent but fails miserably.
"If I recall, I said yes before you even asked," I giggle but it makes the nauseous feeling return.
Harry must notice by the look on my face because he helps me to the toilet bowl, and once again I throw my guts up.
I'm thankful the staff members closed the restrooms while we're in here, and I'm even more thankful for the woman who gave me some Travel bands that go on both wrists, she told me the bands should help with morning sickness.
We arrived back at Harry's house roughly twenty minutes ago. I do feel a lot better, so I guess the bands work.
I hoped I'd have received a text or phone call from either mum or Luke, but I didn't, and that made me upset.
Have they forgotten about me?
Is mum okay?
I was looking in the mirror at my body, some of my bruises were still visible but hidden under the dress. I glanced down at the ring on my finger, then attempted to unzip my dress but I couldn't fucking reach. Harry walked out of the shower with a towel around his waist, he looked over at me with an amused smile.
I huffed trying to undo the zip. "Harrryyyyyy!" I whined and he chuckled. "Can you please undo the zip? I can't reach it."
He only took a few big strides to reach me. Looking in the mirror, I see Harry standing behind me, he shifts my hair over my right shoulder before kissing the back of my neck as he grips my zipper and drags it down ever so slowly.
Judging by the smug expression on his face, he's doing it on purpose.
And it's bloody torture.
Harry glides his knuckles down my skin as he unzips me, leaving a trail of fire from his touch.
Fucking tease.
When Harry gets the zip down, he removes the dresses straps from my shoulders and this time I'm the one who smirks. The dress falls off my shoulders and piles around my feet.
I watch in the mirror as Harry's jaw drops to the floor.
I didn't wear a bra, and the panties I chose are silky, baby pink with lace around the edges. I awkwardly turn on my heels, without hurting my leg to face him.
"Might wanna pick your jaw up off the floor babe," My smirk grows even more as I take a few steps away from him but not before grabbing a crutch and using it for support.
I sway my hips as I walk towards the bathroom, but Harry is quick to wrap an arm around my waist and carries me over to the bed. I'm gently laid down, causing me to giggle.
"Fucking tease," He scoffs, dropping the towel from his waist.
Harry is now naked.
Fuck me, I'm so horny.
I don't blame the pregnancy hormones, I blame my handsome fiancé... I like the sound of that.
Harry releases a laugh and climbs above me, he leans his body weight on his elbows so he doesn't hurt me. "Now who needs to pick their jaw up, ey babe?" I bite my lip, eyes roaming his bare chest. "Fuck, don't bite your lip." My panties are almost ripped from my body and tossed to the floor.
Just to tease him, I bite my lip again, causing Harry to curse. He moulds his lips with mine, and within seconds the kiss becomes heated. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down closer to me.
Harry groans against my lips, sliding his tongue easily inside of my mouth. I allow him to roam my mouth, our tongues getting tangled together.
He rests his weight on one elbow, while his other hand skims over my chest, reaching my left breast. Harry squeezes it in his hand and pulls away from my lips.
He then begins to leave kisses along my neck and collarbone, I moan out once he finds my sweet spot located just below my right ear. "Found it," He mumbles against my skin, harshly sucking it.
I can feel my pulse has accelerated, and I can hear the beating of my heart, I'm surprised Harry can't hear it. "Harry, please, don't tease me."
Harry pulls away from my neck, his green orbs scan my face. "Are you sure about this? I haven't read about sex and pregnancy yet,"
"What?" I laugh. "I thought you read that book Calum gave you?"
He grins at me. "I'm joking babe, of course, I read about it. It was one of the first things." Harry sits up and takes a spare pillow, he shifts my broken leg and places it gently on the pillow for support. He then comes back down and leans on his elbows. "Ready?"
I nod, feeling him position himself at my entrance. His tip rests against my folds before sliding effortlessly into me. The feeling causes both of us to moan.
"Shit," Harry groans, slowly easing all the way in. The beautiful stretching sensation fills my lower regions as he stretches my walls with his glorious size. "I forgot how tight you are,"
I can't reply, my mouth has parted but no words come out. I feel Harry slowly pull out, his tip sliding easily against my walls. He almost pulls completely out, before pushing back in. My hands automatically grip his back, and I feel his muscles move under my hands each time he repeats the action.
He sets a slow rhythm, but each thrust is deeper than the last one.
I can't help but become a moaning mess.
I've missed this with him, it's not just sex, it's being physically connected to him. Because I haven't had sex for probably two and a half months, it makes this time feel a whole lot better. Plus, nurses may have told me, sex during pregnancy is fucking amazing.
When you've got a guy like Harry inside of you, and pregnant, I can honestly say they were right; it's incredible.
"M'sorry my babies," Harry suddenly says. I look up at him with raised brows as droplets of sweat begin to collect on his forehead as he quickens the pace. His hips rock against mine, the sound of skin colliding with skin, plus our moans, fill the room.
"Daddy apologize's if you see the knob of my willy, I just wanted to say hello to my children."
I release a laugh, although it comes out more like a funny, weird, fucking moan. Harry only smirks down at me, bringing his lips to mine, he kisses me passionately. I kiss back almost instantly.
Harry pulls me to his side, "I can't believe we're engaged," He begins. "I keep thinking this is some type of dream and I'm going to wake up, alone."
"Well it's not a dream and, I'm not going anywhere," I tell him, tracing the outline of his bird tattoos.
He hums in response, "How are you feeling though? I didn't hurt you yeah?"
I wanted to tell him the truth, having sex with fractured ribs and a broken leg wasn't the best idea, but the pain was worth it. "No, I'm sorer down there,"
"I gave you a deep tissue massage," He blurts out. I laugh. "What? It's true, I do hope the twins didn't see my dic-"
"Oi, don't say that word around them!" I playfully slap his chest. "Harry?"
"Can you promise me something?"
Harry lifts his head up, olive green eyes roaming my face. "Anything,"
"Promise me, we'll see my mum before she dies."
A / N
They just keep getting cuter! Like seriously!
I honestly hope Henry doesn't show his ugly face EVER again.
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