Chapter Six: I Hear You Knocking
Nobody's Pov
As everyone settled down the next episode began to play.
The screen turns on and the camera pans into the bedroom that Hope occupied during the time that she was sick.
We head in and we see Hope sitting on the bed, all dressed up, with Daniel standing in front of her a hers he brushed her hair.
With Hope feeling better the group were preparing to leave New Orleans once again. But before that Hayley suggested taking Hope to see Mary and Hope agreed, excited at visiting her grandmother.
"She's talking about that old lady we saw in the first episode, right?" Mike asked.
"Correct" Gertrude nodded.
"So is she related to the Mikaelson's or Hayley by any chance?" Hawk asked.
"Mary isn't related to the Mikaelson's but she is sort of to Hayley. Her grandson, Jackson Kenner, was married to Hayley which made him Hope's stepfather and that makes Mary Hope's grandmother" Gertrude explained.
Everyone blinked at the information that they were given by the witch.
Not to mention the bit of shock they felt at hearing that Hayley was married.
"Wait, you said was, does that mean..." Miguel trailed off.
"That he's dead? Yes, he is" Gertrude nodded.
"How did he die?" Carmen asked, a little sad.
She doesn't know Jackson, doesn't know what he looks like, but what she does know is that he was a grandson and a husband.
She knows how hard it must've been for Hayley and Mary.
After all, it's never easy when you lose a loved one.
"Well, by being married to Hayley he naturally got caught in the drama that involves the Mikaelson's. In the end, it cost him his life" Gertrude explained.
Everyone either frowned or let out a few sighs.
They honestly weren't surprised to hear that Jackson had died because he was involved with the drama that revolves around the Mikaelson family.
They just hope that he has found peace after his death.
Amanda, on the other hand, pursed her lips and curled her hands into fists.
Nothing but worry was coursing through her at the moment.
If Hayley's husband died because he was involved with Mikaelson drama.
Does that mean that there's a chance that her husband will die because he's involved with the Mikaelson's?
If that's the case, Amanda wants nothing more than for Daniel to run and never look back.
He can't possibly want to stay with them forever especially if he knows what he's getting himself into.
"So, you've eaten and you've brushed your teeth. Right?" Daniel asked.
"Yep" Hope nodded.
"Good. Your mother is currently getting your backpack ready so that you have everything you need for when we leave" Daniel said.
"She'll put my art supplies in there too, right?" Hope asked.
"Of course. She knows you never leave without it" Daniel nodded.
"Especially when you gifted it to me, uncle Daniel. It's the reason why I treasure it" Hope smiled.
Daniel's eyes softened at her words and a smile appeared on his face.
He had gifted his niece those art supplies after learning how much she liked to paint and he can remember the absolute joy in her eyes when he gave her the supplies and the big hug she gave him in the end.
Everyone couldn't help but smile at that, already loving the relationship between Daniel and Hope.
Sam, despite the ting of jealousy she had, was happy that her dad had an amazing relationship with Hope.
She can tell he really loves her and Hope loves him.
Amanda, on the other hand, couldn't help but frown.
How was Daniel able to buy those supplies for Hope?
As far as she remembers Daniel's wallet had been found in Stingray's apartment after Johnny and Chozen went searching for him.
Meaning he had no money on him nor any of his credit or debit cards.
Meaning there's no way he could buy things for Hope.
Unless he's making money, if he is working that is, or if Hayley is giving him money.
But, from the looks of it, Hayley doesn't seem to have a job so there's no way she can have money.
Nothing but confusion and curiosity was building up inside her and it irked her.
Especially when she wanted answers starting from when her husband disappeared.
The door opens and Daniel turned around to see Hayley walking in with Hope's backpack.
"Hey, you two. Are you ready to go?" Hayley asked.
"Yes we are. Right, sweetie?" Daniel asked, turning to her niece.
Hope smiled and nodded causing Hayley to smile as she walked towards her daughter and handed her her backpack.
"Go head downstairs. Your dad and uncle Elijah should be ready" Hayley said.
Hope nodded and hopped off the bed and left the room to find her dad and her uncle.
Daniel stands up and walked over to his best friend just as Hayley turned to him.
"Ready to go?" Hayley asked.
Daniel nodded which made Hayley nod before she slid her hand into his, holding it firmly, and they both left the room.
Amanda wanted to scowl, to let out a huff of annoyance, at seeing that hybrid lady hold her husbands hand.
It's like the tenth time she's held his hand and she hates it.
Sam, having noticed her mom reacting whenever Hayley holds her dads hand, couldn't help but roll her eyes.
She doesn't understand why her mom is making such a big deal of her dad and Hayley holding hands.
As far as she's concerned it's common for friends, specifically best friends, to hold hands.
It doesn't mean anything let alone in the romantic sense.
Her mom was just making a big deal out of nothing and it was annoying.
The scene changes to the bayou and the camera pans to Hope, Hayley, Daniel and Elijah as they walk through a field of flowers.
Hope is ahead of the three adults, picking flowers as she walks, while the three adults are talking.
Well, Hayley and Elijah are talking while Daniel is keeping a close eye on his niece.
"I do miss it out here" Hayley commented.
"Yeah, looks like you're not alone. You know, we could be happy out here" Elijah told her.
"I think you might stand out in that suit" Hayley reminded him.
"Well, I was thinking jeans, shorts and flip flops" Elijah said.
"No offence, Elijah, but I really can't imagine you in anything but those suits you wear" Daniel grinned.
Hayley laughed while Elijah let out a chuckle of amusement.
Laughter filled the theater as well as a few chuckles.
"Wait, hold on, this guy really only wears suits?" Johnny asked, his eyes wide in disbelief.
He can't imagine wearing a suit for his entire life of every fucking day.
He's content with wearing simple shirts and jeans and sneakers.
Not a fucking suit that would make him sweat like hell.
"That's correct. It's his style" Gertrude shrugged.
Even she too found it weird, maybe amusing, that Elijah Mikaelson wears suits all the time.
Honestly, she wouldn't mind seeing him change his style and wear regular clothes.
Hayley stopped walking and bent down to pick up some flowers before resuming her walk.
"I want to build a life with you, Elijah. With Hope. With Danny. I want us to be happy" Hayley said.
Elijah stopped walking and grabbed Hayley's arm and turned her around so she was looking at him.
"So we do that. Together" Elijah said.
He leaned in and kissed her and Hayley didn't hesitate to kiss him back.
Daniel rolled his eyes playfully but the smile on his face indicated that he was happy for his best friend.
A few people couldn't help but smile at seeing the interaction between Elijah and Hayley.
They had to admit that the couple was quite cute.
"He must really love her" Carmen hummed, a small smile appearing on her face.
She could tell how much Elijah loved Hayley and how much Hayley loved him.
Especially if she wanted to start a life with him.
And, despite how she feels towards Elijah and his family, she can tell that he makes her happy.
And, honestly, that's all that should really matter.
"Just like I love you" Johnny grinned, wrapping his arms around his woman.
He honestly thought he would never find love again after Ali but he was proven wrong the day that he met Carmen.
And he's more than happy to love someone as amazing as the beautiful woman in his arms.
Carmen smiled at her boyfriend and kissed his cheek before snuggling close to him.
Miguel and Robby couldn't help but smile, happy that their parents found happiness and love in each other.
Amanda too couldn't help but smile at Johnny and Carmen, happy that they found love in each other.
But, at the same time, she couldn't help but envy them.
Their lovely interactions, the shares of 'I love you' and every other affection they show to one another makes her heart ache.
She wants that with Daniel.
She had that with Daniel.
Now she doesn't.
And she hates it.
The couple pulled away from the kiss while keeping their foreheads pressed together.
"In jean shorts" Elijah smiled.
Hayley giggled and shook her head in amusement while Elijah chuckled.
"Grandma Mary!" Hope yelled.
The three adults turn around to see Mary opening the door of her cabin and bringing Hope into a hug.
"Well, hello, sweetheart. Oh, my girl. Oh" Mary smiled.
Mary picked her head up and when she spotted Hayley and Daniel her smile widened.
But when she saw Elijah behind them her smile dropped and a look of seriousness came across her face.
"Woah, talk about mood change" Bert commented.
"Yeah, why is she looking at Elijah like he's a parasite?" Nate asked.
"Because Mary, might I remind you all, is a werewolf and she doesn't like vampires. Especially the Mikaelson's. And it's clear that she doesn't want Elijah around" Gertrude explained.
"I don't blame her" Amanda muttered.
She understands why the old lady doesn't want anyone from the Mikaelson family in her home.
God, she hopes that she never has to meet the Mikaelson's in person.
They're dangerous and they attract nothing but danger.
She would rather they stay far away from Los Angeles, away from her friends and family, to avoid anyone getting hurt.
Mary tore her eyes away from Elijah when Hope showed her the flowers in her hands.
"I picked you some flowers" Hope told her.
Mary smiled at her granddaughter before cupping the sides of her face with her hands.
"Honey darling, why don't you run on inside. I need to talk to your mama and uncle Daniel" Mary told her.
Hope nodded and walked inside the cabin and Mary turned to the three adults.
"Didn't know you were bringing him" Mary said, her eyes trained on Elijah.
"Mary, come on" Hayley sighed.
"Vampires aren't welcome. You're the exception. Humans aren't welcomed but Daniel, like you, is the only exception. Rules of the house" Mary sternly said.
"Seems understandable. In my opinion, at least" Mike shrugged.
If there were people that he didn't like he sure as hell wouldn't want them in his home.
His home, his rules, and whether people like it or not they have to follow it.
And he's sure that at least some people in this theater had rules just like him and that Mary lady.
Hayley opens her mouth to say something but Elijah stopped her by placing a hand on her arm.
"I'll leave you three" Elijah said.
He rubs Hayley's arm affectionately and nods at Daniel before turning around and walks away.
When he's gone Hayley and Daniel walked closer to Mary and give her pointed looks.
"Seriously?" Hayley asked, annoyed.
"You know how I feel. Our kind winds up dead when they're around. Yesterday, we lost Lara. I wake up to hear there's been some kind of occult massacre in the woods. Let me guess Mikaelsons are involved" Mary said.
"That's why we're here" Daniel said.
"We want to talk about what really caused that massacre last night" Hayley added.
"What's there to talk about?" Kyler asked, confused.
"Yeah. All you gotta tell the old lady is that some stupid followers of the hollow tried to kill kids and then tried to kill Klaus and Marcel. Easy" Kenny shrugged.
Tory sighed, rolling her eyes, while Devon leaned over to gently smack Kenny on the arm.
Silver glanced at his young and favorite student with a look of amusement on his face.
The scene changes and the camera pans to Hayley, Daniel and Mary as they stand outside the cabin on the dock.
Hope was inside playing while the three adults were talking about what happened yesterday.
"All we know is this cult wanted to sacrifice children. Somehow Lara got caught up in it, and when she tried to get out, she couldn't, and she killed herself" Hayley explained.
"That doesn't make sense. Someone is recruiting Crescents into a cult?" Mary asked, confused.
"That's what we need you to look out for, Mary" Daniel said.
"Anything strange. These people obsess over specific imagery. It's a serpent eating its own tail" Hayley added.
Mary, who was looking down, perked up with her face turning pale.
"What'd you say?" Mary asked.
"A serpent. Like a dragon" Daniel said.
"When Hope was affected, she drew some. Here" Hayley said.
She reached into her daughters backpack and pulled out a pile of drawings and handed them to Mary.
Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the drawing that Hope, apparently drew, when she had been affected by the hollow.
They had to admit that they felt a mixture of disturbance and fascination.
Especially since it's clear that that drawing is connected to the hollow.
Which means that there has to be a story behind it as well.
Daniel, noticing the look in Mary's eyes, raised an eyebrow at her.
"Mary?" Daniel asked, worried.
Mary snapped out of whatever trance she was in and looked at Hayley and Daniel, mainly Hayley, with a look of seriousness and guilt.
"There's something you need to see" Mary said.
Hayley and Daniel frown and glance at each other before looking back at Mary.
"Ella sabe algo, se nota" Rosa commented, narrowing her eyes at Mary.
Johnny looked at his girlfriend for translation as did Miyagi-Do students with Miguel.
Carmen and Miguel share a look of amusement while letting out small laughs.
"She knows something, it shows" Carmen and Miguel said in unison.
Johnny and the Miyagi-Do students eyes widened in realization as they let out small hums.
Now that they know what Miguel's grandmother said they couldn't help but agree.
Mary knew something the second that serpent was mentioned.
They wondered if she knew the history behind the hollow or if she knew how that serpent was connected to the hollow.
As long as she had any information that could be useful that's all that should matter.
The scene changes and the camera pans over to Hayley and Daniel who are sitting side by side while Hayley flips through a journal Mary had given her.
Footsteps are heard and we see Elijah standing behind them as he places a hand on Hayley's shoulder.
Hayley, without looking at him, closes the journal and hands it to Elijah.
"This journal belonged to Mary's husband" Hayley said.
Elijah takes the journal from her and opens it as he walks around to stand in front of his girlfriend and his friend.
"He filled it in the months before he died. Most of it's revolutionist garbage. Plots for an uprising and so much more shit" Daniel said.
"But there's stuff about my parents in there" Hayley added.
"What exactly can you tell us about Hayley's background?" Amanda asked as she looked at Gertrude.
She was curious to know more about Hayley.
After all, this hybrid lady is best friends with her husband and anyone that her husband knows and is close to she wants to know too.
So far all she knows is that she saved and helped Daniel, she's not human and she's not scared of anything or anyone.
Oh and she kills.
So sue her for wanting to know more about her.
"Hayley was born into a family of werewolves. A royal family called the Labonair's. Her birth name is actually Andrea Labonair. Unfortunately, her parents were killed by Mary's husband when she was just a baby. She was in the foster system for a while before getting adopted and her named was changed to Hayley Marshall" Gertrude explained.
Hearing this information about Hayley had shocked everyone.
They couldn't believe that she had been born into a royal family of werewolves.
However, hearing that her parents had been murdered when she was just a baby saddened them.
It's never easy to lose someone, especially parents.
But the fact that Hayley never got the chance to meet them makes it worse.
But wait...
"So, how did she get involved with the supernatural?" Miguel asked.
"Yeah, it kind of sounds like she had no knowledge of being born a werewolf" Sam added.
"That's correct. Hayley had no knowledge of the supernatural or that she was one herself until she was 13. She accidentally killed someone and because of that she activated her curse and she transformed into a werewolf. Unfortunately, she transformed in front of her adoptive parents. The aftermath got her kicked out and she's been surviving her own ever since" Gertrude explained.
Everyone's eyes widened at that with some jaws dropping.
They couldn't stop the shock from coursing through their bodies at hearing what Hayley had done and what she had gone through.
But they also couldn't help but feel impressed.
Hell, Silver himself looked impressed.
That Hayley women has been on her own at the age of 13 after getting kicked out and has made it this far in life.
To Silver it shows just how strong, stubborn and brave she is.
And he likes and respects that.
Kim Da-Eun knew what her partner felt towards Hayley and couldn't help but feel the same.
Amanda, on the other hand, felt horrified at hearing that Hayley's first kill was when she was 13 years old.
She couldn't believe that at such a young age that woman had become a killer.
How the hell is Daniel alright with being around her especially if he knew what she's done?
Her kids, however, had a different reaction than their mother.
"Holy shit. Dad's best friend is a badass" Anthony grinned.
"Hell yeah she is" Sam nodded, a grin of her own on her face.
She honestly couldn't imagine having to survive on her own at only 13 years old. She couldn't imagine having to grow up early and only rely on yourself.
But hearing that that's what Hayley had done after getting kicked out amazed her.
This definitely made her adore and respect Hayley even more.
And this made her even more grateful that someone like her was in her dad's life.
"What does he say about them?" Elijah asked.
"Ramblings about how they were traitors for dealing with vampires" Hayley said.
Daniel grabbed his best friends hand and held it firmly to which Hayley glanced at him with a look of gratitude.
The camera pans to the journal as Elijah flips the pages and we see the handwriting go from readable to nonreadable.
"You can see his writing deteriorate as his thoughts do" Elijah said.
"In the end, he can't even form a coherent sentence" Hayley said.
As Elijah turns the page he stopped when he sees a drawing of a serpent.
The same drawing that Hope had done.
Everyone's eyes widened at seeing the drawing in the journal.
It was the exact same drawing Hope had done. Literally the same.
"Well shit" Johnny muttered.
That serpent definitely meant something and if it's involved with the hollow, well, that spells trouble.
Elijah's eyebrows furrowed together and he tore his eyes away from the drawing to look at Hayley and Daniel.
"Elijah, I think the Hollow made Mary's husband kill my parents" Hayley told him.
Elijah's eyes widened a little at that while Daniel placed his other hand on Hayley's shoulder.
Everyone's eyes widened in shock at hearing that.
"Eso es verdad?" Rosa asked.
All eyes turned to Gertrude as they waited for her to respond.
"Si, es verdad" Gertrude nodded.
Rosa gasped as did a few others while everyone else sat in their seats in shock.
They couldn't believe that the hollow, whatever or whoever it was, was responsible for the death of Hayley's parents.
They honestly couldn't help but feel bad that the hollow is the reason Hayley was orphaned.
The scene changes and the camera pans to Hayley who's sitting on a bench as she stared at the lake in front of her.
Footsteps are heard and we see Daniel walking towards her and once he's close he sits down next to her.
"Where's Elijah?" Daniel asked.
"He left after getting a call from Freya. It might be about Klaus" Hayley said.
"Is he in trouble?" Daniel asked, worried.
"I'm not sure but I'm sure Elijah and Freya will be able to help him if he is" Hayley said.
Daniel sighed, feeling relieved.
Carmen raised an eyebrow at seeing and hearing how worried Daniel is for Klaus.
She knows that if it was anyone else in the theater they would paint it as a friend being worried about their friend.
But she wasn't stupid and she wasn't blind.
She knew that Daniel was worried about Klaus in the sense of something more than friendship.
Daniel looked at his best friend and frowned at seeing the look on her face.
"Hales, are you ok?" Daniel asked.
"I would lie and say yes but I'm not" Hayley said.
"That's understandable. Given everything you've learned" Daniel nodded.
"Growing up, I never belonged anywhere. Not in school. Not in foster care. I always thought if I could find my parents, I'd finally belong somewhere" Hayley said.
"Hales, you do belong somewhere" Daniel reminded her.
"Danny, I did terrible things to find my family. And when I did, they were already dead. And now I find out that the same people who killed them are the ones who hurt Hope" Hayley frowned.
Tears began gathering in her eyes and slid down her cheeks.
A few people's eyes softened and could feel their hearts break a little for Hayley.
They couldn't imagine everything she had to go through all alone at such a young age.
But at least she isn't alone anymore and she has the Mikaelson family, her boyfriend and, of course, Daniel.
Amanda, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes before turning to Gertrude.
"What terrible things did she do?" Amanda asked.
What had Hayley done in the past?
Did she kill people just to get information about her biological parents?
"I know what you're thinking, Mrs. Larusso, and I want you to know that Hayley was desperate to know about her real parents. To know about her background. And if you were in her position you would understand" Gertrude sternly said.
She knew what the human lady was thinking and she hated it.
Yes, what Hayley did in the past was wrong but she was just a kid.
And she was desperate to know what happened to her parents and desperate to learn more about herself.
Gertrude may not understand as she didn't go through what the Marshall woman did.
But she respected her for being brave through all of it.
Amanda, her lips pursed, said nothing and just put her attention back on the screen.
Daniel frowned and scooted closer to his best friend and gently cupped the sides of her face with his hands.
"Hales, listen to me. You know that I won't let anything happen to you or Hope" Daniel reminded her.
"I know, Danny. But I don't want you getting hurt. I know you can take care of yourself but the thought of you getting hurt because of me is something I don't want happening" Hayley said.
"Well, too bad. Because I'm not going to sit back and let anything or anyone hurt you or Hope. Not even the hollow. You and Hope mean so much to me and I love you both so much. I promise you that as long as I'm able to fight I won't let anything happen to either of you" Daniel sternly said.
The tone in his voice and the look in his eyes was enough for Hayley to know that he was serious.
Daniel gently wiped away Hayley's tears and kissed her forehead before bringing her into a hug. Hayley didn't hesitate to hug him back while resting her head against his chest.
Everyone was either smiling softly at the scene or were shedding some tears.
They felt bad for Hayley and all she had gone through in her life and what she, along with Hope, are going through now.
Nobody deserves any of that.
But they were glad that Hayley and Daniel have formed an amazing bond with one another when they met and got to know each other.
They were glad that Daniel was willing to stand by Hayley through everything and was willing to protect her and Hope from anything and anyone.
And if there's one thing that everyone from Los Angeles knew about Daniel is that he protects the people he holds dear to him.
And they were happy to know that no matter what he would do everything he can to protect his best friend and his niece.
"Hayley is lucky to have someone like dad with her" Anthony smiled.
"Yeah. The same way dad is lucky to have someone like Hayley with him" Sam nodded.
Amanda, having heard her kids, let out a sigh while running a hand through her hair.
She still had her doubts and opinions towards Hayley and those might never go away.
But she's a good friend for Daniel and she can tell that she does care about him.
And as long as she continues being that person for her husband then she'll learn to be alright with their friendship.
The scene changes and we see that night has fallen before heading inside Mary's cabin.
We see Hope fast asleep on a chair with a blanket over her while Hayley and Daniel are watching her from the doorway of the cabin.
They both turn around to see Mary, who's sitting outside, biting her nails looking lost in thought.
"Don't do that" Hayley sternly said.
Mary snapped out of it and looked at her with confusion in her eyes.
"Do what?" Mary asked.
"Blame yourself" Hayley and Daniel said in unison, looking at each other with smiles.
"I hope they don't plan on doing that all the time" Johnny commented.
"Same, it's a little creepy" Mike added.
He's seen twins say the same thing at the same time before and he has to admit that it can be amusing but creepy.
Seeing Hayley and Daniel do that is something he hopes won't happen all the time.
Hayley and Daniel walk over to Mary and sit on the chairs that were across from her.
"You think that if you'd stopped your husband, I would have had a better life" Hayley said.
"No one deserves what you've been through" Mary softly said.
"Agreed. She didn't deserve to go through what she did, especially at such a young age" Carmen softly sighed.
She couldn't believe that Hayley's adoptive parents were cruel enough to kick her out at 13 simply because she transformed into a werewolf.
Hayley needed guidance, someone to help her and just be there for her, but instead she was tossed aside.
She had to grow up faster, she had to rely on herself and she had to survive on her own for so many years.
Most of all, she had no home.
She could never imagine kicking her son out of the house let alone think about what he would have to deal with if he were to survive on his own.
She was worried like hell when her son had ran off to Mexico to find his biological father.
The fear she felt thinking of all the horrible things he had to endure and he had no money, no food, nothing.
The fact that Hayley has been on her own for so many years amazes her as much as it saddens her.
She wishes to have met Hayley so she could've given her a home, guidance and a family.
She would've welcomed her, no matter what she is, without hesitation.
Hayley turned around to look at her daughter as she continued sleeping peacefully.
"It's because of what I've been through that I have her" Hayley softly smiled.
She turned to look at Daniel and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.
"Not only that but I've got Danny and he's an amazing person and best friend. I'm grateful to have him in my life" Hayley added.
Daniel's eyes softened at that and found himself leaning closer to his best friend.
"Not as grateful as I am to have you in my life" Daniel smiled.
Everyone couldn't stop the smiles from appearing on their faces at the interaction between Hayley and Daniel.
Johnny quietly huffed, refusing to admit that he was a little jealous.
Considering he hoped that he and Larusso would've had a better friendship after settling their differences.
Amanda frowned and looked down just as tears gathered in her eyes.
"I should've been grateful to have you in my life when all you wanted to do was make sure the kids and I were safe. Instead, I left when you needed me the most" Amanda whispered.
She couldn't believe she made that stupid decision.
She couldn't believe she left her husband when she knew that he needed her and the kids.
It wasn't going to be forever. She never intended on leaving him forever. It was just temporary.
She had only left so he could finally open his eyes, to finally see reason, and realize that it was time to give up the stupid karate rivalry.
But instead she just gave Daniel a reason to disappear.
It's her fault, she knows that.
It's her fault that Daniel left and never came back, probably never will.
And she'll live with nothing but sadness and guilt for the rest of her life.
Mary smiled at the best friend duo and they looked at her.
"Hope is a Mikaelson and Hayley is a Marshall, but they're both still Labonair's" Daniel said.
"Mary, Jackson said that tragedy always followed my family around. Executions, people dying in floods, fires, or just vanishing. What if the Hollow is behind those deaths, too? And if it went after the Labonair's before..." Hayley trailed off.
"What if it wants to finish what it started?" Daniel finished.
Mary pursed her lips as worry and fear coursed through her eyes.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone felt tense and worried.
If the hollow had gone after anyone that was part of the Labonair family, like Hayley's parents, that means it might go after Hayley and Hope.
They are both Labonair's no matter if they have different last names.
So, does that mean that the hollow will go after them?
Is the hollow going to finish what it started by getting rid of Hayley and Hope?
Nothing but dread filled everyone's bodies as they wondered what was going to happen next.
Hey guys! How are you all doing?
So, tell me, are you guys enjoying this book so far?
What do you guys think of the friendship between Hayley and Daniel?
Also, I'm sorry you didn't get much of Klaus x Daniel in this chapter but I promise that you'll get more of them in the next chapter.
Well, with that being said, I hope you all have a great day.
I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye!
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