***Important Note: I'm not well educated on the legal side of things when it comes to the situation with/between Charlotte, Liam and Aria. I have done research but things will be incorrect in this chapter and the rest of the story regarding this matter. If somebody is more knowledgeable about this please do correct me so that I can improve this book. Thank you in advance! ❤️ ***
Chapter Thirteen - Tightly Coiled
I freeze momentarily before calming myself down. What is he doing here? How does he even know the couple? I think to myself in confusion. Liam stands by the open bar with a group of people sipping on his drink with a brunette holding onto his arm. I'm thankful for the fact that he hasn't noticed me.
I don't realize I'm gripping onto Theo's hand so hard or that he's calling me until he forcefully makes me look up at him. His light green eyes are now intense with worry and protectiveness as he stares at me.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He murmurs softly and pulls me into his comforting embrace.
"Uh nothing...everything's alright. Where's Aria?" I look around for my daughter just to make sure she's safe. The children have been allowed back in for dessert.
"She's with my mom...look she's right there." A relieved sigh escapes me when I see her near enough for me to grab her should anything happen. "Tell me what's wrong Charlotte."
"Nothing, it's fine." I whisper before clearing my throat. "I just noticed that Liam, my ex, is here."
Instantly Theo stiffens and his eyes light up with concern. "Where?"
"By the bar with that group. He's the brunette in the grey suit." I glance in his direction before turning back to the comfort of Theo's arms.
"We can go back home if you want. We don't have to stay here Char, whatever you say." He cups my cheek and caresses my skin softly.
"No that's alright." I shake my head vehemently. "Seeing him caught me off guard for a moment that's all. Let's just enjoy the party please."
He stares at me and I smile reassuringly which causes him to nod. "I will happily take you and Aria back home if you don't feel comfortable, just let me know okay?"
"I'm fine and if I don't feel that way then you'll be the first one to know. I promise." I smile appreciatively as I press a kiss to his cheek.
I try to relax as we have our dessert but the knowledge that Liam is here doesn't sit right with me. Sighing, I thank the server who picks up my plate after I'm done before catching the children grab some more treats. Aria grins at me before running off with the supervisor and other children. Hunter goes with them this time to ensure they're back in the room before returning.
Eventually we all get up to mingle with the rest of the guests. Theo introduces me to the couple who I congratulate before meeting some of his friends and relatives. It turns out that his family tree is quite big and I struggle to remember everyone's names after I'm introduced to them.
I turn to see Elena a few feet away doing all the talking as Roman stands beside her quietly. Then my eyes lock with Liam's and after years the familiar feeling of uneasiness creeps within me. I assume he saw me at some point because his eyes don't flash in recognition as he stares at me. I do catch the dark look and flicker of annoyance in his eyes as he glances at Theo before looking back at me. Instead, I stare at him blankly before turning back to the group. But as we move around the hall I notice he's steadily making his way through the guests in my direction.
Theo's arm wraps protectively around my waist and he captures my attention once again. His hand grips my hip tightly as he pecks my cheekbone. I meet his stormy gaze that's filled with frustration and worry over Liam's actions. His jaw clenches before I tug on his hand to capture his attention.
"Calm down."
"He's obviously following you." He states as Liam moves forward yet again, the brunette woman with him clearly confused over his actions.
"He won't hurt me Theo, don't do anything stupid." I sigh as we step away from the group to avoid them hearing.
"You're damn fucking right he won't!" He seethes heatedly as I make him rest his forehead against mine. "But I can't make any promises Charlotte. I'll break every bone in his body if he so much as upsets you never mind physically hurting you."
"Theo please..." I whisper in a pleading tone. "We can't ruin the engagement party. It's a special time for the couple. Please don't do anything."
He stares at me for a few seconds before groaning softly. I watch the heat in his eyes reduce to a simmer as he mutters unhappily under his breath. "I hate how much of a hold you have over me."
"Thank you." I smile sweetly as I kiss him.
"Well, it's a good thing I'm not whipped for you Charlie so I'll happily break his bones! Now care to explain why that guy's face is as red as Rudolph's nose?" Judah interrupts our moment as he sips on his drink while staring at Liam. We shoot him a confused look and he shrugs. "What? Christmas is near."
"Did someone mention breaking bones?" Elena interrupts with an excited look as the rest of the Jacksons join us.
I giggle as Theo rolls his eyes hard before glaring at his brother. "The day you find your woman I'm going to make your life hell!"
Judah stares at them before smirking slyly. "Maybe I already have my dear brother."
Michelle overhears this and gasps with a hand over her heart whereas Evan mutters, "poor girl," under his breath. Judah cackles mischievously before admitting to his parents, mainly Michelle, that he's joking which earns him a hard smack from his mother.
"Mother! You wound me!" He clutches his chest dramatically and throws his weight on Ryder who takes his drink and shoves him to the ground. "Ugh the betrayal! Ryder – hey! No need to drink my whiskey!"
"I think you've had enough Judah." Ella grins before snatching the glass off Ryder and downing it. "Good choice though."
"Anything to please you my love." He purrs with a cheeky wink which earns him a glare from Ryder.
We all turn and I smile tightly at Liam. "Liam, how are you?"
"I'm good, it's nice to see you again after so long." His brown eyes are cold and calculating as they stare at me. He seems to remember the woman next to him and pulls her to his side. "This is Carmen, my girlfriend."
"I didn't know you two knew each other." Carmen smiles as we shake hands.
"Charlotte's my ex-girlfriend." He states and I watch her smile falter.
Instantly Theo's grip tightens around my body and he tucks me into his side. I fight hard to stifle my smile over the protective gesture. I rub his back soothingly and am relieved when he calms down. The last thing I want is any hostility or drama.
"Oh...and who is this?" She asks nodding to Theo.
"Theodore Jackson, my boyfriend." I smile kindly as they shake hands before introducing everyone else. "Are you close with the couple?"
"Oh yes, I went to college with her." Carmen grins as she glances over at them. "I'm so happy for her. I can't wait for the wedding honestly!"
"I'm sure it'll be great. Are you staying in Dallas for long?" Zoe asks to which she nods in response.
"For two weeks before we go back to the UK. Mom's managed to wrangle the family together for dinner tomorrow so I'm excited to see everyone again. It's been ages!" She rambles and I wonder what on earth she saw in Liam to date him.
Stop it, maybe he's changed? She looks happy. Maybe he's not the same person anymore, I scold myself mentally. Someone calls her before she excuses herself. She glances back at Liam and I notice the frown on her lips when she realizes he's not following her.
"So, you chose to move to Dallas huh?" Liam asks with a polite smile yet his body language is anything but. His gaze roams over Theo in disinterest before he turns completely towards me. "How's that treating you?"
"Much better than UK." I reply lightly but daring him with my eyes to continue these silly taunts.
"Liam!" Carmen calls and he stiffens slightly.
"I see. Well, I'll catch you later Charlotte. You look great by the way." His gaze roams over me lazily and I squirm uncomfortably.
"You fucking piece of –" Theo's just about to step forward when I catch his arm.
"Liam?" Evan calls and I turn to see his annoyed expression. "Manners would do you good boy."
He clears his throat as his cheeks burn but doesn't apologize. I thank Evan as soon as he leaves who brushes me off. Theo's body is coiled tightly as he wraps his arms around my waist. I pat his hand while reassuring everyone else that I'm alright. Thankfully, they don't push for much information. I tell them that Liam is in fact Aria's father and left me before she was even born.
"Well, now I have a name and a picture." Elena smirks and Roman shakes his head at her.
"I think I need to take you to a doctor."
She scoffs and rolls her eyes as everyone laughs. I'm thankful for the topic change and we continue to mingle with the guests. Everyone gets a little more drunk before the night finally ends. We leave the ballroom and I go to grab my coat before bumping into Judah again.
"Come my darling, let me take you home." He gestures for me to take his arm which I do with a laugh.
"I assume you like to piss off a lot of people in your spare time?"
"Just my brothers." He winks with a devilish smirk. "Especially when their wives or girlfriends are with them. As a younger brother it is my duty."
"You certainly excel at it!"
"Thank you!" He grins boyishly before we head to the children's playroom. "Did you come here in Theo's car?"
"Yeah, he was talking to someone but it seems like he isn't out yet." I glance back to find no sight of him.
"I'll go find him, just head out with everyone else."
Nodding I find Aria and put on her coat. "Come on, time to go. I'm sure you must be tired."
But just as we make our way onto to the driveway I see Liam exit the building. His eyes quickly roam around before meeting mine. I pull Aria behind me but she peeks her head out anyways and his eyes latch onto hers in shock.
"Mom...i-is that man my dad?" I hear her murmur as she tugs on my dress. I'm surprised she recognizes him from the picture I showed her two years ago.
"Yes." I whisper as I watch his features twist into anger before he starts marching down the stairs to get to us. "Aria, go stand with Isaiah and his mum."
"Charlotte!" I hear him call but I pay no mind.
"But –" Aria starts and I give her a pleading look. "Fine."
She hurries off and I meet Liam halfway. He tries to move around me but I shove him back. "Don't Liam, now is not the time nor the place."
Theo exits the building with a wide smile as he answers Ryder. But it quickly drops when he notices my panicked expression as I struggle to keep Liam away. He's by my side in an instant just as Liam gives up.
"Is she mine?" He asks and I sigh tiredly. "She looks exactly like me."
"Yes, she is."
He makes a move towards Aria who runs away from him and holds onto Theo tightly. I keep my hold on her just in case he tries something again but also glare at him murderously. I can hear how much he's upsetting my daughter from her soft whimpers. Theo soothes her with words of comfort and I'm relieved he's here with me right now. I notice the rest of the Jacksons step up once they realize there's something going on.
"I have a right to meet her. She's my daughter too Charlotte." His eyes narrow when I laugh humorlessly in response.
"You have no rights. You gave them up quite easily when I sent you the papers to sign off on custody and visitation." I reply quietly before hearing Theo ask Noah to take Aria to the car.
"M-Mum?" I feel her soft tug on my dress and I turn to kneel before her.
"Baby, I need you to go to the car with Noah please. I'll be there in a few minutes okay?" I whisper as I caress her cheek.
"You'll come back right? And Bear?" She frowns as she glances up at Liam.
"I promise. Both of us will be there soon."
She nods and looks up to Theo for reassurance who nods in response with a gentle smile. Noah takes her hand and they leave quickly before we turn back to Liam. He has an apologetic expression on his face as he stares at Aria's retreating figure.
"I've changed Charlotte, I swear. What I did to you...how I was back then –" He stops with a shaky sigh as his fists clench. "It was so fucked up. But I swear I would never hurt you again – or Aria! Please just give me a chance to meet her and get to know her. The second you feel uneasy around me I'll walk away. You call the shots. Please Charlotte...please?"
I quietly assess him and everyone stands silently around us. Theo's hand is on the small of my back in silent support. I don't think I can trust him, not for one second. But he looks extremely apologetic as his eyes flicker pleadingly between mine and the direction Aria left in. Can it all be a façade?
I catch someone move from the corner of my eye and glance to see Elena shake her head subtly. Roman does the same and I realize they're silently communicating to Hunter who soon steps forward.
"Charlotte will need time to think about this. If her answer is yes then we will need to establish custody and visitation rights. As you are apologetic and keen to build a relationship I'm sure you won't mind waiting?" Hunter asks in a professional manner and I can tell Liam is stunned. Hunter smirks and his eyes glimmer darkly as he stares at Liam. "I'm a lawyer."
"Of course, take your time." Liam nods understandingly before fishing a card out of his pocket and handing it to me. "If you need to contact me about this."
I nod and grab it before watching as he murmurs a soft "good night," before walking back to the building. I sag in relief as I feel all the tension and adrenaline leave my body. Theo wraps his arms around me from behind and I feel him kiss my hair. I feel myself tremble over the thought of what's to come but at the same time I just want to get in the car and hold Aria.
"Thank you so much Hunter." I breathe as I turn to him. "And you too Roman and Elena."
"Not an ounce of me trusts him." Elena huffs as she looks up at Roman who nods quietly in response.
"Charlotte...are you okay? Are you in any danger with him?" Evan asks worriedly as Michelle comes over to hug me.
"I'm fine, thank you Evan. I'm sorry you all had to see that."
"Oh hush! There's nothing to be sorry for, we're all here for you okay?" Michelle rubs my arm comfortingly. "Theo, stay with Charlotte and Aria tonight will you?"
My eyes widen and I immediately protest. "Oh no! It's fine –"
"I wasn't going to let them be alone tonight after all that either." He interrupts with a pointed look.
I sigh in defeat and nod before bidding goodnight to everyone else. The girls come over to hug me tightly and whisper words of comfort which I appreciate. Theo takes my hand as we make our way back to his car. I thank Noah as he leaves who only smiles in response before opening the door.
"Hey..." I murmur gently as I hug Aria. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah...are you okay mum?" She whispers and I find myself smiling at her concern.
"I'm fine – everything's fine. Let's go home shall we?"
She nods and I close the door before getting into the passenger seat up front. Theo gets in beside me and we head back to my place. Everyone's quiet after what happened and I try to process it all. What if I say yes? What if his behavior is still the same? What if he does the same thing to Aria? I gnaw on my lip as I wonder. But what if he truly has changed? Would Aria like him more? What if one day she leaves me and decides that he's better?
"Charlotte!" Theo's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I suddenly realize we've reached home.
"I-I'm sorry." I whisper and he smiles at me gently.
"Don't be. Come on, let's get you both inside." He murmurs before exiting the car and helping Aria out.
"Are you staying with us Bear?" Aria asks sleepily as she walks up to the door.
"Would you like me to?"
I grab my keys and look up to see her glance at me. "Yes please."
"Okay." He smiles and ruffles her hair. "Let's get you into bed then. You've yawned about ten times now."
"Have not." She mutters before squealing when he picks her up.
"Have too!" He chuckles before asking her where her bedroom is.
I follow behind and get her changed in the bathroom as Theo makes her bed. She jumps in and demands a story to which he happily obliges. I smile as he takes a seat after grabbing her favorite book. Deciding to get changed and find some comfortable clothes for Theo I head to my room.
I remember bringing some of my brother, Harry's, clothes that I had borrowed and never given back. Taking out a t-shirt and shorts that may fit him I leave them on the bed before going into my bathroom to change. As I brush my teeth I can't help but remember the time when I was dating him.
The screaming, the threatening, the controlling behavior he'd write off as being protective. I remember seeing the gloating in his eyes when he'd disrespect me in front of his friends, proud that he could get me to bend to his will. As if I was something he owned. And suddenly, all I see is Aria in my place.
I accidently inhale sharply and cough. Rinsing my mouth, I try to calm down but the images keep playing in my mind like a broken record. Liam screaming at Aria, shoving her around, hurting her, controlling every little aspect of her life. Suddenly all I can see is Aria as a shell of her usual cheerful, bold and troublemaker self.
"Charlotte? Are you okay?" Theo knocks on the door worriedly.
"Get your shit together and toughen up. You call the shots, not Liam." I whisper to myself as I wipe away the tears that I shed.
"Char...open the door please."
I try to quietly clear my throat and wipe my tears away but they don't stop. "I'll be right out Theo."
"I'm fine Theo, just give me a min –" A sob escapes and I bite my lip hard as I mentally curse myself for allowing it to.
"Sunshine please?" He pleads as I cry softly. "Just let me hold you, comfort you and take your mind off it. You can think about this tomorrow after some rest. Please let me take care of you tonight."
I sigh and open the door to let him in, noticing that he's changed into the clothes I left for him. "I don't know why the hell I'm crying."
He smiles gently before pulling me into a hug. "It's been a long night."
I sigh and let myself melt against him as he strokes my hair. He sways us side to side and I close my eyes, feeling myself calm down instantly. I don't know what it is about him but I feel so safe in his arms.
"I don't know what to do Theo." I whisper as he picks me up and walks into my bedroom, the door shutting softly behind us. "I don't want Aria to get hurt because of me."
"She won't sweetheart. If you don't think it's safe or beneficial for Aria then don't agree. If you do but are still unsure you can request supervised visits. You're her mother, you know what's best for her and it'll come to you easily." He murmurs softly as he gets into bed with me. "Too much happened today and it's clouding your mind. You should rest for now."
I nod and cuddle up to him with a sigh. "You're right, thank you."
"Of course, anything for you." He smiles down at me before hugging me close.
I close my eyes in pleasure as he runs his fingers through my hair. A shiver runs up my spine when his fingertips trail over my neck and down my bare arm. I open my eyes when they graze my cheek before halting in their wandering.
His eyes are burning with a delicious intensity, one that leaves me breathless. "You're so beautiful."
I blush and roll my eyes. "I'm so glad you still find me attractive with drying tears and a red nose."
He laughs softly at my sarcastic tone and I feel his body vibrate underneath me. "You could be wearing a bin bag and I'd still think you're the most beautiful woman on earth sunshine."
I roll over to lay on top of him. Propping my chin up against my folded arms I reach out to trace his bottom lip. "Well, I think you're beautiful too...inside and out."
In an instant I'm underneath him and his lips are pressed against mine. I moan softly and tug on the ends of his hair as he locks my legs around his hips. Our hands roam each other's bodies and I whimper when he nips my bottom lip. His fingers grasp the hem of my shirt and I stiffen before relaxing.
I take his hands and slide them upwards under my shirt. He freezes and stops kissing me. I lock eyes with him as I let his hands mold over my bare breasts. The sight of him biting his lip harshly as heady lust dances in his eyes is enough to make me wet. My eyes roll shut in pleasure when he takes both my nipples and tugs on them gently.
"Theo..." My voice is a breathless whisper in the night as he pushes my shirt up.
My back arches when he licks the valley between my breasts and blows cool air onto my skin. Goosebumps rise across my torso as he fondles one of them before taking a hardened nub into his mouth. He pays attention to each breast equally before showering every inch of bare skin he can find in hot open-mouthed kisses. I smile at his urgency and passion as he crashes his lips against mine once more. I'm a needy mess and craving more by the end of it.
When we pull away for air he rests his forehead against mine panting. "We should stop before we wake Aria up."
I smile gently and nod. Leaning up I kiss him tenderly one last time before pulling away. "We'll continue some other time."
His eyes darken in desire over my words and I laugh softly. Grinning he pulls me into his arms and we settle down to sleep. I feel the safest I've ever been in this moment and it's all because of this perfect man who came into my life out of nowhere. I realize I'm falling head over heels for him and there's nothing that can stop me now.
Please don't break my heart Theo Jackson.
Update schedule is: once a week whenever I find time!
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- R.W. ♡
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