Kept Promises. (Pt, one.)
I think it's a disappointment to see some people saying, 'they wish this book was completed already.' .. ya know, it really makes me feel bad when I read comments like that.
I apologise for leaving ya's on cliffhangers, but that's just the way I end chapters. As an Author, ending chapters on a cliffhanger keeps my readers hanging on the edge of their seat and waiting for the next chapter to come out.
I'm sorry but I can't end chapters on something simple :/ (that's just how I am.)
If you don't like the way I write, then why are you here?
I don't wanna quicken the events up I had planned because one person outta ten thinks the book is dragging on.
So, please, be honest with me - do you think it's dragging on?
The quality or state of being tranquil; calm. "passing cars are the only noise that disturbs the tranquillity of rural life." -synonyms: peace, peacefulness, restfulness, repose, reposefulness, calm, calmness, quiet, quietness, quietude, silence, hush, noiselessness, stillness, serenity, sedateness, placidity, mildness. "the peace and tranquillity of the Norfolk countryside."
-calm, calmness, placidity, composure, coolness, cool-headedness, serenity, contentment, content, even-temperedness, self-possession, control, equanimity, unexcitability, unflappability, imperturbability, restraint, self-restraint, stoicism, sobriety, untroubledness; informal togetherness; rare ataraxy, ataraxia. "the crash had jolted her out of her tranquillity." -antonyms: commotion, busyness, excitability.
"When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades, and the crowds don't remember my name. When my hands don't play the strings the same way, mm, I know you will still love me the same."
Song - Thinking Out Loud
Artist - Ed Sheeran
So many thoughts were going through my head right now.
Obviously, Harry's about to propose, why else would he be on one knee with a gigantic smile on his face, even his dimples are showing.
Maybe, he dropped something?
Yeah right.
His lips part and eyes lock with mine, but when he goes to ask me the big question.
Wait? How do I know it's that?
Anyway, I don't let him ask because before I have the chance to stop myself, I mirror his smile and bring my hands to cup his face.
"Yes, Harry! I will marry you-"
"Wait, wait, hold up, how did you even know?" One of Harry's brows raise, his smile never leaves his face. I shrug. "Well, I didn't ask," He breaks out into chuckles.
"I had this whole thing planned out for you, even a bloody long speech and you didn't even let me say it." He frowns.
I feel like a fucking idiot now.
Way to go Joe.
Oh, remember how I asked for someone to dig me a hole like thousand of chapters back? Yeah? How's that coming along? Because I could really use it right about now.
Heat rushes to my cheeks, and I suddenly feel nauseous.
I'm going to be sick.
Great, just fucking fantastic.
"Joe? Are you okay? You've gone pale." He reaches out to touch me but I push his hands away. "Joe-"
Oh god...
"Harry, I-I need the toilet--Excuse me," I grab my crutches from the table and quickly head towards the toilets.
I know Harry is still on one knee and probably feeling humiliated, I don't blame him either. He'll break up with me, I would break up with myself too.
I gag as I reach the toilet door, a woman sees me coming and holds it open for me, I mumble a small thank you, before rushing into one of the vacant stalls. I don't bother locking it because I don't have time, I can feel the bile rising in my throat, burning it as it comes up.
The crutches fall to the ground, regardless of my injuries, I throw myself towards the loo. Just when I make it to the toilet, everything I had just recently eaten and drunk, spills into the porcelain bowl.
I'm sitting on the hard ground with my broken leg stretched behind the toilet, my hands grip the bowl and I vomit over and over.
I feel a hand grab my ponytail and hold it out of the way, while a second-hand rubs circles on my back. I don't have to ask who it is, I know it's Harry.
Finally, after what feels like hours, I wipe my mouth as the nauseous feeling subsides. Harry reaches over me, flushing the toilet.
"Babe, are you feeling better now?" Harry's voice is soft and laced with concern making it sound husky.
I nod my head with a groan and lean my head against his chest. "O-oh god, H-Harry I'm so fucking sorry, I ruined everything!" I cry out, tears falling from my eyes. "P-please forgive me, I-I didn't mean to ruin it! B-but I'll understand if you don't w-want me anymore, I-"
"Woah, Joe, slow down," I'm suddenly lifted off the ground and sat on the closed toilet lid. "You didn't ruin anything," He takes my face in his hands, using his thumbs he removes the fallen tears. "I'm not leaving you."
"B-but I-"
"I'm not leaving you," He repeats, leaning his forehead against mine. Harry tries to kiss me but I turn my head, only for him to turn it back. "I'm not one of those guys who refuses to kiss his girlfriend just because she has bad breath." He leans in and moulds his lips over mine before I have a chance to stop him.
My bottom lip trembles, I cry in the kiss causing him to pull away. "Harry, I'm so sorry."
"I don't forgive you," My heart sinks but he only smiles, making me feel fucking confused. "Because there's nothing to forgive you for Joe, you didn't do anything wrong." He's smirking now, he places a hand in his pocket and pulls something out.
My eyes land on the small black box. "H-Harry you're not serious? I-In here?"
He nods, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. "I had everything worked out Joe, every little action, word for word. I wanted it to be perfect, but we don't need some fancy restaurant for it to be just that."
"Joe Hemmings, will you be the honour of becoming my wife?" He takes my hand in his free one. "Will you marry me?"
I part my lips to try and answer him, but guess what?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel sick again.
I can't answer him otherwise I'd probably cover him in my vomit.
Never get pregnant, fucking morning sickness will show it's ugly face when you least expect it.
Fuck me.
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