Horrifying Territory.
a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected. "to her consternation her car wouldn't start." -synonyms: dismay, perturbation, anxiety, distress, disquiet, disquietude, discomposure, angst, trepidation; surprise, amazement, astonishment, stupefaction; alarm, panic, hysteria, fear, fearfulness, fright, shock. "much to the consternation of his detractors, he emerged as a management guru."
To make his point well known, my fucked up Uncle opens his jacket to reveal a gun attached to his belt. "Way I see it, is you have no choice."
Harry's hands tighten around my waist. He forces me behind him and uses his body as protection, then says, "You're a sick man."
"Yeah? How'd you figure that one out?" Henry laughs, doing his jacket zip back up. "Now, listen up Styles, it will be so much easier and less messy if you allow me to escort my niece out of here."
"That's never going to happen, mate." An Irish accent speaks behind Uncle Henry.
Both Harry and I glance at Henry, who swiftly turns around on his heels.
Two men, one I recognised to be Niall, stands at the doorway. The other guy I've never seen before. But Karren steps between them, a gun held in her hand and points it at Henry.
However, Henry pulls his own gun out and in a quick movement, he moves towards Harry. "Move boy, or I won't hesitate to shoot you."
My heart is beating so damn quickly I'm fucking sure it's going to leap out of my chest. "H-Harry-"
"Stay behind me, babe,"
"Don't be a hero," Henry says taking another step forward but so does Karren and Niall. "Oh, and as for you Mrs Officer-"
"Whatever, if you don't want me to blow this hotel sky high I suggest you take a chill pill and relax," A smirk is plastered across my Uncle Henry's ugly face if you can call it a face.
"You see, one of my partners has planted a bomb in the basement of this hotel. All I have to do is-" My eyes watch as Henry places his hand in his pocket and pulls out a black remote with a single red button. "Press this button."
"I'll shoot you before you have a chance," Comes a voice from the unknown man standing beside Niall. "And Mr Hemmings, I never miss my target."
"Don't fucking call me that name! I hate it!" Uncle Henry snaps his head in Karren, Naill's and the other man's direction. "I am not my brother! I am not a part of his messed up family!" He growls now pointing his gun at Karren.
"You're the messed up one here, Uncle," I spit at him, causing him to once again aim his gun at Harry and me. "You killed your own flesh and blood! And for what?"
His blue eyes lock with mine, Uncle Henry parts his lips and laughs. "You don't get it, any of you don't."
"Then enlighten us." This time it's Harry who speaks, while still standing in front of me.
"Joe, don't you wonder why your mother is so pushy for grandkids from you? Why not that brother of yours?" When no one speaks he continues. "It's because Luke isn't your brother---well, he is, but he's your half brother."
Did I just hear him correctly? Luke isn't my full brother?
"Luke is my son, and you, well you're from my brother and anything belonging to him has to be eliminated."
Fuck, can someone please kill this guy already...
"Where do the tattoo's come into this?" I bravely ask.
Henry grins at me. "I was there that night when Harry fucked you, I witnessed it all. You know, I was going give the tape to the news, it would ruin Harry but then a nice guy approached me at the club claiming that Harry here, had destroyed his life."
"Zayn," Harry mutters under his breath.
"Why take down one bird, when you can take down two with just one stone." Henry's grin never leaves his face.
I just want to fucking smack it right off his face and take his balls and twist them around-
"Enough chit chat, Harry, hand over Joe and I'll be leaving." His words only cause Harry's grip to tighten around me. "Oh come on, surely you don't want me to blow this place into space."
"Drop the remote and gun," Karren orders, now standing behind my Uncle. Niall and the unknown guy along with multiple police officers behind her. "You're surrounded Henry, there's no escaping."
"Oh really?" He smirks.
My eyes widen, my lips part and my heart stops.
Henry's index finger presses down on the red button.
I don't remember the explosion, I don't remember anything that happened. I just remember the pain and waking up in darkness.
I'm in some type of chair, my legs are tied with what feels like a rope trapping them against the chair legs and my arms are on the chair's armrests; also tied. There's something tied around my face, more so across my mouth which prevents me from screaming.
The sound of heavy boots hitting a wooden floor fills my ears. "He ruined my life, he took everything I had." A man with an English accent whispers close to my left ear, so close I can feel his breath fan across my earlobe. "Now it's time for me to destroy-" His lips brush over my ear sending fear throughout my body.
"-His Territory."
I NEED HELP! I can't breathe! I know, I'm the author but you guys don't mind if I jump into the book and kill these dickheads. Do you?
On another note, this book has reached 3k reads. I can't thank you all enough! I know my writing isn't the best and my punctuation kinda sucks, but you guys read it anyway.
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