Chapter One: Gathering Everyone
Nobody's Pov
Amanda Larusso sighed as she leaned back against the couch.
Her kids were upstairs in their room doing their own thing and avoiding her.
She knows that they're still very angry at her.
Well, it's more like Sam is angry at her while Anthony is upset.
But she doesn't blame either of them for that.
Because it's her fault that her husband, their father, Daniel Larusso, was gone.
It's been a year.
A year since Daniel went missing the day he was beaten up at Stingray's apartment by Terry Silver.
A year without having her husband, the man she loves more than anything, and the father of her kids in the house.
The house felt so empty without him.
Chozen still lived with them but he was currently out with Johnny and Mike.
The three of them out hanging up missing poster signs about Daniel.
Something they had done the day her husband went missing.
Amanda had to admit that while she didn't like Chozen at first she's slowly warming up to him.
Especially since he's there for her, helping her with whatever she needs, and he's there for the kids.
Plus she appreciates the fact that he, along with Johnny and Mike, were still searching for Daniel.
Considering the police stopped.
And considering that they are still dealing with karate drama.
Which, of course, is thanks to Cobra Kai.
And Terry Silver.
God, Amanda slowly grew hatred for the man after Jessica told her what he did to Daniel in the past.
Now she absolutely loathes him for all the crap he has brought into their lives.
And while she wants to blame him for being the reason her husband is gone, she can't.
She just can't.
Because she knows that she is part of the reason why her husband was missing.
She's the one that left and took the kids with her.
She's the one that left without second thought when Daniel needed her the most.
Needed her to understand why he wasn't giving up on karate or giving up on trying to take down Cobra Kai and Terry Silver.
It's her fault.
Despite everyone saying that it wasn't, despite some trying to put the blame on themselves, she knows it's her fault.
Because without Daniel, their lives are just getting more complicated.
Cobra Kai and Terry Silver is still going.
Not to mention Terry Silver recruiting new sensei's to help him run the dojo since Kreese was arrested.
Chozen and Johnny have agreed to work together and continue to teach their students in secret.
To prevent Silver from finding out.
But it's not going well.
Sure, they do have moments where they bicker but they do get along.
The problem is that they need someone to keep them in line, someone to balance things out.
And that someone is normally Daniel.
But he's not here.
Oh how she, along with everyone else, wishes he was still here.
It feel like yesterday when Amanda and the kids returned home, returned to Daniel, only to learn that he wasn't home.
Only to learn that he was probably never going to come home.
Amanda laughed as she watched Sam and Anthony exit the cab and hurriedly grab their bags from the trunk.
She thanked the driver and handed him money before getting out herself.
Once she and the kids grabbed their bags and closed the trunk the driver drove off.
Amanda turned to face her house and a smile appeared on her face.
She was glad to be home.
She knew the kids were too.
She was glad that she made the decision to return home after Jessica talked to her and knocked some sense into her.
Now she's home.
And Daniel was in there waiting for her.
God, Amanda missed him even though she didn't want to admit it when she and the kids were staying at her mothers.
She knew that the kids, especially Sam, missed Daniel too.
They really wanted to see him earlier which is why Amanda had called him to ask if he would come pick them up.
Only, he never responded back.
Amanda called and texted multiple times but Daniel never responded to any of them.
Amanda was confused but decided to brush it off because she thought Daniel was ignoring her.
Not that she blames him.
After all, he called and texted her multiple times after she had left but she ignored him.
It stings that the tables have turned and Daniel is the one ignoring her.
But she knows that she deserves it so she's not going to let it affect her too much.
At least she's home now and once she enters her house she's going to sit down with Daniel and talk.
She's going to tell him that she understands, she's going to tell him that she's sorry, she's going to tell him that she'll stand by him no matter what.
Something she should've done rather than leave.
"Come on, kids" Amanda said as she walked forward.
Sam and Anthony quickly followed her.
Amanda took out her keys and opened the front door and pushed it open.
Sam and Anthony walked in and immediately started calling out for their dad.
Amanda stepped into the house, closing and locking the door behind her.
"Daniel, honey, we're home!" Amanda yelled.
No answer.
Amanda frowned and set her keys down on the coffee table.
"Daniel, we're home!" Amanda yelled.
Again, no answer.
Amanda could hear Sam and Anthony calling out to their dad but no response.
Amanda grew confused and worried.
Was Daniel not home?
Was he at the dealership?
She opened her mouth but stopped when she heard noises from the kitchen.
Curious, she started walking with her kids following behind her.
When they got there they saw Chozen, pacing back and forth, muttering things under his breath.
Amanda had a bad feeling just based on the facial expression Chozen was wearing.
"Chozen" Amanda called out to him.
Chozen turned around and his eyes widened when he saw her.
He obviously hadn't expected to see her and the kids.
He probably thought that they were going to stay away a little longer or never come back.
Amanda was never going to permanently leave Daniel, no way.
She just needed to get away from the drama and knew that her kids needed a break from it too. She just wanted some peace away from the karate rivalry.
But she was never going to leave Daniel.
At the end of the day she loves him and would never leave him.
"Amanda-san" Chozen said, walking closer to her.
"What's wrong? Where is Daniel?" Amanda asked.
"I don't know. Daniel-san not responding to calls" Chozen said, gesturing to his phone he was holding.
Amanda raised an eyebrow at that, worry growing inside of her.
She thought that Daniel was ignoring her but he's also ignoring Chozen.
That's odd.
"Is he at the dealership? Or maybe at the dojo?" Amanda asked.
"I looked but he no there" Chozen said.
"Is he with Johnny?" Sam asked.
Chozen shook his head.
Chozen tore his eyes away from Sam and looked at Amanda.
"Daniel-san no come home last night" Chozen told her.
Amanda's eyes widened at that.
"What? Where did he go?" Amanda asked.
"He went to make things right with man. But he no come back" Chozen told her.
What man?
Amanda doesn't know why but she's got a bad feeling.
"Mom" Anthony frowned, looking at her.
Amanda looked at her and saw the worry in his eyes.
She looked at Sam and saw she was in the same state as her brother.
Amanda was worried too, almost scared, but she had to remain calm for her kids.
"Chozen, stay with the kids. I'm going to call Johnny and see if Daniel is with him or if he knows where he is" Amanda said.
Chozen nodded.
Amanda nodded back and walked out of the kitchen and made her way back to the living room.
She took out her phone and immediately called Johnny.
The second he answered she asked if Daniel was with him or if he told him, by chance, where he was going to go.
Johnny told her that Daniel had stopped by his apartment yesterday and they talked and had some beer but that was it.
He hadn't seen Daniel after he left.
Amanda grew more worried by the second and Johnny noticed.
Amanda told him everything and could tell that Johnny himself was confused and worried.
Johnny told her he would check a few places Daniel would've gone to and advised her to call Daniel's mother.
Amanda agreed and after they said their goodbyes they hung up.
Amanda immediately called Lucille to ask if Daniel had gone to stay with her.
Surprisingly, Amanda was unable to reach her mother in law.
Because she had been blocked.
Lucille blocked her.
Amanda was confused and decided to, reluctantly, call Louie.
Amanda may not hate him as she did before but she still holds some dislike for the man.
But she was relieved that he had answered her call.
But when she asked if Daniel was with him or if he knew where he was all Louie told her was no before hanging up.
Amanda grew more confused and a little irritated.
Especially when it sounded like Louie was angry at her.
And she didn't even know why.
Amanda had only sighed, tossing her phone onto the couch, before going back into the kitchen.
She tried to reassure her kids that everything was alright and there was nothing to worry about.
They didn't seem to buy it but decided not to question any further.
Amanda pulled Chozen aside and asked him if he could meet up with Johnny and help him with his search.
Chozen immediately agreed.
When he left she decided to distract her kids by making them unpack their bags while she made them something to eat.
After they unpacked and she was done with the food they all ate together at the table.
But they didn't speak.
Mainly because their minds were all on Daniel.
It's clear that they were worried and just wanted their worries to go away by seeing him.
Amanda tried to calm herself down and remind herself that her husband was obviously upset, maybe depressed, that she and the kids had left.
So, he probably went out clubbing to drink.
That's what most people would've done.
But she knew that her husband didn't drink all the time.
At least not like Johnny.
Speaking of Johnny...
Him and Chozen showed up at the house and Amanda and the kids immediately greeted them.
They were upset that Daniel wasn't with them.
But what worried them was the facial expressions they were wearing.
Not to mention the way Johnny's knuckles were stained with blood.
Almost as if he had gotten in a fight with someone.
"What happened? Did you get any information on where Daniel is?" Amanda asked.
"Yes and no" Chozen told her.
"What does that mean?" Amanda asked, frowning.
Johnny pressed his lips together and he and Chozen shared a glance.
It's almost as if they learned something and were hesitant about telling her and the kids.
"Guys" Amanda said.
Johnny and Chozen looked at her and they both sighed.
"We searched everywhere but we couldn't find Larusso. The last place we decided to check was at Stingray's apartment" Johnny said.
"What? Why?" Sam asked, confused.
"Daniel-san and I had gone to talk to him but things went bad. Daniel-san got angry and lashed out" Chozen told her.
Sam frowned at that as did Amanda.
Amanda knows that her husband can be a hothead but she also knows that he's not one to lash out easily.
She knows that her husband controls his anger as best as he can.
"Did Stingray say anything?" Sam asked.
"Just about what happened when Chozen and Larusso went to talk to him. But he hadn't seen Larusso after that" Johnny said.
"But..." Chozen trailed off.
"But what?" Anthony, who had been silent, asked.
"But the dumbass told Silver everything that happened when Chozen and Larusso left. Silver told him to go have some fun and he would look after his apartment while he was gone" Johnny added.
"And Daniel-san went again to apartment to talk to man" Chozen added.
"Which means..." Sam trailed off.
"Daniel ran into Silver instead of Stingray" Amanda finished.
Now she was getting really worried.
Almost scared.
Especially after what Jessica told her about what Silver had done to Daniel in the past.
"So, we decided to confront the ponytailed bastard and demanded for him to tell us what he had done to Larusso" Johnny said.
"And? What did he say?" Sam asked.
Johnny and Chozen glanced at each other which made Amanda almost not want them to say anything.
"Guys, please" Anthony begged.
"Silver and Daniel-san fought one another in apartment" Chozen sighed.
"Larusso put up a good fight, from what Silver told us, but he was still a little drunk and not in the right set of mind. Silver took advantage of that and beat Larusso until he was on the ground, bruised and unable to breath" Johnny added.
Amanda's eyes widened at that and felt her breath hitched.
She didn't need to look to know that Sam and Anthony had the same reaction as her.
"The bastard choked Larusso with his foot and taunted him before leaving. He told us that's the last time he saw him" Johnny finished.
"He has to be lying" Amanda denied.
There's no way Silver doesn't know where Daniel is.
Silver had to have done something to Daniel.
"We not believe him either" Chozen said.
"Hell, I gave the bastard a good beating so he would tell the truth. But he told us that he really has no idea where Larusso is. That the last time he saw him was at the apartment" Johnny added.
Amanda stayed silent, unsure of what to say, and felt nothing but shock and fear course through her.
Daniel has disappeared.
Daniel is gone.
Her husband, the father of their kids, is gone.
And none of them know where he is or if he's coming back.
He just vanished into thin air.
Amanda could feel tears gathering in her eyes but she tried to keep them in.
She looked at her kids and saw tears gathering in Sam's eyes while Anthony was still shocked.
Sam snapped her head into her direction with a glare plastered on her face.
"This is your fault" Sam scowled.
"Honey-" Amanda started but was cut off.
"This is all your fault! Why didn't you listen to dad when he told you that Terry Silver was bad news?! Why did you make us leave him when he needed us the most?! Now he's gone and we don't know where he is or if he's ever coming back! I hate you! I wish dad was the one that left and took us with him instead of you!" Sam yelled.
Amanda's eyes widened at that as did Johnny's and Chozen's.
Tears began to stream down Sam's face with nothing but anger and sadness shown in her eyes.
Amanda stared at her daughter and could feel her heart breaking.
She opened her mouth to say something but Sam was already running upstairs to her room.
Anthony looked at her, making her look at him, and he gave her the same look Sam did.
Amanda went to say something but Anthony had already turned away and walked upstairs.
Amanda felt tears slowly stream down her face and felt her knees buckle.
She almost fell to the ground but Johnny and Chozen were quick to catch her by her arms.
They lead her to the couch and sat her down as they sat down next to her.
Amanda started crying and Johnny, without saying anything, embraced her in a hug.
Amanda hugged him back, burying her head into his shoulder and cried and sobbed into it.
Chozen said nothing and just placed a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it, trying to offer her comfort.
But what kind of comfort could he offer?
Not when Daniel is gone.
Not when they aren't sure if he's ever going to come back.
Or if he's even safe or alive.
Flashback Ends
Amanda felt tears gathering in her eyes and quickly blinked them away.
She couldn't cry.
She believed that she had no right to cry.
Not when it was her fault that Daniel not only got a bad beating from Silver but had disappeared.
It's her fault that her kids hate her and her relationship with them is strained.
The same can be said for her relationship with Lucille and Louie.
She and Lucille hadn't gotten along in the beginning but they had worked things out and their relationship got better.
But now their relationship has shattered because Lucille blames her for being the reason Daniel is gone.
Louie may not hate her but she knows that he blames her too.
Not that she blames him.
If only she had listened to Daniel instead of leaving.
Maybe things would've been different.
Her eyes wandered over to a nearby picture frame and the picture was of her and Daniel.
Amanda reached out and gently placed a finger onto the glass and traced over Daniel's face.
"Where are you, honey?" Amanda muttered.
Where was her husband?
Was he safe? Was he in danger?
She prays to god that Daniel wasn't in any sort of danger.
The thought of Daniel being hurt, or worse, makes her sick to her stomach.
Amanda sighed and got up, ready to head to her room and rest, when a bright light appeared out of nowhere.
Amanda didn't get a chance to react to the bright light as it blinded her and she was knocked out.
In The Theater
Amanda groaned as her body hit the ground, her hand coming up to the side of her head.
She heard bodies, tons of bodies, hitting the ground and before she knew it more groans were heard.
Amanda pushed herself off the ground and once she sat up she took in her surroundings.
She was surprised to see the Miyagi-Do and the Cobra Kai students either on the ground or standing while looking around in clear confusion and panic.
She turned around and saw Johnny, Chozen and Mike getting up from the ground, confused and panicked themselves.
But they were also on high alert.
Not that she blamed them given the situation.
She turned around and saw Carmen and Rosa getting up from the ground, looking scared.
Johnny and Miguel noticed them and immediately rushed over to them.
Miguel ran to his grandmother while Johnny ran to his girlfriend and cupped the sides of her face and scanned her up and down.
Amanda let a small smile appear on her face.
She knew how much Carmen meant to Johnny before and after they started dating.
They honestly make such a good couple.
Amanda got up from the ground and looked around to see if there were anymore people.
There were.
And, unfortunately, it was Terry Silver and his helper Kim Da-Eun.
Amanda sent a glare in their direction.
She wasn't the only one.
The Miyagi-Do students were glaring in the direction of Cobra Kai along with Johnny, Chozen and Mike.
The Cobra Kai students were glaring at the Miyagi-Do students and looked ready to fight.
Amanda didn't want a fight to happen.
Not now at least.
She just wanted to find out who, or what, brought them here and find a way to get out.
"Where the hell are we?!" Kenny yelled.
"Who the hell brought us here?!" Kyler yelled.
Johnny scowled, pulling Carmen closer to him, while Miguel looked around while keeping Rosa close to him.
"Silver, what the hell is this?!" Johnny yelled.
Silver raised an eyebrow at him.
"I can assure you, Mr. Lawrence, I had nothing to do with this" Silver said.
"Bullshit" Johnny scowled.
"Yeah, if you're capable of beating my dad until he's bruised and unconscious then you're capable of this" Sam scowled.
Silver turned to her and a look of amusement washed across his face.
"Oh, Samantha, believe me when I say I took pleasure in beating your father like the weakling he is" Silver grinned.
Sam glared at him along with Anthony, Amanda, Johnny and Chozen.
Sam tried lunging at Silver, wanting to beat his ass for what he did to her dad, but Robby and Demetri were quick to hold her back.
Anthony tried lunging at Silver himself but Nate and Bert were quick to hold him back.
Amanda was tempted to lunge at the bastard herself but had to remain calm.
She couldn't let her anger get the best of her.
"But, believe me when I say that I had no part of whatever this is. I'm just as confused as everyone here" Silver said.
"We all are" Kim Da-Eun said.
"Alright, if you didn't do this then who the hell did?" Robby asked.
"That would be me".
Everyone turned their heads around and saw a woman that looked around her thirties wearing a long dress along with some accessories on her arms, neck and even her head.
Almost immediately everyone grew alert.
The Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai students got into a fighting stance.
The same can be said for Chozen, Mike, Silver and Kim Da-Eun.
Amanda kept a close eye on her kids while Johnny and Miguel stood protectively in front of Carmen and Rosa.
"Who the hell are you?!" Mike yelled, glaring at the woman.
"My name is Gertrude and I'm the one that brought you all here" the woman, Gertrude, said.
At her words everyone looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean you brought us here? How?" Tory asked.
"More importantly, why did you bring us here?" Sam asked, confused and annoyed.
She didn't want to be in this stupid movie theater.
She wanted to be back home in her room and resume her search for her dad.
She had been on her laptop posting pictures of her father online and telling everyone that he was missing and to please search for him and tell her if they have any information.
She has never given up on finding her dad.
Se knows that he's still out there somewhere and she's not going to stop searching for him until he's found.
She won't stop until she finds her dad and bring him home.
"I've brought you all here because I have information on a certain someone you all know. Daniel Larusso. Does that ring any bells?" Gertrude asked.
An amused grin appeared on her face at everyone's reactions.
As soon as Daniel's name escaped her lips everyone's eyes widened in shock.
They couldn't believe what she said. None of them wanted to believe it.
Amanda snapped out of it and narrowed her eyes at the woman.
"How do you know my husband?" Amanda asked, suspicious.
"And what kind of information do you have on him?" Johnny asked, narrowing his eyes at the woman.
"Why tell you when I can show you?" Gertrude suggested.
Everyone looked at her in confusion with some getting even more annoyed.
Gertrude huffed but continued speaking.
"I've brought you all here because I have information on Daniel. I know everything about him, starting with where he went the day he disappeared after Terry Silver beat him up" Gertrude explained.
Almost instantly everyone, with the exception of the Cobra Kai students, turned to Silver and glared at him.
Amanda, Sam and Anthony's glare being the deadliest.
Silver grinned at the glares he received, not at all bothered.
"I know what he has been doing since the day he disappeared. I know that you all want to see him and see what he's been doing since the day he disappeared. Which is why I have brought you here" Gertrude said.
She gestured to the movie theater that they were all in, her finger pointing at the big screen.
"You all are going to watch Daniel's life and before you all say anything I promise that it's possible to do that. I mean, it was possible for me to bring you all here" Gertrude said.
"And how exactly did you do that?" Kyler asked.
"Because I'm a witch" Gertrude revealed.
Just before anyone could react Kyler was on his knees, clutching his head, screaming in pain.
Everyone screamed and jumped as their eyes widened in shock.
They turned to Gertrude and saw her arm extended out and being pointed at Kyler.
"What the hell are you doing to him?!" Devon shrieked.
"Inflicting him some pain. Honestly, he deserves it" Gertrude shrugged.
A few seconds pass and she lowers her hand.
Kyler breathes out a sigh of relief and falls to the ground, gasping for air.
"How the hell did you do that?" Kim Da-Eun asked.
"Were you not listening? I literally just revealed I'm a witch" Gertrude rolled her eyes.
This is partially why she doesn't like humans.
Especially when they can be so dense.
"A witch?!" everyone yelled.
They couldn't believe that the woman that brought them to this theater was a witch.
As far as they knew, witches aren't real.
They shouldn't be real.
"Yes. That's how I was able to bring you all here. And, like I said, I brought you all here to watch Daniel's life after disappearing" Gertrude said.
"What if we don't agree?" Hawk asked.
"You don't have a choice. I'm the one that brought you all here and I'm the only one that can return you home" Gertrude told him.
Hawk scowled but said nothing.
Everyone frowned and glanced at each other.
They didn't really trust this woman, considering they don't even know her, but they had a feeling that she wasn't lying about Daniel.
They had a feeling that she was telling the truth about knowing where he is.
They don't know why but it could be because of how she spoke.
How serious she sounded.
Not only that but they were wary of her considering what she just pulled on Kyler.
If she could do that, without touching him, she could easily do more to the rest of them.
And they would rather leave this theater alive.
And they were all desperate to know anything, literally anything, about Daniel because it has been a year since he disappeared.
"Fine. We agree" Amanda sighed.
"But you better not be lying. Or I won't be afraid to kick your ass, bitch" Sam scowled.
If she was lying to them about what she knew, if she was just wasting their time, she would force her to send them back home.
So she better be telling them the truth.
Gertrude raised an eyebrow at the girl and her lips twitched upwards a little.
She wasn't angry, let alone intimidated, but she was impressed.
The girl has fire and she likes that.
"Understood" Gertrude nodded.
Sam nodded back as did everyone else.
"Now sit down and get ready" Gertrude grinned.
Because the show is about to start.
Hey, guys. How are you?
I hope you liked todays chapter.
I have to admit that I was hesitant to do this, but thanks to some encouragement from @Descendantsgirl2 I decided to do it.
And, honestly, I'm very excited and have tons of plans.
I just really hated how things had gone for Daniel in season 5 of Cobra Kai because it felt like nobody was there for him. Then Amanda left him, taking Sam and Anthony with her, and Daniel got beat up by Silver when he tried making things right by letting go.
Plus, I like the idea of Daniel getting involved in real dangerous situations rather than some stupid karate drama.
So, I hope you all are ready for this book and what will come with it.
With that being said, have a great day.
See you next chapter, bye!
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