||Revelation of Truth||
The video which is reason behind everyone's silence in the hall contains thus :-
Ms Kavita Sharma and her new found boyfriend Mr Sahil Sengupta are busy to suck each other's face and they just can't keep their hands away from each other..when both look at each other lustily to make sure what they are thinking is same for them. And both smirk evilly as if they could remember something in this passionate moment also.
Kavita wraps her both hands around his neck and brings her mouth towards his ear .. by biting his neck a little, she whispers :- "It was worth to see the great SM to be destroyed..how proud he had been of his power and position and look today he had nothing..most importantly, HE IS NOT ALIVE..he had thought I loved HIM??..well, it's not his fault also .. anyone will be in love with me by seeing me (At her this comment, Sahil rolls his eyes.) But he was unaware of the fact I'd been with him because it was beneficial for me to be in limelight. And his that idiot sister and super selfish mom - these both are the reason behind his destruction..you know what, baby, when that Pandit said to marry Sanskar with some infamous girl, I was angry because my plan was going to destroy..but but..here lies the mystery! SOMEONE VERY CLOSE TO THEIR RELATIVE..OR MAY I SAY GOING TO BE RELATIVE WANTED TO DESTROY THAT GIRL'S LIFE WHILE 'THAT PERSON' WANTED TO ACHIEVE THAT SM..poor her! She helped me while I've wiped the existence of SM from this earth only..but yeah..one thing, I'll tell seriously that SM deserves the punishment for destroying that girl..though I don't have any sympathy for her but the person who doesn't care of others then why I'll care for him?"
As she completes saying, Sahil parts himself from her and asks frowned :- Then why are you with me, just for money and show-off? Or you are using me as your pawn?
Kavita laughs hysterically and says after calming herself down :- The first part is true but not totally..and 'pawn'? Why I'll use you as pawn when I'm getting to enjoy your this sexy body?
Sahil looks at her seriously and then asks:- Are you serious? I mean that great SM couldn't able to satisfy you?
Kavita huffs and answers:- Satisfy? Really? He is such a middle class personality! You know what he never let me get close to him though I'd offered him a thousand times..even I've called him by myself..but he.."Please, Kavi jaan, we'll do it after marriage!" Like seriously? .. you know what the few kisses we have shared are started by me..and after enjoying the kisses he used to rebuke me! Such a middle class hypocrisy!
Sahil curves his eyebrows:- Are you serious darling? The great SM didn't even look at you..means your body is not arousing for him, may be? So that means he is virgin till now!
" He has been but now he is not! Remember what we have done with him?" - says Kavita.
While Sahil smirks and says - After collapsing his car into river, though the accident was done by our man, our goons took him out from the river and in our special ambulance car, he had been taken to some suburban area to hide from police and then after few weeks when the incident got little dim, we came to Mumbai..and then with special shock treatment we tortured him to destroy his mental stability totally..though he had been in coma for last two years..and for two weeks only we had tortured him .. but that scoundrel was clever in his memoryless state too..that's why he had been able to flee away from our place..but it's good our goons had killed him before he could have created any nuisance..now we are totally safe.
Unknown to him, listening their confession someone very close to SM is clenching his jaws hard..Mr Lakshya Maheswari, the younger brother of SM vows to take revenge on his brother's UNTIMELY DEATH!
But before he could think further, Sahil starts whispering again:- But Kavi darling, I've done everything because I was jealous of his success and I wanted to destroy SM for that..but why you helped me? Because few days later you could have ravished his body after marriage and then you could have reigned on Maheswari's properties!
Kavita creates faces to proceed further:- Who wanted to marry him? I just wanted to take pleasure of his body and then elope with his money in some foreign country and then start my modelling there with some other name! This marriage and family life sucks for me! And I can't even think of behaving like a modest traditional girl, leave of acting it! And moreover, I've heard how conventional his family is! .. I wanted money, fame and sex from him..he couldn't give it to me so I helped you when we met accidentally in some airport..and then we came close for our common interest! .. by the way, do you still remember that incident when Sanskar called me to inform about his marriage to get fixed ?
Sahil laughs loudly now and replies: Yes as that time we were making out..by the way, why we are wasting our time rather than spending it in our special 'honeymoon' suit!
He says it by winking at her and she too leans at him and soon they go out of the three men's stare. The guys are still looking towards the way they have gone Because they couldn't believe their ears that someone could be such cruel! Though Lakshya is angry but the parts how an innocent girl's life is smashed in between is making him guilty too! Now he is angry upon his chachi and Uttara, his cousin for being such egoistic jerk! Mainly Uttara, how could she slap Swara when she is always a cursed soul! He curves his lips thinly with a new determination to punish those who are behind such deed! But the "mystery person" is still a mystery to him! He looks at Javed who knows now he has got another job to find that "mysterious relative". Meanwhile, Aman is busy to contact all the media houses and news channels, according to his boss's plan! Aman in mind salutes the human being in Lakshya Because the way he is managing everything is more appealing than SM. Because SM could be a buisness shark but his younger brother is a jem of a person who thinks of humanity above all.
However, in the time of returning to Kolkata, they have called a press conference and thus the intimate photos and specially the video is shown to all. And like they have imagined it's get copied in their devices..and Lakshya smirks thinking what is coming in their way in next morning..but he asks them to publish the news only in next day morning as the headline of every newspaper and the news channels..because he just can't trust those clever foxes! If they could get to know of it, then before publishing it they will come to close the public agencies by any cheap act and he can't take any risk to destroy their career and life!
Next day at morning when all Maheswaris come to hall for breakfast, the servant brings the newspapers for the men in dining table and by opening the front page, their jaws touch hard..what they are seeing today! After a long two years, they're getting to see something related to their son..before also newspaper used to adorn his smiling face to cover his achievements but today it's saying the mystery behind his death! And what they're seeing that girl whom Sanskar claimed to love is in some compromising position with some other guy! That means all have been a lie! They read further to gather all the information.
Other side, the ladies are clueless to the behaviour of males of this family, except for Lakshya as he is busy in eating silently. Getting annoyed, Sujata snatches the paper from Ram's hand and he sits still while tears are blowing silently from his eyes. As Sujata sees the picture and reads the contents of it, she losses her temper. Throwing the paper on table, she yells angrily:- What rubbish are written in these newspapers? Are they in their sense to publish it! I don't believe my Sanskar is no more..moreover, I believe Kavita couldn't do that..she is not like those cheap girls like Swara!
Lakshya now gets highly irritated and shouts: Don't curse that poor soul, chachi! Because for the idiotic action of our family, she has last her family two years ago and the reason was obviously my family!
Uttara who has already taken the paper read it along with AP and when she founds Lakshya to question, she also breaks her silence:- Mom is right, bhai. I know these things are wrong! Kavita di has always loved my Sanskar bhai selflessly so she wouldn't think to do such acts..I think something is missing here.. someone is trying to trap her....
Now Lakshya too behaves sarcastically: Oh really! She is goddess of purity and innocence while all are behind her to trap her! Liker seriously? Don't people have other work rather than roaming behind such creep creatures!
"Don't curse her, Lakshya! I know who is behind it."- says Sujata Maheswari.
Lakshya rolls his eyes while Uttara asks for the answer so Sujata names:- That SWARA or who else you think!
Now Lakshya losses his cool:- For god sake, stop being such idiot! Open your eyes before it gets too late..here we can see how that Kavita is sucking off another guy's mouth and you two are busy to curse that poor soul.
Uttara looks at him mysteriously:- How could you be so sure that it's Kavita di only..may be that cursed bitch ....
Before she could name Swara, Lakshya slaps hard on her left face. All gasp in shock while breakfast is a forgotten matter..but Lakshya is not guilty rather he feels like slapping her for saying such bad things about Swara..he just couldn't stand there by hearing someone badmouthing of her..may be they are his family but he has given the girl a respectable position after seeing her only! So he'll always keep that much respect for her when he knows the real incident..he has never accepted her to be in fault that's why to prove that innocent soul he has never left his search for the truth when all family has backed off thinking Sanskar is dead..but naah, he couldn't. So now only he has done his duty perfectly as her devar if she could have been his bhabhi then may be his bhai would have been alive!
However, Sujata angrily shouts upon Lakshya while he coolly goes towards the tv and switches on the news channel where the video is showing with a greater sound quality. Even the faces are pretty much clear to notice for all. And watching it AP, DP and RP are standing like statue while Sujata still can't believe her ears. And Uttara is in fix! She can't believe the girl could be a double faced. She still remembers how she used to keep fast for Sanskar's health and growth whenever he had any business deal or illness. So by isolating her from others, Kavita used to go to temples when she herself wanted to accompany Kavita, but she used to refuse saying it would create nuisance in her mind connection with God! No..this can't happen! She can't be that wrong! May be her Lakshya Bhai is wrong, yes, how could her innocent Kavita di could think of destroying her own love! Someone is playing with their emotions when her elder brother is not in home. Yes..she knows Kavita is a pure soul to behave like a witch. Now only her mind grasps it.."Swara could be that someone who is playing with his bhai and his love Because they have belittled her before all..even she had lost her home too for them! Then that means that cursed girl is behind all these! And she has been succeeded to manipulate her Lakshya bhai's mind and he has slapped her today for the first time just for that girl! Now she vows to take avenge upon her!
Meanwhile Sujata is thinking of the morning incident when Swara has come here..she has claimed to have a safe Sanskar with her while Kavita is saying Sanskar is no more. That means Kavita is being trapped by someone and Swara is behind all these. She had come here to prove she wasn't present at that time in the hotel..she wants to trap them, the Maheswaris? No, she can't when Sujata Maheswari is alive! Now she has no interest in these newspapers or news channels too because these all are a trap for Maheswaris!
Seeing all silent, Lakshya trows the bomb:- I'm that person who is behind all these..yes, I've followed Kavita and have kept spies upon her every move..so before cursing some innocent soul, believe me it's all done by none other than Kavita Sharma and Sahil Sengupta..even someone has supplied her the help from behind.
Though Lakshya clarifies himself but he can't wash those doubts from some dirty minds who are hell bent to believe their own stories.
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