Swara gets up from her sleep to find herself in Sanskar's embrace. Their baby is laying between them and Sanskar has taken both of mother-son duo within his warm embrace. His left hand is kept upon Sanskrit and her while the right one is under his head. She gets up little to find he is sleeping peacefully while his lips are adorning small smile of satisfaction. She gets happy at first but then thinks of the incidents of last day which destroys her happiness then only. She slowly puts his hand upon Sanskrit and gets up.
Getting ready for the day, Swara comes out of their room and now she is going through the balcony before Lakshya's room. Suddenly she listens some muffled voices from there. She goes towards his room, in mere curiosity. From the open window, she looks inside to find Lakshya and Kavya are talking something or rather say, arguing over something. She smiles at their Tom and Jerry fight and nods her head to turn back. But she frowns when Kavya says : Oye Lucky boy, why have you denied to marry that Nagini?
Lakshya gets irritated : My name is Lakshya and my bhai only can call me as Lucky..not any Lucky boy(in mind murmurs : I'll be Lucky that day when you'll accept me in your life!) .. And moreover, why will I accept that make-up kit when I've no interest in her!
"Oh My God!..don't tell me, you're interested in boys." - shouts Kavya.
Lakshya gets horrified and quickly puts his palm on her mouth but he screams in pain when Kavya bites his hand : What are you..uff..you're very wild, you know. If I'm not interested in her that doesn't mean I'm interested in boys. How horrible you are!
Now Kavya gets angry : How could you not love her! If you would have loved her and married her, then that witch's family wouldn't come behind my jiju.
"Yes, I can't love her or marry her. Do you know the reason, Ms Kavya?(getting angry upon her illogical demand and holding her from shoulders tightly and then going close to her mouth) THIS LAKSHYA MAHESWARI CAN'T LOVE ANYONE BECAUSE HE HAS ALREADY GIVEN HIS HEART TO YOU..I LOVE YOU, KAVYA..I love you very much!" - says Lakshya when Kavya hits him on his emotions.
Kavya is looking at him with open mouth while Swara is very happy to know her sister has got the best life partner in form of Lakshya.
Swara wishes Kavya too accept Lakshya but Kavya pushes him a little and asks horrified : Are you serious? (Lakshya nods his head in 'yes' at which she can find seriousness in his eyes.) Does jiju know it? I mean to say have you ever told jiju that you have feelings for me so you can't accept that girl?
Lakshya just looks at her, being confused : I don't like to hide anything from bhai..moreover, I've no intention to marry her so when bhai comes back to Maheswari Mansion I've told him that I don't like Ragini and I want YOU as my wife.
Kavya exclaims : That's why Sujata aunty has asked jiju to marry Ragini? How could you do that? Now your this feeling for me will destroy my Di's marriage. How could you have feelings for me in one day only? Even we have spent no such lovey dovey moment.
Lakshya gets hurt at her remark and smiles sadly. He stands by backing Kavya and then wipes the lone tear of his eye : May be my feelings are unwanted for you but I love you from the deep of my heart. How, when and where I fell for you I have no idea. But I just only know I love you....and the thing is bhai's remarriage with Ragini then I'm the one who have informed you about it the moment I've listened it from bhai..then how could you blame me for it? I'm at no fault. It's Gadodia only to take the decision while chachi is the one to ask bhai to marry Ragini. And do you know one truth Kavya, (turning towards her) Ragini doesn't love me rather she is interested in destroying bhabhi's happiness. Last time she is the one to say Kavita about the truth regarding Swara bhabhi's birth. Uttara has told me everything today only.
Swara who has been listening everything by standing at one corner gets teary eyed to see these two fight with each other just to save her marriage while her own husband is ignorant to the fact. She couldn't listen more and goes from there with red eyes.
Here Kavya is standing like statue because grasping all those things in a day is not her thing. Lakshya chuckles at her wide eye and open mouth expression. Then only Kavya remembers she has behaved with him badly when he has just confessed feelings for her. She lowers her head and says : I'm sorry, Lakshya. You've just confessed your love while I did talk badly with you. I'm sorry..it's just I thought my di will be hurt..even I've never thought of you like this. But hasn't jiju protested against this? I mean ....
Lakshya smiles at her softly and says : Relax Kavya, don't stress yourself! I've just confessed you without any thought while I've thought to propose you grandly. However, you take your time and tell me when you'll feel comfortable to let me know your decision. And about bhai's marriage? Then don't take tension as bhai has already planned something.
Kavya insists him to tell of the plan while Lakshya smiles saying they all will take part in the act so she doesn't have to pester him much. All the youngsters and elders have accepted to act according to the plan of Sanskar ; while Sujata is kept away from everything. Kavya now has a worried line on her forehead. Lakshya asks her at which she replies : I'm fearing of di what will she think of this situation?
Lakshya goes to her and places his hand before her and says : We will not accept seperation between bhai and bhabhi in any moment, promise!
And both joins their hands taking the oath.
Swara comes to the house temple and stares at the face of God while tear is continuously dropping from her eyes. Suddenly her trance gets broken listening Sujata's voice. She quickly wipes her tears and looks back to find her talking with someone over phone. But who is the person she doesn't have to think much as Sujata's next word clarifies everything.
Suj : Aree Ragini beta, I'm telling you that from now only start applying turmeric powder on your face so that till marriage you will be shining. Even I don't like my daughter in law to be mediocre in look or skin colour..she should match with my handsome son. Even you are fashionable so it's not a problem as you know how to do make up. Not like some poor beggars!
Swara who has been listening everything gets sad and thinks it's right. Sanskar Maheswari is the name which people adore so much, his wife also would be equal to him while she is nothing but an ugly duckling. How could he tolerate her when he is back to sense! It's her fault only to accept his proposal that time. But now, she can't leave him as their baby needs his father.
She turns her face aside while Sujata smirks looking at her because she has been acting only to taunt Swara and seeing tears in her eyes, she knows she is successful.
Here Swara is busy in her thought : Am I really selfish? When Kavya is not accepting Lakshya's proposal thinking my marriage will be at stake as Sanskar is being forced to marry Ragini! When the truth is Sanskar himself is eager to marry her. For her right, is she seperating Kavya from Lakshya? Doesn't she have a duty as elder sister? If for her marriage, Kavya could refuse Lakshya then how on the earth she can't leave her rights from this house and the MAN of her life? She will be there for her baby..so it will be great if she goes away and all will be happy. Yess, now she will do that only. Mind gives us logical answer while heart entangles us with emotions. Here she doesn't want to be bound in this emotional web again.
Thinking this she silently starts doing her work. While Sanskar gets up from sleep but gets sad not getting to see Swara's face before him. Everyday he silently watches her face, unknown to her. Will she get angry if she comes to know? Why will she when they both..they both or it's Swara only who loves him madly? Yes, he is just attracted towards her..nothing else!
He gets up and takes the cranky Sanskrit who has got up few minutes ago with him to downstairs. He has to discuss something important with Swara. He must have to aware her about her role in the drama. He doesn't want any mistake in it.
All are in the breakfast table, while Sanskar is busy to look at Swara who is looking pale.
After breakfast, Sanskar asks Swara to come into their room as he has something important to discuss with him. She sadly smiles thinking now her time in this house and in his life is going to end very soon. Sanskar has found her smile odd but without saying anything he goes to their room. He thinks to solve their problem in their room only as outside before all, taking out their own problems and to discuss about it is very bad. No one should know the problem between a married couple. Now Swara gets disheartened thinking Sanskar doesn't care of her emotions now. That's why knowing she is sad, he has left to their room.
However, as she enters into the room tiredly, Sanskar quickly latches the door from inside and corners her against the wall. By keeping his face close to her, he asks straight : Now tell me, what is your problem? Why are you avoiding me from yesterday? What is my fault that you're not replying to my any questions?
Swara pushes him and says loudly : Because I know you're going to abandon me and then you'll marry Ragini who is your mom's choice and may be, yours too. Because she is beautiful, whiter than me and fashionable. And me, an ugly duckling! Now just tell me, when I've to sign on the divorce paper and leave from your life. Because girl like me don't have any place in your elite life ....
Her words get stopped when an angry Sanskar places his lips upon her parted ones and takes them in a hungry kiss. After biting and nibbling it for ten minutes, he leaves her feeling out of breath. But seeing her lips bleeding, he again takes her lips into his but this time it's sweet and passionate.
After leaving her and gasping for breath, he looks at her with blood red angry eyes : What have you said that I'll divorce YOU..abandon YOU? How could you even think like that, Swara? I've thought YOU'RE MY SOULMATE so you'll never take me wrong..but this time you've failed me..have I ever told you that I'll marry Ragini by leaving YOU and MY BABY..no naah? Then..(suddenly something hits on his mind.)..don't tell me yesterday you've listened my talk with mom and have thought everything by your own .. that's why last night you were folding your sarees..isn't? How great! How easily you've thought to leave me in someone else's hand and leave your right..when you claim to love me..can't you show a bit of trust on me..on our relationship? Can't you think HOW COULD I LEAVE WITHOUT YOU..MY BREATH STOPS WHEN I ..WHEN I THINK OF ANY SITUATION WHERE THERE IS NO SWARA AND NO SANSKRIT WITH ME..I'LL DIE THAT MOMENT ONLY.
He thinks if Swara really leaves him and goes away from his life with their baby! Suddenly he feels all blank and his breath gets stop. At the imagination only his breath hitches and his eyes get filled with water then if it turns out to be reality then? Naah..he can't breath..they are his air to take into his life system..He sits near her legs and tear is continuously roling down from his cheeks..he holds Swara's legs tightly and starts to hiccup : Please Swara..don't leave me..last time you've left me and I've survived ; but this time I can't because..because this time YOU'VE MADE ME FALL FOR YOU MADLY AND DEEPLY..yes, Swara now I know what I feel for you is not attraction but PURE LOVE. I ONLY LOVE YOU. I don't know how much loved you in my memory loss state but now I love you beyond my imagination. So you've my swear Swara, YOU'LL NEVER GO AWAY BY LEAVING ME ALONE OR ELSE YOU'LL SEE ME DEAD THAT INSTANT ....
Before he could complete, Swara drags him by his shirt collar and takes his lips into her cherry lips and shows him how much she loves this MAN.
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