||Marriage - A Definition of Storm||
The priest matches their horoscopes with each other and smiles at others and what he announces next makes all surprised.
Priest(smiling ear to ear):- They are bound to be with each other not for this birth but for every birth. If you don't marry them now only within one week then something big is going to happen which will destroy the happiness of each family. If you think I'm making stories then you can go to other priests and they will also say the same thing.
So I suggest you both families to arrange the marriage within two days. If you stop the marriage before it's happening then no body will be able to save the happiness of the family.
All get afraid while Sanskar and Sujata make faces because they don't believe such stuffs. Swara is clutching her saree pallu as she can't leave the happiness she is getting from this family. She prays to God for not to snatch her happiness. And after hearing Pandit ji's words, her devotional soul gets peace that now God is also beside her. Here dadi gets so afraid that she leaves her plan to stop the marriage. Now she is praying to God to save her family. She starts to curse Swara in mind.
Par (in mind):- For this bad omen, always we have to suffer! Before her birth, we had to listen so many taunts from society that I had to accept Sharmistha. For this curse, I couldn't complete my dream of having a marwadi bahu. And now she is making problems again for my Ragini's life.
After a lot of discussion, elders come to a conclusion.
D.P. :- So I think after two days we will keep haldi and mehendi and next day will be the marriage ceremony. Do you have any objection, Shekhar ji?
Shek:- No Durgaprasad ji, we are okay with it. Before everything, family's happiness matters. If by marrying them early we could get happiness back then we are ready.
Swara looks at her father being emotional. Because now also he is thinking of family not about his own daughter. She knows why her family wants the marriage to happen so early. Because they want to get rid of her.
However, nobody says a thing. After having dinner, Maheswaris leave Gadodia house saying they will come next with the groom on the marriage day itself. Before going, Sanskar looks once towards Swara but he doesn't know why he feels tug in his heart looking at her. But ignoring his inner feelings, he goes away from there. He is confident that he will stop this marriage because the priest wants to earn money by making others afraid. But he is not fool to believe him.
After their departure, Parvati Gadodia starts her cursing for Swara.
Par:- Now are you happy? Have you listened what the priest has said? That if we don't get you married now only then our happiness will be no more. With your birth you've snatched our respect in society, now do you want to grasp our happiness too? I'm telling you swara, if for you my Ragini gets affected or our respect in society gets harmed then I'll not allow you inside my house. It's Maheswari's big heart to accept the curse like you but I'm not having a big heart. I'm making you aware before only.
Swara gulps all her tears and lowers her head. Then she goes to her room with slow steps. After changing her saree into a kurti and palazzo, she lays down on her bed. After that, tears start to drop one by one.
Swa(in mind):- I don't know why my life is worse than an orphan. After having a family also I'm all alone. I hope my new family does love me like a human being and as an another member of the family. (Suddenly she gets to see a handsome face appears before her eyes and she smiles shyly in her mind. Because it's her imagination.) I hope Sanskar ji also loves me like I love him. What have you done to me Sanskar ji that by your one look I've fallen in love with you! Now this heart doesn't belong to me rather it chants your name. Do you also feel in that way?
Thinking all these she covers her face with the comforter and sleeps with the dream to have a happy family with her LOVE.
The screen focuses on a lavish big bedroom which painted beautifully in royal blue colour. One person is shown inside the room who is walking continuously with an irritated look because the person he is trying to call is found busy for a long time. But soon he gets relieved when the person picks up the call and the man starts to shower with questioning.
Man(feeling irritated):- With whom are you speaking, Kavita that you couldn't pick up my call for last one hour?
Kav(faking sadness):- Sorry baby, I was busy in talking with some big company for some deal. By the way tell me, why have you not come to me? And please don't say your family will not like sex before marriage. Always you turn down my offer in the name of your so called family. But this time I'll not listen further!
San:- It's a fact as they are conservative and traditional so they don't like such stuff before marriage.
Kav:- oh come on baby, now a days it's very common so what will happen if we do that? Okay leave it and say why are you calling me now ....
Her words left incomplete when Sanskar starts to speak.
San:- Look Kavita, I know you are modern even mine too that's why I accept your all requests even I've completed all your wishes. But now the situation is somewhat different and you've to agree to my this condition.
Kav(scrunching her eyebrows):- May I know what the thing is?
San(being calm):- My family has chosen a girl for me and they want me to marry her after two days.
Kav:- Then refuse it like other times.
San:- But it's somewhat typical condition.
And then Sanskar starts to tell her about all the things priest has told. Listening him, Kavita gets afraid that now how she will manage Sanskar to remain in her clutches.
Kav:- Listen Sanskar, don't you think the priest is lying? So hold him tightly and make him agreed to tell your family that he has lied, according to that middle class family. As they want a rich family for their daughter.
Though Sanskar doesn't like the idea of blaming Swara and her family but according to Kavita's words, he agrees to that idea and Kavita releases the air in relief. After talking for few minutes they bid each other good night and go to sleep.
Next day, Sanskar goes to the priest and asks about previous day incident and shows him greed for telling actual truth. At which the priest smiles and later he starts speaking.
Priest:- What you think that I'm a fool and mad that I'm speaking nonsense ? It is not what you think but mark my words oneday will come when you'll come to know that without that girl living is also curse for you . What relationship you both have you don't know now but when you will come to your real sense then it'll be very late. Because she will go very far from you. So listen my words and mend your way from now itself.
Saying the priest places his hand upon Sanskar's head in a blessing way and goes from there.
Here Sanskar returns at his home and starts to think of the priest's words. Then he calls Kavita and tells her everything. Listening all, she gets angry and cuts the call saying don't worry.
Kav:- Be calm Sanskar and listen to me for once. You get ready for the marriage.
San:- Whar are you speaking?
Kav:- Let me complete. I'll think of a plan to stop the marriage before it's happening. You just be silent for the time being.
San:- But it would be better if you agree to marry me then we don't have to do planning against this marriage.
Kav:- but baby I've told you that I can't marry you at least for two years, according to my deal with some companies.
Sanskar nods her sadly. However, she cheers him up with her sinister words. Such a manipulative woman she is!
When one person is busy in plotting to stop this marriage, other person is dreaming of her married life. Swara is now a days very much happy and contented with her life and she is listening all the taunts of her dadi with smiling face. And her this attitude is making her family members irritated. But they can't do anything because by stopping this marriage they can't destroy their happiness. So they are accepting the marriage somewhat forcibly. While dadi in these days busy to pacify the broken heart of her lovely grand daughter Ragini who is more than ready to do anything for stopping this marriage if that costs her family's happiness too.
Dadi is very much aware of Ragini's obsession so she is extra careful towards her. So these two days are blessings for Swara because dadi is always with Ragini.
Other hand, Maheswari family has started preparation along with Gadodias. Today is SwaSan's haldi and Swara is very much happy to see her dream going to be fulfilled, unknown to her that very soon her dream world will be destroyed leaving her alone like always. Whereas Sanskar doesn't know why his heart is not agreeing with his mind. His heart is saying to agree to his family's choice while his stupid mind is arguing that his happiness lies in Kavita. However, while doing the marriage rituals, he gets some other feelings in his heart like very soon he is going to loss something precious but like always he prefers to ignore it.
Sujata Maheswari is blank from the day her husband has told her to stay quite in this matter. Because he thinks if his brother has decided Swara to be perfect for their family then its final and nobody is going to deny it. And Uttara Maheswari is numb not knowing what to do or what not to do. She is cursing swara in mind as for her only, her brother has to be apart from her Kavita di.
All these two days Kavita has no sign where she is or what she does. Sanskar is feeling afraid what if Kavita could not stop this marriage before it's completion then what will he do!
Unknown to him, his sister is helping Kavita behind everyone else to stop this marriage.
•At Marriage Venue•
All have reached in the marriage ceremony. As it's done hurriedly so two families have decided to do the marriage in small mandap according to the ritual and then they will keep a big reception informing the media. Though the close relatives are present in this marriage. Groom family has already arrived and Sanskar is sitting before the holy fire. When priest calls to bring the bride, Ragini and Sharmistha go inside to bring Swara. When Swara enters into the mandap, Sanskar's heartbeat starts sounding like dukduk. He quickly looks upward to have a look of her. But the next moment, he gets freezed in his place seeing the beauty in front of him. Her natural beauty is adding a special charm to her bridal look. That he forgets to break their eye lock. While Swara is smiling shyly at her would be husband. His look gives her the satisfaction that like her, he too loves her. Soon Swara sits beside Sanskar and both lower their eyelashes. Soon the mantras start to be chanting and now it's time for fera. They both stand up for seven rounds. And unknowingly Sanskar gives her the promises while Swara wholeheartedly promises to be beside him always whether the time is good or bad for her.
And now it's time for the main ritual and Sanskar is asked to colour her hair partition with vermillion and forgetting everything, Sanskar takes the sindoor and Swara close her eyes to feel this blissful moment, unknown to her fate, this moment will turn her life upside down.
He uplifts his hand to make her his by putting the sindoor on her forehead when some voice calls from behind saying STOP!
And Sanskar comes back to his senses that what he has been going to do in complete foolishness. Then he gets up from his seat and looks behind to find Kavita with Uttara.
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