Chapter Twenty Two - Disappear
Me and Aria have just come back from grocery shopping to stock up after our trip when my phone rings. I frown in confusion when it's an unknown number from the UK. Thinking it's either my family, Liam or a salesperson that have somehow found out my direct number I pick it up.
"Charlotte?! Is this Charlotte Davidson?!" A woman asks frantically.
"Uh yes...who are you?"
"This is Carmen, Liam's girlfriend. We met at the engagement party – anyways, listen to me! You need to get yourself and your daughter somewhere safe right away!" She states with a panicked tone which makes me eyes widen. "I just found out that Liam took an early flight to Dallas but not to discuss having a relationship with your daughter! He just wants to get back together with you!"
"But I told him –"
"He doesn't care Charlotte! I was clearing our camera footage today and because it includes audio I heard him talking to someone on the phone about how he's going to get back together with you even if he has to force you!" She stresses and I quickly grab the bags before locking the car. "I'm so sorry I didn't call sooner as it was difficult to get your direct number. Please just get somewhere safe because he didn't sound like himself. I feel like he may hurt you!"
"O-Okay...okay I'm going to go to Theo's place. I'm just going to grab some things and leave. Thank you for telling me Carmen." I breathe gratefully as I hastily take out my keys.
"Call me when you get there okay? Just so I know you're safe."
"I will, thanks again. I'll chat to you in a bit." I reply before hanging up.
"What's wrong?" Aria asks with a confused frown.
"Nothing, we're just going to visit Theo." I smile calmly while on the inside I'm anything but.
I open the door and lock it after ushering Aria inside. Quickly placing the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, I tell Aria to put some of her things in an overnight bag. She stares at me confused for a moment but thankfully does as I say. Rushing into my room I pack mine and Aria's legal documents, other valuables, and necessities.
"Mum, what's wrong? Why are we packing?" She asks timidly when I walk into her room.
"I'll explain later when we have time okay?" I reply before hurriedly zipping her bag up. "Come on, let's get in the car."
She sighs and takes my hand before we make our way to the door. I open it only for our bags to drop in surprise when I find Liam standing outside. Aria pushes back against me with a whimper and I pull her behind me protectively. My mind races a mile a minute as I try to figure out what to do. Instantly I try to mask my expression and smile a little to appear normal.
"Hey, I thought your flight was due to land tomorrow?"
"Yeah but I finished work early so just got an early one." He grins but then his eyes wander to the bags in my hand. "Where are you going?"
"Oh, just to a friend's place." I smile but it slips right off my face when he steps in. "We're late already so can we meet up tomorrow morning to discuss?"
"That won't be necessary." He murmurs and I gasp when he shoves me to the side and closes the door behind him. Aria screams in fear and I pull her back to my side again.
"Liam what the hell are you doing?!" I trail off as my throat becomes dry. Dread and fear settles deep within my bones heavily when he takes out a gun and dagger.
"If either of you make any sounds I'll shoot her first." He nods at Aria who's hiding behind my legs. "Give me any devices you have."
I hesitate and watch as his expression becomes murderous. The safety comes off the gun as he points it at us and my heart pounds in terror. There's a crazy gleam in his eyes that makes me move and I pick up the bags. Aria has tears in her eyes as she shakes her head at me when I take her hand.
"Mum..." She sniffles as her eyes dart to Liam.
"It'll be okay. I'm here and nothing will happen to you." I smile shakily and she releases a shuddering breath in response. "Leave her out of this Liam."
He chuckles darkly as he walks over to lock the door. "You were right you know. I don't care about her...all I want is you."
"Why?! You have Carmen, a great job...you could go about your life and be happy!" I argue and back up when he grabs the bags from me.
"I never wanted to break up with you Charlie. I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I just didn't want a child." He shrugs half-heartedly as he glances at Aria who shuffles uncomfortably. "I constantly thought about you after. I even thought about killing her –"
"W-What?!" I stumble back in alarm.
"But then I just decided to let you be...until I saw you again at that party. Everything came back full force and I...I wanted to be the one holding you, kissing you, making you smile – not Theo Jackson!" He all but spits at his name and I flinch.
"What are you going to do?! You can't get away with this!" I shake my head angrily. "Just leave us alone Liam, you're going to get caught anyways!"
It's like something switches inside him. He straightens and his eyes become steely and emotionless. One minute he was panicked and desperate now he's cold and insane.
"And how exactly are you two going to get out of this huh?" He lunges at me and grabs me by my hair tightly. Aria yells at him to let me go when he presses the dagger against the skin of my neck. "You two are coming with me. The second you try anything funny or try to alert anyone I will fire so many bullets into your precious daughter that you won't recognize her after I'm done. Trust me Charlie I've got nothing to lose."
"O-Okay." I whisper and try to take Aria's hand but he grabs her.
"She stays with me. Get your phone out." He holds out his hand and I give it to him.
"Liam...please just let Aria go, take me instead! Please!" I beg and my hope dwindles when he scoffs.
"And have her run to Theo? Are you fucking stupid Charlie? Get me your laptop." He seethes and shoves me towards the bedrooms. "Aria stays with me just in case you decide to try anything stupid."
I nod and my tears build when I lock gazes with Aria. I try to reassure her with my eyes that everything will be fine before I walk backwards towards the bedroom. Liam rolls his eyes in annoyance before getting her to sit on the couch. I watch him smash the house phone as well as mine and I turn trying to think of what to do.
I quickly open my laptop and thankfully I had left it on sleep mode. But before I can even do anything Liam barges in with Aria. His eyes fill with rage and he throws her on the bed which makes me glare at him. He lunges and pushes me up against the wall with the gun digging painfully into my temple.
"I told you not to try anything Charlie. What part of that don't you understand?!" He sneers before kneeing me in the stomach. "We're leaving! Now!"
I gasp as he punches my cheek which makes me fall to the floor. He chuckles darkly before smashing the laptop to pieces. I get up shakily and follow him out to the door. He checks that we have our passports and legal documents. Aria's stormy grey eyes are blurry with tears and I feel guilt wreaking havoc within over the distress she's in.
My only hope is that my grandmother or Theo come over and realize that something happened. I then remember the call from Carmen and pray that she alerts someone when I don't call her back.
"Walk outside and get in your car. Act normal or you'll regret it." He grunts as he opens the door before staring at Aria. "Understood? I'll kill your mum if you do anything."
I hold her hand tightly as she nods fearfully. We make our way outside before he tells us to keep our heads down and pretend to talk to each other. As we're doing so I quickly look in the direction of my neighbor's camera and shake my head while mouthing "help." It faces the street and gets the front of my house in the footage so I know they'll see me when they watch it.
We get inside and he tells me to drive. Aria sits in the back with our things and I glance at her as I put on my seatbelt. He takes his gun out and positions it towards her, ready to shoot if I try anything which makes me cry feeling nothing but helplessness. I drive off with trembling hands praying hard that we get out of this.
It's quiet and tense between us with the occasional whimpers from Aria. I feel like the worst mother for failing to protect her. My gaze flickers to Liam's hands as he takes out a necklace from his pocket while keeping the gun aimed at Aria. There's two dog tags on the silver chain but slightly larger. He seems to press down with his thumb over one and the sides unclip and fall into his lap, revealing a razor.
He looks up at me just as the traffic light turns green and smirks. "Obviously, I'll have to ditch the gun and knife inside the airport before security but they won't suspect this."
"T-The scans –"
"It's designed not to show the razor inside." He shrugs half-heartedly before quickly putting the necklace on while watching me.
"Where are we going?" I ask meekly as I try to focus on driving.
"Me and you are going back to the UK." He starts but my hopes are crushed when he continues. "We're taking a flight to Venezuela first though."
My head snaps to him in panic and confusion before I concentrate on the road again. "Why Venezuela?!"
"I have some plans for little Aria." He chuckles humorlessly as he glances back at her.
Immediately my mind starts to race with thoughts of someone else taking her or leaving her behind. Aria's soft sobs make my heart break and the back of my eyes burn. I meet her gaze in the rear-view mirror and try to silently reassure her that nothing like that will happen. Of course, because of the situation and Liam's threats my poor baby believes it all.
"You can't do that –"
"You don't call the shots here remember?" He rolls his eyes in annoyance which makes me glare at him.
"If I don't have Aria you won't have me."
"And what would you do exactly?!" He snorts in a mocking tone.
"Take her from me and you'll find out." I reply and notice him narrow his eyes at me.
I inhale deeply and try to stay calm as we reach the airport. Liam quickly hides his gun inside his jacket and the knife in a holster on his leg. We get out and I grab my bags before quickly taking Aria's hand. Liam grabs mine tightly and I wince in discomfort as we walk up to the entrance. But Aria trips right outside and I cry out as I help her up before inspecting her bleeding knee.
"Miss? There's bathrooms inside to your right. You can clean her up in there." The security guard walks closer and smiles.
I nod mutely and glance at Liam to see him thanking the guard. His eyes are cold and dead though which scares me. His hand rests on the small of my back and he pushes me inside. We find the bathrooms right away and I bite my lip when I realize he can't come in.
"I'll be waiting outside. Any longer than three minutes and I'm coming in." He murmurs gruffly and I nod.
I take Aria inside and quickly clean her up. To my utter frustration there's no windows that I can open and get us out. But thankfully another woman walks in seconds later and I stop her with a whisper.
"Can you help us please? The man outside is forcefully taking us out of the country and has weapons on him. Can you please alert security?"
Her eyes widen in panic and she nods eagerly. "Oh my god, of course! I'll go straight to them! What are your names?"
"Charlotte and Aria Davidson. The man outside is Liam Wri –"
The door opens and Liam quickly rushes inside. His eyes flare with anger as he hits the back of her head hard with the end of his gun. Before the woman can even turn fully she's unconscious. My jaw drops and I stare wide eyed at her before backing up against the wall.
"Liam –"
"What the fuck did I tell you?!" He seethes and his face turns red from rage. I cry out when he grabs Aria and holds the knife against her throat. Her eyes widen and she freezes while looking at me in despair. "Do you want her to die that badly huh?! Because I could just slit her throat, dump her in one of these cubicles and leave with you! I don't have to take her Charlie!"
"I-I'm sorry – please let her go! I w-won't try anything else! I-I'll get on the plane!" I cry hoarsely as I all but beg him.
He stares at me in silent fury before shoving Aria at me. I hug her tightly as I sob and he goes to the door to peek. "Stop crying and wash your face. Let's go."
I do as he says and take Aria's hand. He disposes of his gun and dagger before threatening to slit Aria's throat with the razor if I try anything else. We leave the bathroom looking and acting completely normal.
Liam takes us through check in before we head to security which goes smoothly. Throughout it all he keeps a close eye on us and I give up as soon as the gates open to board. The sinking realization has settled in that nobody can help and we're getting on that plane.
Eventually we leave Texas behind along with our hopes.
Update schedule is: once a week whenever I find time!
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- R.W. ♡
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