not able to be retrieved or put right. "the irretrievable breakdown of their marriage."-synonyms: irreversible, unrectifiable, irremediable, irrevocable, irredeemable, irrecoverable, unrecoverable, irreparable, unrepairable, beyond repair; irreclaimable, lost, lost and gone, gone forever, hopeless, past hope, beyond hope. "the situation was now irretrievable."
"In this world of loneliness, I see your face yet everyone around me thinks that I'm going crazy."
Song - Bleeding Love
Artist - Leona Lewis
"I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone. But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along."
Song - My Immortal
Artist - Evanescence
...Four Years Later...
I walked into the kitchen finding daddies stash of wollypops. My wittle hands reached up to steal one but I heard someone clear their throat behind me.
"Excuse me," I quickly took a wollypop from the jar and hid it behind my back. "I thought I told you-" Daddy comes up behind me and wifts me off the ground. "-No lollies first thing in the morning,"
"But daddy!" I stuff the wollypop into my pants. "I wants one!"
Daddy chuckles sitting me our kitchen bench top. "I know you want one Joey, but daddy can't handle your hyperactivity this time in the morning. Besides," He tickwes my sides making me waugh. "We've gotta get you ready for kindergarten."
Daddy stops tickwing me as I pout. "I hate kindagagen,"
"I know you do lil dude, but daddy has an important appointment."
"Can we visit mummy after you sees your appointmenteded?"
Daddy's eyes fwicker to my face then to the pickure of mummy on our fridge. "I think she'd like that,"
Mumma wives in the hispital, she still sweeping because daddy says she tired but I want mummy to wake up.
My blue eyes meet daddy's green ones. "Hm?"
"I stoled a wollypop to give mummy, maybe she wake up if I give her?" I took the wollypop from my pants and gave it to daddy.
Daddy smiled, "Maybe, I'll make sure she gets it, now let's get you ready."
"Thanks, mum, I appreciate it,"
My mum places her hand on my shoulder saying, "It's alright Harry, I love spending time with my grandson. Good luck with the audition darling,"
I had asked mum if she could pick Joey up from Kindy and have him for two nights. Of course mum jumped at the opportunity. She's been really supportive over the last four years, it's been extremely hard for me. I had to raise Joey by myself.
Yes, I named him Joey after Joe.
I haven't given up on Joe but the doctors say there is a five percent chance she will ever wake up from the coma, and that wrecked me. I had to see a counsellor for six months, he helped me to push forward.
With the help of Niall, I decided it's time for me to move on with my life. Moving on doesn't mean I'm going to give up or forget about Joe, it means I'm going to have a fresh start with my life.
For the last two years I've been working on a new career and with the help of mum, I think I finally have the opportunity to move forward. Unfortunately, that opportunity is in Hollywood. Mum is going to look after Joey for me, I'll visit him any chance I get.
This will be the first time I've been out of the country and away from Joey and Joe.
But I've got to do this.
I can't be depressed all the time, Joe would want me to be happy she wouldn't want me to stop living my life. I'm doing this for her because I found out there is a surgery that could bring my Joe back to us, but it costs too much money.
I'm hoping if I succeed in with this audition then maybe, just maybe, I might earn enough money to support Joe's surgery.
"Harry," I felt mum place her hand on my shoulder, she pulled me in for a hug. "It'll be alright, we can come visit you,"
"I know, but mum-"
Her hands cupped my face. "It'll be alright, you can do this Harry, I know you can," She kissed my forehead. "Joey will be fine,"
"What if Joe wakes up? She'll think-"
"Joe would understand, Harry. Although this pains me to say it you can't always dwell on the past, she would want you to move on,"
I wrap my arms around her, giving her body a gentle squeeze. "Please tell Joey I love him and visit Joe every day for me,"
"I will son," She says unwrapping her arms from around me, "Go rock Hollywood!"
I chuckle bending down to pick up my luggage as my flight is called. "I love you mum,"
"I love you too Harry,"
I took a deep breath, waving goodbye to mum I turned around and walked to my flight gate.
"Have a good flight Mr Styles," The man standing at the gate smiled.
I mumbled a thank you before stepping by him.
. . .
After arriving safely in Hollywood, I went and auditioned for a part in an upcoming action movie. My legs bounced as I sat on a couch waiting to hear the results, three others also were waiting.
A young girl with blue eyes walked out of the room. "Mr Styles, please follow me,"
"Good luck man," One of the guys waiting clapped for me.
I ignored him and followed the woman, she leads me down a small hallway and through double doors where I found a man standing by the window.
"I have Mr Styles for you, sir,"
"Very good Amanda," The man turned around as the girl--Amanda exited the room. "Mr Styles?"
"Yes sir," I felt awkward calling him sir, usually people would be the one calling me that.
"Have a seat," He motioned to a black leather sofa located in front of a large desk, I took a seat as he walked over to the desk and took out a folder. "Hmm, it says here you came highly recommended,"
"I am?"
He turned a page, "Indeed, also from what I saw with your audition, you'd fit perfectly for the part-" He hummed. "However, I believe your acting isn't what I need,"
"There are certain obstacles in our lives that can be a--well, a blockage," He slammed the folder closed causing me to jump. "I understand your situation is a serious one and yes I do watch the news Mr Styles, but do you want this position?"
"I do," I chewed my bottom lip. "I want to push forward sir."
"Then to push forward you must not allow your personal life to interfere with this position," His dark brown eyes studied me. "Look, I am not asking you to forget about her, I am simply saying that if you allow her to get in the way then I'm afraid I-"
"No, I can do it," I stood up causing him to raise his brow. "I can do this, I need to this, please,"
"Are you doing it for yourself? Or for her? because I cannot give you this position if you are simply just doing it for her operation," He said. "My actors have to be passionate about acting,"
"I am passionate, I need to move forward," I told him the truth. "I believe this will help me do so,"
He clapped his hands smirking, "Very well then, Mr Styles, you may call me Mr Johnson I am the director,"
"Hello Mr Johnson," I smiled offering him my hand.
Shaking my hand Mr Johnson returned my smile.
"Welcome to the Cast of Between the Scenes Mr Styles,"
Between the Scenes [Harry Styles]
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